My Elf Simulator

Chapter 166 I am sick


Who would have thought that Gong Lihua was fine lying there, but just after being helped up from the table, her chest rose and fell violently as if she had a stress response.

She looked like she was going to vomit.


Kurosawa was just about to lean over to get the trash can under the TV.

But a drunk person would never listen to his orders.


A strong smell sprayed all over Kurosawa.


Kurosawa pursed his lips.

Indescribable vomit poured over the two of them.

Gong Lihua didn't care, she fell asleep and leaned on Kurosawa.

Wet and sticky together.


Kurosawa shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

It felt like a vulgar plot that would only appear in TV dramas, but it happened right now.

In fact, he could react.

But Gong Lihua fell on him, soft as if she had no bones.

To avoid being affected, he could only push her away.

As soon as he hesitated, he was vomited all over.

She didn't seem to have eaten much.

The only thing that was vomited was some wine.

Fortunately, Gong Lihua was wearing a coat, and there was a base layer under the coat.

Kurosawa took off her coat, and the base layer was still clean. Through the not-too-thick clothes, could he see traces of bandages wrapped around her back?

He stared for a long time, shook his head, put aside his thoughts for the time being, and took two tissues from the table.

Carefully wiped the mucus left on her lips.

While wiping, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Gently put the back of his hand on Gong Lihua's forehead.

"Hiss, it's so hot"

The back of his hand felt scorching, and the temperature difference was so large that he didn't need to compare it with his own body temperature to feel the clear difference.

Is this sick?

Kurosawa thought hesitantly.

He didn't dare to assert it, because with his current physical fitness, it was basically difficult for him to catch a cold or fever, let alone Gong Lihua.

Kurosawa helped her lie down on the bed and raised her head with a pillow.

In the bathroom, he wet a towel and folded it to apply to her forehead.

Gong Lihua muttered in her sleep.

Hei Ze thought about it and did not leave.

After sending a text message to Chi Lei to inform her of the situation, he went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed into the spare clothes in the storage bracelet.

He sat at the desk in the bedroom and read a book, paying attention to the situation on the bed from time to time.

Fortunately, he did not leave.

Gong Lihua was tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

She retched in waves, but she never woke up.

Hei Ze cleaned her from time to time and replaced the wet towels to cool her down.

It lasted until two or three in the morning, when her condition stabilized.

When it was dawn.

Gong Lihua opened her eyes.

She felt a little bitter in her throat.

Her head hurt.

She turned over gently and saw a person sitting at the table, reading a book under the orange light, taking notes from time to time, and the tip of the pen scratched the paper and made a rustling sound.

"Is there anyone?"

She was subconsciously startled.

I didn't understand what happened.

But the next moment, I saw the man's profile clearly.

She slowly breathed a sigh of relief. It was Kurosawa.

Her tense body suddenly relaxed.

Her eyes turned and swept over her body.

She was still wearing the same clothes, but she had taken off her coat. She could faintly smell a slightly sour smell.

A cold, wet towel was pressed against her raised forehead.

There were many tissue balls piled in the trash can by the window.

She quickly realized that she had drunk too much and Kurosawa came to take care of her.

Her eyes returned to the desk.

Kurosawa was studying very attentively, and a bit of fatigue could be seen between his eyebrows.

When she was in a daze, Kurosawa put down his pen and habitually glanced at the bed.

"Sister Hua, are you awake?"

"Yeah. Sorry to bother you, why are you here?"

"Sister Chi said she couldn't contact you, so she asked me to come and see the situation. Sister Hua, if you are sick, drink less alcohol. I'll go downstairs to buy you some antipyretics?"

"No need to bother, this is not an ordinary fever symptom."

Gong Lihua was helped up from the bed by Kurosawa, leaning against the head of the bed, feeling weak all over.

She quickly realized what happened to her, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Noticing Kurosawa's worried eyes, she quickly relaxed her frown.

In fact, without Gong Lihua saying anything, Kurosawa also knew that there must be something wrong with her body.

Humans with strong physical fitness like the two of them have strong immunity. How could they catch a cold and have a fever just because they slept on the table for a while? That's too unscientific.

"Aze, I'm much better now, you should go back and rest early."

Gong Lihua coughed twice, suppressed the disordered spiritual energy all over her body, and said softly.

She was very clear about her physical condition.

Kurosawa had been busy here all night and hadn't rested, so she blamed herself.

Although it was inevitable that her body had problems for some reason, it was also true that she drank alone without saying a word, which caused trouble for others.

"It's okay, I'm not tired yet, I'll stay here and keep you company, Sister Hua."

Kurosawa shook her head.

Although the minister didn't seem to want to explain the specific situation to him, he saw the weakness in her expression.

It was impossible to just leave her here.

Kurosawa's parents taught him from a young age to get along with others, not to take others' efforts for granted, and to maintain a relationship in a two-way way.

But because Gong Lihua's status was too high, he seemed to have nothing to do for her on weekdays, and she had always taken care of him.

Now he finally had the opportunity to do something.

The gray sky outside the window had gradually begun to lighten.

The chirping of birds sounded from a distance.

"Sister Hua, I'm going downstairs to buy something."

After going downstairs, the air was icy and the chill of the early morning had not completely dissipated.

Kurosawa found that it was still a little too early.

So he ran a little further and bought all the materials and items he wanted.

When he returned upstairs, he found that he had hurried out and forgot to ask her for the key, so he had to let the nightmare do it again.

When he entered the living room, he heard the sound of water splashing in the bathroom.

She should be taking a shower.

After all, after drinking yesterday and coughing and vomiting continuously in the middle of the night, the smell on her body was naturally not good.

Kurosawa began to process the ingredients in the kitchen and prepared to stew a pot of rock sugar and snow pear.

Pears and things with sugar can both sober up and clear away heat and reduce fire. Although I don't know if it can help relieve her discomfort, I'll give it a try.

Speaking of which, it's really worrying. Suddenly, my body collapsed. It's so strange.

Obviously, he can beat him without any chance of fighting back with his physical fitness. Here, I mean tennis.

While thinking, Kurosawa used his mobile phone to search for the production steps on the Internet. He had never done it himself before.

Although this apartment is not lived in all the time, all kinds of kitchen utensils and seasonings are available in the cupboard.

After processing the ingredients such as snow pears, Sichuan fritillaria, and tangerine peel, pour them into boiling water one by one to stew.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Gong Lihua walked out of the bathroom, leaned against the wall, and quietly watched him busy in the kitchen.

After everything was done, while stewing, Kurosawa suggested taking the temperature.

Gong Lihua smiled and did not refuse.

Kurosawa pinched the medical thermometer, looked at the scale on it, and swallowed his saliva.


Good boy, it directly exceeded the upper limit detection range of 42℃.

Kurosawa's heart, which had finally been put down, was hanging again.

"Is it really okay? How about we go to the hospital to check it out?"

"No, I'll just lie down for two days to rest. You can understand that it is related to some of my personal cultivation conditions. Going to the hospital is useless."

Gong Lihua shook his head and explained.


Kurosawa nodded.

If it was a cultivation condition, he didn't seem to be able to make any suggestions.

The minister must know better than him.

"I hope you can get better soon."


Gong Lihua forced a smile on her slightly pale face.

To be honest, she was in a bad mood, but having someone to take care of her did make her mood much better.

She didn't let herself think too much for the time being.

Avoid infecting Kurosawa with her low mood.

"I guess I can't persuade you to go back. You can catch up on your sleep in my room later."

Gong Lihua said.

"The sofa will do."

"Go to bed. Don't worry, I've checked. I didn't vomit on the bed. It's not dirty."

"That's not what I meant. OK."

Kurosawa hesitated for a moment and replied.

He brought Nightmare with him.

Nightmare hypnotized him and put him into a deep sleep. He would be fully energetic in an hour or two.

Take some time at noon to go back and take the little Shining and Mumu from the hotel away.

He could also understand why Gong Lihua didn't rest on the top floor of the office building as usual. Maybe she didn't want people to see her weak posture.

He thought to himself.

Another half an hour later, after drinking some stewed rock sugar and snow pears together, Kurosawa lay on the bed.

He practiced all day yesterday and didn't sleep at night. He was indeed a little tired.

Accompanied by the purple energy of Nightmare, he slowly fell asleep.



Kurosawa opened his eyes from the bed.

In the unfamiliar room, the bright sunlight outside the window shone through the glass.

He was dazed for a while, and his downtime brain gradually regained consciousness.

He remembered that he came to Sister Hua's apartment to take care of her.

He grabbed the phone beside him and checked the time.


It seems that he overslept a little.

He originally planned to sleep for two hours, which was enough to restore his energy.

But he ignored his usual biological clock. No one called him, and he slept for four hours at once, until noon.

He felt a little annoyed when he thought about this.

He should set an alarm.

He walked out of the room.

Looking at the living room.

Gong Lihua was lazily lying on the sofa, holding a mobile phone, with dull eyes and no one knowing what she was thinking.

Kurosawa had long been keenly aware of her low mood, but he noticed that she seemed unwilling to say anything more about it, so he pretended not to know.

"Hey, Sister Hua, it's noon." He scratched his head and walked to her side.

Gong Lihua heard his voice, put away the phone, and her dull eyes regained their light again.

"Yeah, I didn't call you because you were sleeping so soundly."

"Sister Hua, do you have any extra toothbrushes?"

"Look in the cabinet under the bathroom sink, there should be one or two."

"Okay." Hei Ze said as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Sister Hua, what do you want to eat for lunch? I'll go buy some food later."

Gong Lihua casually named a few dishes.

"By the way, I'm free anyway, so I'll give you a lesson this afternoon."

"It just so happens that I've been taking some time off in the past few days, and the work in the league has been temporarily handed over to others."

"Have you not forgotten those basics, Sister Hua?" Kurosawa asked teasingly.

"Don't underestimate me."

When I was going out, I happened to bump into my neighbor.

The mother with her daughter paused for a moment on his masked face.

Perhaps he noticed that the residents of this usually unoccupied apartment looked a bit familiar.

They greeted each other politely.

Walking downstairs, Kurosawa brought the access card and key this time.

First take the car back to the hotel.

As soon as I opened the hotel room door, I heard animation still playing in the living room.

Little Shining was delighted to see it.

Snack bags were scattered all over the table. They had probably stayed up all night eating snacks and watching TV.

Kurosawa wanted to say something, but when he thought that he left in a hurry and stayed out all night, he lacked the confidence to accuse.

"You, you. Remember to sleep next time."

Kurosawa stretched out his hand and flicked it twice on the forehead as punishment.

You can see that the Mum next to her is much more energetic than Little Shining. At first glance, she looks like a self-disciplined child.

Pack your personal belongings and go out with the two elves.

There is no option to cancel the room, so just keep booking it to avoid having to change rooms when you come back later.

He is resting at Gong Lihua's house these days and can sleep in the living room.

On the one hand, a body temperature of 40 to 50 degrees Celsius is really scary.

Although Gong Lihua had explained that it was a cultivation situation, it was still difficult for him to feel relieved.

She is an outsider, and she doesn't seem to have any relatives or friends around her to take care of her. If she accidentally dies, no one will know.

On the other hand, Gong Lihua could use this time to teach him a lot of basic knowledge as an elf master.

His previous teasing was just a joke.

As a master elf master, Gong Lihua naturally knows more about this than ordinary school teachers.

After all, she is not just an armchair strategist, she has a high level of knowledge, and many of the difficulties Kurosawa encountered were experienced by her in the past.

And he also has some hidden thoughts. Gong Lihua is busy immersing herself in his teaching, and maybe she will slowly come out of her depression.

Kill three birds with one stone.

On the other side of the planet.

late at night.

Milan Federation, Riemann Data Center.

This is a very large information database built in the capital city of Holy St. John's. Tens of millions of pieces of data flow in and out every second.

Through the power of the digitally awakened ant tribe, the data center has achieved a further upgrade and evolution in the cloud computing stage. The power of elves is incredible, covering all aspects of today’s life. By connecting the digital ant tribe into a network, server computing resources can be Optimization, various software and hardware resources are allocated to users for use under the flexible deployment of a huge will.

Whether it is the Internet access needs of ordinary citizens or the management of subspace in another dimension through transit virtual machines, this kind of data center combined with Digital Elf can carry out efficient management, control and coordination.

In an office at the Riemann Data Center.

A blond man sat at his desk with his legs crossed. Standing in front of him was Tysons, the director of the Riemann Data Center.

"Then, please report the results of your twelve hours of work, Director Tysons."

"Okay, Mr. Clarks. Our programmers have retrieved all the data in the Belfast Special Zone 02 space 72 hours before the incident. This can basically eliminate the possibility of any outside network intrusion. Our umbrella system can We have built the most perfect information cocoon on the planet, and there is no force that can break through the umbrella system without us noticing."

"What about the terminal equipment I want you to check."

"There are no unusual call and chat records, but representatives from some countries use mobile devices significantly less frequently. They seem to be consciously reducing the use of smart devices, such as Bridish, Haihua, Lucia, and Sakurajima."

"Heh, go on."

"We also conducted a detailed inspection of the local protection terminal equipment. With the efforts of engineers, we implemented a realistic simulation of the command area that day. The protective layer was indeed faulty and damaged, and we conducted thousands of simulation experiments. I also found you looking here unexpectedly.”

Director Tysons crossed the tablet in his hand and presented it to the blond man Clarks.

"Any questions?"

The image in the tablet is an exploded view of a part.

After the accident that day, the Milan Federation immediately blocked the scene.

Any information in the site is recorded by the scanner and then aggregated to the data center to form a system.

Through the world's only advanced digital technology, the Milan Federation can even nearly 100% copy the virtual world of that time period.

It's a pity that this is the virtual world after the accident, otherwise there would be no need to go to great lengths to investigate.

But this is already amazing. No other country can achieve such great technology like Milan.

Through the virtual world, data center staff can sequence and reorganize all the debris and powder scattered by the explosion, and then reverse the damage process before the timeline based on the relevant location, depth of damage and other information.

After all, Clarks was not a professional and could not understand the meaning of the simulation animation, but he could understand Tysons' tone and set his sights on him.

"Go on and talk about the main points."

"You also know that in order to achieve the corresponding functions, all current local area protection terminals inevitably have one-way penetration characteristics, even our Laura protection terminal. In other words, the intrusion effect caused from the inside and the intrusion effect from the outside Objectively speaking, there is a slight difference in the intrusion caused. Because the energy intensity on site is too high, such subtle changes should be erased under normal circumstances. However, our Laura protection terminal has reinforced the transmission node, so We can still find clues from these node parts, look at these scans."

Clarks pondered for a moment as he watched the part flashing with crimson dots in the demonstration video.

"Director Tysons means that Haihua directed and acted in this drama? How sure are you of this? Their Flower of the North is currently comatose in the intensive care unit."

"No, no, no, Lord Clarks, that's not what I meant. At present, we can only guess through data analysis that the failure of Laura's terminal was invaded internally through some means, but it cannot be ruled out that it was the work of other forces, Lucy Ya's network technology is not as good as ours, but at the level of mechanical hardware, it is no match for us, so it is difficult to make a conclusion at the moment. The investigation is too difficult. You know the destructive power of Yushou-level energy better than I do, and planned this incident. The people's methods are very sophisticated, and they achieve the effect with the minimum cost. At the same time, they have also calculated the real-time environmental energy level, and can do a good job of cleaning up the aftermath of the elf battle for them.

"And even if we can publish specific data for investigation reports, it will not be of much use. Relying on data cannot convince reporters."

Clarks pressed his brow, his face gloomy.

He knew what Tysons was trying to say.

Unless they can produce almost irrefutable findings, citizens of other countries will not easily trust their investigative reports.

However, the destructive power of defensive-level energy is too strong, and the information that can be used is seriously insufficient. We can only make rough inferences through clues, but reasoning and guessing will definitely not be able to convince the reporters and reporters outside who always want to report big news. The billions of viewers following the World Championship are satisfied.

“People only want to believe what they want to believe.”

In the eyes of many people, this is a murder of Haihua's strongest genius by the Milan Federation.

Of course, the suspicion of the Milan Federation cannot be ruled out.

If Clarks himself was not the person in charge of investigating this incident, but an ordinary Milan citizen, he might also think that it was a federal method to crack down on Haihua.

There are embargo policies on various high-end and sophisticated instruments, and sanctions and blockades are the first. The occurrence of this vicious incident seems understandable. The effect is similar, but it is worse in nature.

But Clarks knew that the price to pay for manipulating the World Championship was far heavier than ordinary people imagined, and it was based on a common rule.

Lou Qing is Haihua's number one genius and Haihua's leader in the next era, but now his future is ruined.

The preliminary diagnosis result from the Central Hospital is that her spiritual energy has suffered an irreversible collapse. The best outcome after the operation is to save her life, but her career as an elf master will undoubtedly be suspended.

From a common sense point of view, it is undoubtedly unwise to sacrifice such a talent, even if it is a top talent that they are somewhat afraid of. If the Haihua Alliance is operating, what are their considerations of weighing the pros and cons, and the price they pay is too heavy. I can't understand it. Maybe other forces are secretly at work?

Among the players who have recently competed in the Belfas Special Zone 02 space are players from Lucia, as well as the Thirteen Islands National Alliance in the Sea of ​​Flowers? Or is it their allies Bridish, Sakurajima, and Qianfeng?

Everything seems to be at an impasse.

Clarks cracked his knuckles, his thoughts a mess.

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