My Elf Simulator

Chapter 201: A person with three talents?

Hei Ze was taken to a quiet room.

When he came, the test had just ended.

A young man in his twenties followed the staff out in frustration.

"I'm sorry, the elite level is a hard rule of our association."

"Can't you make an exception? I have a good talent. I have a hunch that my missile fish will be able to condense the attribute core in just three or two months."

"Sorry, wait until you are promoted to the elite level before coming for the test. We will have other recruitment tests later."

The staff was still explaining to the young man, and suddenly looked up and saw the teacher Tu Nan in front of him, with surprise in his eyes.

"Teacher Tu, why are you here?"

"Haha, I met a good seedling and brought it for the test." Tu Nan seemed to have encountered good things, and his face was like a spring breeze.

The staff here is actually a part-time student of the association. Hearing this, he looked at Hei Ze next to Tu Nan.

He was not unfamiliar with the other person next to Tu Nan, who was also a senior student of the association. The only possible one was this handsome boy.

He couldn't help but be curious.

Generally speaking, the teachers of the association will not come to visit the basic test on purpose.

As the teachers of the strongest association in Jinling School, they have seen all kinds of geniuses.

Those who can be called good seedlings by Teacher Tu Nan, their talents may seem to be really extraordinary.

"What is your name, classmate?"

"Hei Ze."

"I am Tang Yinjie, a third-year student of our association. You can call me Old Tang or Senior Brother Tang."

"Okay, Senior Brother Tang."

Tang Yinjie sent away the students who took the last test, turned around and whispered to Hei Ze.

Tu Nan watched the communication between the two juniors and did not interrupt.

In his rough perception, Hei Ze's psychic power is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary professional elf masters. Considering his identity as a seventeen-year-old and not a precocious person, even if Hei Ze is not the elite level as he said, Tu Nan will recruit Hei Ze into the association.

Although the elite level requirement is a hard threshold, it is only set for ordinary people. It is not important to have a talent like the boy in front of him.

Of course, if it is really elite level, it will be even better.

After all, it is not easy for the elves to break through the advanced stage and condense the attribute core.

"Junior Brother Hei Ze, lie down."

Tang Yinjie took the three people to a room full of instruments.

In addition to Hei Ze, there were also teacher Tu Nan and Che Boming who came to eat melons.

"Brother Tang, don't you need to test the elves?" Hei Ze asked curiously while lying in a round cabin.

This cabin extends and connects to the wall. It is made of silver-white seamless metal and looks extremely advanced.

He thought that the elves' data would be tested as before.

"That's the test later. We have to test your physical data first. Don't be nervous. Lie down and sleep for a while and the results will come out." Tang Yinjie explained patiently.

Hei Ze nodded.

Soon the instrument started to work.

He lay on the round cabin platform and began to move, and he was sent into a closed space.

A faint blue light flickered in the dark cabin, scanning his body carefully. Hei Ze felt a burning sensation flowing through his body, and the spiritual energy in his body began to be activated.

He suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a similar test when he participated in the assessment of Haitang Academy last year, but the test equipment at that time was like the difference between a shotgun and a cannon compared to this time. In addition, it was not a pleasant thing, so he subconsciously forgot what happened that day.

It was also after the test last year that he was rejected by Haitang Academy.

Hei Ze was still thinking, and gradually, his thinking became very slow.

A sense of sleepiness came over him.

He yawned, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


"Junior Brother Hei Ze, wake up"

"Hei Ze, the test is over."

Several voices sounded beside Hei Ze's ears, and he could faintly see white light through his eyelids.

He opened his eyes.

Sitting up straight in the round cabin, Hei Ze, who had just woken up, looked around confusedly.

Three men surrounded him.

He slowly remembered that he seemed to be in the test phase of the Elemental Association.

He fell asleep during the test.


He got off the ground and said apologetically.

While he was talking, the screen next to the instrument also analyzed the scanned data.

Tu Nan took the lead and walked over quickly.

After seeing the data on the screen clearly, he shouted three times in a row.

Tester: Hei Ze

Psychic level: Level 4

Talent: Natural force, lightning specialization, innate divine power

In addition to some data, there are more analysis reports for these data.

Hei Ze came to his side and looked at the screen.

Tang Yinjie and Che Boming also wanted to come over to see, but were stopped by Tu Nan.

"Don't join in the fun, I just read the data." Tu Nan coughed, and after Hei Ze finished reading, he reached out and cleared the information on the screen.

Tang Yinjie scratched his head. Isn't his job to test and analyze data? Why can't he even see himself?

And the agreed process is that generally a paper report is produced after the test, and then the actual combat phase begins.

Now the two are even more curious, and their hearts are itching as if they are being scratched by a cat's claws.

However, the data has been deleted, and no matter how curious the two are, there is nothing they can do. They just look at Kurosawa with more surprise.

Kurosawa recalled the talents he had just seen on the screen. In addition to the power of nature, there were also lightning specialization talents and natural divine power talents.

He suspected that there was an error in the testing instrument, perhaps the abnormality in the test data caused by the Thunder Affinity Badge he was wearing at the moment, or perhaps the impact of Zeus's mystical transformation.

As for his natural divine power, it may be related to his unusually strong physical fitness compared to his peers, the Defender Badge and the use of the Yi Jing Marrow Cutting.

Regarding teacher Tu Nan's careful actions, Kurosawa felt that it was probably due to this abnormal three-talent data.

As for the psionic level of level 4, it should correspond to the fourth major level in the system's FEDC.

He is currently at C-, which corresponds to level 4, which is just right.

Originally, more detailed data tests on the elves would be conducted next, but Tu Nan called Kurosawa over and took him out of the testing room after saying a few words, eliminating the tedious testing process.

Only Tang Yinjie and Che Boming were left looking at each other.

They knew that the Elemental Society might really have a great junior brother.

Tu Nan and Kurosawa walked out along the passage.

"I deleted your data just now for your sake. Three talents are extremely rare." Tu Nan said calmly. "When you were taking the test, I also searched for some of your information in detail and found that you were rejected by your local school last year. This is probably related to your three talents."

"Most of the testing instruments in your local academy cannot test your natural abilities and will mistake you for mediocrity."

"Too much talent puts a heavy burden on your spiritual energy and body, so when you first awaken your spiritual energy, you will not perform as well as ordinary people. Although I don't know why you can quickly adapt to the load of three talents, but at least Now your talent is fully revealed."

"However, your failure to gain psychic intelligence early may also be related to the three talents you possess. Otherwise, with your cultivation talent, you might be able to awaken your psychic powers at the age of five."

“It may also be a blessing and a curse.”


Kurosawa listened to what he said silently and nodded.

Of course he knew his situation best, but seeing that these three misunderstood talents could explain his abnormal cultivation situation, he was overjoyed and acquiesced immediately.

"Teacher Tu, is there a battle test next?"

"Well, but you don't have to worry. The battle test is just to satisfy my personal curiosity. No matter what the test results are, I have passed your application. Now you are a member of our Elemental Society." Tu Nan nodded kindly.

While speaking, he walked onto an empty ring and waved to Kurosawa.

After Kurosawa turned over, a protective net was raised around him.

"Summon your strongest elf."

Kurosawa nodded upon hearing this.

He reached out and pulled out a flash card.

The little Shining appeared in the sky with a burst of golden light, and his whole body was filled with thunder.

The moment the Shining Bird appeared, Tu Nan's eyes couldn't help but light up.

What a powerful thunder elf.

As a master-level expert, he has his own understanding of the strength of elves, rather than superficially judging based on the strength of emergy.

The thunder elf in front of him gave him a conflicting feeling.

The emergy value was erratic. One moment it felt like it was about a hundred leaves, but the next moment it soared to more than two hundred.

But based on his abundant elf experience, he could detect that its true energy value was between one hundred and fifty to two hundred.

Apparently, this elf was well bred.

Tu Nan stretched out his hand to summon a demon spirit.

The demon spirit is a three-star spirit.

"My demon spirit has just been contracted. It has awakened the fire attribute and is worth one hundred and seventeen. It is my weakest spirit currently." Tu Nan was not in a hurry to fight, but opened his mouth to share the information about his demon spirit with Kurosawa.

Since it was a test, of course the elves sent out had to be of equal strength. He couldn't summon a super elf.

But even elves with similar energy values ​​cannot be confused in the hands of a master elf master and in the hands of a newly promoted elite.

He decided to teach Kurosawa a lesson personally through this battle.

"Use all your strength. Except for spiritual blessing, I will not use any means beyond the elite level." Tu Nan said. "But don't be careless because of this. My demon spirit may be much stronger than you think."

"Yes." Kurosawa nodded solemnly.

The moment the fire demon spirit in front of him was blessed by Tu Nan's spiritual energy, its aura began to soar, and it quickly exceeded the category of the Baiye energy spirit in his perception.

Is this the master level?

Even without using any means, the assistance of psychic energy alone can make the elf burst out with stronger strength.

Kurosawa took a deep breath. In his perception, Tu Nan opposite him seemed to have transformed into a black hole, and all detection methods were absorbed by his body surface.

The only thing that can be known is the bottomless spiritual energy.

Like the sea.

The higher the psychic level goes, the order of magnitude increases exponentially.

Kurosawa understood this after he broke through to the C-level psychic level.

The difference between a small grade between a C-grade and a C-grade is many times the difference from an F-grade to a C-grade.

Not to mention C+, or even a completely new stage of B-level.

Kurosawa has not officially fought against The Shining since he broke through to the advanced stage.

The teacher Tu Nan in front of me may be the best opponent. He is much stronger than me and can let him perform freely.

Kurosawa's heart was filled with fighting spirit.

Then go ahead and test your own strength after being promoted to elite!


On the battle arena, after a very short trial, the battle began to enter a white-hot stage.

Hei Ze Lingneng made a move.

The original body and clone of the little Shining Spirit turned into two golden lights in the air and kept flashing.

The little Shining Spirit, who was promoted to the advanced stage, became even faster, like a spirit of thunder and lightning.

And opposite him was a fire spirit.

The fire spirit continued to expand in the battle and had turned into a three-meter-high fire giant.

The fire giant waved his hand to attack, and every time he waved his hand, a ball of flames shot out at a high speed, hitting the ground and suddenly turning into a several-meter-high fire tree.

To be honest, a several-meter-high fire tree is actually not bad, but its temperature is extremely high, reaching thousands of degrees Celsius, and the air is distorted by that extremely high temperature.

Hei Ze's perception was extremely agile. Although his psychic power was at a disadvantage, his natural power made up for the lack of combat experience and psychic power. Under his control, the little Shining Spirit dodged the attack of the fire tree at a high speed.

Even if it was hit by the attack, the terrifying attack could not really hurt the little Shining Spirit.

Breaking through the advanced stage not only brought about a jump in energy value, but also comprehensively improved the attributes and protection of the little Shining Spirit.

The battle lasted for ten minutes in a flash.

To everyone's surprise, in the constant stalemate of the battle, it was Tu Nan's fire spirit that first showed signs of fatigue.

"Thunder gun!"

Accompanied by the strong lightning gun in the air that was so strong that it produced white light, it shot out again, and the two-meter-long lightning gun penetrated the blazing fire giant.

The demon spirit that turned into a fire giant finally became dim.

The body shrank in an instant, and amid the screams of everyone, it turned back to its original form, and the demon spirit several dozen centimeters high lay on the ground.

Its body became transparent at this moment, and it was obviously consumed a lot after the battle.

Countless fire trees in the field disappeared in an instant.

The demon spirit turned into red light and returned to Tu Nan's hand, who was stunned for a moment.

The battle is over!

It was much faster than the two sides and the onlookers expected.

Hei Ze pursed his lips, looking a little embarrassed.

It seems that after entering the advanced stage, Xiao Shining is a little too strong, even beyond his own expectations.

He originally thought that the two elves had similar energy values, 170 and 180, and the opponent must be extraordinary under the master-level control, so he didn't think of holding back at the beginning.

But unexpectedly, he still underestimated Xiao Shining's strength.

After Xiao Shining's lightning gun was promoted to the advanced stage, the time required for preparation was greatly reduced. Although it is not as instantaneous as electric shock, it is much easier than before.

Electric shock, thunder bomb, thunder gun.

Thunder badge enhancement plus real phantom.

Relying on these two special bonuses alone, this fire demon spirit fell down in the tacit cooperation of Xiao Shining's clone and the original body.

To be honest, he still has some tricks up his sleeve.

Facts have proved that when the spirits have similar energy values, even the high-level spirits of master-level masters are not good at facing the little shining spirit.

The regular strength of the little shining spirit with 180 energy values ​​may reach 200 to 300, and when all the strength is fully exploded, it is at least more than 300.

After breaking through to the advanced stage, there will be a relatively large difference in strength between each hundred leaves.

The little shining spirit with a hundred leaves energy value range has a strength of three hundred leaves, which is a very terrifying gap.

This is related to the various special means that Hei Ze has.

"I lost." The middle-aged teacher Tu Nan took back the demon spirit. Although he actually had other means to enhance this demon spirit, they were all unconventional means. Just from the training level, his demon spirit was indeed far inferior to the opponent's lightning spirit at a similar energy level.

Thinking of how he smugly reminded the young man in front of him not to be careless before the battle, he felt mixed emotions.

But he is a master spirit master after all, and his adjustment ability is still very strong.

After sighing, he smiled carefreely again. "I wanted to teach you a lesson, but I didn't expect that I was the one who was taught a lesson."

"When facing a genius like you, you really can't use conventional thinking to consider."

On the sidelines, someone leaked the news, and more and more members of the association came to watch.

"Who is he?"

"It seems to be called Hei Ze."

"Such a strong clone skill, I can't see through it, could it be a special skill of the gold level?"

"Another genius!"

"Too amazing, who was the last one who could do this, Senior Brother Zhang?"


They didn't expect that Tu Nan, a teacher of the association, would lose to Hei Ze.

During the test, the teacher in charge of the assessment will send out elves with similar energy values.

Normally, when the energy values ​​of the elves are similar, the elite level has no resistance in front of the master level, which is related to the combat experience and the psychic auxiliary bonus.

But unexpectedly, this battle was uncharacteristic. Tu Nan's demon spirit was defeated by Hei Ze's thunderbird spirit, and the overall result was quite neat and tidy, without any unexpected circumstances affecting the outcome.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the thunderbird spirit fighting under Hei Ze's command was much stronger than Tu Nan's demon spirit.

"No, this is because you take care of my strength. If you send other spirits to play, my little shining spirit will not be able to fight back." Hei Ze would not think that he was really stronger than the master level.

Level, energy value is everything. Even if he has more means, he will be killed instantly when facing a super spirit.

This is also the reason why Hei Ze did not rush to contract too many elves, but always focused on improving the strength of a core elf.

His thinking is very clear. Compared with most people, the bottlenecks of his and the elves' promotion are very small. There is no need to pile up strength with quantity, just work hard to climb up.

Intermediate elves are several times stronger than primary elves, and intermediate elves have no resistance to high-level elves.

This gap cannot be made up by spiritual power, talent, number of contracted elves, skills and other means.

"Haha, don't take care of my face, I can afford to lose." Tu Nan walked in and patted Hei Ze's shoulder with relief. "Welcome to join the Elemental Association."

Thanks to "New Fatty Afeng" for the reward of 6,000 starting coins.

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