My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 553: The end of ice and snow

Bai Yu reached an agreement with the heavenly path of this world, and the space was cracked. Bai Yu took the Zhenfeng Tower and slowly lifted into the air. He was not sure now, if he flew quickly, would the world collapse. When the entire tower left, he Only then controlled the Zhenfeng Tower to speed up.

It is a pity that after this little thousand world is swallowed by the Sky-Swallowing Beast, it loses contact with all the worlds outside of the Sky-Swallowing Beast. Otherwise, according to the rules, Bai Yu is now ascending in this world and should enter a higher world. It is also the Middle Thousand World, but now it comes out, surrounded by various bubbles. For a moment, Bai Yu realized that this is still in the belly of the Sky-Swallowing Beast. These bubbles must be the various worlds that the Sky-Swallowing Beast swallowed. , Entering that world, it seems to be boundless and wide, but after being swallowed by the swallowing beasts, these worlds seem to be nothing more than bubbles of two or three meters in diameter. Bai Yu can't help but secretly sigh the wonder of creation. When you look closer, all these small worlds are It's a lot of stars, various river systems, and star coefficients. Who knows that this kind of scenery that looks like a holographic image on the earth actually exists, and there are endless lives in it?

For Bai Yu, such a small thousand world could almost be destroyed with one palm, but he did not dare to bear the cause and effect of the destruction of trillions of lives.

"Bai Yu, what shall we do now?" Er girl said sadly.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said: "This monster dared to swallow us. It doesn't know that eating indiscriminately will ruin its stomach?"

Bai Yu drove the Zhenfeng Tower and flew forward at full speed. After a while, he felt that the Zhenfeng Tower seemed to have hit a very tough thing and slowed down. However, the quality of the Zhenfeng Tower was excellent, and even if Baiyu did not break out. It also has 74 times the speed of light, and it is more than 20 kilometers per second. The spire of the tower hits the stomach sac of the Sky-Swallowing Beast. Although the sky-swallowing Beast’s gastric sack can hold an infinite number of worlds, it is only a space ability, not its The physical defense ability, suddenly, the stomach pouch was pierced with a hole by the Zhenfeng Tower, and then the bones, muscles, fascia, and skin were broken open!

The sky-swallowing beast is already dying, and its life span has reached its end. Only through the ability of space, has returned to the last cemetery of the sky-swallowing beast to wait for death to come. Who knows that I can see it in the cemetery. If there is a life belonging to its own clan, the Sky-Swallowing Beast swallows it in one bite to prevent the secrets of the cemetery from being leaked, and to prevent someone from desecrating the remains of the Sky-Swallowing Beast. Rebelled inside and opened a hole in its belly. When it was dying, it took so long to restrain this little thing, and then swallow it into its abdomen, just waiting for this little thing to interact with itself and the stomach. The world decayed together, and as a result, when Bai Yu came out like this, the Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't hold it anymore and died directly.

Bai Yu and Er Yatou came out of their troubles, with lingering fears, Er Yatou said: "Bai Yu, look, the world we arrived just now!"

Bai Yu said: "What's the matter?"

The sky-swallowing beast that had been hopeless did not move, but the world in its belly changed. One of the worlds slowly became huge, and it slowly absorbed the other worlds. Bai Yu previously gifted the world to Tiandao III. The core of the world was originally an idea to try. If the core of the world is swallowed, the upper limit of the world will slowly increase. There is a real chance that the world will become stronger. Bai Yu has a mentality of dispensable, who knows This attempt really gave this world a chance to grow, and even now it began to devour other worlds!

The second girl was overjoyed: "Bai Yu! Really! Quick, take out all the nuclei of the world!"

Bai Yu said inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

The second girl said anxiously: "Let these world nuclei all be stained with your blood, and the world inside, swallowing these world nuclei with your blood, has a chance to become your private world!"

Bai Yu was surprised: "Is there any way?"

The second girl said: "Doesn't the refining of magic weapons require blood for the final certification? Absolutely!"

Bai Yu thought that he had already got a lot of world cores, which is not a rare thing. After hearing Er girl's words, he was immediately moved. He took out more than a hundred world cores and stained his own blood. Sure enough, After the core of the world absorbed Bai Yu's blood, Bai Yu really established a Ruoyouruuowu connection with them.

Bai Yu fell into that world before, and threw the cores of these worlds one after another. The small world, which had grown a lot in volume and appeared to be much larger than the other worlds, stopped its expansion at once, and seemed to be greatly frightened by the things fallen from heaven. Jump, but then, it inflates like a balloon.

And the other two little thousand worlds that had been absorbed in this little thousand world were swallowed faster.

After a while, Bai Yu said to Er Yatou in surprise: "It's really useful, I can now attach my spiritual thoughts to any object in this world!"

The second girl proudly said: "Look, I said it must be so!"

Bai Yu was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered, in the new barracks, he controls the world where Meng Qingyuan is located, can he also throw the core of the world into it for cultivation? This may be a good way to turn the small thousand world under your control into a middle thousand world as soon as possible! Even, can I use this opportunity to collect more world cores and figure out a way to bring it back to the earth world so that my home planet can be upgraded? Even Haogang World was invaded by Nakthulhu. If there is no power of the same level to help him, it will be difficult to fight against this strange creature with the power of Haogang World. It is really impossible. If you are lucky, you can control this The world is upgraded to a great world, and then what about finding a habitable planet and transferring the human race on the Haogang star to your own private world?

"The fit period! Master mentioned that the fit period can bring things from the dream Haogang world to the earth world!" The sense of urgency for the improvement of realm made Bai Yu even more unable to sit still.

"I must upgrade this Little Thousand World as soon as possible. Perhaps, after this Little Thousand World is upgraded, there will be variables?" Bai Yu thought in his heart, and could not help but collect a large number of world cores while lucky, otherwise he would go to find the core of the world. , In this chaotic space, it is still unknown whether this Sky-Swallowing Beast can be found again.

"Why is there no movement?" Bai Yu asked.

"It is estimated that you can't make a big fat man with one bite. You have sent so many world cores into this world. For a while, it is estimated that it can't be digested immediately."

Bai Yu nodded silently and returned to the tower. Although the high-grade spirit stones were used by himself, there were still a lot of them. There were even some top-grade spirit stones, plus a large number of medium-grade spirit stones. Bai Yu believed that his cultivation was pushed to the point of distraction. The chance of peak is quite big. If you don't practice at this time, when will you have to wait?


Hao Gang Xing.

The heavy snow was flying. It was nearly half a year since Bai Yu had been away. The temperature dropped uncontrollably. The whole world was plunged into a plain white. In the snow, several monks wore lighting spells on their heads slowly. go ahead.

"Uncle Master, how many people can survive in this world?" The question was a young girl. Although Haogang Star had reached minus one hundred degrees, it seemed to have no effect on them wearing ordinary clothes.

The woman in the red gown stopped and sighed, "It is estimated that apart from some big factions, and the ordinary people rescued by the monks, few are alive."

Looking up at the dark sky, if they hadn't used lighting spells, they would have been unable to see their fingers: "If it weren't for the white chief of Tiangongmen who left us a lot of spirit stones, our Azure Spirit Sword Sect would probably be over. "

It was Gong Yuanxia, ​​the great elder of the outer gate of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect who was speaking. Bai Yu left behind a lot of spirit stones, but also left a large number of people, more than 20,000 people, eating and drinking Lazar, for the Qingling sword that was only a middle-level sect For Zong, it’s really a bit unbearable anymore. Mortals can’t eat the food of monks, and the Azure Spirit Sword Sect’s veins are set up in formations, and they dare not reclaim fields in various fields, and because the weather is getting worse, various formations The method can’t stop for a moment, so the spirit stone left by Baiyu spent more than half of it resisting the various rays and storms of the sun star explosion, and the remaining half. When it is not impacted, although the cost is much smaller, it is also Only enough for the entire large formation for ten years. After the spirit stones are used up, the Azure Spirit Sword Sect will be exposed to this harsh environment, and the cultivation base will be successful, reaching above the golden core, and the impact on the climate is of course negligible. But the monks below the golden core can no longer get to the ground. What's more, there are more than 20,000 people. Mortals are the foundation of the monks. You can't just watch these people starve to death, right?

So Gong Yuanxia took Feng Liruo, the chief disciple of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, and a few disciples of the Golden Core Realm to search for granaries and various resources.

Some sects have Lingshi mines under their control, and they also need to find out, and there is another team heading towards Tiangongmen.

Bai Yu can come up with so many spirit stones. Tiangongmen should have more. The big deal is that the entire sect is attached to Tiangongmen. These people have a way to survive. As a famous sect, Tiangongmen should not die. Save unless Tiangongmen intends to turn the entire Haogang star into a death star.

"Uncle Master! What is that?" Feng Liruo suddenly pointed to the front and shouted.

Gong Yuanxia recovered from her thoughts and looked in the direction Feng Liruo pointed through through the scattered snowflakes.

It was something that was covered by heavy snow, and it was arched up on this infinitely flat snowfield, which looked particularly abrupt.

Gong Yuanxia accelerated and rushed forward.

It’s not that she doesn’t want the sword, but that the whole world has lost the power of the sun, and the yin and yang are not in harmony. It seems that the rules of the whole world are also beginning to change and chaos. When the sword flies into the sky, it will cause thunderstorms. The entire Haogang Star has become a forbidden world, so no matter how high the cultivation base is, he can only climb on the ground honestly.

Rushing in front of the snowdrift, Gong Yuanxia shot it out with a palm, and the wind blew away the snow.

Gong Yuanxia was silent.

Feng Liruo and a few golden core disciples from behind also followed.

Seeing this black-burnt monster with scorched skin, everyone felt a sense of sadness.

Standing in front of the huge burnt corpse, Feng Liruo asked in a low voice: "Uncle Master, is this a Qi Lao beast?"

Gong Yuanxia nodded: "It was not burned to death. Qi Lao Beast is a strange beast with a partial fire attribute. It has a golden core cultivation base in adults. Although the sun star explosion is extremely powerful, it is abruptly held. The extreme cold made it impossible to resist; it was born in a volcano and can swim in the magma. It is estimated that it left the magma and came out to play... As a result, the Sun Star exploded, and it was seriously injured but not dead, and returned to the magma. Heal, but the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the magma is solidified. It can only come out of the crater. The next extremely cold, because of serious injuries, it can’t bear it..."

"It was so unjustly dead..." Feng Liruo looked at the dragon-headed but eight-eyed Qi Lao beast, and it screamed up to the sky, but was frozen by the instantaneous cold.

Gong Yuanxia waved her hand and collected the corpse of the Qi Lao beast into the storage space: "If you die, die. We have to live with all the dead lives on Haogang. The meat of Qi Lao beast is It's edible. I hope that the disciples in the gate can break through the golden core a few more, otherwise they can only be kept in captivity in the protective formation. When the spirit stones are exhausted, it is time to die."

Feng Liruo said, "Master, can we dig a big space underground?"

Gong Yuanxia said: "More than 20,000 people, plus disciples, handymen, and family members in the sect... We don't even have the food seeds of the ordinary world, what can we use to feed so many people?"

Feng Liruo said, "Maybe we found the seeds? On the other hand, wasn't it immediately hit? There should be a school that collected the seeds, right?"

Gong Yuanxia stopped and smiled bitterly: "What you said might be a way, but... it's too far, and we don't have a clear goal. Now, all the rules on the entire Haogang star are in disorder, and neither do we. The way to connect to Tiangongmen, Qiqiao Temple through Fu Shi, let alone the martial arts on the other side of the hemisphere, now, we can only work hard to survive, first work hard to let the people survive, and the entire Haogang human race will multiply We rely on them, so what we have to do now is to find as much grain as possible. As long as the grain is not destroyed by the impact, it doesn't matter how low the temperature is. The grain is always edible."

The group of people gradually moved away, and their gains were very little, because the high temperature that seemed to make the air burn up caused the entire Haogang star to burn into a sea of ​​fire on the side facing the sun star. Under this high temperature, the protective array Ordinary people outside have only a dead end. Even if they hide in the cellar, they will not be spared. Not to mention the burning of a large amount of air, just the neutron rays from the explosion. There is no hiding in the cellar. It exceeds the treatment level by dozens. Tens of thousands of times faster neutrons penetrate the soil, causing ordinary people hiding in the cellar to die instantly. The usual cellar is at most three to five meters below the ground. Basically, no ordinary person can hide underground in ten minutes. A few kilometers, so, any ordinary people who were not sheltered by the monks, none of them survived.

Gong Yuanxia was also a veteran monk. She was planning to search for supplies in various cities, but even the bluestone strips built into the city wall were burned like melting candles by the high temperature. Gong Yuanxia sighed outside the first city and turned away. , She lost the courage to enter the city. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 553 The End of Ice and Snow) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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