My Elf Simulator

Chapter 163 The beginning of all evil?

On an ordinary and ordinary day, 16-year-old Kurosawa grew up to 17-year-old Kurosawa.

Kurosawa spent his 17th birthday in a low-key manner.

This was his personal wish.

At noon, he had a meal with his parents at home and ordered a 6-inch cake.

It was not very big. Kurosawa's parents did not like to eat too sweet food. They just smiled and watched the cake go into the stomachs of Kurosawa and the three elves.

There was no other plan for the evening, but I don't know where Ji Qingwen got the news from.

So he invited a few people who usually contacted to have a small meal at a barbecue restaurant.

Kurosawa received a lot of gifts.

The most valuable one should be a skill image amber given by Minister Gong, which stores a purple-level skill.

Perhaps there is a birthday BUFF in the dark.

The system store was upgraded just the day after his birthday.

The store interface after the upgrade is completely new.

[Exchange Shop]

[Fruit of Elf Growth - 10 points]

[Primary attribute affinity badge - 500 points each]

[Master cooking - 250 points]

[Directional skill training acceleration card (white level) - 30 points]

[Directional skill training acceleration card (blue level) - 50 points]

[Directional skill training acceleration card (purple level) - 100 points]

[Conceptual weapon lottery machine]

I'm so awesome?

Kurosawa looked at the last lottery function.

It really appeared!

The damn gacha mechanism!

He stared at it, and soon the interface in front of him jumped to the specific lottery page.

[Single draw/30 points]

[Ten consecutive draws/300 points]

Tip: The rarity of concept weapons is divided into blue, purple, and gold

Ten consecutive draws will guarantee a blue elf concept weapon.

Ninety consecutive draws will guarantee a purple elf concept weapon.

There is no guarantee mechanism for gold elf concept weapons.

Sometimes Kurosawa secretly disliked the scarcity of items that could be purchased on the system store page.

Unexpectedly, the system gave him a big wave.

It felt like a bottomless pit of point consumption.

What is the elf concept weapon.

Kurosawa had doubts in his heart.

But the doubt was soon answered.

"Concept weapon is an invisible special energy that can be added to the props in the real world or the body parts of the elves to transform them accordingly."

The transformed concept weapon is more suitable for the use of elves, and the energy conduction efficiency will be greatly improved after binding.

It seems to be for a more intuitive demonstration.

A video similar to the demonstration animation popped up on the lottery page in front of him.

A ball of blue light gently attached to an ordinary iron sword, and soon the factory-made sword body and hilt changed shape.

Finally, it turned into a shining silver-white sharp long sword. The sword body became sharper and tougher, and accessories similar to hand guards appeared on the hilt. Just from the appearance, it was very different from the original.

The blue light ball dissipated, and the sword became ordinary again.

Kurosawa understood that [Concept Armament] can transform and strengthen ordinary weapons to meet the needs of elves and enhance the combat effectiveness of elves.

Ordinary man-made weapons have almost no effect on elves, because ordinary metals themselves have poor conductivity to attribute energy.

Using weapons is just superfluous for elves, unless they are props specially customized with special materials.

Kurosawa had seen on the Internet that rich elf masters in big cities made attribute energy armor for their elves.

Unfortunately, he was not so arrogant.

When Kurosawa was hesitating whether to try a ten-shot combo.

Two voices sounded in his mind.

"Do you want to consume 100 points to upgrade the elf panel?"

"Tip: This upgrade is extremely important, please complete it as soon as possible."

Available points: 1303

He looked at his remaining points, which were still sufficient.

Without much hesitation, he waved his hand and chose to upgrade.


With a crisp sound, the upgrade was completed.

Kurosawa opened the elf panel.

Soon he discovered the difference in the upgraded elf panel.

The first point is the addition of an equipment system.

In the specific information column of the elves, there is an additional equipment column.

It should be related to the concept of the weapon lottery system that appeared in the store. Each pet has an equipment slot.

In addition, there are some changes in the display of various information data on some of the original status bars.

Take the panel of the little Shining as an example.

Elf: Shining Bird

Racial Qualification: Three Stars (82%)

Level: Intermediate (Transitional)

Attribute: Thunder

Energy Value: 53.1

Skills: White-Peck LV3 (12/20) White-Scream LV3 (2/20) White-Run LV3 (9/20)

Blue-Angry Combo LV3 (8/20)

Dark Blue-Electric Shock LV3 (15/20) Dark Blue-Thunder Clothes LV3 (7/20) Dark Blue-Energy Storage LV2 (9/10)

Purple-Thunder Gun LV2 (3/10) Purple-Thunder Bomb LV2 (5/10)

Equipment Slot: [Empty]

The racial qualification of the little Shining is followed by a percentage sign.

Kurosawa quickly understood what it meant.

The number behind it is the data of the little Shining's bloodline situation. The higher the value, the closer it is to evolving to the next star level.

82% is probably a relatively good number.

Nightmare’s racial qualification is: three stars (58%)

And the racial qualifications of Miracle Colossus Mumu are: four stars (13%)

In theory, elves can evolve infinitely, but in reality, it is far from that simple.

It is already a great thing that most elves can complete one or two evolutions.

It would be too difficult for a one-star race to dream of being promoted to four or five stars.

At least for now, Kurosawa can intuitively understand the evolution level of the elves in real time through the upgraded elf panel.

is a good feature.

Kurosawa closed the elf panel and returned to the system store.

Points available: 1203

Upgrading the Elf Panel costs 100 points.

With a 30-point coupon, he could theoretically draw forty draws.

But he was also a little curious about the orientation skills training accelerator cards that appeared in the upgraded store.

He focused on the accelerator card product, and a detailed product description soon appeared.

[Orienteering Skills Training Acceleration Card (White Level)]

Description: Using this prop, you can designate a white-level skill mastered by an elf. In the next five days, the training effect of this skill will be greatly improved.

The descriptions of blue-level and purple-level accelerator cards are roughly the same, but the prices are different.

It also feels like a very practical prop.

The higher the skill level, the more difficult it is to improve.

Kurosawa had already felt deeply.

Little Shining's electric shock reached LV3 a long time ago, but it is still stuck at this stage.

Dark Blue-Electric Shock LV3 (15/20)

The more advanced the skill, the greater the amount of training required, which is a long process.

If the accelerator card can help him reduce the difficulty of skill upgrades, it will save time.

After much thought, he decided to do ten consecutive draws first.

Ten draws in a row can guarantee a blue-level concept weapon.

At least get a sample to try out the feel and the magnitude of the improvement.

Kurosawa focused on the button [Ten consecutive rounds/300 points].

"Are you going to draw the Concept Armed Tenth Company?"


"300 points have been deducted, and the remaining points are: 903."

The lottery machine started working, and a blue light flashed in front of Kurosawa's eyes.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng!"

Ten props were presented in front of him.

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

[Canglang Orb (Blue)]

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

The draw is over.

Nine pale upgrade materials and one blue-level concept weapon.


It's guaranteed.

Kurosawa's luck seems to have played no role in the extraction of conceptual weapons.

【Pale spar】

Description: This is a rare metal mineral. Putting it into conceptual weapons can help improve the level of conceptual weapons. It is said that as long as there are enough pale crystals, a unique artifact can be forged.


A unique artifact.

Do you think I would believe it?

Kurosawa read the description of the pale spar.

There should be a hidden premise for the unparalleled artifact, a pair of golden conceptual weapons?

What matters is the quality of the weapon, right? The description of the weapon upgrade materials somewhat adds drama to itself.

[Canglang Orb (Blue)]

Description: Blue-level elf concept weapon. This is an unknown treasure from the depths of the sea. Wearing it can hear the call of the sea, and the corresponding abilities of water-attribute elves are enhanced. Non-water-attribute elves can also get the blessing of the sea and increase a certain amount of water resistance by wearing it, but the effect is limited. .

The conceptual weapon shape of the Canglang Orb is a chain with blue round orbs.

Looking at the specific description, it can enhance the abilities of water-attribute elves. It can also be effective when worn by non-water-attribute elves, which is reflected in water resistance.

Not bad, although the three elves in Kurosawa are not water-type, but water-type is a very important category.

He might also contract with the water elves in the future.

Moreover, water-type elf opponents are relatively common, and they can provide a certain amount of water resistance, so they are not useless.

"Let's fire ten more rounds."

Although I am so relieved, the first concept of drawing ten consecutive rounds of armed weapons is undoubtedly not ideal.

Stop after ten consecutive rounds.

"Are you going to draw the Concept Armed Tenth Company?"


"300 points have been deducted, and the remaining points are: 603."

The lottery machine started working, and blue light flashed across Kurosawa's eyes again.

Blue sky and white clouds again?

"Deng Deng Deng Deng!"

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

[Lightly Feather (Blue)]

[Pale spar (upgrade material)]

Stable nine pale + one blue equipment.

【Lightly Feather】

Description: Blue-level elf concept weapon. A magical feather, the elf wearing it will have an increased [speed] and activate skills faster.

Fortunately, Feather of Lightness is more versatile than the Canglang Orb drawn out in the first ten consecutive rounds.

The skill is activated faster and has a very good effect. Every elf can use it.

Ninety shots are guaranteed to come out purple.

Twenty rounds fired now.

Ten more shots?

Maybe you'll get lucky and get purple.

There are no props that need to be purchased at the moment, so leaving a 300-point coupon for the skill accelerator card should be enough, right?

"Do you want to draw ten consecutive conceptual weapons?"


"300 points have been deducted, and the remaining points are: 303."

[Crystal Ball (Blue)]

[Pale Crystal]

[Warrior Shoulder Guard (Blue)]

[Pale Crystal]

[Pale Crystal]

There is still no purple.

But there are two blue-level weapons.

Moreover, after reading the specific descriptions of the two blue-level weapons, Kurosawa smiled a little.

He was quite satisfied with the result this time.

[Crystal Ball]

Description: Blue-level conceptual weapon. The crystal ball is a symbol of psychics and witches. Legend has it that special crystal balls can allow people to "see" the past, present or future. Using it, the ability of dream attribute elves will be enhanced, and the difficulty of constructing illusions will be reduced.

A blue-level special weapon for nightmares?

The appearance of the crystal ball is a common divination prop in various film and television dramas, a transparent and clear sphere without a trace of impurities.

So, divination and prophecy, the ability to let people see the future, is actually hypnosis, constructing fantasy.


[Warrior Shoulder Pads]

Description: Blue-level conceptual weapons. The road to martial arts is long and difficult. This is a pair of shoulder pads for warriors who practice martial arts diligently. Wearing it will enhance the physical strength of the elves, improve their recovery ability to a certain extent, and reduce the pain caused by injuries.

Now we can really stop.

[Canglang Orb] [Light Feather] [Crystal Ball] [Warrior Shoulder Pads] and 26 pale crystals for upgrading.

After spending 900 points, Hei Ze felt that the result was not bad.

At present, the three elves all have conceptual weapons that can be used.

Although some are not the most suitable, and no higher-level purple weapons have been drawn.

But people should learn to be content.

It is good that there are not several consecutive weapons like [Canglang Orb].

[Light Feather] is given to Little Shining, [Crystal Ball] is given to Nightmare, and [Warrior Shoulder Pads] is given to Mumu. In an instant, Hei Ze completed the distribution plan of weapons in his mind.

Nightmare has the best luck and draws the conceptual weapons that are closely related to its attributes.

Most of the strength of the elves lies in their attribute energy, and items that can directly increase the attributes are undoubtedly excellent props.

It's a pity that he hasn't contracted a water attribute elf yet, otherwise [Canglang Orb] can also be used.

Hei Ze focused on the pale crystal.

"Do you want to use the pale crystal to upgrade the conceptual weapon level?"

"Note 1: Pale crystals can only be used for upgrades from level 1 to 10. To upgrade the level in the future, you need to use pale crystals to synthesize higher-level minerals for forging."

"Note 2: The pale crystal forging process melts special metals into the weapon, but the quantity is not lost, so the weapon itself can also be used as an upgrade material for forging other elves' weapons, and there is no additional material consumption in the process."

Hei Ze looked at the system store panel again, and there was another blueprint item.

[Cangqing Crystal Synthesis Blueprint - 150 Points]

There is no need for this for the time being.

Hei Ze chose to invest a pale crystal to upgrade [Crystal Ball].

Pale crystals were originally used to upgrade weapons, so there was nothing to regret.

"One pale crystal has been consumed."

The pale crystal flashed white and then merged into the crystal ball.

Accompanied by the crisp metal knocking sound of "clang clang clang", the upgrade process was completed.

"Crystal ball (blue) LV1→LV2!"

"The amplification effect of [Crystal ball] on dream attribute energy has become stronger!"

Hei Ze chose to continue upgrading.

In the end, all the pale crystals he currently had were consumed.

[Crystal ball (blue) LV10]

[Light feather (blue) LV10]

[Warrior shoulder guard (blue) LV9]

From LV1 to LV10, one pale crystal is consumed for each upgrade.

When it came time to upgrade the warrior shoulder guard, there was just one less.

Hei Ze had a little obsessive-compulsive disorder and didn't really want to draw alone, so he could only let Mumu down for the time being.

He summoned the three elves from the flash card one by one.

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