My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 285: Dangping Hanbingao

Another day passed, the Underworld Snake grabbed half of the topaz plantain core and swallowed it immediately, but was entangled by the ice spider's silking. This thing is not like a stimulant that takes effect immediately after a shot, but needs to be refined slowly. Absorption, even half of the topaz plantain core, is of great help to improving the strength. The other five kings saw that the underworld snake swallowed a piece first, and immediately put all their attacks on it, in the cold ice depression. The racial distribution is also very peculiar. Near the Taniguchi is the yang bardo, the ice spider chilly cicada blocks the col, the Xuan toad is located in the middle of the cold ice depression, and the yin bardo is close to the col. They are the underworld snake, the secluded centipede, and the nine yin. Scorpions are similar to dead creatures and have no entity. The Emperor Hanchan saw that the underworld snake swallowed half of the topaz banana core, and immediately became anxious, and immediately screamed. This time, under its full scream, except for the Hanchan clan, All the creatures stopped, and the Emperor Cicada also withered due to the excessive consumption.

The Chilling Cicada was originally aimed at the Divine Soul, so the three non-physical races within the inner circle were hit hard. Some of the weaker ones were even shaken incomplete by the chilling cicada, and the smoke disappeared, even more. In the distance, Bai Yu and Fatty Wei almost fell down the tree again. Because Bai Yu had been prepared, he went to Yupo Sang again, and Bai Yu was farther away, so the impact was not too serious this time.

But after all, the fat man's cultivation base was much weaker, and he fell on his head again, and it took a long time to wake up.

With this indiscriminate attack, all creatures in the col were affected, but the chilling cicada was definitely immune to his own racial skills. A large number of chills attached to Xuan Chan's body, and the needle-like mouthparts pierced Xuan Chan's body. Suddenly, Xuan Toad and Han Cicada would eat each other, and the key to promotion is to eat each other’s flesh and blood. In addition to feeding on Xuan Toad, Han Cicada would actually eat some Yupo Sang sap. At this time, the emperor chills screamed, and immediately gave ordinary chills the chance to hunt down Xuan toads in large numbers, and even some chills who were already facing promotion immediately got the chance to evolve.

There are a lot of ordinary chilling cicadas, but their attacks are not very strong. After all, their racial skills against spirits are their strongest means, so except for a Xuan toad that died after being sucked up by chills, most of them woke up. Coming over, Ao was immediately caught in a chaotic battle. King Xuan Chan saw that King Hades swallowed a piece of topaz plantain core, breaking all the unspoken rules that the winner wins after the battle, and he couldn’t wait for that many more. His long tongue popped out and curled up. He took the other half of the topaz plantain core and sent it to her mouth, but it did not prevent the Jiuyin Heliconia needle from popping out, and it was piercing its long tongue. The long tongue of King Xuanchan suddenly became tingling with pain, and the topaz plantain core that was originally rolled fell down. , And the place where the long tongue was pierced slowly spread upward, and it couldn't even conceal anymore and showed its shape.


As night fell, the sound of insects and snakes hissing became weaker and weaker. During the day, Bai Yu saw that because of the cannibalism, King Xuan Toad, who was the first to be poisoned by soul poison, was lying frozen in the snow, but it dying to fight back, spewing out mystery all over the body. Adorable juice, the emperor chilled cicada was unable to move because of the chilling cicadas, and was dropped on the body by these cicada juices. Most of the body was pitted with pits and pits on the bottom, and the wounds were eroded with visible internal organs, and immediately fell into a state of dying. .

The ice spider king was also splashed a few times, but it could not endanger his life. At this time, the spider silk danced, and the half of the topaz plantain core that fell on the ground was glued back. The nine-yin scorpion and the Youyu centipede were desperate for their lives. Attacking the underworld snake, the four kings tumbling and rolling to the end, only the nine-yin scorpion, the secluded centipede, and the ice spider are left, and these three are also disabled and injured. Even the most severely injured ice spider is also In a state of dying.

Bai Yu winked at Fatty Wei.

Fatty Wei shivered: "Go on now?"

Bai Yu said: "If we don't go now, we won't have a chance."

"How?" Fatty Wei said anxiously when he saw Bai Yu had already rushed out.

"Follow the opportunity!" Bai Yu said solemnly, with a Explosive Talisman already in his hand.

In less than a minute, Bai Yu had arrived on the battlefield, but at this time he could only use the light of the world, if not, it is estimated that his feet are down to the ground, and the corpses of various insects are enough to reach the neck.

The centipede with some spare power stood up and made an inaudible neigh. Bai Yu raised his hand and struck the Explosion Talisman. This blow was only a test. If things cannot be violated, he must give up. Naturally, Bai Yu cannot. Take your life to fight these bugs.

Fatty Wei couldn't and had to hit the Jiuyin Scorpion with a Suppressing Demon and Exorcising Evil Talisman. The Jiuyin Scorpion was seriously injured, and even the tail hook thorn was only half broken, and a thin, invisible black mist was exuding outside. I had to hold two giant AOs in front of him, and with a thud, the nine-yin scorpion belongs to the soul body, and the anti-devil and exorcising talisman contains righteous energy, which is just the symptom. I suddenly felt that the whole body was soaked in strong acid. After being melted, it backed away a few steps and withdrew from the power range of the Suppressing Demon and Exorcising Talisman, but the fat man had no bottom in his heart. Bai Yu gave him several jade talisman and smashed it out without thinking, what spring sun talisman and falling thunder. Nine Yin Scorpion is already at the end of the crossbow, and has only fought against the Underworld Snake. Finally, he teamed up with the Youyu Centipede to kill the Underworld Snake King. Before he could take a breath, he was found by the fat man. , And then forcibly connected a large pile of fire, thunder, righteousness, and yang energy, and the soul body shook suddenly, and it was about to dissipate.

When Fatty Wei saw that his series of attacks had worked, he was overjoyed. He no longer looked like he didn't dare to follow up after he had been so stubborn. He was about to slay Jiuyin Scorpion with a burst of anger, but suddenly his heart became cold and he heard Bai Yu's cry Roar: "Fat man hide!"

Fatty Wei didn't know what was going on, but he believed that Bai Yu would definitely not aimlessly. He jumped out to the side with all his strength. He only heard a bang. He didn't know what hit the spot, causing all kinds of corpses to fly up in the sky.

It turned out that the Youyu Centipede saw Jiuyin Scorpion and was about to die in Fatty Wei's hands, but was entangled by Baiyu, unable to rescue him, so he had to spit out the soul orb, forcing Fatty Wei to be unable to continue his attack.

"Fatty, kill it and come and help me. This centipede still has a bit of fighting power!" The previous flaming talisman exploded, only exploding a few thin feet of the Youyu Centipede, but for the centipede, the legs are the least valuable thing. When it was broken, it was broken. It sprayed a big mouthful of poisonous mist towards Bai Yu. Bai Yu had already guarded against this move. He avoided it far, and was struck by a few more jade charms. At this moment, Youyu Centipede was seeing Fatty Wei hitting. Jiuyin Scorpion had only one breath left, and as a last resort, he had to spit out his soul beads and attack Fatty Wei.

It's not that it has a strong relationship with the Youyu Centipede, but because the kings of the six races in the valley have a certain amount of intelligence, which is completely different from those of their kind who can only act on instinct. I vaguely know that if the Jiuyin Scorpion is killed Death, after the fat man vacated his hands, his current state could not compete with these two people, so he couldn't let the fat man kill Jiu Yin Scorpion.

The fat man screamed so dangerously, he ignored the secluded centipede. This is the characteristic of the casual cultivator who has been wandering around the knife for a long time. If he is dismissed, he is far more fierce than the disciple of the sect. Finally, after the thunder and lightning, the faint and thick Jiuyin Scorpion completely dissipated after a sorrowful whistling sound, a soul bead fell down, and Fatty Wei cheered, regardless of the thick spread. The corpse of the worm plunged one end, but for a moment, he came out from under the corpse of the worm again.

"Soul... Soul Orb!" Fatty Wei couldn't believe it. He and Bai Yu basically flattened the cold ice depression, and this soul orb is also extremely valuable. For the masters of ghost cultivation, whether it is to absorb the soul, The spiritual power in the beads is still used to make artifacts for ghost repairs, which are very rare treasures.

"Fatty kills the ice spider!" Seeing that he had already killed the Jiuyin Scorpion, Bai Yu immediately felt relieved.

The ice spider here has eight worm legs broken apart, two on the right side are intact, and two on the left and one on the left, but they have been broken only half way, so they have basically lost their attack power. , The boss had a wound on the belly bag, the belly bag became flat and collapsed, the internal organs have flowed out, the injury was extremely serious, but it can be said that only a breath is still hanging. At this time, Fatty Wei came, and it resisted even the slightest. No, Fatty Wei decapitated his head with a few stabs, and he died suddenly.

The Youyu Centipede saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to leave, but how could Bai Yu allow it to flee like this, with constant attacks in his hands. Finally, the Youyu Centipede also tasted the situation where Jiuyin Scorpion was beaten just now and could only parry and could not fight back. .

Waiting for Fatty Wei to kill the ice spider, and then join Bai Yu to attack the Centipede in the U.S. The U.S. Centipede immediately stalks the left and the right. After losing sight of the other, they are hit by various runes of Bai Yu and Fatty Wei. After falling down, the fat man hurried his eyes and hands, rushed forward, caught the soul orb, and handed it to Bai Yu again with a smirk.

It’s also because Bai Yu has the power to make a talisman, does a long-range attack regardless of cost, and the heavily wounded Youyu Centipede can’t escape. If it’s a casual cultivator like Fatty Wei, it’s just a few tricks. You can only go forward and fight, as the saying goes: There are still three thousand nails in the broken ship; the king of races like the centipede of the secluded area, the foundation cultivator and its hand-to-hand combat can only be described as fierce and auspicious.

"Take it first, wait until you return to Qingliu City and then divide it." Bai Yu shook his hand indifferently, but walked to the Ice Spider King's corpse, cut open from the end of its belly, and took out its silk glands. The spider king had just died, and the silk glands were still active. Bai Yu nodded slightly and put it into the storage space. For Bai Yu, ordinary materials were already difficult to enter his eyes, but the tendons, silk, and ropes could be used in the organs. The creation acts as the context for the movement of spiritual energy, so it should not be easily let go.

Fatty Wei looked around. This place was originally a mulberry forest. At this time, because of the battle, it became a square. There were countless corpses on this square. Just now, Fatty Wei went to the ground to search for the soul orb of the nine-yin scorpion. Knowing the depth of the base, he still didn't believe it:

"Ancestor Bai, we actually...This will flatten the cold ice col!?" My dream can be achieved Real latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true txt download Address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \"Collection\" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 285 Tangping Hanbingao), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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