My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 347: Cutlery VS Cutlery

"Ms. Yan, when I first met, I heard Luqiu say that you like outdoor activities and extreme sports, so I created a set of hunting knives for you. I hope you like them." Bai Yu said sincerely.

Qualified, I followed Yan'er to call my aunt after I didn't come, indicating that this young man is very stable, and Yan Shuyuan nodded secretly.

Bai Yu took out the outdoor hunting knife set rolled into a roll from the travel bag placed at his feet.

In Zhonglu, under the influence of Confucian culture, people’s personalities are mostly modest and humble. When accepting gifts from friends, they usually don’t take them apart on the spot, because that would seem very anxious, but in the West, friends bring souvenirs The gift will be opened on the spot to express her love for the gift. Under the influence of such a cultural environment, Yan Shuyuan, who has been living in Da Lizhou for ten years, gently opened the clasp of Pisuo and rolled the hunting knife set together. Unfold slowly.

Yan Shuyuan's eyes brightened. Under the soft lighting of the restaurant, the handle of the red rosewood knife was polished to be delicate and soft, just like the literary play for many years. With such a gloss and delicate surface, it is estimated that it will be covered after a period of use. Put a layer of pulp on the inside.

The shape of the handle of each knife is slightly different, but Yan Shuyuan, who has been playing with hunting knives for a long time, can be sure that the handles of these handles will fit the palm very well.

Looking in the direction of the blade, there are anti-slip anti-slip tooth patterns on the front of the handle. Looking at the gloss and color, Yan Shuyuan raised her head and glanced at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Gold-clad blocking hand tooth pattern, gold alloy, not pure gold."

Yan Shuyuan pulled out a skinning knife and sheathed it.

The scabbard is also made of red rosewood. The wood grain on it is clear, like a splashed ink landscape, with many round or square patterns. Of course, she didn’t know that it was the rune engraved on the white feather. Similarly, the scabbard was also It was polished to be shiny, and the sheath was tightly stitched like a red jade as a whole, and the wood grain was like a hunting knife with the color of a flower. Yan Shuyuan fell in love with it at first sight.

This alone has been done so beautifully, what's the connotation? There are many things that are exquisitely made on the outside, but messy or empty on the inside... For example, moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, four moon cakes in an 80 cm square box, believe it or not? The price is 5888, and it is a ham moon cake after one bite...

Yan Shuyuan gently pulled out the skinning knife, and it felt a little blocked. This is normal. If the knife in the scabbard will automatically unsheath due to movement or jumping at any time, it is called a ghost.

As soon as half of the blade was pulled out, a slight coolness came to his face!

Yan Shuyuan looked up at the teenager opposite in surprise. There was a faint smile on his face. It seemed that this knife was just as good as the 9.9 yuan free shipping online.

Yan Shuyuan lowered her head and pulled out the entire knife. This is a small hunting knife. The blade seems to be a little red in the black, and purple stars can also be seen vaguely. The knife head has a slight arc. This will not Because the sharp blade leads to the chance of scratching or piercing the fur of the prey when peeling, this is a very beautiful knife.

"Ms. Yan, this set of hunting knives are very sharp, you must be careful when you use them." Bai Yu exhorted.

"Sharp? What level can it reach?" Yan Shuyuan asked seriously, her expression not provocative.

Bai Yu said: "Whether it's hardness or sharpness, military knives that are available or unavailable on the market, I think they are not the opponents of this set of hunting knives."

"Such a cow?" Yan Shuyuan became interested at once, this boy... is it quite interesting? So confident?

Bai Yu nodded, looked around for a moment, and fixed his eyes on the knife and fork in front of him: "If it is of this material, it can be easily cut into silk, right?"

Yan Shuyuan raised her head and looked at Bai Yu. After a few seconds, she said: "Are you sure? Xiao Bai...(Ma Dan, this little guy's name, why do you owe so much?) Don't say because you want to earn points in front of me Big words, if you brag indiscriminately, points will be deducted, do you understand?"

Bai Yu nodded: "The first time I saw Luqiu's family, if I brag, it won't do me any good."

Yan Shuyuan nodded and invited the waiter: "I'm going to use a knife for an experiment. It may cause damage. Of course, I will compensate at the price. Is there a problem?"

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, but immediately said with a smile: "As long as you are in the restaurant, we will not interfere as long as you do not commit any crimes."

Yan Shuyuan nodded, picked up the knife, took the skinning hunting knife in her right hand and cut it diagonally. The unexpected cut did not happen. She felt a little resistance in her hand, and the knife was sharpened.

Yan Shuyuan and the waiter were stunned. What kind of fairy knife is this?

Yan Shuyuan still didn't believe it. She understood what it means to cut iron like mud. She picked up Lu Qiu Hanyan's table knife next to him, held the blade upside down, and chopped it at the handle-the handle was much thicker. .

It is faster than cutting a bamboo stick with a sharp knife. This is her conclusion.

With a bewildered look on her face, she raised her head to look at Bai Yu, the emotion expressed in her eyes: How did this happen?

The waiter also changed a new set of tableware with a dazed expression, and packed up the cut residue and left.

"All of this level?" Yan Shuyuan asked.

Bai Yu nodded.

Yan Shuyuan closed her eyes, for a long time, exhaled, and slowly returned the skinning hunting knife to its sheath, put it into the bag, rolled it up, tied the leather strap, and pushed it back in front of Bai Yu:

"Too expensive, I can't accept them, although they are really good, I like them very much."

Lu Qiu Hanyan pursed her mouth addictedly: "This is nothing, my aunt, he will fix it after three hours of uselessness, and you will accept the gift you give you."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Yes, this is not too difficult for me. If you need it, I can also make a special multifunctional outdoor axe for you. It will not take much time."

Yan Shuyuan closed her eyes again, her face full of entanglement: "What should I do, Yan'er, I'll sell you to him..."

Lu Qiu Hanyan blushed with shame, twisted her arm and said dissatisfiedly: "Auntie, what are you talking about? I bought you a set of hunting knives?"

"Many of the most expensive knives in this world are the value added by the master’s own brand premium and the artistic sense of the knife body and scabbard decoration, while the value of the knives you provide is mainly reflected in the practicality of the knives themselves. Well, I didn’t tell you that the most expensive knives are priced in units of millions of eagle knives, and I think, in terms of practicality, this set of hunting knives you made is invaluable to Aijia. , Although the material of the table knife is not a big deal, it is also steel. I have seen the blade just now, and there are no flaws such as curling or chipping... So, if you meet someone who really wants to get this set of tools, I guess He will do whatever it takes, you say, how do I accept this gift?"

"Sorry... Excuse me." Suddenly a voice came in.

The three raised their heads to look at the speaker. This was a slightly fat old man with completely white hair, wearing round-framed tortoiseshell glasses, a festive smile on his face, and a chef's uniform.

"Ah! Mr. Allen!" Yan Shuyuan said in surprise.

This old man is the chef here, Alan Duka, the "God of Cook" who has the title of "Godfather of French Cuisine" and "The God of Cook of the Century", and the only teacher of the world's only two-star female chef.

Of course, Yan Shuyuan chose this restaurant to understand the relationship of this restaurant. The "God of Cooking" will not be ignorant. This legendary old man, at the age of 27, let the restaurant get the second star. In the same year Because of a plane crash, he was in danger of surviving. He recovered from ten operations, both large and small, within three years. At the age of 33, he allowed the serving meal to get a mi three star, and then he started rushing all the way to get the star. Won 21 stars...

The name "Godfather" deserves its name.

"I haven't asked for food since I saw you here, because you don't like the taste here?" Alan Duka asked with a smile.

"No, sorry, Mr. Allen, because of some personal matters, we are talking about some personal matters." Yan Shuyuan explained.

"Ah! I seem to have affected you. Well, there is a small problem. Just now, our staff said that you have very... unique knives. I wonder if I can have the honor to appreciate it?" Alan Du Ka asked sincerely.

Yan Shuyuan glanced at Bai Yu embarrassedly. Strictly speaking, Bai Yu said that she would give her a set of hunting knives, but she has not accepted it yet, so the right of ownership lies with Bai Yu, so...

However, Lu Qiu Hanyan seemed to like this old man who looked very festive. She opened the storage bag and said, "It's okay, Mr. Allen, look!"

Alan Duka watched Lu Qiu Hanyan unpack the storage bag. The row of hunting knives, large and small, arranged neatly, like exquisite handicrafts. His eyes lit up, and he pulled out a medium-sized cutter.

"This... is really a work of art." Alan Duka greeted the light and looked at the knife against the light. The blade, the back, the handle, especially the handle, the carefully polished red rosewood is not yet After careful patting, the color is still very new. After using for a period of time, the red wood grain part will be slightly close to black and red, but the light yellow and reddish part will turn red, so that it is considered a bag. After the pulping is successful, the knife handle after patting will show a solid, heavy but gorgeous color, but now, the smooth surface has made the entire knife handle show a deep sense of transparency against the light.

Alan Duka is also a collector of knives. He also has many knives made by masters. Whether it is a knife handle or a scabbard, the decorations have a good performance, but the decorations highlight the preciousness and complexity of the materials. The magnificence of technique. After seeing this set of hunting knives, Alan Duka suddenly felt that the knife itself is a tool and weapon. Its practicality is the most important, and the decoration is secondary. The hunting knife is what he really wants to collect. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 347 Cutlery VS Cutlery) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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