My Elf Simulator

Chapter 203 Nonglan Shinawatra

Before the game officially started, several teachers working in administration and the leading teachers from foreign countries took turns to give speeches on the stage.

At the same time, teachers and students from the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Jinling University served as translators.

Kurosawa did not spend too much time on the opening ceremony.

The content of the opening speech was basically meaningless clichés, friendship first and competition second, and this event was intended to promote exchanges between elves from various countries.

Everyone is young, the age with the strongest desire to win, not to mention rewards as incentives. When they really fight, who will care about friendship exchanges and mutual learning.

Kurosawa closed his eyes to adjust his state, until the applause in the venue rang out, he opened his eyes belatedly and applauded with everyone.

"It's started"

"So nervous."

"I feel that those southwestern guys look strong, with gloomy eyes, and they are not easy to deal with."

Some whispers around Kurosawa.

The waiting seats on the sidelines are arranged uniformly according to the region.

The people around Kurosawa are all members of Jinling Academy, all of them are young, and many of them are freshmen like Kurosawa.

In addition, there are seven members of the Southwest Alliance, Taixin, Zhuyue, Maine, Xindu

and the representatives of two other small schools in the south of Haihua.

Among the many "forces", Jinling School has the largest number of landlords.

Kurosawa listened to the discussions of his peers around him, took a look, and said nothing.

The temperament of the elves from the southwestern countries is different from the elves he met before. Many of them have a slightly sinister temperament, which may be related to the local culture and the damp and dense jungle.

But putting these aside, most people's strength should not be that strong.

Although Jinling School is only one of the top schools in Haihua, it also brings together nearly one-third or one-quarter of the top talents in the country, and its strength is not weak.

Even some "relatives" who came in through the recommendation of the earthly branch members are stronger than most of their peers, because their family conditions are better, and their parents or direct relatives often have powerful elf masters, and they have more abundant resources.

Given the same talent, naturally, those with more resources can go further.

Soon, the distribution of the first round of players came out.

Kurosawa looked at the information on his mobile phone.

"Thai Xin Guo, Nong Lan Chennawa."

Kurosawa met a foreign opponent in the first round as he wished, a female elf master from Thai Xin Guo.

There are four arenas in the venue.

The arena is a circular venue with a radius of 20 meters, which is not too big.

Kurosawa had fought in this kind of arena when he was in the Elemental Society, which left a deep impression on him.

The four corners of this sealed arena are isolated by four huge white pillars, and occasionally a breath similar to the secret realm of meteorites will float out.

Just like the feeling in the meteorite training field, after the arena is completely opened, the attribute energy of the elves will be sealed.

It can suppress the destructive power of the attribute energy of the elves to about 20-30% of the original.

Of course, it is said that this kind of arena can only compress the strength of high-level and lower-level elves. After reaching the super level, the effect is extremely weak.

The game will start soon.

Kurosawa sat in the waiting seat while waiting and watching the competition of others.

The elf masters of the southwestern countries did cause a lot of trouble to the elf masters of Haihua Country at the beginning.

It is different from the relatively comprehensive blessing of the mainstream training method of Haihua Country.

Their means of intervening in the battle are different. Some silently recite Buddhist scriptures, some chant spells, and some rely on training props similar to bone staffs in their hands.

But all means have the same end. The battle will eventually return to the strength of the elves.

After getting used to their communication methods and fighting skills with the elves, the elf masters of Jinling School quickly adapted to the rhythm of the battle.

Kurosawa retracted his gaze and looked at the time on the giant screen above his head.

It's almost his turn.

He stood up and walked to the edge of a ring slowly.

"Qiao Huai, you have been staring at him since just now, right? An acquaintance?"

At the waiting area, a young man in a blue sweater turned around and asked his companion.

The Qiao Huai he mentioned was his cousin, a man with shoulder-length hair, his eyes fixed on a man in a black robe.

Qiao Huai was lost in thought.

I didn't expect to see him here!

The moment he saw Kurosawa, he thought of his experience a few days ago.

Qiao Huai is a freshman who just entered Jinling School this year.

In a few months, he will be 21 years old, a top profession. Since he awakened his spiritual power precociously, he has been a celebrity in his hometown.

It's a pity that he didn't awaken his innate ability. Although it's a little regrettable, his growth can be said to be smooth sailing.

At a young age, at the age of 20, he cultivated the core elf to the intermediate transition stage.

He has always been proud of his talent. After coming to Jinling School, he looked down on other associations and wanted to run to the elite association with all his heart.

The result was a disastrous defeat. His talent seemed not enough for the elite association to recruit him in advance, whether it was the Elemental Association or the Extraordinary Association.

After coming out of the test room, he met the young man in the distance. The association teacher sent him here specially, which left a deep impression on him. For this reason, he even remembered the other party's name, Kurosawa, and searched on the Internet to find that the other party was only at the professional level.

Unexpectedly, when I saw him again today, he was already wearing the clothes of the Elemental Association.


He suddenly felt a little indignant.

We are both professional level, and the age difference is not big. Why can he be admitted as an exception, but I can't? Am I worse than him?

If possible, he really wants to go back to the Element Society and question the teacher of the society in person.


Kurosawa came to the side of the ring, away from the waiting area, surrounded by only the roar of the battle.

Opposite him, there was a girl with her hair in a bun, his first round opponent, Nonlan Shinawa.

She was wearing a unique Thai-Singapore style female clothing, with a sleeveless and collarless top, a transparent and thin long shawl hanging on her left shoulder, the shawl naturally hung down from her back to the ground, revealing her right shoulder, and a folded tube skirt with a slightly tightened belt.

The strength level did not bring a particularly strong sense of oppression to Kurosawa.

Noticing Kurosawa's gaze, she also clasped her hands together in a friendly way to greet him.

Kurosawa also responded slightly.

The fight on the stage ended not long after.

Kurosawa and Nonlan walked to the command area of ​​the ring and took their positions.

The referee asked them to release the elves in advance to give both players some time to adapt to the ring environment.

Of course, this first round rule is more convenient for foreign players.

Kurosawa has already adapted to such an environment in advance.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and summoned Mumu.

This kind of actual combat is conducive to the elves to improve their own strength. Nightmare and Mumu are both at the peak of the transition stage and the stage of condensing the core of the attribute.

Considering that Mumu has fought much less than Nightmare, Kurosawa sent Mumu first.

And Nonglan, who was opposite him, stretched out his hand to summon a waist-high pure white elephant. It was smooth and white, emitting a faint white Buddha halo, like white jade.

Very beautiful elf.

It’s a pity that the strength level is not too strong. The energy value of forty leaves?

Considering that the opponent is less than 20 years old, it is already a very good level.

Kurosawa was a little regretful. If possible, he hoped to meet a stronger opponent as much as possible after winning the battle.

It's not that he is hypocritical, but the stronger the opponent is, the more help it will bring to Mumu, and from a utilitarian point of view, the more rewards will be obtained after the game.

Nonglan Chennawa doesn't have such complicated thoughts as Kurosawa.

Her big eyes with eye makeup stared at the stone giant that was more than 2.6 meters tall.

Its surface was flowing with powerful golden patterns, and its height gave her a great sense of oppression from being high above.

She used her own detection method, but the elf swallowed up all her perception like a black hole.

So strong!

Her heart tightened.

Her eyes turned to Kurosawa, who had a calm face. Is this the strength of the genius from the Jinling School?

She took a deep breath, and heard a few cheers from her hometown companions at the side of the ring. The cheers and encouragements from her companions made her feel excited.

Kurosawa also heard the shouts from the sidelines.

What made him feel ashamed was that although he was nominally at home, since he had only been in Jinling School for a few days, most of the people he knew were not in the youth group, so no one cheered him up.

He could only silently command Mumu to warm up.

After a short warm-up, the two returned to the command area and stood still.

As the referee blew the whistle.

The spiritual energy of the two instantly left their bodies and attached to their respective spirits.

Mumu had not fought side by side with Kurosawa for a while, and had been training silently in the meteorite training field. Although the meteorite material there gave it an extremely comfortable feeling, just like going home, it had not been in actual combat for a long time, and it was already a little itchy.

Elf: Miracle Colossus

Racial Qualification: Four-star (27%)

Level: Intermediate (Transitional)

Attribute: Light

Energy Value: 56

Feature: Holy Rune

Skills: White-Charge LV3 (2/20) Blue-Harden LV2 (9/10) Blue-Super Heavy Punch LV2 (8/10)

Deep Blue [Super Strength] LV2 (4/10) Deep Blue [Sunbathing] LV2 (9/10)

Purple [Holy Light Burst] LV3 (10/20) Purple [Light Shield] LV2 (3/10)

Equipment Slot: Warrior Shoulder Guard

This is the strength of Mumu now.

Its racial qualification has been improved very quickly by absorbing special meteorite materials in the meteorite training field. It was 14% some time ago, and now it is 27%.

Although I don’t know if it can keep improving at this speed, the special force field of the meteorite seems to be a perfect match for it.

If it can continue to absorb meteorite materials, maybe it is really possible to be promoted to a five-star race?

Five stars are the top of the race that regular elves can reach. Above the five-star race is the holy beast. Those top races cannot be reached by conventional evolution.

Kurosawa's thoughts flowed in an instant, and then he focused on the battle in front of him.

While he was stunned, several black words appeared in the air around the white elephant. At the same time, Nonlan Qinawa opened her mouth slightly and chanted an unknown spell in a low voice. A strange aura rose from her and the white elephant.

She shouted softly, but because of the language barrier, Kurosawa didn't know what she shouted.

But soon the white elephant was wrapped in the spell words and curled up into a black and white sphere.

"Ka Ka Ka——"

Its surface made a tightening sound. After a few short times, a special layer of carapace condensed on the surface of the skin, making it look extremely hard.

Mommu noticed its change, and instead of feeling nervous, he showed an excited look eager to try.

It also has the ability to harden its shell, and suddenly had the idea of ​​a head-on confrontation.

Kurosawa noticed its thoughts, smiled, and did not restrain it.

The psychic energy began to activate the energy circuit in its body.

In a very short moment, the hardening was completed.

The strong and powerful Mommu became even harder, and it couldn't help but clench its fists.

It happened that the white elephant elf in the distance was rolling and colliding with the strange spell energy.

"Use strange power, and connect with super heavy punch at the same time!"

Kurosawa and Mommu's cooperation is perfect. It was obviously the opponent who launched the attack first, but in a blink of an eye, they completed the use of three skills in a row.

Hardening-strange power-super heavy punch!

Two blue-level skills plus one deep blue-level skill, although none of them involve attributes, but Mommu's body strength is too high, and the combined skills also work together to burst out amazing power, which is more destructive than most attribute skills!

The moment Mumu swung his fist.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Its strong and powerful arm pierced the air at a speed faster than the speed of sound, and several sonic booms sounded in succession.

You could even faintly see the air twisting, and the circular airflow circled around Mumu's arm.

In an instant, Mumu's stone fist and the speeding white elephant collided with each other.

It was like two trains running in opposite directions colliding.

A rumbling sound rang out in the air.

The spell energy on the surface of the white elephant flowed like a living venomous snake, trying to invade Mumu's body.

But its plan did not work, because the wrestling lasted less than a breath.

The next moment, the black and white sphere bounced out at a faster speed than when it came.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

It hit the edge several times, and finally lost its kinetic energy and barely stabilized its body.

In terms of strength, Mumu won!

Below the advanced level, it is very difficult to fight Mumu head-on with strength.

After Mumu excitedly exerted his powerful strength, the ring soon turned into a scene of beating sandbags.

Unfortunately, even if Mumu did not use his attribute skills, he still relied on his strength to easily win in the end.

This competition day adopted a small 1V1 system of three games.

After defeating the white elephant elf, Mumu successfully completed a one-on-three victory without any surprise.

During the whole process, Kurosawa did not participate in the battle excessively.

A transitional elf that is condensing the attribute core, a four-star race, a large number of blue-level and purple-level skills, and a warrior shoulder guard that enhances strength.

Kurosawa could not imagine how ordinary intermediate elves, who are weaker than Mumu, could withstand these buffs.

Once upon a time, a grotesque attribute cold spider with thirty or forty energy values ​​could force Kurosawa into a desperate situation. Nightmare and Little Shining Spirit went into battle together, relying on the justice of two-on-one to barely win.

But now, Mumu, the weakest in his team, can easily defeat three elves with 40 energy values ​​without fully using his strength.

This may be growth.

On the sidelines, Qiao Huai and his cousin Jiang Yaobin were also watching the game.

Qiao Huai was embarrassed to say that he was paying attention to Hei Ze because of the difference in treatment that day, and he was jealous of him, so he made an excuse that he was an opponent he met by chance during the battle a few days ago.

"He is indeed very strong, but unfortunately the opponent is too weak, and it is hard to tell how much strength he has used." Jiang Yaobin nodded and said. "He is indeed a member of the Element Society, but since he can join the Element Society, it means that he still has high-level elves that have not appeared."

Qiao Huai instinctively felt uncomfortable when he heard Jiang Yaobin's words.

"You think too much, he is just a professional level, and he probably entered the Element Society through connections." He curled his lips and said, and the scene of the assessment teacher taking Hei Ze to take the test that day appeared in his mind again.

He was more convinced that Hei Ze was a relative, and he didn't think that Hei Ze's performance just now was better than his own.

"Really?" Jiang Yaobin looked at his cousin strangely, and felt that his tone was a bit sour.

After the game, Kurosawa returned a salute to his opponent Nonglan Shinawa and walked off the stage.

The system's voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations on your victory in this round. The current competition level is provincial one-star. Rewards are being calculated for you based on your specific performance."

"Congratulations, you have received 280 points and 12 personal experience points."

Kurosawa paused for a moment.

Although he was mentally prepared, compared with the provincial one-star provincial qualifying rewards before, this time the rewards were really small.

But this is not important.

The important thing is


"Congratulations, your personal level experience has met the upgrade standard, do you want to upgrade?"

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