My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 244: Owe me a golden man

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Three Indian National Youth Stadium.

The voice is full of voices, Du Ziqiang VS Batu Buhe.

Du Ziqiang wore simple exercise clothes and cloth shoes, while Batu Buhe's clothes looked complicated and colorful: the copper studs on the traditional Zhuo Duge cowhide waistcoat were polished with gold, and the collar around his neck was hanging full. The cloth strips of various colors are the cloth strips that symbolize the victory of previous competitions. The three-color apron and the fat wrestling pants with exquisite embroidery, and the boots that are tied with leather to increase the friction of the soles. This outfit looks much more professional than Du Ziqiang. , Brought a full house of cheers to Batu Buch.

After the referee monk signaled, the two entered a fighting state.

Batu Buhe also watched Du Ziqiang and Shibasaki Shingo fighting, and was very afraid of Du Ziqiang's fighting power after the outbreak. He asked himself that he couldn't punch through the cowhide with a punch, and a big fat man like Shibasaki Shingo had thick fat under his skin. The defensive power is not worse than cowhide, and to hit Shingo Shibasaki's belly with bare hands... How much power is needed? Batu Buh could not imagine.

Batubuhe's legs were slightly bent, his center of gravity moved down, his hands slightly stretched out, his eyes fixed on Du Ziqiang, and he took a posture of waiting for the attack.

Du Ziqiang took a step forward, tentatively stretched out his hand, and patted Batu Buh's hand. Batu Buh's hand sank down, drew a circle, opened his palm, and grabbed Du Ziqiang's wrist. Take it in your arms, no matter how powerful a person is, as long as the Mongolian wrestling technique locks it, it will be difficult to break free.

But except for the guy in front of him, even Saki Shingo couldn't help him... Batu Buhe was suddenly shocked, not only failed to kill him, but he was counter-killed by him! Don't let him get close!

Following the strength of this area, Du Ziqiang was brought over by Batu Buhe lightly. Batu Buhe was frightened and walked away sideways. Du Ziqiang staggered but finally stopped.

Batu Buh is very puzzled, this guy doesn't seem to be as strong as he thought?

The two entered a state of confrontation again. Du Ziqiang kept in mind what Bai Yu said, you must not win with too much crushing, otherwise the winning rate will be adjusted too low and the profit will be greatly reduced, which is very uneconomical.

"He was injured! The previous battle is only a few days away today! His injury has not recovered yet!" Batubuhe's heart was clear.

Batu Buhe remained silent, his figure slowly pressing towards Du Ziqiang.

Du Ziqiang drew a high whip towards Batu Buhe's face, Batu Buhe lowered his head and gave way, and instinctively bent over and grabbed the leg towards Du Ziqiang's center of gravity with one hand, but he actually caught it. , Batu Buhe put his hands hard, Du Ziqiang was thrown into the air by him, and he fell more than three meters away. Suddenly, an unrequited boo came from the audience.

Du Ziqiang rolled on the ground several times, stopped, half propped up, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Batu Buhe was overjoyed. As expected, Du Ziqiang and Shingo Shibasaki were fighting so fiercely, how could it be possible that there was no injury at all! This injury will not be healed in one or two days! He seemed to faintly see the goddess of victory beckoning to him.

Du Ziqiang stood up and shook his head, as if he was about to wake up from the shock just now, Batu Buhe had already rushed up, grabbed Du Ziqiang by the collar, and cut one leg behind Du Ziqiang's back, with his hands hard. With a push, Du Ziqiang fell to the ground again.

There was an uproar in the stadium. Most people had seen Du Ziqiang's **** killing scene. At this time, Du Ziqiang was as weak as a little girl, and was beaten by Batu Buh with no power to fight back. What is this?

The impatient audience bet on Du Ziqiang, and then shouted:

"Also Iron Demon? Not as good as street gangsters, what is this?"

"Go! Kill him!"

And the customers who bought the unpopular ones with fluke were surprised and happy. Are they going to make a fortune?

Next, Du Ziqiang was punched in a sandbag, and seemed to have no power to fight back, but every time he was knocked to the ground by Batu Buh, he struggled to get up to meet the next heavy blow.

This one-sided blow did not seem to be antagonistic. The audience watched booing constantly, and Batu Buhe was also very annoyed. This strange Xia countryman, who was hit so many times by himself, was like an unbeatable person. cockroach.

Bai Yu touched his nose, he was amused, this acting is too exaggerated! And Du Ziqiang dragged on for five or six minutes, and he really couldn't help it, Ma Dan, he couldn't fight back like this, and he had no technical content! It's not a human job!

Batubuhe stood in front of Du Ziqiang panting, and knocked Du Ziqiang to the ground again. If this was a scoring game, he would no longer know how much he would lead. Unfortunately, this is unlimited. Fighting, the opponent does not give up, he can only ask the referee for arbitration.

"Referee monk! I think he is powerless to fight back!"

The monk entered the game, and he also felt very boring in this game. He had long hoped that the two would find a winner as soon as possible.

He walked up to Du Ziqiang: "Can you continue to fight? If you have been this way, although I admire your perseverance and determination, I have to judge that you have lost the ability to fight."

" problem!" Du Ziqiang reluctantly stood up, another big mouthful of blood spurted out.

The monk asked helplessly: "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine! I will definitely defeat him!" Du Ziqiang seemed to have a chance to breathe, and his speech became much smoother.

"Well, don't delay." The monk sighed and stepped back.

Du Ziqiang got up, put his hands on his knees, and looked at Batu Buh with blood red eyes.

Batu Buhe strode forward, grabbing Du Ziqiang's collar with one hand, and grabbing Du Ziqiang's belt with the other hand. He was about to lift him high and make a back attack. How strong a person is, such an attack may cause a rupture of the lumbar spine and completely lose combat effectiveness.

Du Ziqiang roared wildly, and Batu Buhe was startled: Can he resist? Before he could think about it clearly, he felt his back tightened, and Du Ziqiang held his back waist, and then the sky turned around. Batu Buhe only felt his whole body shake, a feeling of nausea came, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out——he Du Ziqiang fell back and fell to the ground.

Du Zi forced himself to turn over, and slashed Batu Buh's neck with a palm knife. Batu Buh only felt black in front of him and passed out.

"Referee monk!"

Du Zi forcefully raised his hand and shouted.

The referee monk approached again, and he was also confused. This turnaround was too strange. Batu Buh didn't look like that kind of weak person. How could he be overturned by Du Ziqiang just like this? However, Du Ziqiang did not violate the rules of the game. Under all the eyes, although he was beaten up badly before,...isn’t it a strange thing to burst out suddenly?

The monk squatted down and checked Batu Buh's situation, and found that he was only fainted and not life-threatening. He walked to Du Ziqiang's side and raised one of his hands.

"Batubhe has lost his ability to resist, Du Ziqiang, the winner of this fight!"

Hearing this result, there were pouring, boos, and curses from the audience:

"What kind of shit!"

"Get down! What a waste of time!"

"This is also called a fighter? It's disgusting."

This game, to be honest, was played at no level. It was like two brutal men who had no fighting skills fighting each other. They really didn’t deserve the three characters of fighters. They were not as good as WWE. At least, WWE had all kinds of things. Plot!

"Bai Yu, what's the situation with Lao Du?" Mu Xiaolei next to him didn't understand how this reversed at all.

"In order to lower the evaluation, otherwise the odds are too low. He pretends to be pitiful. It is estimated that if he is seriously injured later, the subsequent events will be more difficult and the odds will be higher." Bai Yu said in a low voice.

"Goose roast, you are so disgusting!" Mu Xiaolei cursed, his eyes gleaming.

"Can I follow some?"

"Yes, but if you have too much capital, if you have too little, you can't win much."

"About ten thousand eagle swords..." But in a blink of an eye he said with a grimace: "No, my mother tied my card to her phone. If I move the money, she will know, and it will be troublesome to ask."

Seeing that money could not be earned, Mu Xiaolei looked unwilling.

"Seeing you are so pitiful, let me lend you some. If you win, you will be counted, and if you lose, you will count as me." Bai Yujin smiled.

"With my reputation, how much can I borrow?" Mu Xiaolei's eyes gleamed.

"Is one hundred thousand eagle swords enough? Lao Du will have to play three games, the last one will score the field rankings, thirteen will enter nine, and it is estimated that there will be two more games in the finals."

"Goose roast! Brother Yu, are you so rich?"

"Major shareholder."

"Please hug your thighs!"


Du Ziqiang was carried down on a stretcher by the staff. Of course, Bai Yu knew that this kid was pretending, but as a master, it was too easy to get some serious injuries and dying signs. The ambulance was already outside. Waiting, it is estimated that the odds of this kid will be very high in the next game.

Not long after arriving in the intensive care unit of the hospital, Du Ziqiang returned to the hotel as "the team and the players strongly requested that they be discharged from the hospital for self-treatment".

"Brother Yu, how was the performance today?" Du Ziqiang asked triumphantly.

"Not bad, not bad," Bai Yu said perfunctorily.

"Yeah, I also think that when I vomit blood and insist on fighting, the indomitable eyes and burning fighting spirit, the little golden man owes me one!"

"Do you want to be more miserable next time?"

"Look at your opponent, it's too strong, you play with it carefully!"

"Relax, don't worry, watch people order the food, I understand!"

"You stayed in the hotel these days. Don't run around. When someone saw you pretending to be hurt and selling badly, the dealer is not stupid."

"Don't worry, I have been in the hotel these days, so I promise not to show up!"

As soon as he returned to his suite, Hua Wu glared at him as soon as he entered, which made him bewildered.

When I walked into the living room, I realized why Hua Wu was upset with him. It turned out that Qiu Xiushuang was here again.

"Mr. Bai, Head Qin and Mr. Du both played wonderfully today!"

"Thanks, they are working hard, Miss Chou, no need to be polite, what can you do with me?" Bai Yu waved his hand.

"Please Mr. Bai, save me!" Qiu Xiushuang suddenly got up and knelt down in front of Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was startled, and quickly let go of her salute.

"How is this going?"

Qiu Xiushuang choked and said, "If Mr. Bai is unwilling to help me, I will become a furnace."

Bai Yu said: "Ms. Qiu and I are not relatives, it is really inconvenient to intervene in Miss Qiu's personal affairs."

"Please help me, Mr. Qiu." Qiu Xiushuang raised her head, her face was full of tears, and she was wearing a black dress, making her look star-eyed and snow-skinned, pitiful.

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "The one who can use Miss Qiu as the furnace is definitely far better than Miss Qiu. I am not much better than Miss Qiu. Miss Qiu is unable to resist. Can I resist it?"

Qiu Xiushuang said sadly: "If it weren’t for the truth, I wouldn’t have come to Mr. Bai over and over again. Originally, if I was just an ordinary woman, marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, I could have a lifetime of food, clothing, and abundance. Forget it, but after entering the Tao, how would I want to be the furnace for arrogance? Ever since I entered the day after tomorrow and become a master, I have always been looking forward to breaking through the innate and becoming a great master, and I only hope to use Bai Lianshuang. The identity is used as a talisman, which makes it difficult for them to act rashly. If the Ming media is marrying, but becoming a furnace, I am really unwilling! I have been practicing for 17 years since I was 5 years old. I also know that the road is difficult, like thin ice. My qualifications will definitely become a great master, but in the end I will be able to help others. I am not reconciled! I am really not reconciled."

Bai Yu fell silent when she heard her cry.

Indeed, there are such sects in Haogang Star that use Kunxiu as a furnace to cultivate, but most of these sects are rejected by people, because the practice of human law, wealth, companions, and land are indispensable, and work for heaven and Kun. For the ground, the status of female monks is equivalent to that of male monks, not like men are superior to women in the secular world, because priests are hard to find, and female monks are reduced to a pot furnace, which is equivalent to becoming a "cultivation register", no matter whether it is cultivation level or longevity. , Will drop drastically, it is very inhumane, and there is no more opportunity to enter the territory; he can see at a glance that Qiu Xiushuang is in the late stage of Qi refining, but he has not reached the peak of Qi refining, so he cannot successfully break through. This kind of eager breakthrough is not allowed. In fact, he is a monk. The most disgusting feeling.

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Get up and tell me the cause and effect."

Qiu Xiushuang respectfully kowtowed his head before getting up and getting things done.

"Yugong Sword Sect is a subordinate sect of the West Kunlun Sword Sect of the Hidden Sejong Sect. It is responsible for taking care of the secular affairs of the West Kunlun Sword Sect. Although I am the head of the Sword Sect of the Yuangong Sect, it does not mean that I sold myself to it. The West Kunlun Sword Sect was a servant and a slave."

She said that Bai Yu knew this situation in her heart. In the world of monks, who wouldn't support a force to help her with secular affairs? But Qiu Xiushuang is right. This is at best a big tree with his back to enjoy the shade. Everyone gets what they need. It is indeed a good thing for both sides.

There is also no shortage of disciples in the Sejong Sect who formed Taoists with these disciples, but all of this is based on voluntary. And becoming a Taoist and becoming a ding furnace are two completely different concepts. One is mutual on the road. One of the supporters and helpers was sucked to death, and he was incapable of life. No Kun Xiu was willing to bear the humiliation of being reduced to a cauldron.

"The West Kunlun Sword Sect has never been born, and there are many experts, but the young master of the Sword Sect is a lustful seed. As early as seven years ago, I was only fifteen years old. The young master saw me and found my physique. Special, I asked the master of the Ape Sword Sect to give him it. Naturally, my master would not agree. I would rather provide more supplies to the West Kunlun Sword Sect. He just wanted to spare Xiushuang. The West Kunlun Sword Sect reluctantly accepted it. Master’s suggestion; in order to protect me, my master was looking for treasures everywhere. He fell in a secret place six years ago, but the West Kunlun Sword Sect was cold-blooded and urged for supplies, otherwise I would have to marry his family. Young master, as a last resort, I entered the entertainment industry and thought about making money. At the same time, I also gained some fame and made them scrupulous. It's really not that Xiushuang is not ashamed, but just doesn't want to become a furnace!" At this point, Qiu Xiushuang was crying. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 244 owes me a golden man). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreamland Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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