My Elf Simulator

Chapter 149 Pull

The next day, it was another sunny day with clear blue sky.

The second round of the Haitang City Summer Tournament is about to begin.

None of the eight people who made it to today are weak.

After all, they were all screened through the auditions, and there was another round of screening after entering the main competition.

But if you have to pick out the weakest among the eight, it should be Zeng Shi.

As for Zeng Shi, Kurosawa only met him a few times during the Haitang Spring Tournament, and he never got to know him in depth afterwards.

He only knew that he was a player in the same period as Lin Daqing, and before he appeared, Zeng Shi and Lin Daqing were in a competitive relationship.

They were of the same age and had similar strength levels. In most cases, Lin Daqing was slightly better. Occasionally, when the state was up and down, Zeng Shi won. The gap between the two was not particularly large.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the arena was full of spectators.

Today's audience seats clearly began to show signs of fan group activities.

Large groups of spectators wearing players' cheering clothes sat together, clapping cheering sticks in their hands.

A large part of them are pure black people wearing summer season style cheering clothes.

Because of the experience and lessons of the spring season, the shipment volume of Kurosawa series peripherals in the summer season has obviously increased several times.

A summer season Kurosawa series T-shirt costs 99 yuan. The pure black T-shirt is embroidered with Kurosawa's artistic signature in gold, and there is a specific number on the corner of each piece.

If various doll peripherals are added, the price of a complete set is 199 yuan.

For fan products that are generally overpriced, this price is not particularly unscrupulous.

And it is an official souvenir, and it has a considerable collection value, so pure black people will not be stingy with this little money.

Before the game officially started, Ji Qingwen from the next player channel ran to Kurosawa's lounge to visit.

In theory, it is against the rules, but the staff supervising next to him did not say anything.

They will not hold on to such trivial matters, just turn a blind eye.

One is Ji Qingwen, who is known as one of Haitang 3C, and the other is the newly promoted Haitang Prince. They are both just humble workers. What can they do? They can't drive Ji Qingwen away.

"Are you nervous?"

When Ji Qingwen came in, Hei Ze was looking at his phone, and the lottery ceremony was about to take place outside.

"A little bit."

"This answer doesn't fit your personality." Ji Qingwen shook his head.

Hei Ze was very curious.

"What is my personality?"

"Uh, calm and self-assured, a cold-faced killer? Or cold-du man means a cool and indifferent urban man."

As if afraid that Hei Ze wouldn't understand, Ji Qingwen patiently explained.

"Brother Ji, you know a lot."

Hei Ze scratched his head.

He actually lost to a man in his thirties in surfing the Internet, oh Moses Roy.

"Haha, when I have nothing to do, I often browse the forum. In fact, one of my small accounts is still the small moderator of your personal section of the Super Competition Forum."

Ji Qingwen said proudly.

A few black lines appeared on Kurosawa's forehead.

Let's not talk about why he still has time to become a small moderator. Secondly, is this something to be proud of?


"But saying that I am aloof is really a complete slander."

He didn't admit the evaluation of his aloofness.

Nine out of ten aloof people are just pretending.

"Maybe it's because you don't talk much in normal times, and you always look expressionless on the court."

Kurosawa fell into deep thought after hearing this.

This is true.

But you can't blame him.

The expressionless face on the court is because he will be calmer when he enters the state of perception of natural forces, which is a force majeure factor.

While the two were talking, the draw results in the arena outside the passage were also announced.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the luck in the first round was just a technical adjustment. After a small drop in the first round, it quickly attracted a pull-up.

His opponent is Zeng Shi, the weakest among the top eight.

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

[What kind of dog luck? ]

[There is a conspiracy, it's unfair!!]

[Boring, I want to see a river of blood!]

[You are all spreading rumors about the Crown Prince of Haitang. I didn't believe it at first, but now I have my doubts]

[No doubt, Haitang League is the world of my brother Zezi]

[Is there a possibility that this is a random draw?]

[Guaranteed to the semi-finals]

Zeng Shiren was numb.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is if he can enter the quarter-finals.

But the opponent is Kurosawa. If he is beaten by him who is so much younger than him, where will he put his face?

So, he would rather draw against elite players like Ji Qingwen.

When Kurosawa heard the result, he subconsciously smiled, but then he restrained it.

Laughing at the draw ceremony is not a good thing.

Maybe Zeng Shi's strength has also made great progress during this period? Although the possibility is small, it cannot be ruled out. The behavior of opening champagne before the game should be stopped.

And there is a staff member next to him holding a camera to take pictures.

Be careful of the impact. If something unexpected happens later, his every move at this moment may become a famous painting.

Ji Qingwen didn't care about the camera.

Hearing Kurosawa's opponent's announcement, he immediately patted Kurosawa on the shoulder.

"God Ze has good luck. See you in the finals, okay."

Seeing his excitement, those who don't know would think that he had drawn Zeng Shi.

Ji Qingwen's opponent in the top 4 is Wei Lian.

Wei Lian is the third elite player in Haitang City, with the nickname William on the Internet. He is very strong and has been his number one rival for the summer and winter championships in recent years.

The two are relatively close in strength, and have won and lost against each other after many battles.

Who can win depends on who is in better condition on the day.

The photographer carrying the camera blinked.

See you in the finals? Can you say this in front of the camera?

He asked Ji Qingwen a question from behind the camera.

"Does Ji Qingwen think so highly of Kurosawa?"

What Ji Qingwen said just now clearly means that both of them can go very far, 8 to 4, 4 to 2, and then the final.

If it was him, it would be fine. As long as he passed Wei Lian, there would be no obstacles in front of him. As for Wei Lian, he couldn't be afraid before the battle, but Kurosawa was clearly only a professional level.

"Of course, Ze Shen is invincible." Ji Qingwen smiled.

Kurosawa cast a look that said "You seem to have that serious disease."

"He was joking. The players in the summer season are all very strong. I dare not say how far I can go. The temporary goal is to reach the semi-finals."

He felt that being the strongest after the three Cs of Haitang was already a very good performance.

But the civil war between the three Cs of Haitang in advance seemed to give him the possibility of further improvement in his ranking.

The photographer nodded, but he felt sorry in his heart.

Hei Ze is really watertight. According to his age and strength, even if he is more crazy, not many people will scold him for it.

He is really too cautious. It is very difficult to make big news from him.

"Zeng Shi's Shining Primordial Horse still hasn't started. The timing and luck are still a little bit worse. It's a pity. As Shining Primordial Horse falls into nightmares and continuous pranks and intimidation, Shining Primordial Horse is gradually losing the possibility of reversing the situation."

On the commentary desk, the male commentator said with a regretful voice.

In fact, he may not really support Zeng Shi, but the unspoken rule of commentary is that the two commentators cannot be one-sided, and each commentator must "stand on the side" of a player respectively.

The female commentator who was his partner was a loyal fan of Kurosawa, so he could only comment from the perspective of Kurosawa's opponent.

He browsed the forum these days and found that many people had already labeled him as a Kurosawa hater.

It was really an injustice for the ages. He had always admired Kurosawa since he met him in the spring game.

At that time, it was still the qualifiers for the spring game, and Kurosawa was still unknown. It can be said that most of Kurosawa's fans now are not as experienced as him.

"Yes, but we must also realize that Kurosawa obviously planned to train his troops in this match, and the gap in strength between the two players is greater than we imagined."

"Kurosawa's talent is really amazing. You know, in the spring game, the two were still players of the same strength level."

The female commentator's tone was filled with joy.

On the scene, the hidden nightmare was flickering from the surrounding fog from time to time, and occasionally cast an illusion to scare the frightened Shining Primal.

The mental state of the Shining Primordial Horse was quite wrong, with red light flashing in his eyes and his hooves treading anxiously.

He wanted to use the Light Blast, but he couldn't find an opponent.

The huge mental pressure plus the frustration of not being able to find an opponent after punching a sponge made the Shining Primordial Horse almost crazy.

The transitional nightmare suppressed the energy value of the Shining Primordial Horse.

The dream attribute plus the weak ghost attribute were unsolvable for the current Shining Primordial Horse.

Kurosawa did train the elves through the game.

If he sent the little Shining Spirit to play, Zeng Shi would not have lasted until this time.

In fact, the first elf he sent was the Miracle Colossus Mumu.

Unfortunately, although Kurosawa believed that Mumu's current hard power was enough to defeat many intermediate elves despite the energy disadvantage, the premise was that it must master its skills.

And Mumu only completed the promotion to the intermediate stage and evolution yesterday, and he was very inexperienced in both his body and his skills.

It only defeated the weakest intermediate elf light bulb firefly in the past, and was defeated by the second elf giant dragonfly. When the long-arm skill [Holy Light Explosion] could not be used, it was pulled as a melee short-armed.

However, Mumu's performance was not without merit, especially its combination of [Super Strength] + [Hardening] + [Collision] + [Super Heavy Punch] was very amazing, and the destructive power caused was stronger than he expected.

The pits and craters on the field that still exist are the masterpieces of Mumu. Of course, it would be better if he could pay attention to the hit rate.

The battle in which Mumu appeared increased its skill proficiency and practical experience.

Blue level [Hardening] proficiency +1, LV2 (4→5/10)

Blue level [Super Heavy Punch] proficiency +2, LV2 (3→5/10)

Deep blue level [Super Strength] proficiency +1, LV1 (1→2/5)

Deep blue level [Sunbathing] proficiency +1, LV1 (2→3/5)

He gained a lot, but Kurosawa still planned to watch the video review for Mumu after the game. It was not good to be dragged by others all the time.

After reviewing and summarizing and absorbing the actual combat experience this time, he believed that Mumu would perform better next time.

Back to the ongoing battle in front of him.

The situation on the field has been completely one-sided.

It was originally a battle in which the strength was absolutely unequal from the beginning.

But this is the best result for Zeng Shi. If it was Little Shining who played, he would have been enjoying the air conditioning in the elf infirmary.

Let's end the battle. Kurosawa used his psychic energy to give orders to Nightmare hiding in the shadows.

His purpose of letting Mumu and Nightmare play for training has been achieved. If he continues, people will inevitably misunderstand that he is torturing his opponent.


Nightmare's body suddenly appeared from the shadows, and purple-black mist wrapped around it, making it look a little weird.

With the surging of dream and ghost energy in the body, the purple mist suddenly expanded, and bubbles with flashing light flew out of the mist.


A huge amount of attribute energy poured down on the already crazy Shining Proto-Horse.


The Shining Proto-Horse "exploded".

The light energy that was tense all over exploded.

A sun suddenly appeared in the center of the field.

The dazzling light made the audience around them squint their eyes.

"Zeng Shi's Shining Protoss still couldn't hold up."

"Congratulations to Kurosawa for winning. He is the second player to advance to the semi-finals."

"He will compete for the trophy with the remaining three players."

"Congratulations to Kurosawa!"

The female commentator half-squinted, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes due to the strong light. She announced the result of the game with tears in her voice, and her voice was filled with uncontrollable joy.

As the commentator announced loudly, small salutes were raised on the sidelines, and colorful ribbons flew over the arena again.

In the audience, Kurosawa fans wearing uniform cheering uniforms shouted like waves.

Zeng Shi wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It's finally over.

He was obviously a loser, but he was relieved.

In fact, he lost effective control of Shining Protoss in the middle of the battle.

The Shining Proto-Horse had been caught in the opponent's nightmare illusion without knowing when.

The dream-attributed energy seemed to be woven into an airtight net, which suddenly caught him. By the time he realized it, it was already difficult to get out.

He did fight back, but unfortunately, no matter how he drove his psychic energy, he could not help his Shining Proto-Horse escape from the illusion.

The pressure was too great, and ending the battle was a relief for him.

Kurosawa put the nightmare back into the flash card, and his body slowly got rid of the shallow perception state of natural power.

The indifferent expression on his face became a little more vivid, but overall he remained restrained and reserved.

He turned around and waved to the fans in the audience who were cheering and supporting him.

The shouting became more intense.

Kurosawa was a little happy to find his parents in the dense crowd.

He turned around, walked to the opposite side and shook hands with Zeng Shi, and hugged him lightly when he left.

When he left the venue, the system prompt sound began to ring in his mind.

"Congratulations on your promotion in the Haitang City Summer Competition. The current competition level is three-star city level. We are calculating your rewards based on your specific performance in the competition."

"Congratulations, you have received 170 points and 8 personal experience points."

The rewards are actually less than the previous round.

But it is understandable that although the round is later, Zeng Shi's strength is not as good as Bai Changqing, who he met in the first round. He is probably able to get this reward because of his three-star city level.

"Currently available points: 1285"

"Personal level: Level 3 (36/40)"

Upgrade soon.

Kurosawa looked at the information on the panel with his peripheral vision and suddenly realized.

Thanks to "Ming Yue Qing Feng Gu Ren" for the 1700 starting coins reward.

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