My Elf Simulator

Chapter 2 Club Report

"Are you up yet? It's time for breakfast!"

My mother called out from outside the door.

"I'm here."

Kurosawa responded.

I got dressed and carried Dodo out of the room.

I washed up and sat down at the dining table.

My father, who was reading the newspaper, asked with concern.

"Do you feel better today?"

"No problem at all. I'll be going to the club soon."

Kurosawa drank some soy milk.

He had been sick for a week recently, feeling confused and weak all over.

But he looked very different this morning.

"He's really energetic. He was playing and fighting with Dodo in the room early in the morning. The neighbors are going to complain."

My mother put a plate of buns on the dining table and said with a smile.

"Hey, has Dodo grown up a little?"

When preparing elf milk for Dodo, my mother asked in surprise.

"Maybe it's in the growth stage." Kurosawa answered vaguely.

My parents are ordinary people and don't know much about elves.

"Is it going to evolve? I watched the TV series Ace Elf Master before, and Aliang's Devil Frog suddenly became a circle bigger before evolving, and then it could spit fire."

"Don't pretend to know. It's not that easy for elves to evolve. It's okay if you talk about it at home, but don't talk nonsense when you go out to chat, or people will laugh at you."

Seeing that his parents' attention had shifted, Kurosawa secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you brought everything?"


"Be careful on the road."


"Put on an extra coat, you just recovered from this illness."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm going out!"

After breakfast, Kurosawa put the bird into the elf flash card and hurried out.

Waited for a while at the bus stop and got on bus No. 302.

In the electric bus, Kurosawa looked at several peers not far away. They were wearing high school uniforms and chatting.

If he hadn't awakened his psychic power half a year ago, he would probably be one of them.

He is 16 this year, just the age to go to high school.

However, because of the awakening of psychic power, he chose to embark on the path of becoming an elf master. He had given up applying for high school since he graduated from junior high school.

Back then, he was also the "school idol" who was popular in Haitang Middle School.

How time has changed

It was only half a year, but he felt that his student days were particularly far away.

Feeling about life, the bus arrived at the station.

Walking 600 meters, he arrived at the end of his journey.

Haitang City Senli Club.

The club's venue is located in front of a small hill and is decorated in a grand manner.

There is a special training ground in the back mountain.

There are many institutions like Senli Club in Haitang City, which are a bit like cram schools.

However, the elf club teaches knowledge about elf battles.

For elves to grow, it is far from enough to rely on piling up resources, and they also need rich practical training.

And the club is a platform that provides battles and logistical support.

Children with ordinary qualifications who are not enough to join the Alliance Academy often choose to sign up to join the club.

"Good morning, Heizi."

"Long time no see. I heard you had a fever. Are you feeling better?"

"Morning, Xiaozhu. I'm completely recovered. Thank you for your concern."

Hei Ze shook his head carelessly and broke free from the restless hand on top.

The receptionist Xiaozhu was always overly enthusiastic towards him, which he was not used to.

He held the pen and quickly completed the information registration.

"Xiaozhu, I'll go in first."

Putting down the pen, he walked in quickly.

There is another sad person in this city.

Pushing open the door, it is the training ground in the back mountain. A two-meter-high protective iron net encloses a large area with various devices inside.

There are already more than a dozen teenagers among them.



"Long time no see."

He simply said hello.

He is familiar and unfamiliar with everyone.

He used to speak very little in the club. He was a bit dull. He didn't chat with them much, and others didn't talk to him much.

This kind of personality, or inferiority complex, always loses in battles, which makes him accumulate frustration and feel that he can't hold his head up in the club.

But this morning, he integrated a lot of memories from another world, which brought some changes to his personality.

"Everyone is here."

"Let's start the morning class now."

Coach Wang of the club clapped his hands and interrupted everyone's chat.

The morning class is for everyone to find device props and practice elf skills.

It is both practice and warm-up.

Everyone quickly dispersed and found a place to practice in the open field.

Before Kurosawa found the buffer ball that he often trained the peck skill before, he pinched the flash card from his pocket and threw it out.

The flash card turned into golden light in the air and suddenly expanded into a dodo bird.


The dodo bird came out.

The dodo bird was still dizzy about what happened in the morning, but when it saw the familiar buffer ball in front of it, it immediately understood the current task.

"Use peck." Kurosawa activated his psychic power, and at the same time, the dodo bird also stimulated the blood energy in its body.

The fused energy condensed in its goose yellow beak, gradually becoming sharper and more imposing.

The bird suddenly stepped forward, its body tearing through the air, and rushed forward quickly.



The bird's beak hit the two-meter-high buffer ball hard with energy.

The buffer ball instantly sank, absorbing the impact brought by the bird.

After a few seconds, it slowly returned to its original state.

The power was much greater than before, and the speed was also faster.

Kurosawa was filled with emotion.

The primary Tutu bird could probably kill it instantly with one skill.

Don’t think that the buffer ball was intact, that’s because it has a strong energy absorption and buffering property.

If the peck just now hit an ordinary person, it would probably have pecked a big hole.

It was different from the world in the memory fragments that Kurosawa got.

In this world, elves are the strongest force.

The prototype species of elves come from various extinct ancient creatures and fantasy creatures. They appear in reality and show completely different life forms.

Elves not only have powerful abilities such as fire, hurricanes, rays, crystallization, etc., but more importantly, they are immortal.

Ordinary bows and arrows, fire, poison gas, swords, and bullets cannot kill them. Their vitality is extremely tenacious.

Only relying on elves can defeat elves.

And what makes elves and humans bond is psychic power. Humans can use psychic power to carve their own symbols on elves when they are young.

The first human who awakened psychic power tried to tame the first elf cub with the special energy in his body, and since then, elf masters have stepped onto the stage of history.

And through hundreds of years of development, the current elf generation was created.

After practicing the peck skill for a while, Kurosawa suddenly remembered the new skill [Scream] that he had just learned this morning.

[Scream] Skill introduction: The bird suddenly screams, which can make the target elf upset and reduce the probability of dodging.

After reading the skill introduction, Kurosawa showed joy.

The bird performed very poorly in the previous club training match, in addition to the most important elf strength gap.

Another part of the reason is that the attack route of its core skill, the peck, is too single and obvious.

There is a charging process before use, and there is a short stiffness after use.

The opponent's elf master knows to avoid the peck skill as soon as it appears. Even if the bird rushes forward quickly, there is a probability of being dodged, and it is not low.

Because the opponent is mostly predictive, the more obvious attack pre-swing of the peck allows their elves to dodge in advance.

The stiffness after the peck is short, but after being caught a few times, you can only say GG.

Of course, in real combat, it is not that simple, there are all kinds of psychological games and special situations.

Dodging is just a probabilistic event. If the skill is released well, the charging process will be very fast, and even have a certain degree of deception.

"Use scream."

Kurosawa activated his psychic energy, and the bird also activated the blood energy in his body.

However, the skill release failed.

The first time using the skill, the man and the bird did not have enough tacit understanding.

Kurosawa did not have any special reaction.

It is normal to fail with a newly learned skill, but it is abnormal to succeed at once.

"Use scream."

He activated his psychic energy again, and the bird activated the blood.

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