My Elf Simulator

Chapter 183 Initial Gem

The night he returned to the hotel, Kurosawa felt much more relaxed.

For him, the provincial competition means the end of a stage.

Haitang Spring Qualifiers, Spring Finals, Summer Qualifiers, Summer Finals, Provincial Competition.

In a blink of an eye, he has also participated in many competitions and is no longer a novice on the field.

"Hello, Mom."

"Well, my competition is over."

"It's okay, Mom, you think too much, I'm very happy, really."


Chatted with his parents for half an hour.

Kurosawa's mother was still worried that he would be disappointed.

In her opinion, this was the first time that Kurosawa was eliminated early, and she felt that Kurosawa would feel bad.

In fact, it was his mother, Ms. Tao, who was overthinking.

Kurosawa was generally satisfied with his provincial competition results.

There was no role for the Haitang team in the provincial competition. On the day the qualifying round ended, Gong Lihua announced the disbandment to everyone.

Everyone was free to go wherever they wanted.

She seemed to be busy with something.

The next day, Kurosawa did not return to Haitang with the few people who were preparing to return.

He still had some things to deal with in Changchuan.

In the center of Changchuan City, tall buildings stand in a forest.

The greening in the city is not bad. Between the reinforced concrete boxes, the green color embellishes the urban landscape.

When Kurosawa walks on the street, he will be recognized by many Changchuan citizens.

After the qualifying round yesterday, he has initially achieved a small reputation in the province.

He can't compare with those top elite players or even masters, but as long as the fans who have paid attention to the competition recently, they will have some impression of him, the first person under the elite in Hanquan Province.

When he woke up this morning.

He found that the number of subscriptions on his official website was soaring rapidly, at an unprecedented speed.

"Congratulations on achieving the 600,000 stage achievement of the long-term achievement task [Group Belief].

"Receive a basic reward of 120 coupons."

"Please continue to work hard to collect more positive group spiritual energy."

"Congratulations on achieving the 700,000 stage achievement of the long-term achievement task [Group Belief].

"Receive a basic reward of 140 coupons."

"Current coupon number: 2225"

You know, he just reached 500,000 subscriptions not long ago.

In one day, his number of subscriptions soared by 200,000.

This was due to the two million viewers in the live broadcast room that day and the subsequent video highlights.

Yes, the battle between him and Xia Sucai was officially edited into the TOP10 highlights of the 2022 Hanquan Province A-level League Qualifiers.

Although it was only ranked eighth, it was not considered to be in the front, but it was already very difficult to enter the TOP10 highlights.

In the battles in the TOP10 highlights, the elves' energy values ​​were basically above four or five hundred leaves.

Zhuo Yan alone occupied two seats in the TOP10 battle highlights.

Even if the battle was tense and full of twists and turns, for professional considerations, the event program team would not include low-energy elves fighting each other.

In the battle with Kurosawa, if Kurosawa's strength had not exceeded the professional level by too much, the program team would not have included it.

Walking on the street, Kurosawa tried his best to pretend not to hear the "pointing and talking" of passers-by about him.

Perhaps because he was in a hurry and looked cold, passers-by did not stop him for photos or autographs.

Fortunately, the people of Changchuan knew nothing about his character.

He took a taxi to the office building where the headquarters of Shengdi Branch was located in the city center.

Shengdi Company received the news that he came to collect the Changchuan champion prize of the beauty pageant, and specially sent a manager in a suit to greet him downstairs.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

Kurosawa looked at the manager who led him into the hall and thought with emotion.

He was sure that if he came to collect the prize two days ago, the manager in front of him would not be responsible for his affairs.

The manager surnamed Gao took him into a bright reception room with gorgeous decoration.

Bring a booklet.

There were many goods and props on it. Shengdi Company roughly allocated some rewards for him to choose according to value.

When Kurosawa glanced at the prize list on the day of the competition, he actually already had the props he wanted.

He quickly flipped through the reward list provided by the manager and found that it was not much different from what he saw at the beginning.

So he pointed to a prize on the color book.

"Let's take this."

"The initial gem?" The manager read the name of the item on it.

Kurosawa nodded.

There were many rewards on the prize list, including various beautiful elf pets cultivated by Shengdi Company, skill amber, elf maintenance cards, etc.

He felt that the initial gem was the one he needed most at the moment.

If you want to buy it, the price of the initial gem is not cheap, basically more than one million.

The initial gem is a very magical natural mineral that can restore the elf to its original juvenile state.

Of course, this does not mean that the elf's growth stage has degenerated.

Take Mumu as an example. After using the initial gem, it can quickly transform between the silkworm-like form of the juvenile stage and the current stone giant.

The two-meter-tall body is its true state.

The specific principle is very complicated, and Kurosawa is not very clear. It seems to be similar to the flash card that can store elves in principle, but the characteristics are more magical.

Because of this precious property of changing body shape, the initial state gem can make many large elves move more freely in a non-combat state. In addition, the production is limited and it cannot be artificially manufactured, so the price has always been high.

The initial state gem chosen by Kurosawa is considered cheap, with a weight of 1000KG.

That is to say, it can be effective for elves weighing one ton. Elves weighing more than one ton need to buy initial state gems of larger magnitude.

The larger the initial state gem, the higher the price, or even out of stock.

Kurosawa really needs this initial state gem.

Mumu's body is still developing rapidly. For now, it is often inconvenient for him to release it to move around.

Many times, he does not summon it, not because he hates it, but because the venue does not allow it.

If it is in the cicada pupa state of several dozen centimeters, it will be much more convenient to go out.

When ordering the specialist to go to the warehouse to pick up the goods, the manager was still flattering Kurosawa with flowery words.

Just as Kurosawa thought, Shengdi Company had already investigated his information in detail. Perhaps they felt that he had great potential. Even if he was weak at present, he would most likely become a partner in the future, so they were very polite to him.

The manager suggested taking him to visit the company's laboratory.

Shengdi Changchuan Headquarters Building is a comprehensive building that integrates business office, research, and catering.

In the laboratory of Shengdi Company, Kurosawa saw many young doodle bird elves.

Researchers in white coats were testing various data and drawing blood beside them.

Shengdi Company has been committed to launching more beautiful and docile elf pets, and doodle bird is one of the outstanding varieties.

Most doodle birds are extremely docile, and can even be said to be lazy.

The personality of Kurosawa's doodle bird is actually different. Of course, this may be related to Kurosawa being an elf master. When the psychic energy helps the elf larvae grow, it will also make their personalities more lively, extroverted and aggressive.

"You should be familiar with the Dodo bird."

The manager reached out and took out a palm-sized Dodo bird from the breeding cabin.

"This is a tiny breed we bred. The adult is only this big, very suitable for ordinary families to adopt."

"It's already an adult?" Kurosawa exclaimed in surprise.

The adult Dodo bird is generally about ten kilograms in size, and this one is estimated to be less than two kilograms.

"However, Manager Gao, it seems that this little guy is difficult to be contracted by the elf master." Kurosawa extended his psychic perception.

In his perception, the blood of the little guy in the palm of his hand is almost exhausted.

It is almost about to lose its characteristics as an elf.

"Good eyesight." Manager Gao praised. "Yes, we have carried out a blood weakening breeding program for the Dodo bird. What we are showing you now is our very mature breeding individual. As a pet, it retains the charm of the elf while minimizing the threat to ordinary people."

Kurosawa nodded.

The stronger the potential of the elf's bloodline, the better it is for the elf master who contracts it, but it is extremely disadvantageous for ordinary families who want to adopt elves as pets, because it may have stronger aggressiveness.

When the manager took Kurosawa to visit, the specialist brought the prize.

In the silver suitcase, there was a light green transparent spherical gem the size of an orange.

The use of the initial gem requires the help of instruments.

The two came to a laboratory.

Kurosawa summoned the elf Mumu.

Under his command, Mumu entered a huge bowl-shaped structure, and countless pipes above the bowl-shaped structure were connected to another special instrument.

The operator placed the initial gem on the instrument, and then quickly entered the command on the panel.

Soon, the instrument where the initial gem was located rotated rapidly, emitting a light with extremely strong vitality.

The initial gem slowly melted, turning into countless cyan particles that floated into Mumu's body in the giant bowl along the pipe.

The surface of Mumu's body continued to emit cyan light.

Half an hour later.

The fusion of the initial gem was completed.

The operator explained some precautions to Kurosawa clearly.

First, the transformation between the two forms takes a while, about ten seconds, and the process cannot be interrupted, otherwise the transformation will be terminated.

If it was a juvenile before the flash card was stored, it will also be a juvenile after the flash card is used.

In the juvenile state, many abilities of the elves cannot be used, so before the formal battle, pay attention to advance adjustments.

Secondly, the mass of this initial gem is 1000KG. After exceeding this level, the elf can no longer be transformed into a juvenile.

If the gem needs to be replaced, you can extract this initial gem by relying on the reverse process similar to the fusion just now, and then fuse a larger initial gem. The process is not complicated and can be performed in many elf hospitals.

In the juvenile state, the consumption of the elf will be greatly reduced.

Kurosawa took Mumu to the training room inside the Shengdi Company.

Close your eyes, concentrate your mind, and instantly feel a feeling that you can shrink the elf at any time.

He released his spiritual energy and attached it to Mumu.

A magical phenomenon happened.

Mumu's body shrank rapidly with a strange green light.

About ten seconds later.

It turned into a rugby-sized stone silkworm elf.

Sensing the changes in its body, Mumu was stunned and looked around with big round eyes.

It was dizzy and didn't understand what was happening.

The world suddenly became bigger.

It hopped lightly on the ground and came to Kurosawa.

Kurosawa picked it up from his feet.

Although Mumu's breath became much weaker after it became a juvenile, its overall breath was still much stronger than when it was just hatched.

At least it jumped and moved freely.

"Not bad."

Kurosawa was very satisfied with this and held the young Mumu in his hands.

On weekdays, when you rest at home or go shopping, you can shrink Mumu, and it won't be too late to restore it to its original size when you train or go out to fight.

In the training room, he tried to grow and shrink several times. After becoming proficient, he could quickly transform between the two forms in eight or nine seconds.

After coming out of the training room, Manager Gao was still waiting outside the door.

He took Kurosawa back to the reception room and started to discuss business.

Kurosawa had a hunch about this.

Shengdi Company hopes to reach a long-term endorsement cooperation with Kurosawa.

8 million, five years of endorsement fees, mainly using his and Xiao Shanling's portraits to promote a sub-brand of Dudu Bird-related products under Shengdi Company, which is also the core business of Shengdi Changchuan Branch.

It looks very good for a professional player.

But Kurosawa didn't agree in the end.

First, he hasn't found an agent yet, and he has no experience in handling similar business.

Second, he thinks the term is a bit too long, and there are similar competitive restrictions.

Manager Gao didn't react too much to his refusal, and still greeted him with a smile.

He just handed out a business card, hoping that when he is willing in the future, he can list Shengdi Company as the first choice for cooperation.

He was just asking tentatively.

If he were Kurosawa, he probably wouldn't have the intention to sign a contract.

Although Kurosawa's number of fans may not be as many as that of veteran elite players now, his popularity in Hanquan Province is definitely higher than that of most elite players.

Besides, his appearance is so good, and his core elf is also Dudu Bird, which is very suitable for the Dudu Bird product sub-brand he endorses.

In four or five years, Kurosawa's strength will definitely grow rapidly.

Eight million for five years, in his opinion, is really not much compared to Kurosawa's various conditions.

But this is already the highest price he can get from the headquarters within his authority.

The boss of the marketing department of the head office is more conservative. The company's endorsement plan is more willing to be delivered to the top elf masters with more fans and stronger star effect, even if the cost is dozens or hundreds of times.

Looking at Kurosawa's back.

Manager Gao sighed.

Unlike what Kurosawa thought, Manager Gao had actually heard of Kurosawa before Kurosawa participated in the provincial competition.

He even conducted a detailed study on the composition of Kurosawa's fans and related market data.

What a pity.

Manager Gao recalled the change on Kurosawa's face just now, and guessed that he might be moved for a short moment, but in the end he did not establish the intention of cooperation.

Considering Kurosawa's smooth career, he had a strong feeling in his heart.

If he wants to sign an endorsement contract with the other party in the future, the cost will probably be much more than this.

What a short-sighted person!

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