My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 319: Secret library

There was something in Bai Yu's house, Hua Ying and Qiu Xiushuang followed in the fun, and only sent Bai Yu to the community to finish the work.

When I walked in, I saw Wu Zhiqing leading Bai Ling and Yan Xin'er playing video games. Seeing him go home, the two girls were full of joy. Bai Ling uttered a word with difficulty: "Brother!"

Yan Xin'er's eyes lit up, and the voice of her milk cried out: "Father! Father!"

Wu Zhiqing happily ran to the kitchen: "Auntie! Auntie! Bai Yu is back!"

Han Lin and Yan Tong were cooking in the kitchen, and they were very happy to hear their son came back.

Bai Yu touched Bai Ling's head: "You're much better! You know you called me!" He was very happy.

Han Lin took the towel in her hand and wiped her hands and said, "It's been so many days since you left, and this is about to become a hotel!" Although she said blame, her face was full of smiles.

Bai Yu said: "After this period of time, I'm waiting to go to Baiying Country, and I won't run away. Mom, I heard Aying say you have something to find me?

Han Lin said, "Don't worry, don't worry, let's talk about it after dinner."

Bai Yu said strangely: "What is so mysterious? Where is Uncle Wu? He didn't come here today?"

Han Lin replied: "There are some things to be dealt with in the legal affairs of the company. The prefectural government knew that we were going to build a headquarters and approved a piece of land for us. Your Uncle Wu has been working on this recently.

There was a crackling sound of a frying pan in the kitchen, and Han Lin hurried to the kitchen: "It's broken! It's burned out!"

There was a sneer from the kitchen that mixed water into the pot, and Han Lin said, "Xiao Yu, you play with Xiao Ling and Qingqing for a while, and you will eat later. You say you are too, and you won’t say hello when you come back. There is not enough food for you. food."

Bai Yu smiled and played games with the two girls.

After the meal, Wu Zhiqing rushed to collect the table and wash the dishes, and Han Lin ordered: "Xiao Yu, you come to the study with me."

When he came to the study, Bai Yu asked, "Mom, what's the matter with you? Why is it weird?"

Han Lin squeezed: "Well, your Uncle Wu... asked me to marry him, didn't I agree? I am going to marry him."

Bai Yu fell silent, Han Lin was worried, but for a few seconds, Bai Yu smiled and said, "Mom, you think it over, just decide. Xiao Ling and I hope you are happy."

Han Lin let out a sigh of relief. For the few seconds of silence just now, she almost thought Bai Yu would object.

Bai Yu asked: "Mom, how are you and Uncle Wu going to get married?"

Han Lin was a little embarrassed. She said: "My Uncle Wu and I are both remarried, so I don't want to deal with it. Just a few close friends, eat a meal, and then go out for a walk."

Bai Yu said, "Tourism...very good. Since I started working on this company, Mom, you have worked hard enough. It's okay to go out and relax."

Seeing her mother bravely pursuing her own happiness, Bai Yu was sad and happy, and happy that her mother finally found the result she wanted. Sadly, his father was still alive, but he had to endure his wife and others to form a family and be born as a son of man. I am embarrassed.

After chatting with my mother for a while, talking about myself and Bai Ling when I was a child, both mother and child were immersed in good memories, and it was past nine o'clock in the evening unknowingly.

"Oh! Time is almost up, you send Zhiqing home and wait until Uncle Wu comes back." Han Lin said.

"Yes." Bai Yu nodded.

Han Lin is a more traditional woman. Although the relationship with Wu Chao develops steadily, it is indeed inconvenient for Wu Chao to stay at home or spend the night at Wu Chao's house. After all, there is still a poor daughter at home. Fortunately, Wu Chao His residence is only three bus stops away from here.

When Wu Chao came back, it was almost eleven o'clock in the night. It seemed that he had gone to the wine bureau, his whole body smelled of wine, his eyes flushed, but his sanity was very clear.

Bai Yu made a cup of strong tea for Wu Chao: "Uncle Wu, why do you drink so much?"

Wu Chao smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way. These units have to engage in relations with land, planning, and construction. There will be more behind. After this wave of work, there will be basically no need for entertainment."

Bai Yu warned: "Uncle Wu, you are not a strong guy anymore. Drinking like this is too hurtful."

He shook his head, and took out a porcelain bottle from his storage equipment: "Uncle Wu, the medicine at this time is good for the liver. If the liver function is strong, it will naturally not be easy to get drunk. However, there is still less alcohol that must be drunk. Drink less."


Bai Yu walked on the road blankly. This is a city that never sleeps. Although it is close to zero, there are not many pedestrians on the road. According to the players, ten o'clock is the beginning of night life, and it lasts until six or seven in the morning. After the calculation is over, the lights are shining everywhere, and when you go through the slow shake, you can still hear the dull drumbeat spreading far away.

This is the prosperity and noise that belongs to young people, but it does not belong to me. Bai Yu is very sad, I am still young! Why is my mentality so old? He dialed his father's phone.

Old Bai: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Bai: "Mom is getting married."

Old Bai: "I know."

Xiao Bai: "Are you really not going to save it?"

Old Bai: "You know the reason."

Xiao Bai: "If... you have anything unhappy or can't figure out, tell me."

Old Bai: "I'm your dad, I don't need you to solve me."

Xiao Bai: "Understood, I must be notified if I have something to do. Also, can I see the Jindu District Treasury tomorrow?"


Lao Bai loves his wife and this family, but as if there is an invisible thread pulling our shouldn’t be like this, Lao Bai should be like an ordinary middle-aged person, drinking warm water soaked with wolfberry in his workplace every day. Worrying about his hairline at any time, and sipping a sip of wine after returning home, he would hide some private money to buy lottery tickets secretly, dreaming of being able to buy a lottery once and be proud of it; Lao Han should be keen on buying various skin care products, and occasionally Being blamed by Lao Bai for wasting money, I will be spit out by Lao Bai for going to the square dance every day; I should like a certain class flower heartlessly, and vowed to be admitted to the same university as her, and my sister will grow up because of it. Big, I also began to have my own secrets, and even alienated myself because of gender differences. This is a normal family. Although ordinary but warm, marketable but kind, there are disputes but always tolerant of each other.

But now he has acquired a strange ability, but his father looks younger than himself. However, he is socially dead, unable to save the result of his mother's remarriage, and his sister suffers from autism that can only be seen in TV dramas and the news... The fate of this Gou Ri.


Chinese Calendar:


Appropriate: Marriage, engagement, blind date, business, wealth, business, real estate, partnership, moving, decoration, travel, dating, pray for blessing, consecration, sacrifice

Avoid: Tiande (Zodiac) will become a day, everything will be fine.

Qin Lie asked Bai Yu for instructions: "Master, you have chosen the date, do you think?"

Bai Yu nodded: "Your arrangement is that you don't have to be too troublesome, and you will inform it in a small area."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "I only notified some people who are familiar with the sects and clan associations. The reason for the familiar sects is because they do have a lot of business dealings with them. If you don't notify them, it will affect the relationship."

Bai Yu said, "I know that you are very stable." Then he turned to Gong Baisheng and Xia Yinong and said, "You two are behind, and you are considered to have contributed. Now I will accept you as registered disciples."

Gong Baixing and Xia Yinong were so jealous that they were separated from each other. When they heard Bai Yu's words, they didn't believe it. Until Bai Yu took out a book, they believed that what they heard was true, not a dream.

The two knelt on the ground with a thump, kowtow desperately.

Bai Yu said: "Get up, this is the basic exercise of the Momen Tianxin Jue. Don't use the superficial skills you used to practice. Use the "Momen Tianxin Jue" to rebuild your foundation. This is a medicine to cooperate with cultivation. , The method of taking and the taboos are contained in the "Momen Tianxin Jue". Be sure to read it clearly before starting."

Gong and Xia: "Thank you, teacher!"

The two kowtow more before getting up, and the two looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"I have one thing to leave to you. My mother's wedding date is approaching. They will travel with Xiao Ling and Zhiqing. Yan Tong and your little senior sister will also go with them. You will follow them and find some professional people to protect them. Safety during the tour, but don't affect them." Bai Yu ordered.

"Okay, teacher!"

The two of them were overjoyed, and Qin Lie stepped forward to congratulate them. The three were originally half-black and white underground tycoons in Huanfeng City. They saw Qin Lie’s changes, and his cultivation level was only comparable to them, but after becoming Bai Yu’s named disciple, he had to pass an article "Twelve Yuan Chen Forging Body" to advance by leaps and bounds. Leaving it far behind, even the half-bald gray hair slowly began to regenerate and turn black, and the body shape was reduced. Is there any reason not to be envious?

At this time, they finally got what they wanted. The two were in agitated mood, their eyes were red, and they almost shed a few tears to show their ecstasy, but Bai Yu could not see the true feelings of these old apprentices who were older than him. Too embarrassing, he left after a few words.

The two assistant sisters were waiting outside early, and drove towards Long Wei's Jindu branch.


Longwei Jindu Branch Tea Room.

Lao Bai: "How about the assistant assigned to you?"

Xiao Bai: "I can't see it at the moment, it's a little bit dead-headed."

Lao Bai: "Understand, children in physique are like this, but cooperation with the government will be much more convenient in the future, then...what is your purpose of coming today?"

Xiao Bai: "I need some special treasures, and my practice needs these things."

Old Bai: "Okay, you can choose something in the secret library."

Xiao Bai: "Can I only choose the same one? What if there are two or more?"

Lao Bai: "If you really need it, you can take it out first, but then you have to pay the same price to compensate."

Xiao Bai: "This method is good, then... just start?"

Lao Bai: "Yes, but you have to remember that this is just the Jindu branch, so there is not much stuff."

Lao Bai pressed a button installed upside down under the table, and the bookshelf against the wall slowly moved aside under the action of the motor force, revealing an elevator door.

Lao Bai got up and walked to the elevator door and pressed the button.

A small keyboard pops up from the alloy door frame of the elevator, and Lao Bai clicks on it, followed by the pupil pattern...a series of certifications. Finally, the elevator door slid open to both sides, and Xiao Bai followed him into the elevator. in.

"More than three hundred meters underground is a secret library. There are many valuable things in it, so I have to be cautious." Old Bai said.

Bai Yu touched his chin and thought: "Should I also make an underground base?" But after thinking about it, there is a formation as a strength support, and there is no need to dig an underground base.

For about three or four minutes, the elevator shook slightly and stopped.

The elevator door opened, and Bai Yu followed Lao Bai in and out of the elevator. He carefully looked at the surrounding environment. It was just a larger underground hall with no decorations, just gray concrete walls and concrete floors.

"This was Jindu's civil air defense project back then. It was very strong and was later requisitioned by Longwei." Lao Bai explained his son's curious look.

"Civil defense engineering? Isn't it spread in all directions? Is the secret library here for insurance?" Bai Yu asked strangely.

Lao Bai replied: "No, other passages have been blocked at a high cost, and there will be no problem with security."

When he came to a heavy door, Lao Bai went through a series of verifications again and finally entered the final level.

It was a small room, but it wasn't stuffy at all. Bai Yu looked at it. There were vents, but he couldn't tell where it was for a while.

"I want to bring people into the secret vault, and I may get one to three treasures." Lao Bai said to the old man sitting at the desk under the door opposite, and at the same time, issued a set of documents.

"You have 30 minutes to choose." The old man read the process document carefully, and said to Lao Bai after checking that it was correct.

He took out a huge key and inserted it into the left keyhole. Lao Bai took out the smaller key and inserted it into the right keyhole. The two of them silently looked at each other and twisted them at the same time, then covered their palms and popped them out. Palmprint meter.

There was a sound of the electric motor rotating, and the closed iron door slowly opened. Bai Yu looked at the two left and right doors that were occluded by the bumps and praised: "This door is really strong!"

Lao Bai said: "It won't work if it's not strong. Many of the good things in it have been preserved more than ten years after Taizu's founding of the Yuan Dynasty. The previous secret library did not have this level of security."

The two walked into the secret library, and the door slowly closed from behind, making a bang.

"Speed, there are 28 minutes." Lao Bai reminded.

Inside are long strips of concrete tables, with three or five glass covers on each table.

Bai Yu stopped in front of one of the glass covers. Under the cover was a plate with a round bead rolling incessantly.

Old Bai said: "This is something handed over from the Western Regions. It is older than me. About ten years after the founding of Yuan Dynasty, a meteorite fell from the Western Regions. But the meteorite was not found, so I found this thing. It’s weird to exercise like this, but all the known methods of magnetism and electricity have been tested, and nothing can be found. There are more than 20 identical beads, and there is one in the Jinshan branch."

"Moreover, this thing, after being magnified many times, the surface is still very smooth, it won't burn or flatten, but it's very light." Old Bai shrugged.

"I want this." Bai Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Do you know what it is?" Lao Bai asked.

"You know, a peculiar metal is useful for individuals, but for the country, this amount is too small." Bai Yu nodded.

"What is it?" Lao Bai asked.

"Linghong Tianjin." Bai Yu said. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 319 Secret Library) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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