My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 296: Fatty, you think too much

Fatty Wei walked out of Ruyi Baoju in despair, Bai Yu and Mo Baiyi didn't know what he was going to do, and followed them out.

Fatty Wei gently gave his hand away, and the praying mantis in his hand flapped its wings and flew out a short section, and fell into the grass.

"Are you calling me?" Fatty Wei murmured.

"Are you calling me?" He suddenly yelled at the empty wilderness.

The wind seemed to be blowing in the distance, and the grass and shrubs shook slightly. Fatty Wei suddenly turned around, with an expression of disbelief on his face:

"I heard them calling me, they...coming."

Countless insects and ants crawled over, surrounded Fatty Wei, Bai Yu, and Mo Baiyi, and many more insects flew in from the sky, like a tornado.

Mo Baiyi swallowed his saliva and forced a smile: "Fatty, are you... all right? They..."

Fatty Wei turned around, his face full of confusion: "They said, I am their king. Are you funny? Why am I the king of insects?"

Bai Yu winked at Mo Baiyi and said, "Can they follow your drive?"

Fatty Wei drew his long knife, and the tip of the knife fell diagonally on the ground. A group of ants climbed over and lined up along the long knife.

"Why do they say that I am their king? And... I think these bugs are so kind, they... so cute." Fatty Wei showed a crying and smiling expression on his face.

Looking at the various insects that describe ugliness, Fatty Wei's eyes lit up, this touch, that squeeze, Bai Yu couldn't help but shudder, and smiled forcefully: "Fatty, you are in the Tomb of the King of Insects, and you are covered with insects. Mother’s fluid, so... the physique has changed and it has made these bugs get close to you."

Fatty Wei nodded: "I thought I was crazy. Fortunately, it turned out that I was not crazy. That's good. That's good. Let's go! Children!"

The various bugs that were obediently around left as the tide subsided, and the fat man put the knife into the sheath and suddenly said, "Mid-term."

Bai Yu and Mo Baiyi: "??"

The fat man turned his head and said: "I broke through a small realm, built the middle stage, and... worked harder to the later stage."

Bai Yu looked at the fat man up and down. This guy was born clean and upright. At this time, a high fever came down, and the worm mother gene made a major transformation on his body. The fat accumulated in his body was turned away, and he looked very good. If it weren't for the loose clothes that looked very unfit, it would not be surprising to say that he was a handsome young man, and what made Bai Yu even more sighed was that his aptitude had also greatly improved.

Because of the lack of systematic practice knowledge in casual cultivators, the age group of foundation-building monks is mostly concentrated in the forty to fifty years old, but it does not mean that the foundation can be built between 40 and 50 years old. , There are only more than ten people who can build a foundation, and most of these more than ten people cannot reach the Golden Elixir stage. At least three to four out of a hundred people will successfully enter the Golden Elixir stage. As for the Nascent Soul Stage... At least in these hundreds of years, I have never heard of any grassroots and casual cultivation that has reached the Yuan Ying stage.

Therefore, the fat man entered the foundation-building period in his early twenties. It can be said that he is the talent of the sky. At this time, his aptitude has improved again, and Bai Yu even suspects that his understanding of cultivation may surpass Mo Baiyi.

"Brother, what shall we do next?" Mo Baiyi asked.

Bai Yu said: "Now if the fat guy can really drive the insects, I don't know if he can control those golden owls in the ant mound."

Fatty Wei said: "I guess there will be no problem. At least, I think it's okay to let them stop attacking me."

Bai Yu said, "From now on, I will leave you the job of giving the dung beast meat."

Fatty Wei patted his chest: "No problem, Father Bai, just leave it to me."

Bai Yu rubbed his temples and said, "Fatty, can you call me that?"

Fatty Wei said awe-inspiringly: "Father for one day, and father for life!"

"Pull it down, you used to be called Grandpa Bai Yu, but later you changed your name to ancestor!" Er Yatoo said contemptuously.

Fatty Wei explained: "Sister girl, don't you know, this is more respect!"

Bai Yu warned: "You are not allowed to scream anyway!"

Fatty Wei said sadly: "Dad, do you want me?"

Bai Yu said angrily: "Shut up! If you call me indiscriminately in the future, I will..." Bai Yu was at a loss for a moment. Seriously, how can he take Fatty Wei?

Seeing that he was really angry, Fatty Wei didn't dare to smile hippie again: "Then, can I call you Brother Yu?"

Bai Yu's anger was slightly calm, um, it sounds good, at least in the real world, Du Ziqiang also called himself: "Okay, Brother Yu is just Brother Yu, don't mess up your seniority!"

Fatty Wei said with a smile: "I'm doing errands, you can rest assured, Brother Yu."

Bai Yu put away the Wishful Treasure House, his heart was really a false alarm, but Fatty Wei got a blessing in disguise, it was worth it, and it probably wouldn’t take much to say. When the time comes, let him join the school created by Mo Baiyi. Add another general.

On the other hand, Huayuenu also collected the beacon. This trip to explore the Tomb of the Insect King was declared complete. Although the original goal was not achieved, he found out the origin of the Tomb of the Insect King, and the fat man also got it. By chance, it is more likely to be assisted by a master of Yuan Ying level, which is a worthwhile trip.

Passing through the boundary of the Chongwang Tomb, Fatty Wei turned his head from time to time, a little reluctant, but Bai Yu turned around, but saw all kinds of insects pouring in like a tide, following Fatty step by step. They probably also knew that the king was about to leave, so they came to see him off. , The natural enemies who were feeding on each other now live in peace and have never attacked each other. Seeing that Fatty Wei is so affectionate, Hua Yuenu smiled and said: "Fatty, you are so reluctant to leave, so why not just stay here."

Fatty Wei glanced at Huayuenu and felt that Huayuenu was only joking, so he replied, "What's the matter? My little girl is waiting for me to go back. She is an ordinary person. If I don't care about her, how can she live? Come down."

Then he courageously said, "I haven't eaten enough of Miss Yuenu's food!"

Huayuenu said with joy: "Fatty, you are loyal, don't worry, if you want to eat, I will make it for you!"

Fatty Wei glanced at Bai Yu again. Seeing Bai Yu with a smile, as if he could see through his mind, his old face blushed, but he still boldly said, "Miss Yuenu's food, I can't eat enough in my life!"

Huayuenu nodded and said, "Since you like to eat, it doesn't matter if you cook it for you for a lifetime."

Bai Yu and Mo Baiyi almost broke their belly with laughter, Fatty Wei, who was fascinated by his mind, hadn't seen until now, is Huayuenu just a puppet? In vain, he has made a deep agreement for a lifetime, and I don't know if he knows the roots of Huayuenu's roots and feet, will he commit suicide in shame?

At this time, having passed through the Black Rock Beach, Fatty Wei finally mastered how to condense his aura. Bai Yu taught him a method to converge his aura. This is just a trick during the refining period, but unless it is a clear real price between free cultivators Generally speaking, he would never teach the techniques he had mastered to others, so Fatty Wei didn’t know how to do this, and it’s justified. After restraining his breath, Fatty Wei’s breath of the insect king finally disappeared. The centipede and Wei Pang who didn't tease the entire Black Rock Beach had another passionate confession meeting to take away their farewells.

However, because the six families of Hanbingao killed each other, they were copied by Bai Yu and Fatty Wei again. At this time, there should be a very small number left to recuperate, so there is nothing short-sighted to walk out of Hanbingao. Something to come.

When he came to the anthill and the snake pool, Fatty Wei hesitated but said, "Brother Yu, I want to pass through the anthill. I don’t know if I can use the power of the mother’s bloodline. If I can really drive those golden owls. Bone ants, it will be much more convenient to move in the fog and rain in the future."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "There are a lot of resources in the fog and rain. It would be a good thing to drive the golden owl to transform the bone ants. After all, we can only find some resources on the surface, and there are countless treasures under the earth. Fatty, you This is whether Extreme Tai is here!"

The four walked into the range of the anthill. It was still early at this time, and Fatty Wei let out a breath. Obviously, rustling sounds came from all around, and Fatty Wei said excitedly: "They are here!"

Mo Baiyi said solemnly: "What's wrong? Will they violently attack?"

Fatty Wei said proudly: "No, no, they only have curiosity and happiness in their emotions, and they don't mean to eat or attack."

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for these Golden Owl Bone Ants to densely cover the entire ground. The white feathers looked far away, and the ant piles were already covered by Golden Owl Bone Ants, turning black, starting from the top exit. There are still a large number of golden owl bone ants popping up like a spring. If the intensive phobia is here, it is estimated that they will faint immediately.

Although Bai Yu and Mo Baiyi knew that they really wouldn’t be attacked by the Golden Owl’s Bone Ants at the moment, they were shocked by their fierce fame in the past, and they were not too close. However, the little puppet maid Huayue Slave had his eyes open. Guang: "Queen! I saw the queen! Wow, she looks so fat!"

When Fatty Wei saw that Huayuenu was not afraid of these ants, he was still eager to try. He was delighted in his heart, and secretly rejoiced that his current changes would inevitably lead to all kinds of insects in his future life. How can ordinary women accept it? Even Kun Xiu is afraid to stay away from bugs and the like. I can't imagine that the woman she loves is not only not afraid of these bugs, but also looks very interested in bugs, God, are you finally opening your eyes to me? Therefore, the servant doubled his show, instructing the golden owls to form various formations, making Huayue slaves laugh like a string of silver bells.

Bai Yu gave a dry cough, and said to his sister, this fat man was so eager to make a girl, and he didn't want to think, isn't there anyone else here?

Huayuenu reacted violently: "Fatty, let's go back early. Your sister is at home, I'm afraid you are tight."

Fatty Wei was exasperated when she heard her uttering the words "We" without seeing it. Then when she heard her worried about her sister, she was kind to her sister, and she would treat her sister kindly. After the date of marriage, the two aunts and sister-in-law must get along When you have a child, you can ask the girl to take care of the housework. In the future, you and the moon slave can escape from the world, so that you can rest assured that you can give it to the girl...

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