My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 322: Knot

"There are still six and a half days?" Bai Yu opened the door.

Qiu Xiushuang sat cross-legged on the ground with Ying Shushuang on her knees. She was washing her long sword with her true energy. Although she hadn't built the foundation and the true energy had not liquefied into true essence, the effect of washing was better than nothing, but Qiu Xiushuang believed that everything was successful. It has to be accumulated bit by bit, so she is completely calm about such a boring thing.

The negative news about her on the Internet has gradually diminished. It should be that the Zong Xie’s pressure on the West Kunlun Sword played some role. In addition to the negative comments on Yunyin’s actions on the Internet, she retreated again. Jin announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry. For a while, praise, reminiscence, and retention content dominated the mainstream. Whoever came out to hack her would be marked as half disabled.

Bai Yu's hands and feet are light and agile, Qiu Xiushuang didn't even notice it. Bai Yu used the method of watching her breath to see her: "It's still a little bit worse. If there is time, it seems that she should be given some medicine to help build her foundation. Up."

Bai Yu gave a light cough, and Qiu Xiushuang opened his eyes immediately: "Bai Yu, are you out of the gate?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "It doesn't count, I'm going to try to hit the next level. But I am a little afraid of lack of time."

"The next level! You mean... Jin Dan!" Qiu Xiushuang was surprised and delighted.

Bai Yu nodded: "As a golden pill, I can drive the pill fire to refine the real pill. You still owe a fire to hit the foundation. The effectiveness of ordinary drugs is too low."

"The Budo Contest is just a place for you to resolve your grievances with the old man Utsunomiya Yuiyu. Jin Dan is the matter of your life. You should think about it for yourself." Qiu Xiushuang said flatly.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Indeed, it seems that I was brought to the rhythm by this incident. You have to take care of me for a few more days."

Qiu Xiushuang smiled: "Since you are my Taoist companion, what can you do for nothing?"

Seeing her smiling charmingly, Bai Yu couldn't help being a little dazzled, and pretending to lower his head as if nothing had happened, and returned to the quiet room.

"It seems that using the Five Aggregate Jue to impact Yuan Ying on the earth is not impossible..." Bai Yu adjusted his posture again and entered the internal photo.

From the psychological perspective, after the dream formation, Bai Yu has experience in the formation of pills. The process is not very different from the physical process of increasing the concentration and evaporating water to crystallize. The only difference is that one is materially observable. , The other is based on visualization ideally.

Under the "visual" of visualization, Bai Yu can "see" that his five element attribute meridians are occupied by the five colors of white, green, black, red, and yellow, corresponding to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. At the time, I worked hard to transform the five element essence energy into the five element true energy and then further compressed it into the five element true energy, from the gas state to the liquid state, the next step was to work hard to push the true energy into the meridians, and finally forcibly compress it into a solid state.

In the case that Bai Yu had never seen it with his naked eyes, the treasures of the five elements in front of him were still water ganoderma, earth vein blood, and a small piece of ocher dragon blood stone, which slowly shrank like volatilization. This is Bai Yu's strong absorption of the five elements essence. Under the circumstances, the five elements contained in these treasures were forcibly refined by Bai Yu.

Even the nearby plants, the earthy essence in the ground, all the metal utensils in the laboratory, and the steel bars in the walls are all being pulled away from their origins by Bai Yu.

The human body is also complete with five elements, so Qiu Xiushuang only felt that something was being pulled away from his body, and he immediately woke up, "What's going on?"

"Xiu Shuang, hurry up, it seems that Bai Yu is in some condition." Jian Ling Lian Yingshu and Qiu Xiushuang in Yingshu Jian have the ability to communicate with each other, and then reminded Qiu Xiushuang in panic.

"But...but what would he do?" Qiu Xiushuang asked in surprise.

"Why don't you care about him? It's just that he is absorbing all kinds of energy, and we won't be able to go if we don't leave! He is very good now!" Lian Yingshu said anxiously.

Qiu Xiushuang sensed the aura. As Lian Yingshu said, Bai Yu's breath was deep and slow, and it took a long time to breathe. He relaxed, and ran out of the bungalow quickly. When he looked back, although he could not see anything, he could sense it. The location of the bungalow has become like a greedy black hole to choose people to eat, and various energies have actually formed a storm eye at the location of Bai Yu, which is like a tornado wind.

She looked back at the entire scope of the experiment. Except for a large open space, there were originally many trees around, and the trees had always been lush and lush, but at this time, it was like entering late autumn, and a large number of leaves had turned yellow, even under each tree. It was covered with yellow leaves, and at a visible speed, the remaining green leaves were slowly turning yellow.

"What kind of technique is Bai Yu?" Qiu Xiushuang asked in amazement.

"I don't know, the scope is still expanding, Xiushuang, step back!" Lian Ying said in surprise.

All the essence of the attributes of the five elements were involved in the whirlpool created by Baiyu. Qiu Xiushuang watched the bungalow as if built with flour. The ashes flew out, fell on the ground and turned into ashes. The white feather was in the middle of all the ashes, even experimenting. All the utensils in the room are also visible to the naked eye, as if they have been corroded by the weather, slowly rusting and melting.

"Retreat again! Retreat again! Bai Yu is absorbing my sword body!" Lian Yingshu exclaimed.

Qiu Xiushuang smiled bitterly: "Bai Yu's formation is too big, and the phantom formation will be absorbed by him!"

All known energies can't get rid of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the elements of the magic array can only be absorbed naturally.

"My car!" Qiu Xiushuang yelled. She drove into the laboratory of the car. The paint fell off and the car body was rusted. The chassis beams creaked and crashed to the ground, turning into a mass of scrap iron. After a while, the entire car body turned into a small mass of rust dust piled on the ground.

"You have to retire!" Qiu Xiushuang ran away, looking at Bai Yu in the center with lingering fear.

Fortunately, this is a rented dry mudflat with few people.

She ran away quickly, and took out the phone: "Xiaoying, something big happened, you must think of a way to get something from the five elements, Bai Yu is going to vacuum all the neighborhood!"

"What's the situation?" Hua Ying's surprised voice came from there.

Qiu Xiushuang has a direct video connection.

Hua Ying picked it up and said in surprise: "Xiaoyu, is this a brave? I'll come over right away."

Half an hour later, more than ten trucks drove over, and the drivers were all the three old apprentices of Bai Yu.

Several trucks of steel and wood were dumped into the original phantom array, and a few trucks of wood were piled together to set off a majestic fire.

Gu Feng also rushed to the scene: "What's wrong with Mr. Xiaobai?"

Hua Ying is familiar with him, and smiled bitterly: "Xiao Yu seems to be breaking through the realm, who knows that this will be the case? The fire is burning so high, is it okay?"

Gu Feng also smiled bitterly: "If there is a problem, it can only be okay!"

With the supplement of these materials, Bai Yu's absorption of the essence of the five elements finally stopped in the range of accumulation of these ordinary materials. The place where Bai Yu sits is the endless earth. The two attributes of soil and water in the ground can be said to be inexhaustible. Inexhaustible, so no additional supplements are needed.

Hua Ying said depressed: "Every time, the laboratory will be abandoned soon after it is built."

Gu Feng comforted her and said, "As long as Mr. Xiaobai is fine, it won't be a pity to build a hundred more."

Hua Ying's mood is better now, steel and wood are still being delivered continuously.

The fire was blazing, but like a prominence, the flame that should have soared into the sky turned strangely, and the flame tip of the flame pointed directly at the white feather.

On the fourth day, all kinds of materials like ice and snow finally stopped melting.

On the fifth day, the energy swept to a halt, and the energy of the five elements returned to normal. With Bai Yu as the center, a funnel-like depression with a diameter of more than two hundred meters and a depth of seven meters was formed with him as the center.

Bai Yu finally stood up and stretched out his hand. Suddenly, a ball of fire appeared in his hand, as if holding a small sun in his palm.

He shook it lightly, and with a soft bang, the little sun broke open in his palm and disappeared without a trace.

He looked around and smiled bitterly. It was a toss, but fortunately, finally, the earth world, the golden core!


"You need to find a quiet and safe place to complete the foundation." Huanxin passed on to Tong Yadao.

"Master, the small black house is the quietest place. Tomorrow, I will find a violent beating and I will go in naturally, but what should I do after the foundation is built? I can't stay here anymore, there is not even a woman." Tong Ya Chuan Read the way.

"It's best to stay until the golden core before going out. I think this world is already the end of the law. After you go out, you will face the power of the emperor if you accidentally face the power of the emperor, and the foundation is still slightly weaker." Huanxin said.

Huanxin is the last heir of the Holy Soul Sect. By coincidence, the jade pendant possessed by Tong Ya was activated by Tong Ya's blood, and he took Tong Ya as his heir and passed him into the gate of cultivation.

"Master, there are too few people here, it's not easy to let go and absorb the soul, and it's too easy to show the horse's feet." Tong Ya sighed.

"According to what you said, how would it be?" Huanxin asked.

A fierce light flashed in Tong Ya's eyes: "From Dianzhou to the border of Xia State, heading west, those small countries are blocked with information and lagging behind, and they are really a paradise for our Holy Soul Sect."

"Well, apprentice, you think very well, then after the foundation is built, so and so..."

The next day, the political study after the meal, the so-called political study, earlier arranged for the jailers to guard their reading of the prison rules. The daily content made the supervising jailers lose their enthusiasm, and later it became two or three. The jailer smokes and farts at the door. As long as these prisoners don't make trouble, they can finish the work safely for forty-five minutes.

But what made the jailer on duty today never expected was that a tyrant in prison caused trouble again.

"Giving you a chance to reform, you are gambling here? Make a good reform, re-behave, and leave this damned place early? Do you like to be locked in a stinking horn for the rest of your life?"

Hearing this angry voice, the jailer almost laughed, this 47226 again? This person's reputation is still quite big, helping the government to maintain order and fighting crimes. I don't know why he was brought in. It is a pity not to be a messenger with such a sense of justice.

"Will you go and see?" Jailer A asked.

"Look at it, wait until he cleans up a few." Jailer Yi said.

"Is it all right? The right eye keeps twitching these days." First Jailer was a little uneasy.

"Hi! What can happen? He wants to stay here forever?" Jailer B patted Jailer A on the shoulder.

Then there was violent chaos, bang bang bang bang, and the wailing of prisoners.

Hearing the screaming inside, Jailer A was uneasy and asked: "Brother, we are so... not suitable, right?"

Jailer Yi smiled and said: "Teach you a good boy, this 47226 person who has cleaned up irregularly for many years, in our area, with him, it is the safest place. Usually no one makes trouble easily. His business, keep one eye open. Just close one eye, then throw him and his opponent into the little black room, and the remaining one is better than the other."

Jailer One was speechless: "Can you still operate like this?"

Jailer B proudly said: "You just come here and don't know. After a long time, you will understand."

Then Jailer One looked at his watch: "Time is almost up."

He pressed the intercom button: "A fight occurred in Area F. Please support as soon as possible."

A minute later, the prison guards of the brigade rushed in with glue sticks and anti-riot shields. After a violent beating, the inside gradually calmed down, and the warden arrived.

"47226!" the warden roared.


"It's you again? What are you doing?"

"Report! They gather in crowds to gamble, and they don't listen to dissuasion and threaten my safety!"

"You two, is what he said true?"

"It's the real sir!" Jailer A and B said in the same voice.

"Even if it is gambling, it is not your turn to take care of it! Who do you think you are? Do you think we are useless and rely on you to help manage it?"

"Report! I just hope to be a useful aid for the government to manage prisons!"

"Put P! Drag him down! Confinement room! Give me a full half month!"

Seeing the prisoners who didn't participate in the fight shivering, all of them had blue noses and swollen faces, and their faces were groaning and screaming pain on the ground. Suddenly, Jailer Second had a feeling that the prisoner was very nice.

"In order to stop gambling, I was locked up in a closed room for 15 days? Is it worth it? Don't all releases have to be abolished?" He asked Jailer A in a low voice.

"I don't know, he is not afraid. He is a frequent visitor to the confinement room. I suspect he has an addiction to Guan Xiaohei." Jailer Yi replied in a low voice.

"..., there are such people?" Jailer A was shocked.

"..." Jailer B shrugged, noncommittal.

The previous warden resigned because of the prisoner’s unexplained death. The newly appointed warden also started to have a headache. The prisoners in District H died two consecutive numbers, a total of 16 people. However, what caused the deaths is still unclear. The warden could only report the death as an epidemic situation in despair.

Two days after this death, Tong Ya was imprisoned in the confinement room. He was already very proficient in the operation of the life-saving soul. The unique ghost out of the body of the Holy Soul Sect allows him to freely go in and out of any area within 500 meters. In an area, nothing can stop him. His plan is very clear. After the foundation is built, he will create a huge chaos, then escape from prison, and then go to the triangle area. There is a chaotic heaven and a villain’s world. Death is the norm there, very Suitable for him. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 322 Jiedan), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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