My Elf Simulator

Chapter 126: Ending

Hei Ze was stunned for a moment, but after his eyes stayed on the other person for a while, he understood why he had such a feeling.

It was true that he had become stronger, and Gao Yi had indeed become weaker.

With the improvement of his overall strength, the opponent's grotesque insect elves had greatly weakened the huge sense of coercion he had originally had on him.

Moreover, although he had never relaxed while improving his strength in the underground palace ruins, he still maintained a good work and rest schedule and mental state in general.

What about the other party? But there was no such beautiful thing.

From the bloated eye bags, it can be seen that Gao Yi probably didn't rest much, or he didn't dare to close his eyes.

Mental state affects spiritual energy, which in turn affects his overall strength.

With one increase and one decrease, it is no wonder that Hei Ze felt that the other party's strength had weakened a lot.

Gao Yi's head was probably not very clear.

Hearing Hei Ze's provocative words, he instantly became angry.

In other words, his perception of Kurosawa was still the same as a month ago, that professional who had some strength but was still chased and beaten by him.

Of course, this perception is not wrong.

In most cases, it is difficult for an elf master to have a dramatic improvement in strength in a month or so.

The strength of an elf master comes from the elves under his command.

And the improvement of the elf's strength depends more on long-term training, rather than some kind of "sudden enlightenment" or "enlightenment" and other adventures.

Even if you get the opportunity, you need time to digest it.

The crimson smoke slowly poured out from Gao Yi's body, and his eyes became more gloomy, exuding a chilly and piercing temperament.

"Haha, you seem very confident. I'm a little curious about what kind of adventure you encountered in there?" Gao Yi smiled, his body trembling. "Or is it that angering me is part of your plan?"

"But, let's slowly explain these things while you're lying on the ground."

The scarlet blood mist was lingering on his right arm, and at the same time, special energy was overflowing from the grotesque worm.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The two-meter-long grotesque worm was wriggling its body, twisting its body at an extremely exaggerated amplitude, and the spikes on its back were stirring, making a creepy rustling sound.

Hei Ze frowned slightly.

Even though his strength has greatly increased now, he still hates the breath spread by the blood mist from the bottom of his heart.

He mobilized the spiritual energy in his body.

The little Shining Spirit also quickly entered the thunder attribute state, and the whole body was agitated with thunder and lightning energy.

Gao Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at the little Shining Spirit with surging electricity.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he always felt that the breath of the other party's bird was different.

But the slight doubt was soon drowned by the violence brought by the blood mist energy.

The blood mist energy poured into his whole body.

His breathing became heavy, and foul air came out of his mouth.

"Come on, weird worm, tear it apart!"

Buzz buzz buzz.

Powerful and disgusting weird energy rushed through its body.

The weird worm became manic.

The elf opposite was just a weakling not long ago, but now it dared to activate its attributes in front of it and challenge it.

How could it tolerate it!

There were many elves who died under the spikes of the weird worm. In its mind, the thunderbird elf in front of it was just food.

Food should look like food!

The angry emotion fully activated the blood mist energy flowing in its body, making it burst out with a stronger momentum.

Kurosawa pursed his lips.

The weird worm now has a bit of the arrogant posture before.

However, this kind of blood is really a double-edged sword. Although it enhances the strength of the elves, it will also make the opponent dizzy and lose their reason.

If it were a normal elf master, it would be impossible for him not to notice the huge difference between the current Shining Bird and the one a month ago, but Gao Yi ignored it.

Elf masters must always remain rational and not become slaves to emotions.

He thought to himself with self-vigilance.

The body of the strange worm curled up and arched into a tense posture. The next moment, its body burst out like a cannonball.


Its spikes cut through the air, making a sharp and piercing sound.

With blood mist, it drew a clear strip of color in the air and stabbed towards the little Shining Spirit at lightning speed.

"Little Shining Spirit, pay attention to dodge."

Hei Ze conveyed the order through psychic power.

At the same time, it helped it to resolve the firmly locked Qi brought by the charge of the strange worm.

So, when the long sword-like spikes of the strange worm were about to poke the little Shining Spirit, its body suddenly moved and appeared in the air in the distance.

But the strange worm's own combat response ability is also very fast.

Reflexively, it stepped on the ground, stopped suddenly, and turned around in an instant.


It locked onto the position where the little Shining appeared in the air.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Several bone-like spikes shot out, locking onto the little Shining like missiles launched into the air.

"Little Shining, use power storage."

The spikes were very fast, and the bizarre energy and blood contained in them were terrifying, and it was estimated that they could easily smash a residential building.

If it were him a month ago, he would definitely not dare to let the little Shining collide head-on.

Received Kurosawa's order.

The little Shining's body surface was filled with strong lightning energy, and countless particles were tightened, like a layer of chain mail covering its body surface.

The lightning energy that was held back made a sizzling sound.


A clanging sound of collision sounded.

Several bone-like sharp spikes pressed against the little Shining's spherical body surface.

The weird attribute energy, blood energy and the compressed lightning energy of the Little Shining collided, emitting a dazzling light.

"Boom boom boom"

The shock wave created by the collision kicked up billows of dust.

Even with the blessing of blood, the energy of weird attributes can only match the little Shining 50-50.

Because the little Shining's attribute energy has been nourished by nutritional value for a long time, its intensity and quality are much stronger than those of elves of the same level.

Perhaps this grotesque insect is larger than the Shining in terms of quantity, but it is not as good as the Shining Bird in terms of quality.

Moreover, Kurosawa felt that the blood energy in the grotesque insect's body had been weakened a lot by the rocket-like thrust just now.

Blood energy is a consumable. If the battle continues for a long time, the condition of the weird insect will only get worse and worse.

Based on the first contest, Kurosawa chose to continue executing Plan A.

PLAN A is the plan to capture Gao Yi, while PLAN B is the plan to start the Zeus state retreat due to the gap in strength.

The energy of the spike was exhausted and it fell to the ground.

Little Shining steadied his figure slightly in the air.


Even though Gao Yi was dazed by the blood mist at the moment, the battle scene in front of him that completely exceeded his expectations still made his mind tremble instantly.

You have become so much stronger in one month?

He was shocked and angry, but soon his mood turned into one filled with jealous resentment and unwillingness.

He felt that if he entered the altar.

Then the person whose strength is growing rapidly now is himself.


He gritted his teeth so hard that blood slowly leaked out from the roots of his gums.

Ordering the weird bugs to continue attacking.

The grotesque insect had just regenerated its spikes and had to attack hastily after receiving his order.

However, it was Little Shining's turn at this time.

"Thunderbolt bomb!"

Its beak condenses powerful thunder energy.

A deep blue electric ball spit out from the throat, and the trembling thunder bomb blasted towards the weird insect.


A blue-purple electrical storm spread along with the central explosion.

The large-scale thunder and lightning energy drowned the weird bugs.


The attribute energy storm stirs the surrounding air.

When the electrical storm that filled the air like purple mist dissipated, the grotesque insect inside emerged.

It curled up tightly into a ball, and the spikes on its body stuck tightly in the gaps in the ground.

It should also be some kind of posture skill similar to Little Shining's electricity storage.

"Keep going!" Gao Yi waved his arms in the distance.

The grotesque bug stood up with some scars on his body.

After hearing Gao Yi's order, he didn't intend to take a breath and started running quickly.

Breathing out weird gray rays at the little Shining.

Just when Weird Bug and Little Shining were facing each other tit for tat.

A gust of black wind rushed towards Kurosawa unexpectedly.

I saw Gao Yi waving his arm.

The blood mist energy is transmitted in a special way.

Behind Kurosawa, there was a pile of mud that came in quickly. The mud rotated and compressed at high speed and was covered with blood mist, enveloping it with an aura like a bloody storm.

Gao Yi may have felt that the raid he launched was quick and insidious.

But Kurosawa's perception ability had already detected the movement of the hidden elf in the passage.

He didn't even look back.


The purple dream-attributed mist quietly formed behind him.

The little Shining in the distance spit out an arrow-like electric shock, which perfectly blended with the Dawn used by Nightmare.

Colorful bubbles suddenly appeared all around.

Threads of electric threads are wrapped around the dream attribute bubbles.

【No phase】

The mud that came from the attack seemed to be chained in the air.

Thunder and lightning wrapped around its body, and at the same time, dawn instantly pulled it into the dream world.


The sludge elf collapsed to the floor.

After a while, he stood up unsteadily.


The nightmare suddenly emerged from the ground and yanked it away.


Yi Ni, who had just regained consciousness, was fascinated by the energy of dreams again, with stars rising above his head.

Kurosawa turned his head and glanced.

I finally understood who the elf that was guarding the darkness in the exit passage was.

Dirty spores.

It is a two-star racial qualification elf.

Its properties are somewhat similar to the ooze monster he encountered before, and its body shape is all amorphous fluid.

It's just that the nature of the ooze monster is more towards individual splitting, and the split individuals have their own basic consciousness.

The filth spores, on the other hand, are like surface-shaped moss that can quickly take root and occupy the terrain or devour objects. They exist independently and will not separate into sub-consciousnesses.

Two intermediate transitional elves?

Gao Yi was shocked.

He thought that the Lightning Dudu Bird had already reached the limit of Kurosawa's improvement when it entered the transitional stage.

But he never expected that even the second elf would be promoted to the transitional level.

How long did it take him to cultivate the current filthy spores and grotesque insects to the transitional stage?

In order to make up for the shortcomings of his talent and resources, he had to hide around like a mouse, hunting elf masters and performing feeding rituals.

Moreover, the feeding ritual he received may be because the level is too low, and the improvement slows down significantly after entering the transitional stage.

How many years of hard work has the other party gone through in one month?

"Ha ha ha ha."

Gao Yi's body was trembling and he couldn't help but laugh wildly.

Like having that serious illness.

Kurosawa stared at him unmoved.

Secretly alert, he took out the third transitional elf.

Nightmare and Little Shining were fighting their respective opponents.

If Gao Yi could summon the third transitional elf, he would have to temporarily leave.

After all, his own life was more important.

And when he saw that Gao Yi did not summon any more elves, the situation suddenly became clear.

"No need to hold back."

As if hearing Hei Ze's voice, the lightning energy in Little Shining became stronger.

Although Little Shining was in a stalemate with the weird worm before, it actually divided part of its mind to pay attention to Hei Ze's safety.

If an unexpected situation occurs, it can leave the battle at any time and possess Hei Ze's body in the form of Zeus.

Completely letting go of the mind to fight, Little Shining's energy gradually became violent!



The weird light, the bone spikes and the electrical shock waves of the thunder bombs were constantly fighting in the field.

As time passed.

The blood mist wrapped around the body of the weird worm was exhausted.

Lightning energy has an absolute advantage.

"Ultimate Thunder Bomb!"

A burst of ultimate power was added to the thunder bomb, which instantly increased its size several times.

The thunder bomb exploded on the head of the grotesque worm.

The thunder energy crushed down.

The grotesque worm was overwhelmed and exploded in the chaotic and fierce electricity.

The tentacles, spikes, and blood were scattered all over the ground.

Only the main body of the body was weakly moving in the blood.

"Hiss. Hiss!"

With the help of the little shining spirit who solved Gao Yi's main grotesque worm, Nightmare quickly took down the dirty spores.



Nightmare and the little shining spirit ran into Hei Ze's arms, looking very happy.

During the days of practicing in the underground palace ruins, not only Hei Ze, but also the elves were always holding their breath.

Now they have successfully achieved their goals and defeated their opponents.

The fatigue of long-term practice seemed to have disappeared instantly.

Hei Ze hugged the elves, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

While stroking the elves, he delivered nutrients.

In sharp contrast to Kurosawa and his group was Gao Yi, who was sitting on the ground in the distance.

At this moment, he seemed to be ten years older, and all the spiritual energy and blood energy in his body was consumed.

In fact, as early as the moment when Nightmare showed his strength, Gao Yi knew that he had a high probability of losing.

But he still couldn't accept it.

The change came so quickly. The opponent who could only flee in panic under his attack not long ago has now reversed the situation!

In just one month

His mentality collapsed.

In order to improve his strength, he did not hesitate to let his hands be stained with blood, and his life seemed to have suddenly lost its meaning.

He raised his head and stared at Kurosawa with turbid eyes.

This young man was not dirty, and he welcomed his elves with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, his lifeless pupils flickered slightly.

It seemed as if he saw himself twenty or thirty years ago.

At that time, he was also full of similar vigor and vitality, and the only one following him was the most ordinary little firefly.

Xiao Dengying's strength is mediocre, but very cute.

She always sticks to me like a follower, lights up for me when I read at night, and shares food together.

At that time, elves were not tools for fighting and killing, but close family partners.

When did I become what I am now?

Failure in battle again and again, accumulated depression?

Others' ridicule and sarcasm, paranoid desire to win? Revenge?

Perhaps every elf master initially had the same love for elves, but was shrouded in the various desires of the secular world.

After the past images like a revolving lantern flashed through his mind.

Gao Yi's eyes were covered by a shadow, and Hei Ze walked in front of him.

"Kill me."

Gao Yi said hoarsely.

Hei Ze stared at him and did not respond.

For a long time.

Xiao Shining spit out a weak electric shock.

The lightning hit Gao Yi and knocked him out in an instant.

Hei Ze shook his head.

Gao Yi naturally had the alliance to deal with them.

He took out the flash cards from his waist and placed them one by one in front of the incapacitated grotesque worm and the dirty spore. The two elves turned into golden light and converged into it.

He looked at the empty room and the altar that had lost its light.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

His journey finally came to an end.

Yes, although he did not reach the scheduled end of this journey, Lanbei City, he no longer planned to continue.

It was time to go back to Haitang City to rest for a few days.

The elves also needed a vacation.

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