My Elf Simulator

Chapter 120 Underground Palace

Hei Ze slowly opened his eyes.

Half of his cheek was cold.

Two elves sensed that he had woken up and were surrounding him, vying to make happy chirping noises.



Hei Ze felt sore all over, and a sense of weakness came from deep in his spinal cord.

He raised his hand and barely moved his arm a short distance.

His whole body was like soaking in a quagmire, and his limbs were stuck by a heavy resistance.

Who am I? Where am I?

Not only was his body full of weakness, but Hei Ze's head was also very confused.

His mind was numb.

After being in a daze for a long time, the weakness in his body subsided a little.

Getting up from the ground, he gradually remembered what happened before he fainted.

By the way, I was in the ruins and had to fight Gao Yi.

That weird worm was too strong.

In the end, it was still up to Nightmare to activate the runes on the wall at the critical moment.

He successfully reached the altar, and then

it seemed that he should be free from Gao Yi and temporarily safe.

Hei Ze breathed a sigh of relief.


There was a rumbling in his stomach.

I don't know how long he had been unconscious, but according to the feedback from his body, he was very hungry now.

Hei Ze took out some dried meat from his storage bracelet.

He handed some to the elves and stuffed some into his own mouth.

Fortunately, every time he arrived at a new town, he would replenish the local food reserves in time.

Although he had been wandering in the Ugu Desert for a few days, the food and water in the bracelet were still sufficient at this time.

It is estimated that it can last for half a month or a month?

Hei Ze actually had no accurate number for how long the supplies would last, and could only make a rough estimate.

He and the elves had a much larger appetite than creatures of the same size.

He chewed with big mouthfuls.

He wolfed down the food.

The salty and dry meat entered his abdomen, and a comfortable feeling of fullness came from his body.

After long-term Zeus training, Kurosawa's body has gradually begun to show differences from ordinary people.

Once meat enters the body, it is quickly decomposed step by step by the powerful digestive and absorption organs.

The mortal body is like an efficient processing plant, rapidly converting the food consumed into the energy needed by the human body.

Kurosawa felt warm in his abdomen.

After eating, he had the leisure to look at the surrounding environment.

The place where he sat under him was still an altar.

It was exactly the same as the one when he came in.

It seems that if he wants to go out, he only needs to spend the cooling time, and then transfer energy according to the method of coming in to teleport out.

The altar is still cooling down for the time being.

Of course, even if he can go out, he will not choose to go out. Judging from the current situation, he may not get any good results if he teleports out.

The relic space that Gao Yi deliberately wanted to seek was finally taken by him.

He must be mad, waiting for him outside.

Kurosawa recalled the other party's strong scarlet blood energy, and he is still a little scared until now.

With that level of blood energy, I don't know how many innocent elves and elves died in his hands.

If I had been left behind by him, I would probably have died by now.

He found his smartphone.

Because he was in the relic space, his smartphone had no signal.

He couldn't contact others for help through smartphones and satellite phones.

Only some local functions could be used.

He glanced at the time.

It had been two days since the day of the accident.

So, what he needed to do now.

Was it to find a way to improve his strength as much as possible in this relic trial space before the food and supplies were exhausted?

Kurosawa had a clear goal and felt a little relieved.

He stood up and walked down the altar slowly.

If something unexpected happened and he was accidentally teleported out, it would be terrible.

He walked down the altar and took out the flashlight from his backpack. In front of him was an environment similar to an underground palace.

In the grooves of the walls on both sides were two rows of tall stone statues.

The statues also looked human, but they had masks on their faces and sharp horns on their heads.

Some are tall, some are short.

You can vaguely feel the ancient and decayed atmosphere coming from the statues.

Are these the traces left by the last civilization?

Kurosawa walked slowly.

He took pictures of the statues with his camera.

The energetic little Shining walked in front, jumping up and down.

Nightmare has not recovered because of the previous use of Dawn at all costs.

Just like a schoolbag, he hugged Kurosawa's neck and lay on his back.

Kurosawa walked to a door.

This door was also covered with ancient textures, perhaps sensing Kurosawa's arrival.

The texture suddenly emitted a blue fluorescence.

The little Shining gently pushed on the door.

The door suddenly opened.

Kurosawa, who was about to open the door with great effort before entering the ruins space last time, was a little surprised.

Even the little Shining was startled.

It looked up at Kurosawa blankly.

Kurosawa looked at the environment behind the door.

There was another dungeon room inside.

There was another door directly opposite him.

So this is a chain of underground palace ruins?

Room (teleportation altar) - passage - room -? ? ?

Is it a cycle like this all the time?

Kurosawa guessed silently in his heart.

He glanced at Little Shining and Nightmare.

The nutritional value in the body has been completely consumed after it was just delivered to Nightmare and Little Shining to recover their bodies.

Little Shining's combat power is quite strong.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and entered the underground palace room.

He always wants to get back to his best condition, but how can he have so much time left for him?


As soon as he entered the room, the door closed behind him.

The room resounded with the language of ancient civilizations.

"Da da da."

The torches on the wall suddenly lit up.

The flame is deep red.

Make the room appear darker.

The current level is a combat session, please be prepared to clear out the upcoming enemies.

Kurosawa roughly understood the meaning of the sound in the room.

Of course there may be some deviations in the specifics.

Maybe it was because the environment in front of him reminded him of video games, so his brain automatically translated the sound into an expression that fit his understanding.


Kurosawa mobilized his psychic powers.

Little Shining and Nightmare also understood what was about to happen.

Attribute energy aroused one after another.

"Nightmare, please take a rest first."

Kurosawa patted Nightmare.

The side effects of dawn have left it feeling a bit sluggish.

Fortunately, Little Shining is in good condition.

Little Shining seemed to know that he could only rely on himself now.

Make a crisp cry.

Not only did it show no resistance, but it was extremely excited.

It was as if he was telling Kurosawa that there was no problem in leaving everything to me.

"Boom boom boom"

One wall suddenly moved away, revealing the grooved space inside.

An "elf" shaped like an anomaly shrimp floated out from inside.

The reason why I say "similar" is because Kurosawa did not feel any signs of life from its body.

It is still the product of a certain kind of civilization.

Although he had seen similar opponents in the ruins space last time, Kurosawa still had to sigh at the magic of ancient civilization.

To human civilization, elves have only appeared for a short period of more than 500 years.

But according to research on modern elven civilization, elves have existed for more than just these five hundred years.

There are various indications that the existence of elves is accompanied by the intertwining of civilizations.

As early as the ancient civilization period, there were large waves of elves appearing, and their own elven civilizations were derived.

Although the ancient civilization was lost, it can be seen from various unearthed ruins that their research on elves went further than human civilization.

Kurosawa even speculated that the rapid development of modern human elf civilization was largely due to the use of many research results of ancient civilizations.

While Kurosawa was thinking, Strange Shrimp stared at Little Shining.

It still had no interest in Kurosawa.

"Little Shining, prepare to store electricity!"

It didn't take much effort for Little Shining to defeat the Anomalocaris.

However, Kurosawa, who was directing from the side, looked a little embarrassed.

The water-based attack created by the strange shrimp caused a layer of water to accumulate in the room that reached the knees.

During the battle, various waves kept coming.

Fortunately, Nightmare held him and suspended him in the air, preventing him from becoming a drowned rat.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa."

After successfully defeating Anomalocaris.

Drainage ditches appeared around the room, and water was drained away quickly.


Just as Kurosawa was about to change into dry clothes, a platform rose up in the center of the field.

There are three light blue spheres placed on it.

Kurosawa walked closer and felt a gentle thunder-attributed energy from inside.

Energy ball?

Kurosawa knew what this thing was.

Energy balls are a kind of precious artificial food that high-level elves need to take in regularly. They are props that can efficiently compress nutrients with corresponding attributes.

Long-term use can make the energy value of high-level elves steadily increase.

Of course, for elves under the advanced stage, the energy ball is too violent and difficult to take.

Little Shining stared at the energy ball without blinking, showing a longing look.


Kurosawa covered its eyes calmly.

"I'll keep your loot for you first."

He gently covered the surface of the energy ball with his right hand.


For an instant, the energy balls flashed with colorful light, and then disappeared one by one.

"Nutritional value: 125"

The three energy balls are all very small, but they contain quite a lot of energy.

Look at the nutritional value breaking through three digits again.

Kurosawa felt much relieved.

Now he can patiently train the elves in space.

The water source and nutritional value are no problem for the time being.

If there was enough food, he could even train there all the time.

Becoming the Shilipo Sword God, as soon as he leaves the underground palace, he will chop off Gao Yi with a wave of his hand.

He upholds the spirit of Ah Q and optimistically envisions a better future.

Being almost forced into a desperate situation by Gao Yi, it was impossible for him not to be a little angry.

It’s just that he knows that cursing and venting are useless and can only lead to rage. The only thing he can do is to turn negative emotions into motivation for hard work.

Kurosawa looked down at Little Shining.

It cast a resentful look.

Kurosawa secretly smiled.

He reached out and touched its soft body, delivering nutritional value.

The little Shining, who was so comfortable that he hummed, put that regret behind him in the blink of an eye.

After replenishing the energy of the elf, take a short rest.

Kurosawa took Little Shining and Nightmare to the next door.

Standing in front of the door, the pattern on the door lights up.

He pushed gently, and the door that had been motionless before defeating the strange shrimp was successfully pushed open.

He stepped into it.

The door behind him closed again.


The current level is a battle, please be prepared to clean up the upcoming enemies.

Like the previous room, the dungeon room behind the door is still a combat level.

Kurosawa took a deep breath.

The light gradually lit up in his eyes.

He knew that he was about to usher in a peak period of rising strength again.


Gong Lihua hung up the phone.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He leaned his head on the back of the chair and didn't say a word for a long time.

Chi Lei stood aside and observed the words.

I couldn't help but be a little curious about the content of the phone call just now.

What happened to cause this expression to appear on the usually calm and composed minister's face.

"Xiaochi, tell me about my schedule in the last week or two."

There was silence for a while.

Gong Lihua just spoke.

"Oh well."

Although Chi Lei was very curious, she did not forget her responsibilities.

Find your itinerary in your notepad.

"Going to City Hall to attend a symposium this afternoon."

"Tomorrow morning is the day when Kurosawa's parents' hot pot restaurant opens. Last time you asked me to remind you about it."

"Saturday is"

The Union Minister of a city can be very leisurely when he wants to be free, but he can also be very busy when he is busy.

There are not many affairs in Haitang City, but Gong Lihua still has to attend many meetings on weekdays.

She had just arrived, and at least at the current stage, it was not convenient to delegate many things to others.

"Kurosawa's parents' store will open tomorrow. Xiaochi, please bring a gift for me." Gong Lihua interrupted.

Chi Lei paused.

There was a trace of surprise on his face.

What happened?

She knew that although the minister had not officially accepted Kurosawa as his apprentice, he had already become a master and apprentice.

"Kurosawa had an accident. I don't know how to face his parents for the time being."

Gong Lihua held her forehead, with a heavy expression on her face.

"how so?"

Chi Lei swallowed.

Although there are dangers in professional-level outing experience, the probability of accidents is generally low.

Because the routes chosen are all low-spirited areas, it is not easy to encounter wild elves that are beyond your ability.

Kurosawa's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary new professional-level players. Logically speaking, nothing will happen to him, right?

Gong Lihua ignored Chi Lei's subconscious inquiry.

Recalling the phone call I just received.

I have mixed feelings in my heart.

The training route was drawn up by her for Kurosawa.

Now that the accident happened, she was filled with guilt.

Researcher Gao Yi, or rather the wanted criminal named You Yun, had changed his identity and hid in the Ugu Desert for many years. Due to the impact of his recent disappearance, his true identity was finally revealed.

According to the on-site investigation by the Alliance Law Enforcement Team, it was determined that he owned at least one intermediate-level elf in the transitional stage, and many relics of missing elf masters were found in the basement of his residence.

There are various signs that during the years of hiding in the Ugu Desert, this extremely vicious criminal did not change his mind and give up doing evil. Instead, he took advantage of the complex environment of the desert to more carefully select elf masters to kill.

Since she had had phone contact with Kurosawa not long ago, Gong Lihua knew that Gao Yi was the missing person Kurosawa was looking for after accepting the commission.

In addition, Kurosawa has now entered a state of disconnection.

It was really hard for her to deceive herself that it was all a coincidence.

The intermediate elves in the transitional stage can be destroyed by her with a flick of her finger, and she also believes that if Kurosawa is given another year or two, he can also defeat him.

However, Kurosawa is still too young now.

If I had chosen another route for him, if I could have been stronger in persuading him to postpone his training, wouldn't it?

It's too late to regret.

Gong Lihua sighed.

But everything may still be turning around.

She stood up.

"Xiaochi, you have arranged the arrangements for the next few days for me. I want to go back to Nandu."

"Also, don't mention Kurosawa's matter to his parents yet. The follow-up has not been determined yet."

"I see."

In the Ugu Desert, she had asked her friends to increase their efforts to search for the missing Kurosawa.

What she needs to confirm now is whether Kurosawa is alive.

Although she felt that there was little hope, she still did not give up completely.

After all, this child is

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