My Elf Simulator

Chapter 11 Accepting the mission

"Blue-level Angry Combo LV1 (4/5)"

"White-level Pecking LV2 (5/10)"

After the special training, Dudu Bird and Kurosawa trained for two more days.

Finally, the Angry Combo was solidified.

Even the Pecking had a significant improvement.

After three days of training, Dudu Bird was still level 20 on the surface.

But its combat power was no longer the same as before.

It fully digested the sudden increase in strength through training.

"Ultimate transformation - Angry Combo!"

A strong wave emerged in the bodies of the two.

A layer of crystal white light appeared on Kurosawa and Dudu Bird at the same time.


Dozens of rubber bullets ejected from the 6th gear device were blown away by a huge force.

There was even a sonic boom in the air.

Hundreds of rubber bullets rolling on the ground were shaken up by this force at the same time.

It was extremely shocking!

The Angry Combo after the ultimate transformation showed terrible power.

At least the power was increased several times.

This move should have the strength of an intermediate elf.

Kurosawa doesn't believe that a primary elf can burst out such a level of power before mastering the attribute ability.

It's just like a special move in the game.

The difference in strength between intermediate elves and primary elves is extremely obvious.

Because the entry level and primary level are actually just the development period of elves, most of the battles are just using the body of the elves.

For example, the pecking of the bird, the sharp knife of the spiked mantis, and even the poison powder of the little firefly are just the powdered substances ejected from its poison sac, which are essentially irrelevant to the attribute.

Only when the intermediate elves have mastered the attribute ability can their skills show extraordinary power.

Water, fire, wind, thunder, poison, dream.

But the ability of the ultimate is too strong. Even if there is a gap in attributes between the intermediate and the primary, this mysterious ability can be unreasonably achieved.

Kurosawa looked at the ultimate on the panel that fell into silence.


It has fallen into cooling. It should take a day to turn it back to normal.

I hope there will be a way to increase the number of times or reduce the cooling time in the future.


In the empty mission hall, a dozen elves walked around.

There are many operation terminals distributed around the hall.

Elves who come here to accept tasks can browse the task list by themselves.

Elves who can enter the mission hall are at least registered level, that is, they have a primary elf.

Therefore, they have a certain combat power and can deal with some elf hazards.

The importance of alliance tasks to elves is self-evident.

Not every elf likes to go in and out of the stadium. Some people are naturally averse to showing up. Alliance tasks are their source of funds, and they can also maintain practical training.

Of course, tournament elves must also accept certain tasks regularly to complete the alliance's indicators.

Hei Ze found a terminal in the corner, swiped the card to unlock it, and the screen lit up.

After connecting to the network, the screen slowly loaded a series of tasks.

Some of these tasks are issued by the alliance, and some are issued by individuals or institutions.

There are many types of tasks, such as combat, intelligence investigation, recruitment, commission, etc.

According to the difficulty of the task, it is divided into E, D, C, B, A, and S levels.

E-level alliance task [Stolen Sheep]

Green Ranch has lost a sheep every day in the past week, and traces of wild elves were found at the scene, which was judged to be an elf nuisance incident.

An elf master is needed to go to Green Ranch in Lingshi Town to investigate and try to solve the problem. This task may be dangerous.

Task reward: 12,000, 1 alliance score.

E-level task [Lake Bottom Relic]

A citizen unfortunately dropped a bracelet in the artificial lake while exercising in the park. Please salvage the bracelet.

After accepting the task, you can view the specific task location and the specific style of the bracelet. Task requirements: The elf master has an elf with diving ability.

Task reward: 10,000

E-level task [Find Lost Cat]

A citizen lost a pet cat. Please help her find her pet.

After accepting the task, you can view the specific information.

Task requirements: The elf master has an elf with a strong sense of smell.

Mission Reward: 5,000

Hei Ze glanced at the mission.

The E-level missions that appeared on the operation terminal were all missions within the capabilities of registered elves.

Most of the missions issued by the alliance were dangerous and involved the appearance of wild elves. The rewards would be relatively high, and alliance points would be awarded.

Alliance points are a performance evaluation method for the alliance to join the elves.

For example, a registered elf master needs to obtain 3 alliance points in a quarter.

At the same time, alliance points can also be used as currency to exchange for elf supplies on the official website.

As for the missions submitted by ordinary citizens, there is only a monetary reward.

Of course, this type of difficulty will be relatively small. After having a suitable elf, you only need to spend time to complete it. They are all daily tasks.

If you don't mind the trouble, it is also a good way to make money.

Hei Ze browsed the mission list.

Finally, when he slid to a certain mission, the system responded.

E-level alliance mission [nightmare event]

In the past month, the town of Suwon on the outskirts of the city has experienced intermittent nightmares, but the victims are not in danger of life. After waking up, they will feel weak all over for a day, and then recover. The townspeople reported this special situation one day ago. It is judged to be an incident of elf interference. This task has a certain degree of danger and requires the elf master to master good practical skills.

Task reward: 20,000, 1 alliance score point.

"Ding, this task meets the system standards, it is recommended to accept it." The system sounded.

Kurosawa browsed the task details and was quite satisfied.

A month of "crime" time, but no casualties, indicating that the strength of this elf cannot be too strong.

At least the current Dudu Bird should be able to deal with it, and he is confident in the combat effectiveness of Dudu Bird.

He needs such a practical task to review the special training results of Dudu Bird.

And the task reward is also considerable, 20,000.

These few days of renting the training room have used up the last bit of money he has, and he urgently needs to make some money.

Accepted the task on the operation terminal.

Then he completed the formalities at the counter and learned the specific mission details.

Kurosawa walked out of the alliance base.

Without further ado, he was ready to start the mission now.

He was really short of money, and the sooner he finished, the sooner he could get the reward.

Taking the subway, Kurosawa rushed to the small town of Suwon on the outskirts of the city.

He got off at the nearest subway station to Suwon Town, and the subway line did not go there directly.

Kurosawa planned to walk the rest of the way.

Dudu Bird sat in his backpack, poked its head out, looked around, and looked at the scenery everywhere like a curious baby.

It had been in the city for half a year, and it was the first time it saw the wild scenery on the outskirts of the city.

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