My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 760: What if it's allergic

"Attention! Danxiang Pavilion has a new product today! Taiyi True Immortal Five Spirit Pills, Taizhen Five Spirit Pills, a total of ten, first come first served!" Ming Lian knocked on the sign.

"Are there new products again?"

"Taiyi Zhenxian used it?"

"Is the effect the same as the Five Spirit Ascending Pill?"

"My mother! 998! Is this robbing people?"

"998 is too expensive! Miss, Miss Minglian, can it be cheaper?"

Ming Lian sneered: "If you take one, you will be able to improve your realm for more than a moment. Why don't you think about it, Taiyi real immortal breaks through to the queen of heaven, that is a big order! It is a big order! It's possible to kill a beast or an enemy. Is 998 expensive? Don't buy it if it is expensive! If it is too expensive, I will raise the price!"

Dong Er quickly said: "Miss Minglian, I am not too expensive! This time it is none of my business!"

Ming Lian said: "If you want to buy a pill, go to Afu to pay the Lingyu, Afa, you can cooperate with Afu to get the pill!"

There were more and more people at the entrance of Danxiangzhai, and they were all whispering about Taizhen Five Spirit Pills.

Someone asked, "Miss Minglian, I think this pill is higher than the first level. What realm can it reach?"

Ming Lian said: "I don't know about this, but Uncle Zhu asked, saying that the master was just using this pill to test the water. In the future, it will be two to say whether or not to practice it, but the master said that the high-level pill He doesn't know how to sell the medicine after refining it. With such a high cost, he doesn't buy immortal jade by himself!"

The man said with joy: "The master means that you can practice? What realm can you reach, please ask Miss Minglian?"

Ming Lian said: "This can only be obtained by Uncle Zhu. What am I... Hey! Uncle Zhu, this guest is asking, what level of Five Spirit Pills can the master refine?"

Uncle Zhu was walking from the back hall and heard Minglian's question and replied with a smile: "I have also asked the master about this question. The master said, he only helps the small shop to refine the Five Pills up to the Great Heaven. As for Higher, it can only reach the five-spirit pill of Xuanxian, and it can reach the level of Taiyi Xuanxian's fairy power in a short time. No matter how high it is, it will not be the realm that the fairy power can pile up. Xana is a realm that can only be reached by gaining the Tao, that is the power of rules, not the power of fairy spirits anymore."

After listening to Uncle Zhu's words, if everyone realized something, someone asked: "Uncle Zhu, if you want to refine the Xuanxian Five Spirit Pill, what are your requirements?"

Uncle Zhu said: "Xuanxian Five Spirit Pills can only be ordered and delivered within one month. The price of a single piece is 258,888 pieces of spirit jade."

Reaching the realm of Xuanxian is considered to be in the middle of each of the Yanhuang family's cultivation realms. Although the road ahead is still long, it will no longer be embarrassed by the lower-level immortals, and there will be a hundred and two million immortal jade on him at any time. The pill was converted to approximately two hundred and sixty thousand yuan. For these profound immortals, it was not a price that hurt the bones and bones, but it had an opportunity to save their lives. The two profound immortals who were watching coldly from the periphery were a little tempted. Before, they still relied on their identities and disdained to squeeze with these fairy-level and true-level lower-level immortals.

At this time, these two Xuanxian-level monks walked towards Danxiangzhai. As soon as Xuanxian's power was released, the people who had been crowded at the entrance of Danxiangzhai immediately knew that a big man was coming, and quickly let a passage open.

"Underneath is the Wanmiao Pill Pavilion Yunxuanfang Zhang Pavilion. This is my Dan Pavilion Yunxuanfang Chief Deacon, Mr. Zhu invited it."

Uncle Zhu's face changed color, isn't Song Ren the one who did dirty work under them? Did you think that you didn't know all the methods against Danxiang Pavilion in the previous episode, and behind it was Wanmiao Dan Pavilion?

Uncle Zhu let out a dry laugh, "I have seen Zhang Ge and the chief deacon."

Nazhangge said: "Old Zhu, we want to order two Xuanxian Five Spirit Pills."

Uncle Zhu nodded: "Thank you two to pay in full, and take the pill in 30 days from tomorrow."

The palm of the pavilion said: "Yes, then trouble Mr. Zhu to count."

Palm Pavilion took out two storage bags and put them on the counter and pushed them gently.

"One side is 500,000, and the other is 20,000." Zhang Ge said.

Uncle Zhu said: "The actual price is clearly stated, as much as it is, never overcharge!"

Zhang Ge laughed and said: "It's okay to have no place, the extra, it can be regarded as asking Mr. Zhu to eat the bar!"

Uncle Zhu nodded: "Thank you for your reward! Old man is greedy for money!"

With that, Uncle Zhu pushed back the two storage bags.

Zhang Ge wondered: "Why didn't Uncle Zhu accept my fairy jade? Could it be given to me for free?"

Uncle Zhu shook his head and said, "I will try to take one pill in the future. If you are not satisfied, we don't need to establish this transaction."

Uncle Zhu said: "Zhangge is the first to book this mysterious immortal five-spirit pill. It will be given as a gift. After Zhangge has taken it and experienced the effect, if there is a Zhangge who feels that the medicine is wrong, we will deal with it. Give it up, or if you think the medicine is good, our transaction is considered to be established, and then you will take over the jade from the palm."

Zhang Ge wondered: "Such an expensive pill... Mr. Zhu is willing?"

Uncle Zhu said: "We said that this medicine is effective, but if you take it back and take it, it won't work. Isn't that inexplicable? After taking the medicine, we will test the medicine and verify that it is correct. This transaction is only established."

From afar, the drug collectors cheered: "Danxiangge is an old brand! Do things brightly!"

"Uncle Zhu is kind! Don't take advantage of others!"

"This is fame! Look for Danxiang Pavilion!"

After hearing this, Zhang Ge smiled and said, "It's just that there is something unclear, please let Mr. Zhu make it clear."

Uncle Zhu said: "Don't dare to be, Zhangge asks for instructions."

The head of the pavilion said: "Since that master can get one in three days, it means that the pill is already there, and it will not take much time for the master to refine it, so why have to wait a month?"

Uncle Zhu said: "The master has a weird temper. What can I do to set the rules like this? Besides, the master asked me to launch this new product. Actually, he told me that in order to develop this set of five spirits ascension pills, the master almost used the medicinal materials. Exhausted, half of this month’s time is the master preparing medicinal materials."

Zhang Ge's eyes moved: "So... Mr. Zhu, is it okay to behave in the face to see this master? If there are any medicines that are not available... My Wanmiao Pill Pavilion can also help!"

Uncle Zhupi smiled and said without a smile: "Zhangge, I am embarrassed about this. I was bitten by a snake once, and I was afraid of the ropes for ten years. If this master leaked his true face, I was pried again. Go, my Danxiang Pavilion is really going to collapse, this matter...forgive me!"

Zhang Ge nodded and said: "Old Zhu is sophisticated, this is what it should be, but don't worry, Mr. Zhu, I will never do the thing of prying the corner, just admire in my heart, I want to admire the master, and remember, Mr. Zhu, don't get me wrong. "

Uncle Zhu said: "The shopkeeper has a beautiful Jiyue, and there is nothing to say about that character. It's just that now the shop is looking for this master, and the old man knows it, so I dare not divulge the trace of the master, please take charge of Haihan."



Fangzhu's mansion.

"Oh? Dan Xiangzhai is pushing new pill again?"

"Yes, adults, and it was taken by Taiyi Zhenxian. After taking it, you can reach the heavenly fairyland."

"This old man, there was no yesterday, but there is today. It is clear that he had communicated with this alchemy master, but he didn't come back today..." The owner sneered.

"Furthermore, Pavilion Master Chen and Deacon Lu of Wanmiao Pill Pavilion arrived at Danxiangzhai. Danxiangzhai not only launched the Taizhen Five Spirit Pills, but also the highest level of Xuanxian Five Spirit Pills!"

The pavilion master stood up abruptly: "What? There is a Xuanxian grade?"

The pavilion master was also a cultivator in the realm of Xuanxian, and when he heard that there was a life-saving pill, he could not keep calm at this time.

"How much is the price?"

"My lord, the price of Dan Xiangzhai is 258,888 celestial jade!"

"so cheap!?"

"..." You are the owner of the workshop, you have the final say, I am just a poor one.

"Let the sea steward take the 2.6 million immortal jade, and let Dan Xiangzhai give me priority to refine ten!"

"My lord, the efficacy of this pill has not yet been determined..."

"Hmph, Dan Xiangzhai didn't want to do it before he dared to make a joke about this, go quickly, even if there are people in the front line... let them give up their position!"

"Yes! Your lord!"


"Mr. Bai, this time it's terrible, even the owner of the owner has placed ten pills of pill... Is this... too late?" Uncle Zhu said.

Bai Yu just has ideas, and he hasn't started experimenting. Uncle Zhu knows. At this time, he didn't even hit the version. How could Uncle Zhu not be flustered.

"Uncle Zhu, don't worry, the left and right are just the choice and refining of the five-element pill. Small things, half a month is enough for me." Bai Yu said indifferently.

"Mr. Bai, this is no joke!" Uncle Zhu saw the clear wind on his face, and became a little anxious. Previously, Bai Yu's spiritual thoughts were transmitted to him and taught him how to deal with the pavilion and the deacon. He heard him let go. He said that in three days, Uncle Zhu almost scratched his socks on his toenails.

"It's just a generic version of the drug, Uncle Zhu, really don't worry. If you don't believe me, ask Qiuling?" Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry, why didn't he believe me?

"Master, I'm also a little worried!" Yin Qiuling said with a bitter face. She was just learning how to make Qi Pills, combine the pill with honey, and rub the pills. How could she dare to guess at will?

Bai Yu said angrily: "You evil disciple, don't even have confidence in Master's ability?"

Yin Qiuling said with little energy: "Master is the strongest, Master can make any pill, Master is the best."

Bai Yu said: "You guys, it's really...come! Qiuling! Waiting for you! I will refine the Xuanxian Five Spirit Pill today as a teacher!"

Yin Qiuling's eyes beamed: "Master, don't you practice the Five Spirit Pills today?"

Bai Yu knocked her head: "There is dragon liver and phoenix marrow, you are still going to eat hairy eggs, are you stupid?"

Yin Qiuling was knocked and screamed: "Master! You knocked on someone's head again! You still blame me for being stupid! Isn't it all you knocking on stupid?"

Bai Yu said: "Okay, don't scream, go get all the Xuanxian-level five element materials!"

Wee hours.

Bai Yu laughed wildly in the backyard of Dan Xiangzhai.

"Qiu Ling, have you seen it? Master said that if you do it today, you will do it today!"

"Master, you are the best! Master, you are the most handsome! Master, you are so bored!" Yin Qiuling slapped her rainbow fart frantically next to her.

"Hiccup...No!" Bai Yu suddenly stopped laughing wildly.

"Master! What's wrong?"

Bai Yu frowned and said: "This medicine is too strong, I can't try it... But who can I try?"

Yin Qiuling said: "Then what pavilion master wants to try?"

Bai Yu hesitated and said: "From a pharmacological point of view...this medicine is okay. If you have any allergies, you will belch if you eat it...what if?"My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 760 What if it’s allergic), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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