My Elf Simulator

Chapter 175 Provincial Qualifying Round


"It is detected that you are participating in a special event."

"The event level is special level I."

"The competition is in progress"

Hei Ze walked down the steps, and the system prompt sounded in his ears.

Special event?

Hei Ze didn't expect that this kind of exhibition match could be rated as a competition by the system.

It was also a pleasant surprise.

He squeezed through the crowd and came to Li Mianmian and the other two.

The performance on the stage just now can be said to be famous in one battle, and the eyes of the surrounding audience were all focused on him.

Although I don't know much about him, the results just now and the strength shown by the three elves are obviously above most of the contestants, and he is still so young.

Like various performance events of various sizes, the level of the players who generally register is relatively low.

If Luo Guangliang hadn't appeared before Hei Ze, he might even be the strongest in today's normal competition.

After all, ordinary professional level and even top professional with intermediate transition are not at the same level as Hei Ze's current strength. In non-professional competitions, Hei Ze's strength is already very good.

Hei Ze was able to surpass Luo Guangliang, who was a little famous in Changchuan, the provincial capital. The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were full of curiosity about him.

"Let's go."

Hei Ze said to them.

"Can we leave now? Can we get the reward?"

Li Mianmian asked curiously.

"Well. In the end, the official will announce the final results on the official website based on the scores of today's competition. As for the rewards, there will be notifications later."

Hei Ze shrugged.

Not to mention the many spectators at the scene, this is still a beauty pageant that is broadcast live online.

As one of the three giants in Haihua's domestic pet business, Shengdi Company is huge and will definitely not destroy its reputation for a competition.

I originally wanted to come out today to meet old classmates and take a walk to relax.

I didn't expect to get a lot of rewards.

The rewards of the beauty pageant plus the competition rewards assessed by the system.

Hei Ze was very satisfied with this.

After the episode of the beauty pageant, the group continued to play in the streets and alleys of Changchuan.

Until dusk approached.

The setting sun and clouds were red as if drunk, the sky was burning red, and the road was clean.

Hei Ze and Bai Yuzhi exchanged contact information, and everyone left.

Back to the contestant village.

The living room on the first floor.

Ji Qingwen came out of the kitchen and threw a can of iced cola to him.

"Come on!"

Hei Ze quickly grabbed the cola in mid-air.

"Did you go out with your friends today?" Ji Qingwen showed a joking expression on his face.

"How did Brother Ji know?"

"Squeak!" Hei Ze opened the pull ring of the can and took a big sip.

Although it was not something particularly difficult to guess, after all, he had not mentioned today's schedule to Ji Qingwen.

"You are on the news again."

Ji Qingwen smiled and shook his head.

It turned out that the news of the beauty pageant he participated in this morning had spread on the local social platform of Haitang.

Although they left Haitang, it did not mean that the elders and villagers paid less attention to them.

The influence of the beauty pageant that Hei Ze participated in was not small, which can be seen from the number of people watching the live broadcast online.

At that time, there were many Haitang fans in the live broadcast room. They spread the news to the local forum and everyone knew about it.

Haitang players can hardly make a splash in the provincial competition, but Hei Ze can beat Luo Guangliang, a well-known player in Changchuan. Even in such an unimportant performance competition as the beauty pageant, Haitang fans are still proud and excited.

Winning the beauty pageant is also winning!

"Let's not talk about this."

"Let's try on the team uniforms."

Hei Ze took the four sets of clothes handed over by Ji Qingwen.

The main color of the Haitang team's uniforms this year is blue and white.

The team logo is a simple Haitang flower pattern.

Hei Ze returned to his bedroom to try it on.

The size of the uniform is just right and fits well.

He walked around the fitting mirror twice.

It's okay, it's beautiful and generous.

The material is close-fitting and soft, and it feels cool when worn on the body, just like silk.

But after pulling it, it is found to be very tough.

You can tell at a glance that it cost a lot of money.

After trying on the team uniforms.

A voice sounded in Kurosawa's mind.

"Congratulations on winning the championship in the Changchuan Station of the Beauty Pageant (Sponsored by the Holy Emperor) City Competition!"

"The rewards are being calculated for you."

"Congratulations, you have won 300 coupons and 8 personal experience points."

"Current coupon number: 645"

"Personal level: Level 4 (25/100)"

The beauty pageant should be over.

This reward is a bit too much. Kurosawa thought with emotion.

It's almost catching up with the rewards of one round of the Haitang Summer Competition.

And the key is that it doesn't waste time. Even if you count the time of watching, filling in information, waiting, and competition testing, it will never exceed an hour.

If there are more such easy competitions, it would be better, so that his purple-level concept weapon guarantee will be soon available.

Unfortunately, there are many entertainment events of various types, but few meet the system requirements.

At the same time, his mobile phone received a notification text message from the organizer.

The organizer first congratulated him on winning the Changchuan Station, and then reminded him that he could go to the branch company in Changchuan City to receive the first prize in the next month. In addition, he automatically qualified for the national competition.

After reading the text message, Kurosawa went to the official website to check the results of other players.

Mum's 95% status is indeed unshakable.

But what is surprising is that there is also an intermediate elf that achieved a charm factor concentration of 83%, surpassing Luo Guangliang's 72% in one fell swoop.

People have to lament that the masters are among the people.

Kurosawa turned off his phone.

You can also go for a spin during the national competition in a few months.

The beauty pageant will definitely be much more formal than this kind of city competition. Enthusiasts from all over the country who are committed to improving the aesthetics of elves will gather together. There must be "strong gatherings", and it is probably not that easy to win.

However, Kurosawa is still very confident in Mumu. 95% of what it is today is obviously not its limit. During the test, it did not even fully cover the attribute energy. If it is prepared, it can at least be mentioned one more time. Two percentage points, right?

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, August 10th came.

Everyone from the Haitang representative team assembled early in the morning, wearing uniform blue and white uniforms.

Everyone wearing the same team uniform looks like they have a different kind of aura.

Throughout the player village, city teams with different colors of uniforms also gathered in this way.

Due to the need to avoid the time of the World Championship, this year’s provincial competition system has undergone certain changes.

Therefore, the finals are not held in the arena, but at the outdoor training ground.

The rules of the play-in competition were sent to each player via text message yesterday.

Kurosawa and his group got on the bus and drove towards the suburbs.

"Huh - so nervous."

"Take it easy."

"You wouldn't think anyone would have unrealistic expectations of us."

"It hurts my heart."

"However, compared with the regular competitions held in the arena in previous years, at least this year's competition system will provide some more opportunities for players from small cities like us."

"Really? Why do I feel even harder?"

On the bus, everyone was chatting.

Kurosawa looked out the window at the rapidly retreating scenery.

As the provincial capital, Changchuan is much larger than Haitang, and the degree of urbanization is obviously not at the same level.

"Are you nervous?" Gong Lihua was reading a magazine in the mezzanine of the seat, and found Kurosawa leaning against the window, as if thinking about something.

Kurosawa shook his head.


Nervousness before a game is certainly inevitable, but the level of nerves today was within normal limits.

He wasn't thinking about the game.

But I suddenly realized that Haitang City was too small.

He couldn't help but think with emotion when he recalled that when the vehicle drove out of the athletes' village, he saw the citizens and reporters on both sides of the road greeting the Nagakawa team.

Most of the players on the Haitang representative team could be considered powerful figures in Haitang City, but they couldn't make any waves in Changchuan.

What appeared on the TV were players from the Nagakawa team and other second-tier cities.

The significance of ordinary third-tier city players like them seems to be just a formality to make up the numbers and accompany them.

It's not that Kurosawa has any objections to this situation. The strong are respected, and ordinary viewers will definitely pay more attention to those with strength. This is normal.

But I still can't help but feel a sense of disparity.


"After the provincial competition is over, I will tell you something that should be helpful to you."

Gong Lihua sold it out.

Kurosawa nodded.

In fact, he also vaguely felt it.

The minister led the team to Changchuan this time, and a large part of the purpose seemed not just for the provincial competition.

Normally, most city ministers would not lead the team in person, and many would entrust high-level officials from various alliances to come.

Gong Lihua seemed to be busy in the past two days when she came to Changchuan, and she was often missing.

Soon, buses drove to a base in the suburbs and stopped.

Kurosawa put his thoughts aside and followed the others out of the car.

In the open field, members of the city team gathered one by one and stood neatly in a square array.

The four square teams are at the front. They are the four strongest groups of more than 700 people.

There were many people inside who were extremely imposing, with strong pride and confidence reflected in their brows.

In the Changchuan representative team, a young man with yellow hair was chatting and laughing with his female companion when he suddenly felt a familiar gaze.

He turned around and saw Kurosawa from the Haitang representative team.

Stared for a while.

It's him!

"Who are you looking at? Have you found any opponents worthy of attention?" His female companion noticed that he was silent for a long time and looked in his direction.

Finding that it was the direction of the third-tier city representative team, I couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"No, I recognized the wrong person." Luo Guangliang smiled faintly, shook his head, and looked away. "Let's continue talking. Where did we just talk about it? Yes."

After everyone has finished gathering.

A middle-aged male examiner standing in front coughed, and his voice naturally covered the entire audience.

He reiterated the specific rules of the play-in tournament.

First of all, you need to wear a bracelet throughout the game and keep it on at all times.

The candidate's bracelet can detect specific conditions in the outside world. At the same time, in an emergency, the candidate can also seek help from the Changchuan Alliance. Of course, this also means that the player will withdraw from this qualifying competition.

This qualifying competition does not allow multiple people to cooperate and is divided into multiple rounds.

In the first round of assessment, contestants need to look for small balls that emit special signals throughout the Hoshino Forest. The candidate's bracelet can only detect the signals emitted by the small balls within a range of 3 meters. After detection, the bracelet will automatically remove the props. The special data in the ball is stored in the bracelet and is recorded as 1 point.

The test props balls may be located at the bottom of the lake, in the bodies of wild elves, under the soil, on the top of the mountain, in the bushes, and in the caves on the cliffs.

There are only 200 balls scattered in the endless forest.

The difficulty can be imagined.

You should know that the contestants of this competition, 636 city competition direct qualification plus various special quotas, a total of 700 people.

Even if all 200 props balls are found by different people, the best case is that only 200 people can advance, which is less than one-third of the promotion rate.

But this is the most ideal situation, in fact it is impossible.

Because this competition does not restrict the competition between players.

If the candidate's wristband is snatched away, the points in it can be deprived of all the points in the other party's wristband.

Of course, the data transfer of this special point cannot be refined, it can only be transferred in full, so it cannot be given to others.

In other words, the strong side can plunder the weak side, and the number of people who advance will be far less than 200.

There will be situations where strong players take away double-digit points, while other players can hardly get any.

Candidates need to search everywhere for prop balls, be wary of other players' plunder, and arrive at a terminal base in the wild within the stipulated 48 hours to be considered advanced.

When Kurosawa read the rules of the first round of qualifying, he felt that the competition system was very cruel.

If the promotion rate was about one-third, he would still have considerable confidence.

After all, in many county-level cities and ordinary third-tier cities like Haitang, only a few players are stronger than him.

But in this competition system, you must be extra careful with elite players.

In the regular competition system, no matter how strong the elite players are, they can only kick out one person in one round, but in the current competition format, you can kick out more than one person in one round.

Kurosawa thinks that there must be many elite players, even if they have collected prop balls and got enough points to advance, they will plunder other players, especially those who are not as strong as themselves.

Fortunately, Kurosawa is not without support. He has the power of nature and thrives in the forest.

Whether it is finding the prop ball or avoiding other candidates, the strong perception of the power of nature should be of great help.

The chief examiner reiterated the rules neatly.

The examiners distributed the responsibility letter to each contestant for signature, and issued the candidate's wristband at the same time.

After Kurosawa signed, he buckled the candidate's wristband on his left wrist.

On the right wrist is the storage bracelet.


He pressed the switch, and the candidate's wristband lit up.

From now on, for 48 hours, he hopes that his small bracelet can stay quietly on his wrist.

As soon as 9:30 arrived.

The candidates were taken away by the staff one by one.

Kurosawa and the other eleven members of the representative team exchanged glances, indicating that everyone should take care.

After that, they will fight on their own. Even if they meet in the Xingye Forest during the process, they cannot stay together for too long in a non-combat state, otherwise the candidate's wristband will judge that they are in a group, violate the rules, and automatically abandon the game.

Kurosawa and several other unknown contestants got on a golf cart, and the vehicle began to drive along the forest loop.

The candidates will be randomly dropped off by the vehicle at different forest entrances.

Half an hour later.

At about 10 o'clock, Kurosawa got off the car in front of a dark forest, and a winding dirt road went deep into the forest.

He was the last contestant to get off the car.

Except for the staff on the golf cart, no one else could be seen around him.

Somewhat relieved.

Kurosawa waved goodbye to the staff and watched the vehicle disappear from sight.

"The competition has officially begun. Please strictly abide by the rules of this exam!"

The bracelet made a cold machine sound.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Kurosawa's mind.

"It is detected that you are participating in the Elf Master Competition-Hanquan Provincial Class A League Qualifying Competition. The current competition level is rated as: Provincial One Star."

"The competition level meets the requirements. From now on, the competition rewards will be issued in a timely manner according to the player's performance in each round."

Finally participated in the provincial competition.

Kurosawa exhaled a long breath.

This should be a milestone worth remembering.

He gathered his thoughts.

Released the three elves from the flash cards.

Three golden lights flashed.

Little Shining, Nightmare and Mumu appeared on the road.

"Next, we must always be ready for battle!"

Kurosawa stretched out his hand.

"Come on."

The three elves placed their hands (wings?) on the back of Kurosawa's hand alternately.




After three energetic shouts, Kurosawa and the elves walked towards the deep forest.

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