My Elf Simulator

Chapter 15 Making Money

Come to the Haitang City Alliance Base.

Kurosawa found that the venue had changed slightly from the last time he came.

"Vibrant Pansy! The 2022 Haitang City Spring League Pansy Cup will open city-wide auditions on March 2!"

"Welcome all elf masters to sign up!"

"Specific event information can be found on the online platform"

Various promotional banners have been posted on the road, and the big screen outside the venue is showing the highlights of last year's Winter Cup in a loop.

A ancestor horse with a swaying tail flame kicked its front feet and screamed to launch a tail swing attack, and then a large ball of surging flames splashed out rapidly.

The elves on the opposite side were also not inferior. The shield crocodile that had completed the rock armor instantly took a defensive posture, and layers of rock armor emitted yellow flashes.

Kurosawa retracted his sight and felt a lot of pressure.

Both sides were intermediate elves with awakened attributes.

If he remembered correctly, this was one of the quarterfinals of the Winter Cup.

Although the level of the qualifying round should not be that high, and the overall value and competition of the Spring Cup are not as good as the Winter Cup, if you really want to achieve good results in the Spring Cup, it is not feasible not to train the elves to intermediate strength.

Among the four quarterly competitions of the city-level competition, the value of the Summer Cup and the Winter Cup is significantly higher.

The provincial competition is held between summer and autumn, and the provincial competition will be held shortly after the end of the Summer Cup. For many elves, the Summer Cup is the best opportunity to review their own strength.

Even elves who get tickets to the provincial competition in the other three quarters will most likely sign up for the Summer Cup.

The situation of the Winter Cup is more special. Winter is during the New Year holiday, and office workers and students have a long vacation.

The ratings of related events will usher in a comprehensive surge, so the commercial value of the Winter Cup is also the highest. It is called the annual champion and the annual champion of the city.

If an elf master's certification label is the 2021 Begonia Champion, then he is the winter champion by default. Other quarterly champions do not have this honor and can only be certified as the Begonia Spring Crown and Begonia Summer Crown.

"Warming up so early?"

He had followed the previous years' events to some extent, but he basically watched them for fun.

This Spring Cup was the first time he had participated in one of the events in person since he awakened his psychic powers.

For some reason, his heart beat faster.

He would go in and out of the stadium and onto the screen, and he would no longer be an unknown person.

The nightmare mayfly hiding in his sleeves sensed his emotional changes, and poked its head out of his collar in confusion, observing the outside environment in a daze.

? ? ? What happened?

Seeing that there was no danger outside.

After being stagnant for a moment, it slipped back into the warm sleeves.

There were also many more elves walking in the hall of the base venue.

Elves who were usually adventuring or performing tasks outside, as long as they were interested in participating in the city-level league, would return one after another in the near future.

Hei Ze came to the alliance base today to accept the task.

The 20,000 yuan reward for the last task was just a drop in the bucket for the elves.

Ordinary elf food and potions can easily cost thousands or even tens of thousands.

Moreover, he found that although the bird saved a lot of resources due to the system upgrade, its appetite was much larger than that of similar elves.

The supplies that were enough for a month before may now be eaten up in two weeks.

This made the already poor family even worse.

As for the new nightmare mayfly, although it doesn't eat much, it still needs to buy a flash card.

Now because of its size, it can live in his clothes, but it won't be a long-term problem.

The bird has a flash card, and the mayfly should be treated equally.

The most basic flash card costs 30,000.

Not to mention other miscellaneous expenses, which may not seem much, but add up to a lot of money.

Kurosawa suddenly understood the troubles of adults supporting their families.

Entering the hall of the task room, he randomly found an operating terminal.

He slid the screen and found that many tasks had been displayed as accepted.

Many of the tasks I looked at last time have also disappeared from the list.

However, this is the situation in the task hall, and the information scrolls very quickly.

Some tasks have been completed, and some tasks have been cancelled due to time limits.

For a third-tier small city like Haitang, the number of tasks is not as large as that of a big city.

After Kurosawa looked through the task list, the system did not respond.

Helplessly, he only accepted a citizen's hypnosis commission task to earn some extra money.

His contract with Nightmare Mayfly was not completely completed, but it was not a problem to release a hypnosis skill in a non-combat situation.

E-level task [Hypnosis Help]

A citizen suffers from insomnia, please help her relieve her insomnia symptoms and fall asleep.

After accepting the task, you can view the specific information.

Task requirements: The elf master has an elf with hypnosis ability.

Task reward: 5,000

The task requirement time is tonight, which is still a long time away.

Kurosawa opened a training room and continued to train the skills of the bird.

"Angry combo."

"Angry combo!"

He activated his psychic energy and coordinated it with the energy in the bird's body.

The bird flew up, and its beak pecked out countless afterimages.

The black line exploded in all directions.


After a whole day of training, the bird became tired.

Hei Ze was also a little exhausted, and he rubbed his temples.

The excessive consumption of psychic energy made him a little overwhelmed.

He shut down the equipment.

Fortunately, the training effect of the day today was very good.

"Blue-level Angry Combo LV2 (0/10)"

Opening the panel, it shows that the Angry Combo has been trained to level 2.

Under normal circumstances, the bird can be stable in the fourth gear, and can persist in the fifth gear mode for a short period of time when it is full of energy.

As for the sixth gear, it is only possible to complete the full counterattack when the ultimate ability is activated.

The sixth gear frequency is also the highest frequency that the training room equipment in Haitang City can provide.

He took the bird to the recovery room and used the treatment device to give it physical therapy.

Although the training of skills is very hard, it needs to be maintained on a daily basis.

The overall strength of the elf is not only based on the realm, but the proficiency of the skills may be more critical.

It is very dangerous to have good strength on paper but poor in actual combat.

Because it means that you have the right to participate in tasks or activities that are higher than your ability, and if an accident occurs during the process, it may cause serious injury or even death.

This is why the certification of professional elf masters, in addition to the rigid standard of training a mid-level elf, also introduces actual combat assessment.

When Kurosawa was a novice, he had not fully realized the importance of elf skills.

But now he has this understanding, and is slowly increasing the extent of skill training.

After taking a shower and finishing dinner, Kurosawa walked out of the base stadium gate with Dudu Bird. It was completely dark.

He checked the time on his mobile phone. It was 7:20 in the evening.

It takes half an hour to take the subway to the mission location, and the walking distance is less than ten minutes. He will arrive on time at 8 o'clock.

He calculated the time in his mind.

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