My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 86: sneak into

The chief's tall figure slowly appeared under the sky.

His eyes were red, the flesh between his chest and abdomen was blurry, and the blood was dripping.

The explosion just now came almost against his belly. A large piece of flesh had been lifted off. He covered the huge wound with his left hand, otherwise, the internal organs might slip off the wound.

He looked around blankly, this is not his hometown, there are no strong wild horses, no reindeer, no cattle and sheep, and no beloved daughter Ya.

Some people just wanted to hurt him, and his breathing became quicker.

"Ding Dong."

A piece of shrapnel squeezed out of the wound, and the muscles near the wound protruded with whisker-like granulation to try to heal.

"His resilience! General! His resilience! Must catch him! This is incredible!" The chief of the experiment beamed his eyes as he watched the chief's wound involuntarily walking towards the chief.

"Are you crazy!?" The general grabbed him with a cold expression. Mad, these scientific lunatics, when they see novel things, they completely forget their situation. The chief is out of control now, OK?

He glanced at the sky sadly. The satellite...the satellite is connected to the chip in the chief's skull, but now no one controls it, because seems that the signal has been greatly disturbed, and the control-end personnel did not receive the message that the chief needs to be controlled.

"Don't irritate him. When the laboratory is attacked, it will automatically send a message to the National Guard. They rushed here for about 20 to 30 minutes." The general's movements were subtle, and he seemed to see the Demon-like Indian Emperor at this time. Trapped in confusion, everyone held their breath, lest any action would stimulate him.

From a distance, the horn of a fire engine sounded, and the chief slowly raised his head. The explosion just brought him violent shocks. Now his vision is very blurred and his hearing is severely degraded. There seems to be a long sound. In the memory that sounded, he seemed to think of a slightly curved horn, which could also make a long and thick sound.

His gaze was not focused, but in that direction, a researcher saw that the blood-stained look of the chief had finally collapsed. He screamed, turned his head and ran, awakening the chief from the state of thinking hard. come.

"Enemy!" The chief's eyes condensed, and finally reacted, as if he was fighting!

He raised his right hand and knocked two punches on his head, and the vibration made his dizziness recede a bit.

These people...they are white people. He vaguely remembered something. It seemed that they were constantly occupying our homes. Our children were not given the opportunity to learn. They were discriminated against and excluded.

"Kill them! Kill them, we...who are we?"

The chief snarled, enduring the severe pain between his chest and abdomen, and strode towards the laboratory staff who focused together.

The researchers dispersed like a frightened quail, but after all, someone was left behind.

The chief punched the man in the back of the head.


With a soft sound, a blood clot burst out in front of the person's face. The person who saw this screamed. The person's eyes were shaken out of the eye sockets by the force from the back of the head, and a large part of the back of the head was also sunken in. The man rushed forward two steps awkwardly and crashed to the ground.

"Where are our soldiers? Where is the National Guard!?" someone roared.

No one answered him, and everyone finally stopped watching and ran towards the laboratory door.


There was a turmoil on the street, and the fire truck driver looked at the smoke plume rising into the air at the destination in front, bitterly smashed the steering wheel, and sounded the whistle.


The front is full of vehicles.

Side by side with the firetruck was an old lady driving a classic convertible car. She was obviously shocked by the sound of the horn. She screamed at the driver of the firetruck who was sitting high, and the firetruck driver saw her. I greet myself with a letter starting with F.

He was dissatisfied and pulled the whistle again. The old lady rolled her eyes. It was obvious that she couldn't bear it. She put on the reverse gear and was about to leave here, but unfortunately, a car suddenly came up behind him. The retreating classic cars rubbed against each other.

"This is... a wonderful day," the fire truck driver murmured.

"Headquarters, we can't reach the location of the incident right now. There are jammed vehicles along the way. We can't get out now, and the back is also crowded."

"Water dragon water dragon, we have received your feedback. Today... it seems that something is wrong with the signal light system. Can you bring small equipment and rush to the scene as soon as possible?"

"Headquarters headquarters, received, we will walk to the scene immediately!"

Obviously, you can reach it after passing a block, but you can’t cross this block. The main reason is that four or five cars collided in series due to the chaos of the signal lights on that block. The only lucky thing is that they didn’t find any. Someone was seriously injured.

On the other side of the street, the armored personnel carrier of the National Guard who wanted to cross the street to reach the laboratory was also stuck in a dilemma.

"Team 1 to Team 4! Set off with me!" The ensign of the team leader made a decisive decision and issued an order.

"General Stanney is in that laboratory now, and we must ensure his safety at all costs!"


"We are the strongest!"

"Yes! We are the strongest!"

"Go girls!"

"Ha... Tiger!"

Each team of six people, a total of twenty-four assault teams, rushed towards the laboratory, and ordinary citizens along the way saw the aggressive soldiers, and they hurriedly pressed their backs against the wall and tightened their abdomen, lest they be provoke.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the laboratory, a large group of researchers in white coats and uniformed staff screamed and pushed open the iron door of the laboratory and rushed out.

"What happened?" The second lieutenant grabbed a researcher, no way, the long coat was particularly easy to grasp.

"Devil! He is the devil!" The researcher spoke incoherently, striving to make a profit, and with a sneer, his sleeves were torn in two. He took this opportunity to get rid of the ensign.

"Sir!" a soldier said loudly.

"What!" the ensign asked fiercely.

"Sir! He...coming!" The soldier raised his gun.

The second lieutenant turned his head slowly.

The chief was dragging a thigh in his hand. Yes, there was only one thigh. The thigh was dripping with blood, white stubble, pale yellow subcutaneous fat... The wounds were uneven and it seemed that it was not caused by cutting, but the ensign guessed that this thigh He had just left its body for less than two minutes, because he saw the torn muscle bundle still beating.

"Stop! Let go of you..., drop..., don't move! Put your hand where we can see it." The ensign changed a few words and found it wrong: Let go of the hostages? Throw down the weapon? Just leave it alone.

Hearing his cry, the chief smashed his thigh fiercely and directly smashed the entire thigh.


"You can enter!" The sound of the tentacle came from the earphones. Following the guidance of the tentacle, Bai Yu and others went unimpeded to a small building next to the laboratory. The destination is behind the high wall with the power grid.

But silly things like overcoming the wall cannot be done in broad daylight.

"Expansion!" Wu Zhu winked.

"Yes!" The expansion leaned toward the wall.

"Wait!" Bai Yu stopped him.

"Great Sage, what are you going to do?" Wu Zhu looked at Bai Yu, his face was a bit ugly, to be honest, he was also a little unhappy with this kid, but as a commander and coordinator, it was naturally impossible to show it on his face. , I admit that you seem to have some sensory abilities, but so what? Fighting, assaulting, and blasting still depend on our professionals.

Bai Yu put down the long small suitcase in his hand, pressed the circlip, and opened the lid.

Inside is a long sword.

Wu Zhu's eyes almost popped out, what's up? Long sword? It's the age of hot weapons! Young man, what are you going to do.

Bai Yu drew out the long sword, the long sword unexpectedly tasted a little bit deep, with fine lines on it, it was clearly an ancient sword with a forged pattern!

Although Wu Zhu is a soldier trained in modern science, how many men do not like cold weapons? He naturally has some knowledge of forging patterns, which are patterns that can only be formed after unknowing how many times of folding and forging.

Bai Yu closed his eyes and Wu Zhu almost turned his face. Suddenly he found that the long sword held upside down in Bai Yu's hand seemed to be faintly glowing? He rubbed his eyes, yes, there was a bright light on the sword!

Moreover, there was a long beep in his ears.


That's the long sword tweeting! Bai Yu suddenly opened his eyes, Wu Zhu seemed to feel... Feng Rui: Very sharp?

Bai Yu took a light step forward, raising his hand to pierce the wall with a sword.

Silently, the wall seemed to be made of tofu, and the long sword sank more than half of it.

Bai Yu's left hand was also put on the hilt of the sword to form a double grip, and he let out a light hey in his mouth. As if the sword had no barriers, a long slit was cut out of the wall, and the cement and masonry powder fell one after another.

With a horizontal sword and a vertical sword, Bai Yu cut out a "冂" shape on the wall.

The long sword returned to its sheath with a sigh, Bai Yu held the sheath with his left hand, and stuck his right hand out, placing it in the lower middle part of Xie.

Wu Zhu seemed to see Bai Yu's clothes rising and shrinking in a trance, shaking, centering on Bai Yu, the air suddenly spreading in all directions, Wu Zhu even felt the rushing air current.

With a light slap, it came from Bai Yu's palm, and he collapsed inward, leaving a door hole in the wall.

Wu Zhu glanced at Bai Yu deeply, and Bai Yu bent over slightly and entered through the door if nothing happened.

Wu Zhu passed through the doorway and his pupils shrank. There were steel bars inside, which were also broken by a sword, forming a smooth plane with the cut walls and bricks... This boy is stronger than I thought!

Naturally, the three of them would not blatantly pass through the laboratory gate to the square of the building room. They touched into the building from the side. For Bai Yu, it was even easier for Bai Yu to break through the door.

"We have two purposes. One is the Great Sage. You can find some medicines, and I need to plug this... into their server." Wu Zhu took out a USB-shaped thing, but it was better than normal. U disk is much stronger.

"Okay, let's move separately and pay attention to safety." Bai Yu nodded. The Yin Ling seemed to be fighting again, but its breath weakened a lot.

"No problem, this laboratory does not have a research project on viruses and bacteria. You can confidently find your mission items in it." Wu Zhu winked at the expansion, and the two set off first. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 86 Infiltrate), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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