My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 263: Goal No. 2

Number two

On the 18th day, the day before the last match in the sub-field, 3 people were randomly selected from the 13 people, and then 3 people freely challenged 3 people. The winner can be promoted. After participating in the final of the White Eagle Country Casino in the general competition area, the official The list of the three selected was announced.

The winner is not lucky, but the advantage is that he can choose his opponent based on the strength of the remaining seven. As for the same opponent, I am sorry, you two will have a battle first, who Whoever wins will choose first.

The current list of 13 names is as follows:

Four-faced Buddha Kingdom: Song Mu Ticha

Sakura Country: Aihara Akutsu

Xia Guozong: Qiu Xiushuang

Gao Ji Bangzi Country: Lee Eun Hyuk

Four-faced Buddha Kingdom: Sin·Suphan·Bayu·Na Ayudhya

Xia Guozongmen: Bai Yu (not participating in random PK)

Tubo Tantra: Nile Duoji

Xia Guo's secret person: Zhong Guoxun

Porny: Agni Bahadur Rana

Xia Guo Chong Envoy: Shi Ming Wei Jie Nai

Fati: Alan Fonda

White Bear Country: Georgi Nabokov Mikhailovich Vysotsky

The monk of the Three Seals: Jiati·Hengyu

After random selection, the three people selected are:

Porny: Agni Bahadur Rana

Sakura Country: Aihara Akutsu

Four-faced Buddha Kingdom: Sin·Suphan·Bayu·Na Ayudhya

Finally, after analyzing and selecting the current players of their team, in the official game on the 19th, the following matchups were drawn:

At 10:00, Agni VS Lee Eun Hyuk, odds: 1.12:1.15

At 14:00, Aihara Akutsu VS Zhong Guoxun, odds: 1.13:1.14

At 18:00, Xin VS Du Ziqiang, odds: 1.21:1.33


At night, Bai Yu accompanied Du Ziqiang to the mountainous area far away from Delhi for adaptive training. Because the realm had gone up a small step, so, in order to adapt him to his strength and speed, Bai Yu could only help him, the others Has been unable to keep up with his progress.

With Mu Xiaolei, Hua Wu, Qiu Xiushuang, Isis.

"Let's go here." Bai Yu looked at it. It seems that there is basically no light here. It is a mountainous area in the outer suburbs of the city, and it is off the beaten track. Even if there is any movement, it will not have a big impact.

"Brother Yu, don't come back to your kite-flying style." Du Ziqiang declared that he and Isis were quickly entering the state these two days. How could this innocent little rookie withstand the enthusiasm of a hot and beautiful girl? If I was so fascinated by Isis, I surrendered a long time ago. I was okay, so I took a mobile phone to learn Arbor. Brother Zhuji not only has a strong physical body, but also has better brainpower. He can already work with Isis. Some simple conversations. At this time, the two of them are about to start feeding, he is afraid that Bai Yu will make him lose too much face in front of Isis.

"You have to adapt to everything, right? Do you expect that the opponent will be tanks just like you?" Bai Yu asked back.

"You've also seen the style of the letter, it's the way of Sanyin Buddhism." Du Ziqiang explained.

"Who knows what hole cards he has, I'll give you some offensive talisman, didn't you change the law in a blink of an eye?" Bai Yu shook his head.

Du Ziqiang's eyes lit up: "Yes, Brother Yu, you will give me a set of defensive speed strength when the time comes, and there will be more five element runes, and there must be no less to exorcise evil spirits!"

Bai Yu sneered and said, "I'll give you all of them. Then Gong Baisheng and the three of them can also be sent in, so why let them lose?"

Du Ziqiang smirked: "Isn't this trying to have a higher winning rate?"

Bai Yu said: "Stop talking nonsense, watch and fight!"

Suddenly there was a Wei Tuo pestle in Bai Yu's hand, and he smashed Du Ziqiang with his big head and face. This weapon was a weapon that was quickly refined after seeing the fighting style of the letter. In addition to being strong, it was heavy and had no other special abilities. .

Du Ziqiang crossed the golden beam to take it down. There was a loud noise, and the two weapons slammed into sparks. Du Ziqiang shouted, "Okay!"

Bai Yu took the lead, smashing and stabbing it sometimes, all imitating the attack method of the letter in the video.

But after all, Bai Yu is not physical training, Du Ziqiang finally took it after a while, and slowly played vigorously, changing from nine defenses and one offense to eight defenses and two offenses. In the end, the situation reversed, and the blue dragon halberd brought a bad wind. Hit Baiyu from the left to the right.

"Stop!" Bai Yu blocked the Qinglong halberd that Du Ziqiang cut over with a pestle.

"How about? Brother Yu, okay?" Du Ziqiang said triumphantly.

Bai Yu said with a serious face: "Brother Qiang, that's not right, more than fifty people came around us."

"Wait, Brother Yu, what do you mean?" Du Ziqiang was taken aback for a moment.

"There is a gap to the west, sneaking over it, it must be unkind. You let Hua Wu drive away immediately, and I will break it." Bai Yu listened carefully and confirmed his judgment again.


"But shit! Fatty and Hua Wu are still whiteboards now, we are not afraid, what do they do? Speed!" Bai Yu whispered.

"Okay! Brother Yu, be careful yourself." Du Ziqiang said unwillingly, stamped his foot, and turned away.

Seeing the vehicle leaving, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have been found, please give instructions." The leader of the encircled team pressed the communication button of the Throat microphone and said.

"Can you stop the other person from leaving."

"It's too late. We haven't formed an encirclement yet. We drove away from the gap, but there was a person on the other side who stayed where we were."

"Capture him alive... you can't kill him anymore. Don't leave any tissue samples."

"Roger that."

"One group, two groups, prepare alloy nets, flash bombs, anesthesia bombs, and tear gas."

"Sir, he's here!"



A huge explosion sounded, bright as day.

Bai Yu didn't expect the other party's attack to be so direct, and he was frightened in a cold sweat. If Du Ziqiang and the others hadn't left before, just this round of attack, Mu Xiaolei and Hua Wu would suffer from what kind of injury, he had no idea.

The explosion didn’t seem to be particularly powerful. He even felt that as long as he didn’t pounce on the bomb, there shouldn’t be much harm, but the explosion gave him a faint feeling of dizziness, temporary deafness in his ears, and white eyes. The boundless can't see.

He quickly took a few amulets on himself, ding-ding, he felt that he had been hit by something, but he benefited from the protection of the amulet such as the diamond amulet, and it did not bring him any harm.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of some net-like object covered him. He struggled for a while, and it seemed very strong, so he gave up struggling, and let the golden steel pestle and imitation in his hand fall to the ground.

"The target has been subdued!"

"The target is not the number one target, it is the number two!"

"The target is unconscious!"

Bai Yu was motionless, ding ding ding, three things hit him again.

"Okay, transfer immediately. The sixth group will leave a trace of cleaning up. Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will return immediately.

"Does it need to be tied up?"

"With six anesthesia rounds, the dinosaurs can't wake up."

"team leader!"

"what's the situation!"

"This thing is too heavy for us to take away!"

"What is too heavy? Can it weigh? Fifty kilograms?"

"Captain, you better come and see!"

The captain indifferently held the thin grip in the middle of the vajra.

"Shit! What is this? Is this a monster? This is Quake?"

The captain's face was red with blood, big drops of sweat fell, and without lifting the vajra, he straightened up breathlessly: "One group, I don't care what you do, lift this thing and take it home!"


Finally, the six people worked together to lift the nearly four hundred kilograms of the vajra and move it to the car.

But this also allowed these mysterious people to understand Bai Yu's strange power. Everyone was vigilant, for fear that this monster would suddenly wake up, and six or seven guns were aimed at Bai Yu lying on the floor of the armored vehicle.

"This should be a secret army of a certain country, but unfortunately they don't talk and can't analyze which country they belong to." Bai Yu pretended to be in a coma, but thought quickly.

"The water tank, the water tank, this is the salmon, the small fish has been caught, and we are asking for return."

"Allowed to return."

"Expected to arrive at the airport in half an hour."

Hearing their answer, Bai Yu quickly thought: "Which country will it be?"

In the end, Bai Yu decided that no matter so much, he was a master of art and bold, but at most he could only give him an internal blossom in the opponent's nest!

In half an hour, the car drove to the airport.

"Speed, speed!"

Bai Yu was thrown on a stretcher, and she was still living tightly on the ground, and six or seven guns were pointed at him at any time. It seemed that these soldiers or mercenaries were on guard for him.

From the sound analysis, he was carried on the helicopter.

Bai Yu closed his eyes, feeling that he had been lifted up to fly four times, stopped in the middle to refuel once, and when he landed, he opened his eyes slightly, only to see that it was a very large ship, but he couldn't see any fame.

Then, he was carried into a room on a stretcher, placed on the operating table, and tied with a restraint belt. At this time, the few soldiers who ran all the way all let out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, soldiers, although the mission this time is not so perfect, I didn't catch the first target, but the second target is also good. It did a good job. When I go back, I can give you a one-month holiday."

"Thank you sir!"

"Okay, let's test the target now."

"The first test, target blood collection, subject: target number two, Xia Guowu Taoist Bai Yu, age: 18 years old, gender: male, visual inspection of Mongolian Xia Guo people, etc..."

"what's happenin?"



"The target... is not being anesthetized." The real face staff cried and turned to look at the chief of the laboratory.

"Hello! Surprise is not a surprise? An accident is not a surprise?" Bai Yu sat up, the restraint belt seemed to be the same as the noodles, which did not hinder him in the slightest.

"Yes, I'm not anesthetized." Bai Yu took an anesthetic needle bullet from his body. The needle was deformed and damaged after hitting a hard object.

"Soldiers! Soldiers!" the chief of the laboratory roared wildly.

Bai Yu frowned, and pointed out that the chief of the laboratory hit the real yuan with the acupuncture point, and fell softly to the ground.

He pointed it out again. It was on the head of a security officer who had just taken out the gun. The security officer slapped his forehead as if he was hit by a bullet. He had an extra blood hole and fell to the ground. The blood soon fell on the ground. It accumulated into a pool, and his hands and feet twitched unnaturally.

"Okay, tell me, which country are you from?" Bai Yu asked slowly, pulling the remaining anesthetic needles from his clothes. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 263, No. 2 Objective) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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