My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 56: God touched many times (three shifts)

Xu Ya bent down, took a look at the point where the pink ball needs to be hit, and walked to the best position to hit the cue ball, holding his breath, the cue hit the lower part of the cue ball, and after hitting the pink ball, The cue ball rebounded, bounced twice on the edge of the table, and slowly rolled towards the middle pocket.

The young man sitting in the waiting seat made a cheering movement, staring at the cue ball, hoping that it would fall in the middle bag.

It's a pity that the wish fell through. The cue ball stopped six or seven centimeters away from the middle bag, and the people watching lightly clapped.

"Xu Shao, this ball is a bit dangerous." The waiting young man took a sip of water from the water glass next to him, and the referee placed the pink ball back to the top position of the original triangle of the red ball.

"I'm not sure it's a risk, if I'm sure it's not." Xu Ya casually replied, picking up the chalk on the pool table and rubbing it on the top of the pool cue a few times, then bends down, quickly put out the shot, and put a red spot cleanly. The ball went into the bottom pocket.

"Give you five minutes." A female voice rang.

"Wow! My dear fiancée, it's five thousand points. I'm now in the lead. Can I finish this round?" Xu Ya, who was observing each hitting line, raised his head and said.

"What do you mean?" Hua Wu said coldly.

"Well, it's very impolite to let the lady wait, so, should I give up?" Hua Wu turned to the waiting young man and said.

"Forget it, you were the one who was in the lead. If I cheekily said that I won... Tsk, I can't do it, let this game be set aside and play again when I have time." The young man curled his lips and turned his eyes to Hua Wu. .

"Hua Wu? Why did you come here?"

"There is something at home to arrange for me to come over, next time I have time to invite you to dinner." Hua Wu put away the coldness on his face and smiled.

"Well, less lose and win, I will invite you." The young man nodded, but he wondered how these two enemies had run far away from Kyoto.

"Xiaolan, I'm going to talk to Xiaowu, you are waiting outside." Xu Ya ordered.

In the dark area where the billiard lamp could not be illuminated, a person stood up and replied respectfully: "Yes."

"Let's go." He took the lead in walking towards the outer zone.

Outside is a vast grass field, and some people in knight uniforms can be seen running horses or performing dance training.

There were some scattered tables and chairs on the wooden veranda, Xu Ya randomly chose one next to the railing and walked over.


After Hua Wu sat down, Xu Ya snapped his fingers and a waiter came over.

"Two glasses of water, stay away from us."


Soon the waiter brought water over, and watching him leave far away, Hua Wu asked, "What can I do?"

"The medicine... is all gone, is that you?"

"No." Hua Wu replied blankly.

"No, it seems that we have to find the person behind the scenes." Xu Ya said leisurely.

"Is there anything else?"

"Of course, you are my fiancée. It is still necessary to contact the relationship, what do you think?" Xu Ya said seriously.

"Your attitude makes me very sick. When did women?" Hua Wu stood up and said with a look of disgust.

"It's not good for you to do this. Things that irritate me will only have a bad influence on you." Xu Ya shook her head.

"Do you have a good influence?" Hua Wuben wanted to leave. Hearing his words, he sneered.

"Just let it go, do you want me to take your little wolf dog seriously?" Xu Ya lifted his foot, put it on the table, slid down, found a comfortable position, and his eyes closed with comfort.

"Are you threatening me?" Hua Wu turned around.

"No, No, No, I'm just thinking, you are so nervous, this little guy named Bai Yu, he cuckolded me... It should be reasonable for me to get some benefits back? What you have done recently... I want half of it. benefit."

"Do you know what the benefits are?" Hua Wushi smiled and added: "There is also about hats. I think you think too much. Do you think I must marry you? Or if I marry you, do you dare want?"

"Hey, cooperate with the acting scene, because you cheated, causing our relationship to break up, and then break up and dissolve the marriage contract. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

"Who in the circle doesn't know that you are gay? Your excuse is awkward."

"Badness is clumsy, but it works! Isn't this the best of both worlds? You choose, should I give him a chance to get in or do I find him myself?"

"Why do you keep pestering me?" Hua Wu said weakly.

"I believe in your eyesight! You must make a profit. No amount of business is too much, isn’t it? Besides, it’s difficult to do one thing well, but it’s easy if I don’t want one thing to do well. "Xu Ya laughed.

"I will consider it." Hua Wu stood up.

"It's great, let's meet each other, don't you always look bad, you see, so many good..."

"The surname Xu! Give you a face? Don't you tell me this nonsense. It's okay to walk around in front of me, disgusting!" Hua Wu walked two steps away, and stopped when he heard Xu Ya's words, and then yelled. .

"Haha..." Xu Ya kept a smile on his face. After Huawu walked away, he slowly put it away and became extremely gloomy.

"Jianren!" He grabbed the water glass on the table and waited to smash it to the ground, but his chest was fluctuating, and after all he endured it, and slowly put the water glass back on the table.

"Control the anger! Control the anger..." Slowly he adjusted his anger, and put on the Ruoyouruwu smile on his face.

"Xiaoya, isn't Hua Wu a bit too much?" A delicate young man slowly walked up to him and whispered as he watched Hua Wu's departure.

"She has this low spirit, and she has no choice. The second uncle wants to go further. Without the support of the Chinese family, she can't do it. Now is a critical period. She must be perfunctory." Xu Ya said lightly.

"But she always makes a fuss about me and you." The young man lowered his head, with hatred in his eyes.

"Now it's a comment. The little guy she soaked in has stayed at her house for the night. When it comes to speaking... it seems that she is more at a loss." Xu Ya sneered, turning his face and raising his head to the boy.

"I know that you are not convinced. Don't bother with Hua Wu. She and I have no relationship at all. To me, she is a passerby and is not as important as you."

The boy blushed, squatted down, and took Xu Ya's hand.


"That's how things are. If Xu Ya gets entangled, it will be very troublesome."

In the middle of the night, Hua Wu made an appointment with Bai Yu again and told Bai Yu about the meeting and discussion with Xu Ya.

"It seems that he is an obedient person. In this case, I don't have any comments."

"I'll help you shelter from the wind and rain. If he pushes me like this, you are not at all emotional?" Hua Wu groaned, but didn't notice that his tone was almost coquettish.

"It's like you're helping me in vain, it's no good..." Bai Yu chuckled.

"Go, go, really, how come I think everything has become a bit more complicated since I met you?" Hua Wu covered his forehead and waved Bai Yu away with the other hand.

"That's because of the past. Without the benefits that I have brought to you, it will naturally be much simpler." Bai Yu stood up, but he didn't pay attention to seeing the surprise in Huawu's loose home clothes.

Hua Wu's face blushed, he adjusted his neckline, and said fiercely: "What do you look at, carefully dig out your eyeballs!"

Bai Yu fled in embarrassment.

When Hua Wu heard the door knock, but Liao Luo's face appeared, he murmured: "If he is a few years older, it will be fine."

Then he shook his head vigorously, and gently slapped himself: "What wave are you making?"

Involuntarily supporting his chin with both hands, stroking his slightly hot face, his starry eyes were misty, and he didn't think he was already sleepy.


Bai Yu walked to the gate of the community, where there are few pedestrians, and it is even harder for vehicles to enter. He opened the online car-hailing software, but no one took orders, so he had to slowly walk out.

"Come out." Bai Yu suddenly stopped and said.

"You are Bai Yu?" With the dim street lamp, Bai Yu turned to look in the direction of the sound, and a stranger walked out of the shadows.

Bai Yu was secretly surprised. When passing by just now, he didn't attract his attention. If that person attacked himself...


"You just came out of Huawu?"

"who are you?"

"Did you just come out of Huawu?"

"What do you want to do?"

"If I ask you anything, you will answer whatever... It seems that I must teach you a lesson!" The man whispered.

Suddenly a cold light flashed, and it was the man who grabbed his arm and swung it out, and the sharp blade in his hand was drawn towards Bai Yu's chest.

"So fast!" Bai Yu's heart shuddered, but his body took a step back, and his left hand moved towards his wrist.

The man flipped his wrist and raised the sharp blade in his hand. Bai Yu's grasp was firm, and naturally only cut his fingers. His left hand drew a semicircle to avoid the sharp edge by falling, and he pushed the opponent's fist holding the sharp blade from the side with his right hand. Leaning on the other's arm joint, suddenly, the person's arm bends, and the sharp blade pierces his chest.

The visitor loosened the hand holding the sharp blade, the sharp blade fell, and was copied by his left hand.

Bai Yu leaned back on an iron bridge, supported the ground with both palms, kicked out upside down, with a muffled snort, the man was kicked in the wrist, the sharp blade was unstable, and he was kicked into the air.

The visitor suffered a small loss, but was not discouraged. He waved his right hand, and a cold light flashed. He didn't know what hidden weapon was thrown out.

Bai Yu cursed secretly in his heart, the hidden weapon came so fast that he couldn't just drop it, only a donkey could roll around, which could be dodged.

The man reached out his hand to catch the falling blade. It was a long time, but it only took three or four seconds.

"I have no grudges with you, what do you want to do?" Bai Yu looked around warily.

"You don't need to look, the monitor head was knocked out by me." The visitor took a step forward and finally walked under the light of the street lamp. Bai Yu looked closely, and turned out to be a delicate young man.

"Hua Wu is not someone you can touch." The boy said.

Only then did Bai Yu see clearly that what the boy was holding in his hand was a serpentine dagger.

Bai Yu said angrily: "When did I touch her?"

What is this special? Didn't eat mutton and made a commotion? Isn't this contaminating innocence out of thin air?

"I watched you come out of her residence with my own eyes. It is now half past one in the morning and can be touched many times." The young man sneered.

"Me! God touched so many times, I, my kidney is so bad?" Bai Yu almost cursed, this is really a disaster.

He wanted to find out something, but the boy didn't give him a chance, so he rushed forward. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 56 Shenteme Touch Many Times (three changes)), and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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