My Elf Simulator

Chapter 139 Special Techniques

After Kurosawa finished his first round, he did not rush to leave the stadium, but chose to observe other players' matches and collect intelligence.

But he found that everyone was very cunning.

Professional players basically played with some effort, and it was impossible to see their true level.

So there was no need to continue to go to the arena to watch the game in the afternoon.

Mumu's delay was relatively high, and it was not until he returned to the room of the base hotel that he became excited.

He was sharing his feelings about his first game with Nightmare.

Little Shining leaned on the pillow and watched TV without distraction.

Kurosawa talked to his mother, Ms. Tao, who called him for ten minutes and hung up the phone.

His family and friends were very concerned about his match in the summer game, but he felt very relaxed.

At least at this stage, for him, there was no difference between the game and the holiday.

Daily training was harder than now.

This is probably the meaning of the so-called one minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage. The training on weekdays will not be in vain.

He glanced at his phone, and the background of the official software of the alliance showed that his subscription number, which had been silent for a while, began to rise again.

Subscriptions: 278023

There were only more than 20,000 fans away from 300,000.

The long-term achievement task "Group Belief" has always been hanging in the task bar of the system.

This long-term achievement task will provide big rewards at the stages of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million.

And between the stages, every 100,000 will also be rewarded with coupons.

So he would check his background data from time to time.

Mainly, he was more envious of the rewards at the 1 million stage.

When 100,000 subscriptions were reached, the talent reward was the power of nature.

Although this talent ability was not directly related to combat, it also benefited him a lot in daily life.

Thanks to it, he could find resources more easily in the wild, observe the opponent's movements earlier in battle, and even in daily training, after entering the natural body state, it was easier to catch the omissions in the elf training and provide corresponding opinions.

No wonder he had heard that the gifted elves were often stronger than ordinary elves.

The power of nature was so useful that he was already looking forward to what his second talent would be.

Unfortunately, the number of subscribers to the league's official website was still far from one million.

I don't know when it will be reached.

The purity of the number of subscriptions on the league's official website is impeccable. Players can only attract more attention by constantly improving their personal strength and finding ways to stand on a higher stage.

Marketing and promotion tricks can only be icing on the cake. After all, elves can actually fight. No matter how good the marketing packaging on the Internet is, it is useless if the offline battle is poor.

Kurosawa simply browsed his 999+ private messages in the background.

In comparison, although his number of subscriptions is not as high as Lin Daqing at this stage, he must have more active fans.

After all, his fans have grown rapidly in recent months, and each of them is a core fan who is still paying attention to the event.

Lin Daqing's more than 300,000 fans have accumulated over many years. Many people may have been too busy with work to watch the game, or they may have just subscribed and forgotten about it. There are all kinds of situations.

His 280,000 fans are as active as those of hundreds of thousands of players.

Private messages in the background are piled up like a mountain.

Most people are encouraging him or expressing their love and support. Of course, there are also some accounts that scold him or bombard him with spam messages.

Kurosawa has gotten used to it for a few months.

He ate lunch with private messages during the lunch break.

Then he started to prepare high-enriched elf food for the three elves.

Although elves can eat ordinary food, as their strength gradually increases, their nutritional requirements will gradually increase.

The rice and noodles that humans eat contain too few calories for intermediate elves to support their daily activities.

The little Shining sometimes eats with Kurosawa, but that is just to satisfy their cravings. High-enriched food is needed to fill their stomachs.

In fact, Kurosawa has often felt hungry when eating recently. He guessed that it might be because his physical fitness is constantly improving. Maybe if he gets stronger, he will need to eat high-enriched food like the elves.

In the afternoon, Kurosawa did not train, but came to the alliance office building next door.

Minister Gong called him up to conduct a routine physical examination.

Check the practice of the training method, whether it has a bad impact on his body and mind, etc.

The training method is a special method that relies on the attribute energy of the elves to stimulate the body and soul of the elf master, which has certain dangers.

Although Kurosawa felt that his daily training method was very smooth, Minister Gong did not seem to think so. For some reason, she seemed to be very worried that his training method would go wrong.

In fact, sometimes Kurosawa wanted to say that she was overthinking, but then he thought that she was also well-intentioned, spending energy and time to check his training status for him, and it would be a bit ungrateful for him to say anything more.

Kurosawa arrived at the alliance office hall amid the "attention" of the alliance staff who were taking a lunch break in the office area, swiped his card to enter the elevator room, and took the minister's elevator to the top floor.

The old staff were no longer surprised by Kurosawa's behavior of taking the minister's elevator without paying attention to others.

Only some new employees who have only been employed for a month or two will point to the elevator and ask the people around them in surprise.

"Isn't that an elevator that only ministers can use? And this is the alliance office building. Even if he is the Begonia Champion, he can't just go in and out like he goes back to his own home, right?"

The old staff laughed it off.

"Just get used to it. The minister is responsible for issuing passes to people, and it's not the responsibility of small staff like us. Besides, maybe this place is really no different from home to him."

The folk rumors that Kurosawa has a strong backing in Haitang cannot be groundless.

Although the alliance office building is right next to the Elf Affairs Center, it is like two completely unrelated places on weekdays. Elfs generally do not set foot in the offices of alliance employees.

Although Kurosawa is the spring champion, no champion can be like him, coming in and out of the league office hall every day.

Office workers are still ordinary people after taking off their official uniforms. Seeing that Kurosawa has the privilege of coming and going freely, they will naturally gossip about the reasons behind it. Once they tell the people around them, Kurosawa's special status will be confirmed once word spreads.

There are various speculations. The mainstream theory is that Kurosawa was accepted as a disciple by the current Minister Haitang, but it has not been confirmed yet.

"Ding dong!"

The elevator reaches the top floor.

Kurosawa walked to the office and saw that no one was there.

There is a small crack in the door to the private sitting area.

He knocked on the door gently, and Gong Lihua's voice came from inside.

"come in."

The air conditioner is on, and the noon sunshine outside the window shines into the living room.

To Kurosawa's surprise, Minister Gong was cooking for himself in the open kitchen in the living room.

She was wearing a cool sports vest and a lilac apron tied in front of her face.

"Kurosawa, have you had lunch?"

She didn't look back, concentrating on the frying pan in front of her.

It's probably because she doesn't cook much, and it's obvious that her movements are jerky.

Miyalika's daily meals are prepared by professional chefs.

"I've eaten, but Sister Hua, why are you cooking for yourself today?" Kurosawa approached, wondering if he should help.

"There are more people dining in the restaurant of the business center, so I thought about it and asked Aunt Li and the others to go to the restaurant to help."

Kurosawa nodded.

"Sister Hua, otherwise let me do it."

"Are you successful?" Gong Lihua looked suspicious.

Kurosawa didn't say anything, but stood where she had left him and started cooking.

Miya Toriya moved to a high stool and placed her hand on the bar against her chin to observe Kurosawa's skillful movements. She silently untied her apron, a rare blush appearing on her usually calm and composed face.

Kurosawa's cooking skills are indeed better than hers.

Serious miscalculation, I knew I should have called him up later.

"I used to cook by myself, but I haven't done it for a long time since I came here. My skills are rusty, and I don't feel comfortable using these kitchen utensils," she explained.


Kurosawa understood.

After cooking, the two of them sat at the dining table.

Kurosawa had another lunch with them. Although he had already eaten before coming, he was only half full from lunch.

Because of the competition, the restaurant was crowded, so he ordered takeout. The pictures on the takeout app were for reference only, and the portion delivered was obviously not enough.

"It's very delicious. It's almost as good as the chef here." Gong Lihua praised.

Kurosawa just smiled and said nothing. He was very aware of his cooking skills.

It’s not bad, but it’s certainly not comparable to professional chefs who have put in a lot of effort into their cooking skills.

Unless one day he orders so many coupons that he has no place to spend them, and he ruthlessly buys the system to exchange for master cooking skills in the store, his cooking skills will improve by leaps and bounds.

After lunch.

Gong Lihua continued to check his body.

The spiritual energy freely penetrated Kurosawa's body to check the status of the visualization mark. Kurosawa gathered his spiritual energy to avoid disturbing her.

Not long after, the abundant yet warm spiritual energy left his body.

"So far, there is no problem. The visualization marks are full and the shape is very stable."

Gong Lihua nodded and said.

"Moreover, we can start the next stage of training."

"The next stage of training?" Kurosawa looked at her with curiosity in his eyes.

"I didn't mention it to you before because I wanted you to concentrate on the current stage of practice. However, your spiritual power has improved very quickly recently and the visualization mark has stabilized. It's time to start the second stage of practice."

"You don't have any other plans for the afternoon, right?" Gong Lihua asked.

"I have a free afternoon."

Kurosawa shook his head.

The first round was over, and he wouldn't be able to collect much information if he went to the venue in the afternoon.

In order to maintain good condition, you cannot train with too much intensity.

His original schedule for the afternoon was to do light training plus rest to adjust his personal condition and meditation training.

After receiving Kurosawa's reply, Gong Lihua nodded slightly, sat cross-legged in front of Kurosawa, and took out the original golden branch.

Perhaps because of the corresponding training method, the golden branches conveyed a very close aura to Kurosawa.

Compared with the last time he saw it, Kurosawa's strength has improved a lot now, and his perception ability is even more different. He can perceive more information from it. That small size contains bottomless information. of terrifying power.

Suddenly Kurosawa felt warmth coming from the back of his right hand.

He looked down and saw that the golden mark that only he could see glowed faintly again.


Gong Lihua had no reaction.

As expected, this golden mark obtained from the ruins of ancient civilization was very magical. Even a master elf master like Sister Hua could not detect its existence.

Gong Lihua saw that he was very interested in the branch and handed it to Kurosawa.

Unfortunately, there was no special reaction after the golden mark came into contact with the branch.

After a slight heat sensation, it quickly returned to calm.

Kurosawa was a little disappointed.

"What do you think is the biggest difference between you and an elite elf master as an elf master?" Gong Lihua asked softly.

Kurosawa subconsciously wanted to answer, of course, the difference between having a high-level elf or not.

But Minister Gong said that as an elf master, the answer naturally could not be an elf.

"Cultivation experience? Psychic strength?" Kurosawa answered relatively generally.

"Yes and no."

"Psionics are only a difference between you and an elite elf master, but there is a method that makes a difference between having or not having it, and that is the psionic burst technique, which can greatly improve the combat power of the elves."

"For example, if we both have elves of the same race, the same strength, and even the same skills, the elves can exert stronger combat power under my control."

Hei Ze nodded.

But he was a little confused.

He is now very proficient in using psionics to assist elf skills, but there is no sign of the so-called psionic burst.

Thinking of the second stage of the training method mentioned by Gong Lihua, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"You probably guessed it. The psychic burst technique is a derivative of the second stage of the training method."

"And generally speaking, the higher the intensity of the training method, the more sophisticated the psychic burst technique."

"Is there a specific classification of training methods?"

"Strictly speaking, there are only two types, the relatively public academy training method and the sect training method unique to some organizations."

"Different training methods have different focuses, and generally there is a difference in strength, but this difference in strength is difficult to measure with numbers, especially the sect training method is relatively secretive, and the degree of practice of elves is also different. You can only rely on your feelings to judge."

"Of course, the final decision of the strength of an elf master still depends on personal struggle. There are also many strong people who have practiced the academy training method. You don't have to worry too much about this."

Kurosawa responded and said he understood.

The two sat face to face in the quiet training room.

Miya Rika began to explain the theoretical knowledge of the next stage to him.

There is a lot of content, and it is not enough to finish it in one afternoon and let him understand it smoothly. Today's afternoon class is a start.

During her explanation, Kurosawa more or less understood the principle of the so-called psychic burst technique.

The core of the psychic burst technique is to do two things at once.

The second stage of training can develop the brain to a certain extent and help the elves improve their computing power.

Without interfering with the normal rhythm of the battle, a powerful elf master can rely on the specially developed visualization mark to do two things at once during the battle, and analyze various situations in the battle at the same time, including the real-time fluctuations of the attributes of the enemy and our elves, the individual's psychic state, the opponent's emotional changes, the wind, light, sound field environment and other factors. According to the degree of thinking, the psychic burst technique can assist the elves to show stronger strength. The specific gain depends on the amount of thinking and the duration.

Thanks to the book friend 20170626221135734 for the 5,000-coin reward.

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