My Elf Simulator

Chapter 133: Developing Wings

In the underground training room of Haitang Base.

Kurosawa looked at the sister in front of him.

In the other two training rooms, Little Shining and Nightmare are undergoing their own training.

Little Shining's training items are electric shock and thunder bombs.

The long-term training goal of electric shock is to reach LV4. Of course, this is not an easy task.

The reason for the thunder bomb is that I have not mastered it for a long time and my proficiency is not very high yet.

The proficiency of LV1 (3/5) should be improved quickly.

A core skill must be at least LV2 to barely pass.

As for Nightmare, Kurosawa did not arrange too specific training.

Let it randomly exercise its common skills, and at the same time try how to use deep sleep on other elves.

"Mum da!"

Mom turned her little head and looked curiously at the white walls around her.

Mumu is now at level 19, and her first goal is to reach level 20, which is the full level stage for the junior elf.

Then while practicing skills, train it to an intermediate level elf as much as possible.

"Forget it, let's do some basic exercises first."

Kurosawa spoke.

"Mum, use hardening."

Mumu currently has limited skills. Collision and hardening are both body-related skills.

After hearing Kurosawa's instructions and the transmitted psychic energy fluctuations, Mumu looked back.

It closed its eyes and shrank slightly.


Along with its movements, the white stone layer on the surface began to be covered with a layer of fluorescence.

The ancient texture that shrank at the joints spread out bit by bit, and its "skin" became harder.

Kurosawa approached.

I tapped it lightly with my finger.

"Duo duo."

Mumu's skin is quite hard, but not as hard as a dead object like ordinary stone. After all, it can still move.

Kurosawa couldn't understand how it was done.

Although elves are originally extremely special life forms, Mumu, who came from a distant ancient civilization, is even more special than other elves.

Especially the ancient textures wrapped around its body. From its birth to now, it has expanded a lot, and it contains a power beyond Kurosawa's knowledge.

"Mum, use collision against the training sandbag in the middle of the field."

In the middle of the open space in the training room, there is a large sandbag tied with a special metal rope.

Mumu gathered strength, then turned into a white light and hit the sandbag.


The sandbag was pushed away two meters, but the heavy sandbag soon swung back.

The huge potential energy knocked Mumu away from where she was.


Mumu got up from the ground.

The expression on his face was a little painful, but because of the protection of the hardened layer, no injuries occurred.

However, it still glared angrily at the sandbags in the distance, baring its teeth in a threat.

It didn't expect that this round, lifeless thing could actually fight back.

On the edge of the training ground, Kurosawa held his chin and thought.

Mumu has great power.

Kurosawa had hit that punching bag before when he tested his strength, and it was very hard.

The effect he could have was only about half of what Mother was doing at the moment.

Kurosawa's power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Because of the cumulative effect of long-term Zeus training, the lightning energy stimulated his muscles, making his muscles tougher and more explosive than ordinary people.

At the same time, the D-level spiritual energy was also nourishing his body subtly, transforming his physical body bit by bit.

His strength is slightly inferior to that of Mumu, who is now close to level 20, but his body's flexibility and sensitivity are better than Mumu's.

In other words, his current personal strength is about the same as that of Mother.

Go learn some fighting skills and maybe become an ordinary fighting humanoid elf.

However, this is meaningless and is just an indicator to measure your progress.

Because the elves' strength increases at different stages almost explosively.

There is a huge gap between the intermediate level elves and the primary level full level elves.

The most special thing about elves is the attribute energy awakened at the intermediate stage.

Under the dual effects of Zeus' training and spiritual nourishment, his improvement was slow and continuous.

Maybe one day he can become stronger and catch up with the strength of the intermediate elves.

"Mum, do it again, pay attention to dodge."

Kurosawa spoke.

He always felt that Mother's collision was uncoordinated.

There is no doubt that Mum's physical strength is very strong.

But its current control over the body seems to be lacking a lot.

He has a lot of power, but he doesn't know how to use it.

Mum nodded.

He sprinted towards the heavy sandbag again.


This time it evaded the cunning sandbag's counterattack and jumped aside before it could swing back.

Kurosawa's eyes were always fixed on Mumu.

Shaked his head.

He asked Mum to stand aside.

I plan to go on stage myself and try it out myself by imitating Mumu’s charging posture.

Practice brings true knowledge. Only when you know how to use your strength can you teach your sister.

Kurosawa imagined himself as Mumu, arched his body slightly, and then burst forward.



Mumu looked at Kurosawa in surprise.

It doesn't know its master has this strength yet.

After a period of trial and error, Kurosawa gradually mastered the core strength techniques during the collision, and also understood where the incoordination he felt in Mumu just now came from.

He sat on the ground panting.

He rubbed his shoulders.

The sandbag was really heavy, and it also carried a strange counterattack energy.

His shoulders couldn't help but show signs of soreness. The skin above the clavicle was red and peeling, and it was burning.

He frowned slightly and looked away.

Putting himself in the elves' shoes, they would also feel similar fatigue during the training process.

If he suffered a little, it would be good to save more time for the elves to do less useless work.

"Mum, come here, I'll tell you some things you need to pay attention to."


Perhaps frightened by Kurosawa's attitude of leading by example, Mumu seemed much more serious.

He ran to Kurosawa in small steps, ready to listen.


Kurosawa took a breath of cold air, and his shoulders ached slightly.

The energy from the training sandbags caused some internal injuries to his muscle tissue, and the healing spray was generally effective.

Lunch break.

Gong Lihua knew that he was training in the training room in the basement, so she called him up to eat.

During this period, as the summer season was approaching, she stayed at the Haitang Alliance Base most of the time.

The Alliance Base had a special chef to prepare three meals a day for her.

Supplying an extra portion of Kurosawa's meal was just the difference of adding an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"Don't be stubborn next time, or wear protective gear."

Gong Lihua saw that his movements were a little strange and asked the reason.

After knowing what happened, he couldn't help laughing.

It's rare for Kurosawa to personally train elves.

Ordinary elf masters give their elves more advice and give verbal guidance based on their own experience and training experience.

In this regard, older elf masters have more advantages.

They are knowledgeable and know how to guide elves.


"I have some plasters here. Can you move now? Or should I apply them for you?"

"Thank you, Sister Hua. I can do it myself."

Hei Ze waved his hand, not wanting Gong Lihua to help.

He twisted the plaster, pulled down the clothes on his shoulders, and then smeared a touch of snow-white plaster and evenly applied it near the red shoulders.


The cold pain made him gasp again.

In the corner of the room.

Little Shining, Nightmare, Mumu and the griffin were gathered together.

Mumu danced and explained to them the reason why Hei Ze was injured in the morning.

Gong Lihua's griffin seemed to like Mumu particularly for some reason.

Although the two elves met for the first time.

While Mumu was explaining, he was still scratching Mumu's smooth and thick tail with his furry lion claws.

Mumu turned his head and looked at it.

Feeling the powerful momentum it exuded, he was silent for a moment and retracted his gaze.

Even it knew how to judge the situation.

In front of the griffin, its two predecessors, Little Shining and Nightmare, seemed unqualified to protect it.

After applying the plaster, Kurosawa finally suppressed the burning pain after a slight sour feeling.

"Knock knock."

Outside the door, Gong Lihua's assistant Chi Lei walked in.

She glanced at Kurosawa.

Because he didn't want to dirty his clothes and let the abrasions heal as soon as possible, he didn't lift his clothes.

His shoulders were exposed to the air.


She turned her head and looked at the minister again.

Did she come at the wrong time?


Don't look, don't listen, don't speak.


There was a huge explosion.

The training sandbag was hit high by the huge impact force.

The power was about twice the impact force of Mumu at the beginning.

After a few days of training.

Mumu washed away his immaturity, and the training began to show results.

Level: 20

White level - Impact LV2 (4/10), Blue level - Hardening LV2 (3/10).

In addition to the significant improvement of the two inherent skills.

During the high-load training, it also mastered a new skill.

Blue level super heavy punch.

Blue level - Super heavy punch LV2 (1/10)

Super heavy punch can better mobilize the power of its ancient textures and exert more powerful explosive power.

One punch can probably smash a car.

Now Mumu's strength should be rare among the primary elves.

"Take a break."

Kurosawa shouted to Mumu who was training.

In addition to the improvement in strength, Mumu's body has also changed a lot recently, and has grown to a height of 1.4 meters.

The stone skin on the surface has gradually condensed into a plate armor with clear boundaries during the long-term hardening training.

Kongwu's powerful body, limbs and thick tail.

Even if it stands there, you can feel a surging sense of power.


Mum-da walked to Kurosawa and buried her head in his stomach affectionately.

"Okay, okay."

Kurosawa touched its head, took out an energy ore from the storage bracelet, and fed it to it.

He did not touch the magical resources in the storage bracelet for the time being.

Although converting magical resources into nutritional value is the most efficient way to use them, reality is not a numerical game.

Feeding some magical resources to the elves as snacks can increase the training enthusiasm of the elves.

Nutrients are input into their bodies, and they can also feel comfortable, but the more times they experience it, the feedback will gradually weaken.

Only "eating" is engraved in the blood of living things, and it can make them feel happy instinctively.

Mumu chewed the ore with a happy face.

It likes to eat all kinds of ores, no matter what kind of properties, it will accept them all.

In its mouth, the hard ore is crisp, and one bite is like a snack.

While it was chewing, Kurosawa went behind it and prepared to check the development of its wings.

"Mummu, spread your wings."

"Crackle, mum——"

A crisp sound came from Mumu's mouth, and he responded softly.

As the texture behind it slowly glowed, the wing-like shoulder blades slowly unfolded, extending out section by section, and finally formed a pair of golden stone wings.


Kuroze pulled its wings with a satisfied expression on his face.

The wings, which were less than the size of a palm and floppy before, are now about 30 centimeters long.

He pinched them and felt a toughness that was completely different from the texture of stone.

This pair of golden stone wings is magical.

It can be revealed at any time, and when it is not used, it will become an ancient texture and shrink on its rough and powerful back.

The 30-centimeter-long wings are obviously not enough to support Mumu to fly, but it is still growing and developing at a high speed and has great potential.

The growth rate has not slowed down for the time being, which means that its body size and wings will continue to increase. Sooner or later, it will be able to fly, and even carry him to fly.

Kurosawa has been thinking about the flying vehicle elves for a long time, but there are not many elves that can take on the responsibilities of flying vehicles. Fortunately, Mumu can already see the shadow of its future flying in the sky.

End of training.

Kurosawa took Little Shining, Nightmare and Mumu to the supermarket on the first floor of the base to shop.

The resource store in the alliance base sells various magical resources, while ordinary supermarkets sell various daily necessities and elf food.

Elf food and magical resources are two types of supplies.

Magical resources are generally rare resources produced in the wild and various subspaces, which are equivalent to supplements and nutrients.

Elf food is man-made, and its main function is to fill the elves' stomachs. It is more filling than ordinary human food, but it does not play a big role in improving strength, such as various elf milk, special rice, etc.

Recently, Mumu's appetite has suddenly increased a lot.

Whether it is daily food or the demand for various magical resources and nutritional values, it has doubled.

The elf food stored by Kurosawa is consumed very quickly.

Knowing what this means, Kurosawa is in a good mood.

The 20th-level stone spirit Mumu has reached the current limit of the primary elves and is heading towards the intermediate elf stage, so it needs a lot of nutrition.

Because Mumu belongs to the ancient civilization elf, Kurosawa cannot query its attribute awakening method from various internal networks, so he does not know what attributes it can awaken.

If it is based on its race, it is most likely a rock attribute?

He thought randomly and pushed the cart.

The three elves grabbed their favorite snacks from the shelves and put them on the cart.

In addition to staple food, they also have their own favorite snacks like children. The manufacturers of elf snacks add some beneficial trace magical elements to improve the taste of elves.

"Nightmare, take less ice cream, can you finish it?"

Kurosawa saw Nightmare secretly hiding boxes of ice cream under the car, and he was angry and amused.

"Little Shining, you are not allowed to take it either. Don't we have a lot of this kind of cookies at home?"


Unlike Nightmare who hides things secretly and puts the ice cream back on the shelf when caught, Little Shining raised his head and explained.

"The taste is different? Eat the ones first and then buy new ones."


Elf snacks are really delicious, and they are really expensive. Just buying some will cost hundreds or thousands.

I don't eat so well.

Damn black-hearted merchants, they are being controlled. Kurosawa looked at the prices of eighty, ninety, or hundreds of dollars on the snack bags with pain, and spit in his heart.

But there is no way, the elves like to eat.

In order to encourage their training enthusiasm, it is necessary to buy some.

Besides, elf snacks are always cheaper than magical resources. Thinking in this way, the unreasonable price seems to be acceptable.

In fact, it is not entirely the fault of the merchants. When Kurosawa buys elf snacks, he always chooses some big brands with strict quality control, so the price will be more expensive than ordinary ones.

Kurosawa and his party strolled in various sections of the supermarket, attracting a lot of attention.

Kurosawa was also stopped by many "young people" to take photos, probably for the material to post on WeChat Moments.

Recently, there are many new faces in the alliance base.

A group of elf masters graduated from the academy, some professional-level players who returned from outside, etc.

As the summer season approaches, the small city of Haitang City has also begun to bustle.

As the youngest champion in Haitang City, Kurosawa's every move has attracted many people's attention. Especially those opponents who secretly target him, this is even more so.

Kurosawa is indeed very well-known in the city, and he is known as the strongest genius in Haitang's history.

There are many players who really like him and appreciate him, but there are also many players who want to step on him to improve their own reputation.


Suddenly, Shi Ling Mumu, who was carrying a bag of rice, turned around and bumped into an ancestral horse.


Hearing the noise, Kurosawa, who was selecting the sauce, raised his head.

Just as he was about to apologize, he found that the other party was a familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Lin Daqing.

The two people's eyes collided in the air.

After a long time, Kurosawa broke the awkward silence.

"Um. Hello."

Lin Daqing's eyes stayed on Shi Lingmumu for a moment and frowned.

"Let me tell you, I will continue to participate in the summer season this year." Lin Daqing suddenly said without a beginning or an end.

"Oh, okay."

Kurosawa was stunned for a moment and nodded.

There should be no need to report this to himself.

Lin Daqing stared at Kurosawa, and the other party's white face was calm.

He suddenly felt a little resentful.

Such a calm person, is he looking down on himself?

But it's okay. He thought to himself.

In the past few months in Furukawa City, he has been using the other party as an imaginary enemy and constantly practicing hard.

Now his strength is very different from that of the spring season.

If Kurosawa still looks at him with the eyes of the spring season, he will be very wrong.

"See you in the summer season."

After Lin Daqing finished speaking, he looked at Kurosawa deeply, as if he wanted to carve Kurosawa's face into his heart, and then turned and left. He would make the other party remember him deeply on the stage of the summer season.

Kurosawa looked at the other party's back as he walked away.

He touched the back of his head and smiled.

Is he challenging him? But there is no point.

It's not certain that the two of them will meet.

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