My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 94: Ghost tunnel

"Come here, let's continue!" The mother and daughter settled down, and the two couples did not avoid their lives, and sat on the Baiyu bed.

Bai Yu didn't sleep for a while, and the two parents-in-law were really pleasing. Bai Yu didn't express any dissatisfaction, but was very interested in the fierce ghost tunnel she was talking about.

"Well, my relative, um, my wife is too far away, so I'll call my cousin aunt. In the higher self generation, I will also be called cousin aunt. This is not her personal experience, in fact, it was her father's experience. Thing."

"At that time, it happened not long after the Taizu founding the country, and the whole country was engaged in construction. Here, in this area, the train will depart later, in about ten minutes, you will enter the tunnel..."

"That place is called the Bashui Line No. 23 Tunnel, which has a total length of 7.58 kilometers. In fact, when it was repaired, it was not redesigned, but the old unfinished tunnel was cleaned up and opened up. Don’t you know? The last railway built by the Qing Dynasty, but at that time, the Qing Dynasty was so corrupt that it just opened its head, and it was revolutionized by Grandpa Sun, and the matter was gone. Later, in 41 years, it was driven by the people of the country. A large number of Xia Guo laborers wanted to penetrate this tunnel. As a result, from then on until the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the tunnel was not opened! But the number of Chinese laborers who died innocently reached as many as 30,000..."

At this moment, even the young woman who had packed up was sitting on the bed and listening carefully. The little girl's eyes widened and her mother's hand was held tightly, as if she was a little scared. Bai Yu glanced at her and knew Du Ming sighed inwardly.

"Later, Taizu set the tripod, and the remnants of the previous dynasty fled overseas. The cabinet decided to start large-scale production and large-scale construction. Therefore, it approved the large-scale development plan of building and connecting national railways. At that time, the people of the country were high-spirited and motivated, lacking heavy machinery, There is a lack of high-quality materials, but just like that, nearly 50,000 kilometers of railways have been built forcibly, which is a transportation artery for the development of Xia Guo's industry!"

"Well, what I said before was all about the historical background! The meat of the show is here! Xiao Yuanzi, bring water to the point of Ai Jia." Cheng Xiaoyun suddenly sold it.

Although Ke Yuanyuan was timid, everyone had curiosity. He had to roll his eyes and took the feed from the small table and handed it to her.

Cheng Xiaoyun went on to say with satisfaction: "When it first took over, the Construction Corps found that the tunnel was tightly blocked and the entrance was obviously collapsed, so it had to clean up and dredge the blocked places. ."

"But after the dredging was completed, I discovered that...there were all bones. After more than ten years, these bones have become bones..."

"After checking the information and investigating the traces on the scene, it was finally confirmed that very few were the officers, soldiers, and technicians of the country who were in charge of supervising the construction of this tunnel. Don't ask me why. The body was destroyed, and there were still fragments of clothes. what!"

"And inside, more are the Xia Guo laborers who were captured by the He Guo army at that time. It is said that when the bones were examined at that time, there were no obvious injuries. This proves that they were alive after the tunnel collapsed. Suffocating."

"At that time, the tunnel had opened to 3.22 kilometers. In these three thousand-meter-long tunnels, there were more than 8,000 bones picked out later. My aunt’s father, I’m called the uncle Biao. It’s said that at that time, When the collapsed part of the tunnel opened, everyone present heard howls and screams! Various insects, ants, rats, snakes, and birds on the surrounding mountains fled around like natural disasters! Tsk tsk, I listen to my expression When my aunt said this, she got goose bumps all over her body." Cheng Xiaoyun shuddered as she said, and moved closer to Ke Yuanyuan.

"Later, it was confirmed that it was 45 years ago. Those people heard that Heguo had surrendered unconditionally, thinking about the evil they had done. If the workers knew about it, they would definitely not be able to spare them, so they would just keep doing it. Pulling more than 8,000 laborers to their deaths, together with more than 8,000 people, in order to build this tunnel, they filled in the flesh and blood of more than 30,000 Xia nationals. It can be said that every meter of the seven-kilometer tunnel There are four or more of the lives of Xia Guoren in it..."

"After that, there were more weird things on the construction site, such as inexplicable landslides, blasting failures, infectious diseases, and workers' madness..."

"There is really no other way. The consultant of the Construction Corps brought in a ‘superior’ to come... the method."

"This consultant is also very miserable. It is estimated that someone used this reason to engage him."

"According to my uncle, the old monk who came down from Shanming Temple took a breath as soon as he arrived here. Well, this expression is probably added by my uncle himself. In short, I was very scared to say that this is complaining. The evil spirits soared to the sky, and the ghost gate was about to form. These unreincarnated souls did not enter the city of vain and were firmly fixed in this tunnel. Even if he had some solutions, he could only cure the symptoms, not the root cause."

"Then this old monk did the ritual for seven days in a row. When it was over, he told the consultant that although he was unable to overcome these grievances this time, it was a bit of merit to suppress them and prevent them from coming out to hurt others. , Suppressing them has resulted in great cause and effect. It is estimated that the Arhat status will not be achieved in this life. Unless one day understands the cause and effect, and the soul enters the cycle of rebirth, the monk can get the right effect..."

"It's strange to say that after the old monk finished the ritual, everything went well on the construction site, but I heard that the monk passed away within two days after returning! For more than forty years, the golden body has not been corrupted! God is not God?"

"Before the old monk passed away, he sent a message to the consultant: During the opening hours, you cannot cross zero late every day, so since the opening of the traffic, nothing strange has happened, but more than ten years ago, when the train was speeding up, I don’t know which shot. The adult with a big stroke of his head said that he should make good use of railway resources and arrange the dispatch of trains reasonably. In the evening, each time he comes and goes, he arranges a shift. Normally, people usually say what they see from 6 in the morning to 0 in the evening. What? Although nothing happened, it finally made people feel uneasy, but in order to grasp the political achievements, this adult went his own way, and the result was..."

"Something big happened later. The trains on the first night...there was something big. It was after passing through the tunnel at 1 o'clock in the evening. After departing from this station, the train of this train never arrived at the station again."

Ke Yuanyuan said strangely: "What does it mean to have never been to the station."

The young woman suddenly took the conversation and said, "The car is missing. No one knows where the car has gone."

"Look at it! I knew that someone knew about this, how could it be possible to seal such a big thing?" Cheng Xiaoyun said proudly.

"My husband's sister, I should be called the elder sister. That's it. I don't know my life or death until now. I asked Taoist priests and said that I had entered the ghost gate. It took too long for a stranger to get out of the underworld. Up."

"Then... later?" Ke Yuanyuan asked.

"Dear friends, the train K7119 bound for Beishui Station is about to depart, please friends..."

At this time, there was an announcement. This was originally just a small station, and the stay time was only five minutes. The train started quickly, and there was a rhythmic "besides" sound.

"Change tickets, please change the tickets for the passengers who have just got on the train." At the door, the conductor took away the tickets of the young woman. Everyone closed their mouths tacitly. After the conductor reopened the sleeping berth door, Cheng Xiaoyun continued:

"After the accident, a large number of people were implicated, so I won't talk about it. After investigation, some things that happened that year were turned out. Someone went to the monk at Shanming Temple to ask for a solution. The old monk has been dead for many years. , But he still has apprentices. In the early years, the monks in the temple were not professional. They were really studying Buddhism. Unlike now, the monks used to go to the night field after get off work to play too much..."

Cheng Xiaoyun mixed up some private goods, spit out, and continued: "The disciple of the old monk was also an old monk at the time, so she told the visitors: Master knew that suppressing the wronged souls can only solve the temporary danger, if tunnel 23 Regarding rebirth incidents, he can use his Buddha's treasure relics to neutralize grievances, and it should be possible to fight for more than ten years."

"Then the monk at Shanming Temple transformed the golden body of the old monk. As a result, a few relics were actually burned out. It is said that they were hidden somewhere in the 3.22 kilometers area, and then they returned to normal. It's just that the missing Train, but there is no way."

"What is returning to normal?" Ke Yuanyuan couldn't help asking.

"Return to normal is from before 6 am to 0 pm, and there is nothing unusual about opening to traffic."

"So smart?" Ke Yuanyuan asked suspiciously.

"It's best if you don't believe it. Those who believe in me are terribly scared."

"Zheng!" The long sword in Bai Yu's arms suddenly uttered a clear sword sound.

Everyone turned their gazes to him, Bai Yu anxiously said: "Ha ha, my mobile phone message alert tone, okay?"

Starting from this station, it will take ten minutes to get into the tunnel, but Bai Yu feels a huge resentment ahead. It seems that what Cheng Xiaoyun said is really a bit credible.

However, these evil spirits had no effect on him.

"The old monk's relic... the relic is placed in the tunnel... Is it expired at this time?" Ke Yuanyuan suddenly trembled.

"Why are you asking this?" Cheng Xiaoyun asked strangely.

Ke Yuanyuan's face was ugly: "I... I saw a shadow outside the car window just now, and it passed by in a flash."

"The glass reflects, right?"

"Really...really!" The young woman's face also turned pale.

In the carriage, the chill was piercing, but Cheng Xiaoyun regretted her old nose. She was fine to say what was going on? I just want to scare my boyfriend, this seems to be a big deal!

Bai Yu took out two charms from his arms, one on the door and the other on the car window. The temperature in the car slowly recovered.

"You...what are you?" Ke Yuanyuan asked in surprise.

"Talisman to avoid evil, I have a friend who is a Taoist priest." Bai Yu casually made up an excuse.

"It's okay. It's less than 0 o'clock, and the ghost door can't be opened. We are not in any serious trouble, but the people on this train are attacked by Yin Qi, and it is inevitable to get a sickness afterwards."

As soon as Bai Yu's words fell, the piece of talisman paper pasted on the window burned spontaneously, and in a moment, it burned to ashes.

Bai Yu was startled, the ghost door couldn't be opened, do these little ghosts dare to make trouble? My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 94 Ghost Tunnel) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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