My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 46: Thousands of miles without staying (part one)

"The dog in your own nursing home, don't fight."

Another voice came.

"Brother Qian, come here, drink and drink, and stop barking when people leave. Why are you hitting him now."

"Who can there be anybody here? Ma Dan, who is all from the village, also called a fart?"

The man cursed and walked back: "Jinhua, boil a piece of bacon without any eye drops. Didn't you see my brother coming?"

"Come here." A woman's voice came.

Stepped into the courtyard.

"How much did Wei Laoba give you this time?"

"four thousand."

"Such a beautiful little girl, only four thousand are you allocated?"

"Not bad, if it's a little boy, it's only 800."

"Net earn some money for nothing & eyes, don't say more points."

"It's a bit of a calculation, anyway, if they leave tomorrow, it's a waste of choice."

Bai Yu sneered: "It's you, yes, none of them are good people."

With plenty of wine and food, the voices of the people inside slowly became smaller and smaller.

The sound of washing and snoring sounded.

Bai Yu held his breath and stood on the upper wind again, and the dog's barking stopped.

Bai Yu jumped onto the courtyard wall, the iron chain dragged the sound, the dog stood up, Bai Yu saw it really, and jumped into the courtyard, there was a low roar, which was the threatening sound that was stuffed in the dog's throat.

Bai Yu grabbed a step, and the sound of the iron chain made a loud noise. The dog rushed forward. Bai Yu staggered and knelt down on the dog’s neck. With a slight force, there was a slight crisp sound, and the dog’s neck bone broke. , Unable to move, his chest and abdomen undulated rapidly, under the moonlight, a pool of blood flowed out of the dog's mouth, and a small pool of black marks was stained on the ground in a moment.

The dog twitched a few times and finally stopped breathing.

Bai Yu touched into the hall. This is a house with obvious farm style. There are some portraits on the main hall. The light is too dark to see clearly. There is a large round table in the hall, which is dark and wolfish, and there is an unpleasant smell of liquor. Come.

There was a loud snoring sound in the main room.

Bai Yu carefully distinguished, a total of five breathing sounds, four thick, one thin, he bullied one of them, without a lock, pushed gently, and pinned it from the inside.

Bai Yu presses the middle of the left side of the door. There should be the position of the pin. Of course, if the family likes to put the pin in a weird position, it doesn't matter, then kill it!

Bai Yu spit out forcefully from his hand, and there was a crisp sound, not heavy or light, the door pin bounced off, and there was a clang. It should be that the pin hoop fell on the ground.

The snoring in the room stopped, and the people in the room murmured a few words, then fell into a calm, slowly, the snoring started again.

Bai Yu gently opened the door and walked in.

The moonlight fell on the window sill through the cut flower window paper, and two people lying side by side on the bed could be vaguely seen.

Bai Yu stepped forward lightly and held the throats of the two of them.

What does it feel like to be touched by a cold hand on your throat in your sleep?

The two were so startled that they were completely sleepy, and were about to struggle in exclamation. Suddenly, they felt that the air was isolated, and they couldn't get in or out, and they struggled hard.

Bai Yu stepped back to the door, touched the wall, found the wall light switch, and pressed it down.

The room was suddenly bright.

It turned out that it was the couple. Bai Yu's eyes looked at them coldly from confusion to horror and then to pleading.

Bai Yu picked up a piece of cloth on the table, wiped it on the door and the light switch, turned off the light, and brought the door over gently. There were still some flapping and struggling sounds in the bed, but after a while, it was again. It became quiet.

Go to the other door.

The people inside should be the two who took Bai Ling away. They drove from close to six o'clock in the afternoon and drove to close to twelve o'clock. For more than six hours, plus a lot of alcohol, they slept extremely sweetly. .

Bai Yu used the old method again to interrupt the door pin.

A vigilant voice came from the door: "Who?"


Bai Yu replied vaguely.

"What time is it? Are you sick?"

Someone cursed and asked, waking up, slippers, Bai Yu pushed the door violently, the door bounced, and slapped the incoming person's face with a scream.

Bai Yu snatched into the room, and the man was photographed staggering backwards, and fell heavily on the bed, immediately squeezing the other man awake.


Bai Yu could also see something faintly in the darkness, naturally he had an advantage over the two of them. He stepped forward quickly, and there was a bad wind in front of him. Bai Yu stopped, and a slight cracking sound passed from right to left. .

Bai Yu hit the man's throat with a punch.

"Clang!" The dagger fell to the ground.

The man covered his neck with his hands, there was a **** ho in his throat, and his feet knelt on the ground softly.

Bai Yu stepped forward and swiped with his foot, and the man fell to the ground.

The man on the bed screamed: "Spare! Please spare!"

Bai Yu punched out, hitting the man's head, and the scream stopped.

Bai Yu stepped back to the door, touched the switch on the inner wall, and pressed it down.

Wang Xiaohei woke up with a cold sting in his throat.

A young voice said, "Scream out if you want to die."

Wang Xiaohei closed his eyes tightly: "Spare me! Forgive me! I didn't see anything!"

If you don't follow the above, you don't have to kill people. This is the rule for people who don't have the money to buy.

"You guys specialize in human trafficking?"

"Why tied that girl?"

"Forgive me, I said, don't kill me!" Wang Xiaohei, who was insane-looking, was shaking all over.


"Old Ba's idea, the girl was very timid at first sight. I pretended to be her family member. As soon as I got the stitches, she fainted. Then I took her into the car and went to the secluded ground and stuffed her in the trunk. ."

"How many things have you done?"

"I, it's the first time, please forgive me, I will definitely get back to righteousness in the future!"

Bai Yu glanced at him in disgust, his hand sank hard, drew a dagger, and backed away. Suddenly, a long throat was cut out, confusion and pain came from Wang Xiaohei's eyes, and then despair.

The blood gurgled out, and was flushed with a lot of bubbles by the air in the trachea.

It was not the artery that was cut, so there was no splashing. In addition, Wang Xiaohei was holding his neck in vain, and the blood leaked out under Wang Xiaohei's palm.

Bai Yu ignored him, crouched, wiped the dagger on the sixth child's clothes, and then carefully wiped off possible fingerprints on the handle of the dagger with a mosquito net.

Bai Yu coldly watched him take his last breath, took out the car key from the clothes hanging on the back of the chair, and then gently exited the door.

Bai Yu stood in front of the last door for a while, finally mustered up the courage and pushed the door open without a lock or a pin.

The breathing in the room became rapid.

Bai Yu touched the light cord, pulled the switch, and the light turned on. Bai Yu realized that this was a messy and dusty mess room, full of cardboard boxes and rags.

He saw Bai Ling, her hands and feet tied up, lying on the ground, her head and face covered with gray, her clothes were stained, her mouth was tied with a band, and her mouth was stuffed with cloth.

She heard someone coming in and didn't dare to move. Her eyes were tightly closed, but tears kept pouring out, flushing the dust on her face with a white mark.

Hearing the footsteps approaching her, she desperately twisted her body to move back, but how could she move when she was tightly bound?

"Little girl, it's me!"

Bai Yu felt extremely distressed and whispered.

Bai Ling's eyes opened immediately. Although the light was dazzling, she still saw that she was really her brother.

Bai Yu stepped forward, untied the rope that was binding her, tore off the cloth that bound her mouth, and took out the deeply stuffed ball of cloth from Bai Ling's mouth.

"There is a little girl's saliva on this, which may bring about future troubles." Bai Yu thought calmly.

Bai Ling vomited nauseously for a while, but because her abdomen was empty, she vomited nothing.

Bai Yu gently stroked Bai Ling's back, waiting for her to calm down.

Finally, Bai Ling calmed down. She tried to stand up, but after being injected, her hands and feet were sore and weak, how could she stand up.

Bai Yu picked up her legs and hugged her up, tears kept falling in Bai Ling's eyes, desperately clinging to Bai Yu's neck, unwilling to let go.

"Sister, you stand here, brother, take care of these people."

Bai Ling desperately shook her head.

"Good, obedient!"

Bai Ling still shook his head, the strength in his hand grew stronger.

Bai Yu smiled bitterly, her younger sister was too frightened at this time, and she didn't want to separate from herself for a second.

"It's okay, do the same."

Bai Yu walked into the kitchen and raised the vegetable oil, and gently put down Bai Ling, letting her hold one of her hands tightly, walked into the two rooms, and sprinkled the oil on the four corpses, the bed, and then to the stack of firewood in the kitchen. A few fires were lit, Bai Yu picked up two burnt sticks, and threw one on the bed of the two rooms. The mattress quickly burned, and Bai Yu threw the two **** of cloth in his pocket. In the fire.

Bai Yu carried Bai Ling and walked out of the courtyard. The fire behind was slowly expanding.

Bai Yu pulled the car door.

"Sister, sit behind and be safer behind."

Bai Ling shook her head desperately.

"Well, you take the co-driver, little girl, we must leave here immediately. I killed someone and can't be caught."

Bai Ling thought for a while, and finally nodded slowly.

Put my sister in the co-pilot seat.

Bai Yu can't drive, let alone backing up, but he also has his stupid way. If he is too strong, he can't do it. He pulls the car door and releases the handbrake. He uses brute force to move the car little by little to change the end. Direction, and put the shared car in the trunk.

Opened the door, Bai Yu took the driving seat.

Fastened the seat belt, Bai Yu took a deep breath.

"You can do it! Bai Yu!"

Although he has never learned how to drive, on the road, Bai Yu has carefully observed the driver's driving process, the mobile phone is connected to the Internet, and he has also read a lot of driving instructions...

The White Feather, who is about to become the second liver meridian of the wood genus, has his hand and foot control and sensitivity far beyond ordinary people.

"Insert the key and light it up."

"Step on the foot brake and put on the hand brake."

"Ma Dan, which is the throttle? Oh, it's this."

"Step on the clutch, put on the handbrake, and push the gear to first gear."

"Slowly release the clutch and lightly give the oil."


"Meow, it's heavy..."

Bai Yu looked back, and there was already a fire rushing into it.

After trying several more times, finally, the Volkswagen slowly moved forward.

Bai Yu has a strong memory, and he remembers very firmly. For 10 yards or more and 20 yards or more, change 2 gears, and for 20 yards or more and 30 yards or less, change 3 gears.

The road conditions on the country roads were not so good. Bai Yu was a super novice again. At a speed of about 20 yards, with the high beams on, he slowly turned around on the country roads, and finally got on the wider road.

Looking back from afar, the sky on the other side has been turned red by the fire.

"Little girl, you can't run around in the future, you know? Mom was scared and fainted by you."

Bai Yu looked ahead intently, and said to Bai Ling. Knowing that Bai Ling would not answer, he then asked:

"Did you hear your mom say that you have a boyfriend, and you're afraid that mom doesn't want you? Fool, how can mom not want you because mom loves you so much? You have grown up too, you can't be selfish, mom sacrifices too much for the two of us Now, if there is a good man, we should bless him, do you know?"

He glanced at Bai Ling from the corner of his light. Although the lights were not turned on in the car, how powerful is his vision now? With just one glance, he could see that Bai Ling had stopped crying, his face was dirty and flowery, and was washed with tears so that there was a black spot there and a white skin. His eyes fixedly looked ahead, obviously thinking. what. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 46 Thousand Miles Without Traveling (Part 1)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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