My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 778: guess

Cen Yuxin talked about the fact that Bai Yu made a magic weapon for communication and contact, and talked about its prospects. Cen Wugui was fascinated: "If this magic weapon can be used by immortals, how big is the market? My Wanmiao Dange I'm afraid I can't swallow it!"

Cen Yuxin said: "If you can't swallow it, you have to enter. At most, you can distribute more money to the top forces. You can't stop eating because of choking, right? My Cen family runs this Wanmiao Pill Pavilion. I was afraid that someone would make an idea before I started, this is not the style of our Cen family!"

Cen Wujiu laughed: "Okay! Okay! Back then, when the position of the patriarch was passed to you, quite a few people didn't take it seriously, clamoring that they shouldn't control the Cen family's industry as a woman. At this time, it seems that those people's eyes are so short-sighted. !"

Cen Yuxin said, "If my ancestors hadn't kept their promises and decided that I would be the head of the patriarch, how could Yuxin be today? I'm afraid it would have been used to marry the elder brother who doesn't know which family."

Cen Wugui said: "Have you ever inquired about the roots of that master?"

Cen Yuxin said: "No, it seems that this master suddenly popped out of a stone. It stands to reason that such an expert, even if he is concealed to cultivate the pill and the second way of art, his cultivation level will not be so low. In such an environment, with this master’s ability, he will never be so impoverished that he cannot obtain spiritual resources."

Cen Wugui asked with interest: "What is your opinion?"

Cen Yu smiled bitterly: "There are only two possibilities. This master is actually a soaring immortal, that can explain why he has a peerless alchemy but his cultivation base is so low, or, where is this master actually? A powerful reincarnation and awakening of a masterful pill path, both of these possibilities have huge loopholes, so there is another one that is even more impossible. This master already knew the pill and the weapon of the immortal world before he ascended... "

Cen Wugui said, "Is there anyone suspicious?"

Cen Yuxin shook his head: "Through the news from Fangwei, there was such a suspicious person in those days, but... it shouldn't be this person. You have seen someone sleeping in a wood house like a slave. Master?"

Cen Wugui said unexpectedly: "Is there really such a suspicious person?"

Cen Yuxin said, "No, this person is also a Flying Immortal. I sent someone to Yinxian Temple to buy some news. This person is said to have come from the lower realm Tiangongmen. Didn't the Tiangongmen... seem to have been there before? The ancestors who ascended from generation to generation, but all fell on the battlefield, so after this person ascended up, no one was picked up, and he fell to Yunluofang... Tiangongmen... Tiangongmen... Sis, old ancestor, you Not to mention, I still don't think this person is really suspicious!"

Cen Wugui said: "How?"

"This master Pill Dao Wushuang seems to be quite powerful above the tool Dao, but it is not known how it compares with the Pill Dao. Didn’t this master also come up with a new magic weapon? And in terms of time, as soon as that person joined Danxiang Pavilion, Danxiang Pavilion took out the pill in the deed within a few days..." Cen Yuxin took a deep breath.

"Feishengxian? Interesting, haha."

After chanting this sentence, Cen Wujiu let the next look at Cen Yuxin.

Cen Yuxin didn't feel a little hairy: "Old... old ancestor, what's wrong with me?"

Cen Wugui said meaningfully: "Women's eldest daughter should be married!"

Cen Yuxin immediately understood what Cen Wugui meant: "Old ancestors, I'm afraid this won't work."

As the patriarch of a large family, if it is something useful to the family, let alone marrying a few clan girls, it’s okay to post it yourself. Cen Yuxin has no particular dislike for this. Before she became the patriarch, she was still very concerned about the marriage. It was a little longing. I hated the blind marriage and dumb marriage. I felt that my clean daughter was marrying someone she had never seen before for the so-called profit, but at this time...hehe.

Cen Wugui said: "Why? Do you already have someone you like?"

Cen Yu shook his head and said, "I don’t think I don’t care about someone, even if I care about someone? My Cen family will last forever! If that master is really the soaring immortal in the Danxiang Pavilion... I’m afraid he is too. People who are unwilling to be resigned, ask him to become a parent, he will definitely not agree. Hearing Chu Zhangge said, the master is quite proud."

Cen Wugui said indifferently: "In front of Jinxian, Aogu can be discounted."

This discount has two distinct meanings, one is that it can be discounted, and the other is that it can be interrupted by life! This is Jin Xian's arrogance, but also Jin Xian's domineering.

Cen Yuxin still vetoed: "Old ancestors, let me deal with this matter, because once the ancestors come forward, the golden immortal can't be humiliated, then there is no room to turn around. I am a little girl, and I will put it on it... …Besides, I’m not the pose of Pu Liu, I’m even hard-hearted, I can also make him turn into a soft finger, doesn’t he like acting? How about I play with him?"

"What if he is really unmoved?" Cen Wugui asked.

Cen Yuxin smiled: "Old ancestors, we are not only monks, but also businessmen and businessmen. We are kind to make money. If he doesn't follow, doesn't he owe me? This business is better."

Cen Wujiu applauded, "Good! Good! Good! The Cen family has a woman like you, great fortunate! Great fortunate!"

Bai Yu was discerning the medicine formula for Yin Qiuling's rebuilding of the cast body. At this time, he sneezed two big sneezes and muttered: "I don't know who is saying bad things about me..."

How did he know that more and more clues have led him to play the role of the master of alchemy, pointing to the identity of the young man hidden in the Danxiang Pavilion, these old ghosts of the immortal world who have been immortal for thousands of years, which one is not Qiqiao Linglong? Heart? Even Chu Yuanfeng, Chu Zhangge, who was damaged by the spear and stick in his words so that he didn't dare to return his mouth, would he be so dizzy if he wasn't in the game?

So a few clues were gathered, and Cen Yu, who was outside, understood the key issue with a few clicks. For these immortals, it has become instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and to conform to their own fortune. It is only because Chu Yuanfeng is in the middle of the game, which is unsightly The overall situation, so it's normal to be confused and dazzled.

After arranging the medicinal materials almost, Bai Yu said, "Qiu Ling, come with me and Danxiangzhai."

Yin Qiuling asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

Bai Yu said: "When you rebuild, you always hear that Uncle Zhu will speak."

Bai Yu thought to himself according to his own ideas, kept informed about the changes in Yin Qiuling’s practice, and then adjusted the exercises according to local conditions. Yin Qiuling’s practice should soon achieve good results, so he should start at this time. After all, she was cultivated earlier. Everything that I'm about to roll out is also a great help.

The two returned to Danxiangzhai from the teleportation formation. At this time, Uncle Zhu was guarding the storefront to deal with the business in the front store. Since Bai Yu left a large amount of pill, this place has almost become a daily visit for hunters and medicinal pickers who go out. The location, changing the term of the earth world, is to check in. Every day, I hope that Danxiangzhai will sell some weird and strange new medicines.

For Dan Xiangzhai, there are only a few scalpers, and they have long been recognized. As long as they don’t do too much, Minglian still sells them according to Uncle Zhu’s intention. After all, it’s not easy for low-level monks to ask for work. It also became an interesting thing. Knowing that he was a scalper, Dan Xiangzhai also sold them the medicine, but they didn’t sell much. They also consciously got the Five Spirit Pills for cross-border use at all levels. Fang is huge profits, although the amount is small, but the opportunity to earn hard money, Dan Xiangzhai will not be deprived of it.

At this time, he felt that someone appeared in the backyard. Uncle Zhu concluded that it was mostly Bai Yu who had come back. After welcoming him, he found that Yin Qiuling had also returned. He was surprised and delighted. The young lady has grown from her arms to the present day. He has never Staying away, this time he left for so many days, he really missed it tightly.

"Miss is back?"

"Uncle Zhu, I'm back." Yin Qiuling's eyes turned a little red when he saw Uncle Zhu's eyebrows smiling.

"Just come back, just come back, I will let the chef cook a few dishes that the lady likes right away." Uncle Zhu is not good at saying sensational things, a little uncomfortable, so he has to arrange for someone to cook.

Bai Yu said: "Uncle Zhu, no need. I brought Qiuling back to discuss something with you."

Uncle Zhu turned around and said, "Mr. Bai, what are you going to discuss?"

Bai Yu said: "This matter is related to Qiu Ling's future path, so I had to discuss it with Uncle Zhu."

Uncle Zhu heard Bai Yu's words solemnly, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "What's the matter?"

Bai Yu said, "I observe the exercises passed down by Qiu Ling's family. They are too common. I want to change them for her."

Uncle Zhu relaxed and said, "Mr. is the teacher of the young lady. Naturally, the master should decide which exercises to practice."

Bai Yu said: "My Dan, Qi, and Talisman are all from the lower realm of Tiangong Qiqiao, so I want her to follow my Tiangong Qiqiao."

Uncle Zhu said: "That's what it should be, sir thinks well enough."

Bai Yu said, "It's just a difficult thing. I hope Qiu Ling can waste his work and rebuild."

Uncle Zhu was shocked: "How can you lose your gong? How can you survive in this fairyland if you have a weakened physique?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Uncle Zhu is not unreasonable. I have a wonderful skill. I did not practice the exercises. I first cast the body. Based on Qiuling's qualifications, I will abolish the original exercises after the casting is completed. The physical body is enough to carry it. Can withstand the erosion of the power of the fairy world."

Uncle Zhu worried: "Surely there will be no future troubles?"

Yin Qiuling said, "Uncle Zhu, Master will never harm me."

Uncle Zhu was anxious: "What if something goes wrong?"

Bai Yu said: "We still have a golden immortal power, Qiu Ling will be fine."

Uncle Zhu said, "What about the original exercises? What about the Yin family inheritance?"

Bai Yu said calmly: "The trajectory of the world all began with the ancestor of Taoism."

The meaning of this sentence is, don’t say anything that is not passed down, it is all the things passed down by the ancestors...

Uncle Zhu sighed and said, "If Mr. Bai is sure, then let it go, but how long will it take for the young lady to restore her current cultivation level?"

Bai Yu said: "I look at the progress of Qiuling's practice. I am afraid that it will take forty to fifty years before she can be promoted to immortality. After I lose her gong, I will guarantee that she will be promoted to immortality within 20 years. In five years."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: /162987.htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: 162987/My dream can come true. txt download link: htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this (chapter 778 guess) reading record , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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