My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 74: Du Ziqiang seeks medical attention

Since that night, Xu Ya and his entourage have returned to Kyoto directly, and Hua San started to find opportunities to contact Bai Yu. This person is very gracious as a corporal, plus Hua San and Hua Wu's brother, anyway, Bai Yu was inconvenient to turn his face with him, so he had to perfuse him from time to time.

"I got the land for you." Hua Wu said to Bai Yu. Bai Yu seemed to be assembling something. Looking at the densely packed small parts on the table, Hua Wu felt dizzy.

"Is this done?" Bai Yu stood up, with an unexpected expression on his face.

"Ordinary wasteland, as long as you don't build houses to sell, you can toss it as you like. There are also three to four kilometers away from the nearest village. To be honest, the traffic is too inconvenient..."

"It's better to be more remote. The things I want to get can easily cause trouble, but it's good to be desolate." Bai Yu replied smoothly.


"This is a deserted hill near Chujiatun. There are no woodland or resources around, so the price is quite cheap, but it is too inconvenient to come here."

Hua Wu drove her muscle off-road vehicle, but there was still halfway to the land, so she had to abandon the car and walk. She walked very **** one foot and one foot short, but she did not ask Bai Yu for help stiffly.

Bai Yu jumped and moved as if walking on the ground on the way to reach the hills, cautiously, for fear of getting his feet, Hua Wu blurted out, "You are too livestock!"

Bai Yu stopped and said, "I still have to build a road. I have no problem, but building laboratories and material transportation will not solve the traffic problem and it will be too difficult to get in."

Hua Wu nodded and said: "There is no problem in terms of infrastructure. It is only about four kilometers away from Xiaofeng Village. It didn't cost much to build a road in the past. Once the road is repaired, the infrastructure on this piece of land can be started."

"How long will it take?" Bai Yu looked into the distance. This wasteland was beside a dry river. It was just a tidal flat, full of large and small rocks, so it was difficult to develop. Bai Yu grabbed the mud in his hand and grabbed it. .

Loose and dry, this kind of soil will not have any fertility, no wonder no one opens up wasteland here.

Huawu finished the call: "It is estimated that it can be put into use in no more than two months, including maintenance. Hey, I said, how do I feel that I have become your secretary?"

Bai Yu chuckled, "Isn't this more work for those who are able? I am a high school student, and it doesn't matter!"

Hua Wu said grimly: "I don't think I can work harder than those who can, or you caught me scalping the wool!"

Bai Yu calmed down and said, "If you have something good in the future, I promise to let you use the first one!"

At this time, Bai Yu's phone rang, and Bai Yu answered the phone.

"Brother Yu, help me! Please help me!"

Du Ziqiang's panicked voice came from the phone.

Bai Yu's expression turned cold: "What's the situation? Does anyone trouble you?"

Du Ziqiang over the phone cried bitterly: "Brother Yu, there is only you, I can't think of any way, only you can help me!"

Bai Yu said angrily: "You speak to me, what's the matter? What's the use of just crying?"

Du Ziqiang tried his best to restrain his emotions, choked up and said, "Brother Yu, my mother...My mother is critically ill."

Bai Yu was startled, Du Ziqiang was one year older than himself, and his mother should be about the same age as his mother. He was in a prime of life, so why did he suddenly become critically ill? Is it a malignant disease?

"I can't tell on the phone, where are you?" Bai Yu asked after sorting out his emotions.

"I, I'm in the second hospital, and my mother is in the emergency room now...I...I..." Du Ziqiang is also a simple person at ordinary times, but at this time he looks innocent and panic.

"Okay, I'll come over right away." Bai Yu hung up the phone.

"Those who can work harder, I'll go to the second hospital."

"I don't ask those who are able to work harder, but call me fifth sister!" Hua Wu was angry.

"Okay Fifth Sister, I'll go to the Second Hospital!" Bai Yu nodded.

"Good...Huh, no, why did I become your driver again?" Hua Wu smiled like a flower, but in a blink of an eye he turned into a grotesque.

"Human life is off! Five sisters, walk up fast."

When the two arrived at the Second City Hospital, Du Ziqiang and his desperate father were seen on the aisle outside the emergency room.

His father's lips were moving, and Baiyu's ears were very strong. He was saying, "I am not a thing. I throw my son to Yueqin. She is sick from overwork. I'm really not an individual. I shouldn't be gambled... "

Du Ziqiang didn't match his dad either. In those few years, it was all due to his mother who pulled him up. It is estimated that he was actually more resentful towards this reformed father.

"What's the situation now?"

"My mother suddenly fainted today. She was sent to the hospital and found out that it was uremia... Acute kidney failure. She is currently undergoing dialysis. The doctor said that a kidney transplant must be done, but the source of the kidney... is temporarily absent..." Du Ziqiang said. Then, tears flowed out. He wiped a handful of them, but the tears flowed down quickly. He finally squatted on the ground, hiding his face in his knees, only to see his shoulders twitching silently.

"Li Yueqin's family!"

Hearing the doctor's voice, Du Ziqiang bounced up: "Yes! Yes! Doctor, how is my mother?"

"The condition is good, but the kidney function is almost gone, so you have to do hemodialysis once or twice every week. The kidney source bank estimates that you will not be able to wait for a while. You can be related to each other. Think of a way to see if there is anyone in the immediate family that can be matched..." The doctor took the board while looking at the data, while writing and drawing, and confessed to Du Ziqiang.

"Doctor, if my mother does dialysis while waiting for the kidney long can it last?" Du Ziqiang asked through gritted teeth.

"The human body is a very sophisticated system. The patient is now equivalent to or almost without the kidney as an organ. Although we can use extracorporeal circulation for blood purification, the function of the kidney cannot be replaced by a machine..." The doctor sighed With a sigh of relief, every relative of the patient likes to use time to quantify the remaining time of the patient. It seems that after knowing the answer, they can do something within this time limit, but the last thing the doctor wants is to open his mouth to the patient. A string of precise numbers. What is the difference between this and Baoyibaohao?

"Doctor, I just want to know how much time my mother has." Du Ziqiang insisted.

"Well, if there are no variables that are beneficial to the patient, according to my experience, about half a year." The doctor sighed and replied.

"Half a year...Half a year..." Du Ziqiang's lips trembled as he muttered these two words.

"Brother Yu, save my mother! Save my mother! I know you will do it!" Du Ziqiang suddenly fell on his knees and slapped his head. The family members of the patients were startled by his actions. .

Bai Yu is thinking about how to deal with this matter. After all, I haven’t seen Madam Du herself. I don’t know what the condition of her kidney is and what kind of medicine should be used to treat it. At this time, when Du Ziqiang moves, Bai Yu feels a little bit in his heart. Huohuo, isn't this kid a little bit ignorant? Don’t you put yourself on the fire and roast yourself?

He bends down calmly, squeezes Du Ziqiang's wrist, and takes him up.

Du Ziqiang only felt that a force of power penetrated from his wrists, and his body was numb and sour. He was out of control, and Bai Yu could only pull himself up.

"You young man, you know that you are worried about your relatives, but many scammers use your anxious mood to deceive, but they bring a huge burden to the family and bring more hidden dangers to the patient! You have to believe in modern medicine! As long as there is a suitable kidney source, the patient’s quality of life after surgery can be guaranteed!” Doctors are used to this kind of example of eager to relieve the pain of their loved ones and being given advantage by doctors and scammers. It is not uncommon for patients’ families to be deceived into bankruptcy. What is even more hateful is that family members secretly give patients so-called secret medicines, which brings huge difficulties to treatment and even endangers patients’ lives.

At this time, he saw Du Ziqiang's facial expressions and movements when he encountered a genius doctor, and he couldn't help but become disgusted with the handsome young man.

"Family members sign, this is the current treatment plan, if there is no objection, it will be implemented according to this plan."

"Fortunately, patients have medical insurance. This government can reimburse about 85%, or it is really not affordable for ordinary families!" The doctor sighed. Many patients who do not pay attention to medical insurance and social insurance did not find out until they were in the hospital. Sorry.

A nurse walked over quickly and without rush: "Director Cui, the dean will let you see if there are any vacancies in the intensive care unit, and arrange for a patient named Li Yueqin."

Du Ziqiang gaped.

Bai Yu glanced at Hua Wu, Hua Wu smiled and nodded, it turned out that she had taken the shot.

Director Cui took a deep look at the three young people in front of him. He didn't expect to have such a lot of energy. When the beds of the National A Hospital were very tight, the dean specially greeted...

The conditions of the intensive care ward are far better than those of the general ward. There are separate toilets, balconies, wardrobes, small refrigerators... and it is no different from a small suite in a hotel.

When everything settled down, Du's mother fell into a deep sleep, Du Ziqiang said to his father Du Shaoqian: "Dad, look at mom, I will go out with my friends, what do you want to eat? I will bring you later. "

Du Shaoqian was almost overwhelmed by his wife's outstanding illness and self-blame. Hearing that his son was about to go out, he begged a little in his tone: "You...can you come back soon?"

Du Ziqiang sighed and said, "Dad, hold on, and Mom will get better! You can't fall anymore!"

Du Shaoqian murmured: "Will it get better? That's good, then it's good..."

The three walked out.

"Brother Yu, was it the ward you helped me get?"

"It's Hua Wu." Bai Yu glanced at Hua Wudao.

Du Ziqiang said with a red eye: "Fifth Sister, thank you, if you have anything to do in the future, just give an order!"

Bai Yu said, "So what's the reason for being so tragic? Auntie's illness will not reach this point."

Du Ziqiang's spirits lifted up: "Yu... Brother Yu, you mean, my mother, my mother's kidney can be cured?"

Bai Yu nodded. The medical skills he learned from Kwong Lingdeng could not be said to be deadly flesh and bones, but this kind of ability to cure the source of poison and strengthen the body is still there. If Du Ma really takes a knife, change it. It is troublesome to become a foreign kidney.

It's really not as fast as replacing the parts with Taoist medicine to treat kidney disease. The Taoist medicine removes rust from the rusty parts. The loss of the parts itself is slowly adjusted and cultivated in the later stage, so that the kidneys will become stronger again.

The original ones are the best, and the various anti-rejection medicines that are replaced can be very harmful to the body. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 74 Du Ziqiang Seeking Doctor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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