My Elf Simulator

Chapter 152: Too Sunny

"Successfully purchased a primary affinity badge with thunder attribute!"

"Remaining points: 585"

Seeing that the points that had finally broken through four digits fell back to three digits again, Kurosawa felt a little regretful.

Just like when I was a child, I smashed the piggy bank to take out the money and buy candies. I was both happy and reluctant to give up.

He shook his head to drive away the random thoughts from his mind.

Now is not the time to think about this.

He looked at the thumbnail in the system backpack.

The primary affinity badge with the thunder attribute is a light blue badge, surrounded by gorgeous cloud patterns, and in the middle is a sharp blue sword. It looks like the legendary Bodhidharma hidden among the high-altitude clouds. Sword of Chris.

Look carefully at the small gold star below the badge. A star should represent its junior level.

This affinity badge is placed in the system backpack. Because it has no entity, it cannot be taken out. It only exists as a conceptual prop.

"Are you wearing a thunder-attribute junior affinity badge?"

As Kurosawa focused on the icon, a voice sounded in his head.


"Wearing now"

The badge in the backpack began to turn gray and white, and at the same time, swirling ripples began to appear on it, as if the computer was loading a program.

Kurosawa shivered suddenly, and a tingling energy flowed out from the depths of his brain, and then spread to all parts of his body.


Kurosawa swallowed and couldn't help but tighten his fingers on the armrests of the chair.

That energy seemed to be transforming every part of his body.

Some kind of magical changes were going on in Kurosawa's body.

Electricity flowed from the corners of his eyes, giving off a faint dark blue halo, his black hair danced gently, and the fine hairs on his body stood up.

Invigorating energy is flowing everywhere.

Because there were alliance staff coordinating work not far away, Kurosawa suppressed the desire to moan if he felt comfortable enough, if he made a sound here.

I do not know how long it has been.


The pleasure was fading, Kurosawa opened his eyes and wiped the corners of his eyes to wipe away the few tears that had secreted.

He looked around guiltily.

The semi-finals will be held soon, and the staff are very busy and have no time to notice the abnormal situation on his side.

"You have successfully worn the thunder attribute junior affinity badge."

"The player's sensitivity to thunder attribute energy has increased slightly. If he uses psychic energy to command the elves to cast skills, the power of the corresponding attribute moves will be slightly increased!"

"The tacit understanding of players with the thunder attribute elves has been slightly improved!"

After putting on the affinity badge, the system sounded a series of prompts.

After Kurosawa's experience with the psychic power-enhancing props he purchased last time, he once again saw the word "small amplitude" in the introduction of the system's products, and he didn't think much of it.

He felt the light body and brain, and the perception transmitted from the body could not be deceived.

Worthy of the price of 500 points, this primary badge with thunder attribute is very powerful, and the enhancement it brings is almost immediate.

He vaguely felt that he would be more comfortable commanding the little Shining now.

"Tip: At the current player level, you can only wear one attribute badge. If you want to change the other badges, you need to take off the currently worn badge and wait 24 hours before changing it."

"Please work hard to improve your personal level. After the player's personal level is improved, the number of attribute badges allowed to be worn at the same time will increase."

The system beeps instructions.

Kurosawa understood the meaning.

He can currently only wear one attribute badge, and if he wants to change the badge, there is still a 24-hour cooling time, so there is no possibility of taking advantage of it.

If you want to use badges to enhance your affinity with multiple attributes in a short period of time, you need to continuously improve your personal level, otherwise you can only choose the most necessary attributes to load.

This is actually reasonable. In his opinion, the current Thunder Affinity Badge is like an external force blessing his body and soul. Strictly speaking, it is not his original power.

It's just that the affinity badge has a higher degree of integration of external power, so there's not much difference in its use.

But perhaps it is precisely because the integration situation is so good that if you want to break away and switch to another attribute affinity, the impact will not be washed away so quickly. After all, the human body is not computer hardware, and the USB flash drive can be plugged and played.

Fortunately, he currently has no such worries.

He only has one attribute badge, so he doesn't need to worry about it, he can just wear it all the time.

"Kurosawa, it will be your time to appear soon, please prepare in advance."

A staff member came quickly and said softly.

Kurosawa quickly calmed down and returned his attention to the real world.

There is no time to feel the changes brought about by the Thunder Attribute Affinity Badge on the body. All the effects can be tested on the field with "real swords and guns".

Kurosawa walked out of the aisle on time after being prompted by the staff.

Bright sunshine fell from the sky above the arena.

Perhaps because he had been in the relatively dark lounge for a long time, Kurosawa felt a little dazed by the sunlight, so he raised his palms above his head to block the sunlight.


The salutes surrounding the arena exploded with colorful ribbons.

The crystal clear ribbons were flying in the air, reflecting the sunlight, making the arena particularly dazzling at this moment.

The camera zoomed in on Kurosawa.

Under the bright sunshine, he used his hands to slightly block the light, and the light fell on the fine black hair on his forehead. His face without much expression exuded a lazy and strange charm.

Today's Kurosawa seemed a little different.

"The first to appear is our handsome player Ze Kurosawa."

Female commentator Yu Li stared at the screen for a moment, almost forgetting that she was on the commentary desk, and almost blurted out a word of Ze Bao.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and swallowed the explosion sound that had already been made.

As an individual, she can admire the players, but standing on the commentary desk, the two players who are about to appear are both well-known local players in Haitang, so her emotional tendency must be restrained.

At ten o'clock, the popularity in the official live broadcast room reached its peak.

There are a full 130,000 people online.

Compared with the middle-aged generation who like to turn on the TV and watch it on the sofa.

Young people prefer to watch the game through live broadcasts, and the rich barrage culture can add a lot of fun.

[Ze Bao is really too hot today! 【Heart Eyes】

【Hahaha, just shout if you want】

【Everyone knows you are a fan of Zebao】

【Ze fans support you! 】

【If something happened, Ze fans would be the first to be upset】

【You understand the little black fans too well】

【Little black fans are like this】

【Sweet, sweet, sweet】

【Don’t steal my husband! 】

【Male fans, stop it】

Hei Ze didn’t pay much attention to the situation on the commentary desk. He was adjusting his state, stretching the power of the natural force and the power of the thunder attribute affinity badge.

After a simple adjustment, he opened his eyes and calmly looked at the crowded audience.

He waved to the dark crowd, as always, in the direction of his parents’ seats.

On the high rostrum, Minister Gong also came to the stadium.

Today is indeed a crucial game.


“Bingbing, my Bingbing!”

Suddenly, there were shouts and cheers from the other side of the audience.

He looked at the opposite player channel.

Zhuang Yanbing, wearing a battle suit and looking heroic, was walking out.

Compared with Hei Ze, the fans' excitement when he appeared was nothing compared to hers.

On the one hand, the opponent was also a popular player, and the number of core fans was definitely more than that of Hei Ze now.

On the other hand, Hei Ze's fans also knew that the upcoming game was not optimistic, so they were a little less confident, and naturally they were overwhelmed by the more numerous Zhuang Yanbing fans.

Hei Ze stared at Zhuang Yanbing standing in the distance.

How strong was he?

In fact, he himself was not very clear.

His elf realm was at a disadvantage, but Zhuang Yanbing was actually the weakest among the Begonia Elite 3C.

She was younger than the other two, and it had only been more than a year since she was promoted to elite.

So she had a high-level elf, and the order of magnitude of the attribute energy value had not been pulled apart to a particularly large extent. It was only by relying on the attribute core condensed in the high-level stage that the energy intensity of her elves would be much higher than that of the intermediate elves.

Her lineup for this game was two high-level elves carrying a random intermediate elf.

One of the high-level elves has already appeared, the giant dolphin elf that defeated Lin Daqing.

Natural power, thunder affinity, Zeus, secret, multiple purple-level skills and combinations

These are Kurosawa's possessions.

Kurosawa has not officially fought against elite elf masters, and he is not sure whether his strength has reached the level of high-level elves.

With a gleam in his eyes, Kurosawa secretly formulated a strategy in his mind.

At the signal of the chief referee, the two saluted slightly, then took their positions in the command area, concentrating and closing their eyes.


A crisp whistle sounded.

The two took out the flash cards at the same time and threw them out, neither hurried nor slow.

Kurosawa chose to send out Nightmare.

Nightmare is currently the second strongest in his elf lineup.

Its frontal combat power is inferior to that of the small shining spirit, but it wins in diverse and weird abilities.

He sent out Nightmare in the first battle, with the purpose of observing the opponent's situation.

If he is really defeated, Nightmare's ghost characteristics can also support for a long time and consume the opponent's strength.

A golden light flashed, and two elves suddenly appeared in the center of the arena.

Hei Ze raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickering.

Zhuang Yanbing's choice was somewhat unexpected.

She first sent out a relatively weak intermediate elf, a black warrior elf, which was not even at the transition stage, with only thirty attribute energy points.

The black warrior is a turtle-shaped ocean elf with three-star racial qualifications. Its most striking feature is its deep black, ink-like sharp armor and fierce personality.

Among the many docile turtle-shaped elves, it is a rare warmonger.


An inexplicable sense of familiarity came over him.

Hei Ze thought for a moment and soon realized where it came from.

Wasn't the opponent's behavior exactly the battle strategy he adopted against Zeng Shi in the second round of the auditions and the main competition? After no pressure to advance, he used the opponent in the competition to train his weakest elf.

What a retribution!

Now it's his turn to be underestimated.

Hei Ze thought to himself, a little annoyed.

People are always double-standard creatures.

Besides, he had never practiced so hard before.

Mumu's strength at that time was not weak against many opponents in the auditions, but he lacked some combat experience. Strictly speaking, he was still strong against weak.

But now, only three elves can be put on the field. It is known that Zhuang Yanbing only has two high-level elves. The remaining third spot should be her other intermediate transitional ancestor horse, right?

She is equivalent to sacrificing a small round directly.

You know, this is the stage of the semi-finals.

[Hehe, Sister Bing starts to practice]

[Sister Bing is somewhat looking down on Hei Ze]

[It’s time to kill the sharpness of the fans of Kou Ze. I have been annoyed with you for a long time. You always look like the boss and I am the second. You think that no one can control you in Haitang, right? ]

[Go crazy, keep crazy]

[Can the black seniors still talk? ]

[Don’t, brothers. There is no conflict between our Zebao and Sister Bing. ]

[Many of our innocent little black people are fans of Sister Bing. Don’t kill the friendly forces. There are unknown Lin fans who are fishing in troubled waters. Be careful to identify them. ]

[Friendship first, competition second]

[We Ze fans are very friendly, Bingjie fans should be kind]


[Zebao and Bingjie are both genuine geniuses, unlike Lin Daqing and other shockwaves. As fans, we should not fight among ourselves, but be harmonious and friendly. ]

[Who is against you and us? Bingjie, go! Take down Hei Ze! ]

[I will torture these Hei seniors, step on their heads, step on their heads hard. ]

[Don't do this kind of thing!!! ]

[If you want to fight, hit Zebao, don't bully us innocent little Heizi, we are innocent.]

[We innocent little Heizi love to cause trouble, but we are also afraid of it! (Unwarranted pride)]

Hei Ze let out a long breath and pursed his lips.

He was serious.

Although he understood that the black warrior in front of him should be the elf she was training recently and seeking to break through to the advanced level, he could also understand her idea of ​​seizing every opportunity to improve her strength to train it.

But isn't it too much to use an ordinary intermediate elf with 30 or 40 energy points to fight my transitional nightmare?

Unless Zhuang Yanbing thinks that he will choose to suppress the two transitional elves and send out the newly promoted Mumu first, otherwise it is likely that she is rushing to use Hei Ze's transitional elf as a whetstone.

The power of nature is activated shallowly, and Hei Ze instantly enters the super perception state, and the color of his pupils fades slightly.

Before the nightmare came out, it was ready to cross the level to face the high-level elves, but it didn't expect that the opponent was actually a little guy.

It, who has always been gentle, couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Hei Ze and Nightmare looked at each other and fought quickly.

Zhuang Yanbing may feel that as an elite elf master, she has stronger psychic power, and her combat skills and combat experience are better than Hei Ze. With the gap between elf masters, she can make up for the larger energy value gap at the elf level.

Hei Ze feels obliged to let the opponent face his own strength.

This is already the semi-finals, a grand stage watched by hundreds of thousands of eyes in real time, not a private training club.

Kurosawa has not been idle during this period.

In fact, as the psychic training method entered the second stage of practice, he also had a deeper understanding of the release of some of the elves' skills.

Through spiritual thinking and understanding, the strength of the three elves has been improved imperceptibly.

Especially Nightmare, its frontal combat ability has been greatly strengthened.

It stared at the black warrior in front of it, who was roaring at it with his head raised, and tilted its head.

It never figured out where the courage of this little turtle came from?

Thanks to "Hai Ziyuan" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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