The next day, Shi Yun got up early in the morning. With the assistance of Dai Qing, she took care of her makeup and met with the elders. Perhaps her life would really change dramatically, and she must face it in the best state.

Dai Qing, who helped her comb her hair, said: "Miss, I find that your skin is better than before. Not only is it delicate, but it also seems to be shining, and the hair is...the connection is gone..."

Hearing her infinitely envious tone, Shi Yun said in an air: "Tell you to study hard and practice with me. You are lazy. I really don't know what to say about you."

Dai Qing sighed: "I was not as smart as you since I was a child. I haven't even learned the words in the world, and I am not as hard as you. You are gentle and pleasant. No one knows how hard you work, even Even if you have to study the essays, others don’t know. I know that even if you put your **** on and pretend to be a man to go to the scientific examination, you will have the opportunity to pass the rankings. If it weren’t for those years when you studied, learned, and learned too hard , It’s not as if you’ve got eye problems just as you are in your grade... Hey, speaking of eye problems, my mother, I don’t think you seem to be as troublesome as you used to look at things recently?"

Shi Yun said with a low smile: "Daiqing, I also know your temperament, no matter how you persuade you, you only promised, but if you can be lazy and still lazy, you will get old soon, and I will be the same as now. So this is not enough for you to spend more time on your practice? You and I are called masters and servants, and love is like sisters. I can give you everything I have, but I can't give you longevity... Do you understand?"

Although Shi Yun was laughing, her voice was full of helplessness. Just like a second-year student on the earth, you stripped him of everything clearly, even he was used to other people's persuasion. It's more moving than you, but he just can't control his hard work. What's the explanation? He even said: I also know that I will regret it in the future, but I just can't learn it! What's the solution?

The reason why people are human is because they have seven emotions and six desires, and they are fascinated by the colorful colors and cannot help themselves. Without great perseverance and great wisdom, you will never be able to get out of your comfort zone, and you will only be in that narrow circle. Hidden behind closed doors, maybe it was years later that I realized that there had been so many turning points in my life, but I didn't choose the right one at all! In fact, it is because these inflection points are all outside the comfort zone. I dare to ask how many people in the world can force themselves to do things they don't like to do?

I can sit on a sofa, why should I sit on a hard bench? Why should I get up early if I can sleep in bed? Can I take advantage of the young waves, why should I wait for love? Why should I tolerate if I can swear my opponent? Why should I insist if I can change the industry?

Often successful people are paranoid, and being content with the status quo is always the greatest enemy of successful people, and there is a thorny road to success outside the comfort zone.

The above is all nonsense, in fact, the most successful life is to reincarnate well.

The monk's paranoia is the pursuit of all the truths in this world, the obsession with his own evolution, and even his paranoia has transformed into an extreme monk, who is desperate, and the two words of affection have become dung in his heart.

Shi Yun's super nearsightedness also depends on the densely packed text. After comparing with the secular text, she studies hard. Isn't she tired? Qingling Twelve Duanjin's various twisted postures that exceed the limits of the human body, does the ligament hurt?

But when she was a child, she was sold to the brothel by her father, and in the brothel, she used all kinds of power to keep her innocence, redeemed her for herself, and went to Mo Baiyi. Mo Baiyi ruthlessly drove her away. Pushing her neck down to the mountain... Shi Yun hated her weakness. Who knew she was a blessing in disguise, and she actually got the opportunity to practice. This also has something to do with her stepping out of her comfort zone time and time again: she was weak in her childhood and was sold In the brothel, she could not choose; in the brothel, she worked hard to learn literature and dance, her eyes became big, myopia, and the dance basics were so painful that she was tearful, and finally came to the fore. She could have easily become an oiran and find a chance to marry It’s easy to be a wife or concubine for an official or a wealthy businessman, but he just used his many years of savings to redeem himself; when Mo Baiyi drove her away, he could still hide his face, but he still chose to leave. On the road to spiritual practice, her choices were coincidentally correct time after time. The process is not so beautiful, but it is just the saying that there is a thorny road to success outside of the comfort zone.

Not to mention the result of the communication between the master and the servant, Shi Yun took the quilt and went to Heming Peak.

What Shi Yun has received the most in the brothel is the ceremony of cessation. What kind of behaviors and speech skills should be used for what kind of guests have already been engraved in her bones. At this time, she was graceful, and she only lowered her eyes. Without looking around, the quilt He was brought to the front of the elder.

When Shi Yun saw the great elder, she was sitting cross-legged on the futon, with a short sword pointed to the ground in front of her, hanging in the air. She closed her eyes and did not move.

Shi Yun knelt on the ground, only glanced at her secretly, and quickly cast her gaze to the ground in front of her. She never expected that Kun Xiu, who looked young and beautiful, was the most powerful elder in the outer door.

The great elder didn't speak, naturally no one dared to speak out, and after a long time, the great elder breathed out on the short sword, which aroused a crisp sword sound, which was endless.

"The Azure Spirit Sword Sect is based on the technique of swords, and it is to nurture the sword energy to feed back the swords, to observe the sword pattern as a palm pattern, to regard the flying sword as a part of itself, and to nourish the sword with its own spiritual energy and soul. This is I don't dare to slacken the tasks that must be done every day." The elder finally said.

Shi Yun didn’t know what her original intention was. As the elder, she was here to keep her eyes closed and let Shi Yun kneel here for a day. Shi Yun did not dare to object. This was obviously not an explanation. Shi Yun didn't dare to take the conversation because of the reason she kept her eyes closed just now.

"Are you that chance disciple?" Finally, the elder asked.

"Junior Shi Yun, meet the great elder." Shi Yun whispered.

"I'm older, but I have a good temperament, and my qualifications are not terrifying, but he is also quite satisfactory. After memorizing so many classics in three months, I must still have some ideas. Let me ask you, what is Tao?" asked the leader.

Shi Yun frowned for a long time, but the elder encouraged him: "It's me now, and I often think about the Tao, so let's talk about it if you have any thoughts."

Shi Yun pondered for a few more breaths: "The disciple really doesn't know what Tao is. The book is written in the cloud and mist, and the notes of the ancestors are also different. But the disciple thought about it for a while, but the disciple had worked in a low-level industry. I heard this sentence from the people of the world: time comes and the world is the same force, and heroes are not free; the disciple once watched the Buddhist scriptures, and when it comes to the sufferings of life, whether it is a quack or a Buddhist scripture, what he said is a rare freedom... …So the disciples guessed that Tao is great freedom, that is, holding destiny in your hands."

"Is it great? This is the result of Dao, not Dao, but you can think of one, but it's not bad, what else do you think?" The elder looked at the girl, but did not expect that this girl had already thought of becoming detached. Transcendence is the result of enlightenment, but it is not Tao. Transcendence is leaping and evolving. Monks always have comprehension and turn comprehension into evolutionary resources. When they can evolve, they are like jumping up, but after all, they cannot escape from the ordinary body. Miao fell back to the ground again, leaping and evolving again and again, and finally transformed into immortals, soaring into the sky, but this is only the result of a short approach, learning the Tao, and simulating the Tao, not the Tao.

"Tao is a dialogue with all things in the world and the self; the process of understanding all things in the world and understanding the heart?" Shi Yun guessed.

"It's close, but it's still not Dao." The elder smiled.

"Tao is the world, wind and cloud, frost and rain, rising and falling of the moon, insects and ants, and you and me." Shi Yun smiled bitterly, and in the end he still had to use this kind of mysterious and mysterious empty words to answer.

"Okay, you can think of this, it's not bad, what is Tao? Haha, you care what Tao is, I'm afraid to ask the immortals in the sky, a hundred immortals will give you a hundred answers, what do you think it is What is it, and how can Tao be described by words? Even if it is Tao, we impose a word on it. Tao is just a name that we impose on everything we want to understand. Monks have been pursuing Tao throughout their lives. Dao is from ancient times to the present, Dao is everything known and unknown, all existence and non-existence, so asking you what Dao is is to let you see your own mind... Have you seen it clearly?"

"Disciple...maybe you can see clearly, the disciple's way can decide what not to do." Shi Yun said firmly.

"Is it still detached? It seems that your obsession is very deep!" The elder nodded and sighed in his heart, saying that the cultivator is pure and innocent, without contention, but in fact, the cultivator is also obsessed with it. Without obsession, how can a monk compete with people, heaven, and earth?

Purity and inaction is nothing but the appearance. It is just what the monks pursue and care about. They are no longer the same as the secular people. The secular people are rich and wealthy, but the monks are not very interested in this. What they care about is actually their own obsession. , It’s like sword repair. He sticks to the sword all his life, and only seeks to achieve the ultimate in one of the swords. The alchemist sticks to the pill refining his whole life. A pill or pill that he has never seen before is enough to make him pay a huge price or even abandon it. In exchange for everything, the refiner always hopes that he can refine stronger treasures, and more is to seek endless longevity. These are the obsessions of the monks. If there is no obsession, how can you be obsessed? If there is no attachment, how can you concentrate? Are you still a practitioner if you don't concentrate on practice?

"Would you like to be my disciple?" The Great Elder finally spoke after being silent for a long time.

Shi Yun raised her head abruptly, looking at the white clothes fluttering, she looked like a fairy with a beautiful face, and she seemed to be younger than herself. Her eyes were all overwhelmed and surprised.

Seeing her in a daze, Zihe promptly reminded her: "Don't thank Master yet?" Then she smiled bitterly, and said that she called herself one by one with her sister. This next generation can directly rise, and he has to call her Master Uncle instead!

Shi Yun repeatedly bowed her head: "Thank you Master for taking in! Thank you Master for taking in!"

"Remember, your generation takes the Li character, your next name is Shi Liyun, outside, you can call yourself Li Yunzi, the previous generation is the Yuan character generation, you respect my lay surname palace, the Taoist name is Yuanxia , In the future when others ask, don’t you even know what the master is called. Today is not an entry point. After the assessment in March, I will invite my fellow students to testify. Also, although the teacher is in charge of the outer door, in fact you are As an inner disciple, after apprenticeship, you need to refine the system and light the soul lamp. Since you have not been formally accepted as a disciple, the Fa cannot be passed lightly. You should continue to practice the Qingling Twelve Brocade, although it is not counted. It’s an excellent basic exercise, but it’s easier to get started. You don’t need to get dead like a stinky man. It’s just right for you. You also need to recite the Taoist scriptures and read the book hundreds of times. , The meaning is self-evident, do you understand?" the elder exhorted. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (chapter 302) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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