My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 89: Debut conflict

Lucas sat down uninvited and looked at Luqiu greedily. He had seen many girls from Xia Country. Most of them were not good at dealing with people, but there was always a handful of them, either for the green card. , Either eager to reach the locals, or for the sake of vanity, this little Xia country girl really does not pick, whether it is handsome, ugly, black or white...

Xia Guo girls don't have that thick body hair, and their apocrine glands are not as well developed as Western girls. They don't need strong perfume to cover their body odor, their skin is delicate and soft, and... easy to get started.

Lucas was sure that this girl was the best he had ever seen.

Trixie stood up and said, "Go, let's sit at another table."

Lu Qiu Hanyan could see the blond boy's aggressive gaze, and she heard the previous insults to Xia Guoren very clearly.

If the kid does something to herself, she doesn't mind blasting his dog's head with a chair.

Lucas stood up and stopped the two of them: "Wait, don't you refuse me so bluntly, okay? Trish, we had a very happy time, didn't we?"

"It makes me sick to say that, Lucas, please stay away from us, my friend doesn't want to know you!" Trixie reached out and pushed him away on his right shoulder.

"Don't move your hands, Bitch, don't think I don't hit women!" Lucas's face changed suddenly, and the two boys who followed him surrounded him, seeming to be about to move, and grabbed Trish.

"Look, I'm not malicious, I just want to make friends!" Lucas saw that Trish was entangled by the two boys and turned around with a smile. He had already thought about it and took them away. This Xia country girl is her own, and Trish might as well divide it among two attendants.

He stretched out his hand, ready to touch Lu Qiu Hanyan's face.

"Can you tell me your name? Treasure-like girl..." Lucas asked frivolously.

"Oh!" But the next second, he let out a scream.

Between his two lower limbs, a certain indescribable part was hit by Lu Qiu Hanyan's knees.

He fell to the ground, only the power to breathe hard, he couldn't even make a half-struggling movement, because any movement would only cause him more severe pain.

The expressions of the two attendants changed, and they were about to rush over to subdue Lu Qiu Hanyan, when a voice sounded:

"Hey hey hey! What are you going to do?"

It turned out that the waiter came out with two cups of black tea, saw a conflict, and quickly stopped it.

The two attendants didn't want to give up, the waiter warned: "If you do anything abnormal, I will call the police right away!"

How much threat can the police pose to these teenagers under the age of eighteen, so the waiter warned again: "Hi! I know you two, Harry and Bob in the North Street District, right? North Street District. The iron-blooded panda gang, Elton is my good friend, do you want him to greet you?"

Often, the gang figures are much more deterrent than the police. The two followers angrily stopped their actions, and Cuixi ran to Lu Qiu Hanyan and looked at the three **** guardingly.

The waiter squatted and patted Lucas's face: "Boy, are you okay?"

Lucas finally eased his breath, suffocated his breath, and said in a suppressed pain: "Do you think I seem to be okay?"

"Warning you not to mess around, they are my guests, don't make it difficult for me? Understand?"

The waiter stood up and said, "You two, don't cause me trouble, please leave as soon as possible after drinking the black tea? It's best to leave now!"

"Pack! There are also small snacks! Who is rare to drink at your place!" Trish said angrily.

"No problem, it's my honor to serve you." The waiter nodded.

After a while, the black tea was replaced with paper cups, and the small desserts presented were also packed in small pockets. The two of them carried things and left. At this time, Lucas was helped by two attendants to sit on a chair and saw them. After leaving, he stretched out his right hand on his neck and made a throat circumcision. Trish responded unceremoniously with a middle finger.

"How many, what do you want?" the waiter asked the three seriously.

"Nothing!" Lucas replied viciously, raising his head angrily.

"Okay, no problem, please be free!" The waiter shrugged and returned to the cafe.

"Lucas, just forget it?" asked Pan Jia in a low voice.

"Bitch! I want them to look good, follow them and see where they go!" There was a crazy light in Lucas's eyes.

Not long after, my attendant ran back out of breath.

"Lucas, I found out, today Adams' band debut, there is a party, these two girls are here for the party!"

"Party?" Lucas touched his chin, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

The sky gradually dimmed.

Telman No. 3 Block, No. 76.

Many teenagers have gathered on the lawn at the entrance of the small building.

The food at the cold party is lackluster, even think about it. A few amateur bands of teenagers also invited classmates from the neighborhood and music lovers. How much money can they spend to buy?

Lu Qiu Hanyan only felt that the two bites of sandwiches were completely irrelevant, and she groaned with hunger.

"Lvqiu, I regret it a little bit." Trish was also hungry looking around for food.

"I'm so hungry too, shall we go out to find something to eat?" Lu Qiu Hanyan has drunk a cup of black tea in the middle of noon until now, and she feels even slobbering.

"But, alas, it's so rude!" Trish sighed.

"Hi! Vivienne!" Trish suddenly stood on tiptoe and waved her arm.

Outside the lawn fence, a tall girl heard her greeting, responded and walked over.

"Lvqiu, I heard some bad news, you'd better leave as soon as possible." Vivian looked nervously at the people around her, and whispered.

"Me? Bad news? What can I do badly?" Lu Qiu Hanyan pointed to her nose, a little inexplicable.

"A student in St. Bacardi is looking for someone and asks you to trouble me?"

"Broken! It must be the bad kind of Lucas!" Trish exclaimed in a low voice, "How did you know?"

"Uh, I have a friend who has something to do with people in the gang. I heard him say in this afternoon that someone was troublesome to find a Xia Yi girl. I asked, I heard it was with Trish, I guess It's you."

"Then...then we..."

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Trixie muttered, looking at the people outside the lawn fence, "This mother is a dog's thing... they are here."

Amid the roar of motorcycles, dozens of mobsters wearing black leather jackets, nose rings, and various patterns on their faces rode their motorcycles out to the lawn. They slowed down but did not get out of the car. Some Slowly wandering around the lawn, some rested on one foot, stopped the throttle, and made a huge roar.

"What to do?" Trish looked ugly.

"I'll try it." Vivian's face was not very good, and she gritted her teeth.

"No! This is too dangerous!" Lu Qiu Hanyan held her, she didn't think her friendship would make her take this risk.

"I'll call the embassy right away!" She fumbled out the phone.

"Wait!" Vivian stopped.

"If you let people from the government intervene, you won't be able to stay here in the future!"

"Who can I look for without the government? I just came to study! If I am harassed and unable to study, I would rather go back to China!" Lu Qiu Hanyan had a frosty face.

"Let me try! It won't be dangerous!"

Several planes flew straight across the sky, making a roar, and the mobsters who rode motorcycles cheered, and some even made obscene movements at the helicopter.

Lucas came over, Vivian stopped him: "Lucas, what are you doing here?"

"It's you? Are you a policeman? I need to report to you? What are you doing here? I'll do what you are here for! Top student, you get out of the way, I have something to look for that chick!"

"Listen to me, she is my good friend, you can't move her."

"Good friend? I are the one, won't you be your bed partner?" Lucas squinted at her, his face full of obscene expressions.

"Don't make things too big, how about just enough?"

"Wow, your persuasion is really weak. I don't know what position you take to say these things to me. Or... you and her, stay with me for one night, and that's all right? How about? I'm generous enough. Right?"

"You bitch!" Vivienne gritted her teeth and spit out a few words when she heard Lucas clambering on her body.

"Why? I can't take it anymore? I know you, White Mary from Elliot District has a good relationship with you? So what? She is just a chicken head, do you think I will be afraid of her?" Lucas held out his hand. She was about to pat Vivienne's face, but she slapped her away fiercely.

Lucas's smiley face slowly solidified and became gloomy: "Watch!"

He suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed Vivienne's hair, and slapped her face with a slap: "Are you impatient? I want you to blow my trumpet!"

This sudden conflict alarmed the boys and girls on the lawn, and they turned their gazes.

The rioters outside the lawn seemed to have received some signal, screaming and riding their motorcycles into the lawn. The scene suddenly became chaotic, screaming, running, and chaotic.

"Lvqiu! Hurry up!" Seeing that the situation was out of control, Trixie pushed Luqiu and ran behind the crowd.

"Grab her! Don't let her run!" Lucas roared wildly.

But there are too many people on the lawn, how can those rioters actually ride into the crowd on their motorcycles? Lu Qiu Hanyan overcame the fence and ran away.

Behind the intricate alleys, Lu Qiu Hanyan really ran into it, even locals like them dare not say that they will catch up with her soon. Lucas let go of Vivian’s hair and grabbed a motorcycle. Exit the lawn and chase in the direction where Lu Qiu Hanyan disappeared.

The helicopter hovering above suddenly turned on and followed the lights, scanning the street.

"A strong life reaction was found. There was a small-scale riot in Telman No. 3 block..."

"Don't worry about them, go in the direction of the signal!"

Lu Qiu Hanyan ran out of breath, panting on her knees, and the roar of the motorcycle behind was getting closer and closer.

She struggled with the remaining strength and continued to ran forward with great effort.

"Broken! This is a dead alley!" A ghost and a stranger, she actually ran into a dead alley!

The motorcycle roared and stopped at the entrance of the alley.

An elongated figure came over.

"Watch! Are you running? Why aren't you running?" Lucas's wailing voice sounded.

"Lvqiu Hanyan, you can do it! You can do it! Don't be afraid!" Lu Qiu Hanyan stepped back while cheering for herself.

Finally, she retreated to death, behind a solid wall, she could not retreat. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 89 First Show Conflict) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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