My Elf Simulator

Chapter 208: Narrow Space

Basement, morgue, operating room, specimen room, ward.

The route of the Ciji General Hospital is complicated, from the underground floor to the fourth floor.

Along the way, you have to complete several thrilling tasks, obtain specific props, open the room or elevator, and solve the puzzle. Fortunately, the puzzle is not complicated, and the hints are sufficient, so it doesn't take too long.

As the overhead broadcast tells the story and the tourists play the roles, everyone is immersed in the process of exploring the haunted house.

Kurosawa silently followed the screaming team and stopped the ghost-dressing staff for the two girls who followed him when necessary.

No matter how bloody the staff dressed up, they couldn't scare him.

It has been an hour since entering the haunted house. The process is coming to an end, and the tourists have come to the fourth floor of the hospital.

"Current fear energy: 11.5%"

Perhaps because of the detailed perception outside the hospital, knowing the content of the arrangement in advance, it is like being spoiled, and Kurosawa's heart is not disturbed during the process.

He looked at the wall curiously.

It's almost over, but the thing hidden in the dark hasn't been lured out.

Perhaps the influence of nightmares?

Unlike Kurosawa who was lost in thought, others were searching for clues in the huge conference room.

They had to solve the puzzle and find a specific item in this conference room before they could leave this locked room, exorcise the evil spirits guarding outside the door, and finally return to the first floor through the emergency passage on the fourth floor to complete the clearance.

Several tourists who were obviously old birds in the secret room gathered together to discuss.

Of course, there were also people who were slacking off. Now the staff who played ghosts were locked outside the door, and nothing thrilling happened for the time being.

But because they had locked their belongings such as mobile phones in the cabinet before coming, and now there was no chance to play with their mobile phones, one of them looked at the tourists in the room curiously.

"It's okay, it will be over soon."

"Wait a minute, you walk in front of me, I will protect you."

A girl said to her companion stubbornly even though her body was shaking badly.

"Why did you sneak away so fast alone in the operating room on the second floor just now?"

There were also couples who took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction.

After observing for a minute, the boy suddenly felt a little weird.

He looked at the crowd again.

A small group of college students gathered at the conference table to interpret the props, five people.

Two couples, four people.

A combination of two girls and a tall boy, three people.

5+4+3, a total of 12 people.

No problem.

After a simple mental calculation, he suppressed the slight abnormal feeling.

He stood up from his seat and walked towards the group of college students who were solving the puzzle, just wanting to hear about their progress.

Suddenly, his steps froze.


He finally understood where he felt something was wrong along the way.

Not twelve people, including himself, there are thirteen people in the room!

And the number of visitors that Ciji General Hospital can accommodate for each session is 12 people. When entering, the staff will check the tickets one by one before letting them into the hospital gate.

How could there be one more person?

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a chill seeped out from his back.

Was it the arrangement of the hospital staff, or...

He shook his head violently, not daring to think about it.

But the heart that was beating desperately and still accelerating showed that he was not so calm at the moment.

He glanced at the people who separated in the conference room.

Due to the one-hour thrilling journey, the team was in chaos, and many of his memories were blurred. He couldn't even remember when there was one more person in the team.

According to the group formation of the crowd, he who was left alone seemed to be the most suspicious.

But of course he knew that the extra person could not be himself.

With trembling legs, he came to the group of five college students and told them about it.

These people are probably fine and trustworthy. Most of the mysteries along the way were solved by them.

"How is it possible? Are you kidding?"

The students who were brainstorming and analyzing clues were interrupted and responded impatiently. They felt ridiculous when they heard his words.

How could they not notice that there was one more person without knowing it?

"Stop scaring people, okay"

"Haruko, it seems like there are really thirteen people." It wasn't until her companions stuttered to count the number of people that everyone fell silent and widened their eyes.

Some people began to count the number of people again with the help of the dim light in the room.

"11, 1213"


Several violent gasps sounded at the same time.

Several people looked at each other, their scalps tingling.

"Brother, it can't be you, right? Are you a staff member of the haunted house, and are here to scare people?"

"You are the only one who is alone here. Few people come to such places to play alone, right?"

However, there are also clear-headed students who calmed down and cast suspicious eyes on the boy who first realized the abnormal number of people.

"How could it be me? I have a ticket."

Fortunately, when the boy was about to share this information, he had thought of a countermeasure and quickly took out the ticket from his pocket to prove himself.

"Ticket purchaser: XXX, show time: 20:00-21:30"

The student group put aside their suspicions.

They looked at each other and had a common idea.

Whether it was a special scare by the staff or it was really a strange thing, at least they had to catch the person first.

As they quietly called and explained the situation, the people in the room cooperated and showed their tickets to prove their identities.

Most people were shocked by this shocking news.

Suddenly, there was one more person inexplicably. Who could realize such a creepy thing.

Twelve tickets were placed on the conference table.

Everyone in the conference room simultaneously cast their eyes on the tall boy who was facing the wall with his back to admire the lady's painting on the wall.

At present, only he did not come over.

Everything is self-evident.

Wisps of memories came out like a tide.

The very strange thing is that before they entered the venue, when they were waiting in the open-air seats outside the complex building, they did not have any impression of this person.

But as for when he appeared in the team, no one could answer.

All twelve people were like this, which actually explained the problem.

Everything was connected at this moment.

Recalling the strange smile that Kurosawa showed from time to time along the way, and considering that he occasionally appeared from strange places, everyone felt that their hearts stopped.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, there is a big problem!

A lot of fear continued to emerge from their bodies.

Unlike being frightened by the staff dressed as ghosts coming out from various corners, this was a real supernatural phenomenon.

Everyone couldn't help but take a few steps away from Kurosawa.

His figure in the dark seemed to exude a bit of weird temperament.

Perhaps the only ones who could remain calm in the crowd were the pair of girls who had the most contact with Kurosawa.

Even if Kurosawa didn't turn his head, he could know what was happening behind him.

In fact, Kurosawa heard what they were talking about when they started whispering.

But he really couldn't take out the ticket, so he could only face the wall to hide his embarrassment.

Just when he was about to turn around to explain.

The air suddenly shook a few times.


"Crack, crack!"

Several decorations hanging on the wall fell down.


"Don't turn around, please!"

The last heartstrings of the people who had been keeping a close eye on Kurosawa broke instantly.

This locked conference room originally brought a full sense of security, but now it was like a prison for everyone. The exit door was in Kurosawa's direction, but no one dared to take a step forward.


Kurosawa stopped turning around.

A helpless look appeared on his face.

It's really not his fault.

During the confrontation, the surrounding environment began to spin.

The wall was engulfed by a dark liquid, and the room seemed to be eaten by an invisible beast.

The tourists screamed loudly and squatted in the corner with their heads in their hands. The layer of dark mucus under their shoes made everyone jump up again.

Only Kurosawa quietly put his hand in his pocket.

Finally appeared.

It seems that he is not timid.

He looked at the surrounding walls that became wet and sticky and black, and was a little surprised.

Is this its ability?

Kurosawa finally knew why he had not been able to use his perception to discover it before.

An ownerless elf with special hiding ability.

It shouldn't be here.

Kurosawa had checked before coming. This is not an elf horror house that had been reported in advance.

Business places like this need to use the power of elves to scare tourists. Even if it is a contracted elf, it needs to go through multiple approvals, and there must be an elf master on site. The cost and monthly review process are very troublesome.

Kurosawa didn't know whether the owner of this horror house knew about the elf left in the emergency hospital, but one thing was very certain, it had no contract mark on it, and it was an ownerless elf.

And since it has entered adulthood, it is probably difficult to be contracted.

He looked at the transparent ripples in the air not far away.

Its body exudes a strong terrifying aura.

Kurosawa used the purchased system detector module to instantly complete its strength scan.

Elf: Crow Envoy

Level: Intermediate (Transitional Stage)

Racial Qualification: Three Stars

Attributes: Ghost

Skills: Narrow Space, Malicious Impact, Calm Will, Invisibility, Ominous Omen

The detector clearly shows the strength level, attributes, skills and other information of the invisible elf hidden in the air.

There are so many skills, especially the first skill [Narrow Space] aroused Kurosawa's interest.

After learning about the effect of the narrow space, Kurosawa nodded in understanding.

This is also the reason why it cannot be sensed in advance and can hide in this suburban horror house without being noticed by outsiders.

Although its strength level is not particularly strong, it relies on this skill to be extremely concealed.

The narrow space is a very powerful skill. It can use the ghost characteristics of the elves themselves to hide in the interlayer of space.

Unless its specific location can be sensed, or it is a relatively simple and limited venue like the arena, it can be forced out by high-intensity energy fluctuations.

Compared with ordinary wild elves, this crow master's IQ and emotional control ability are obviously much higher, and he can even restrain his instinctive desire to destroy and hide in the city.

Coupled with the characteristics of the narrow space and the effect of invisibility, it is impossible for anyone to discover it.

Being discovered by oneself is a very low probability event.

After all, if it were not for the need for Nightmare to open the second attribute, he would not come here at all.

And there are actually not many elf masters with strong perception abilities like Kurosawa.

The changes in the surrounding space should be related to its special use of the narrow space.

Perhaps it was because of this that it had the confidence to appear.

He had a hunch that after defeating this crow messenger, the space would be unlocked.

Kurosawa smiled slightly.

Summon three elves.

Pull the formation apart faintly.

Despicable three on one?

No, no, no, there is no need for this. Even if Nightmare fights one on one, he will probably not lose.

Kurosawa summoned all the elves just to protect the tourists behind him.

Just when he was about to let the Shining Bird go out, Nightmare and Mumu supported in the back to prevent the crow messenger from hurting the tourists behind.

Nightmare came out and volunteered.

Kurosawa looked at it, and after two breaths, he nodded silently.

It just took a little longer.

The Shining Bird swept through the formation, which would only be safer.

The crow messenger was forced out of the invisible state by the momentum of the three elves.

It was about 1.1 meters tall, human-shaped, and surrounded by black fog. It wore a black hoodie and a crow mask. It had a mysterious aura, death, fear, and disaster.

However, no matter how unique its aura was, it was hard to ignore the level gap. Staring at the Shining Bird, the Crow Master felt something was wrong.

"Oh my god, you are an elf master, bro."

"What is this now?" The tourist behind him asked in surprise.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a mid-level elf. There's no danger. Don't move around there. It will be over soon."

As the Crow Master lifted the invisibility, Hei Ze summoned the elf to explain the situation. The tourists who were still frightened seemed to understand something.

They all held their breath.

It seemed that they were involved in a special incident.

Since Hei Ze had already shown his identity as an elf master and said it so calmly, the panic of the people at the beginning calmed down again.

For a moment, there was a little fear and excitement. Most people who come to the haunted house for adventure and play are naturally adventurous and exciting. They are tired of the monotonous life day after day. This special event hits their excitement point.

They have never seen elves fighting so closely, almost right under their noses.

The 150 yuan ticket price is totally worth it to come to the haunted house once!

"It's a pity that I didn't bring my mobile phone in." Some people even regretted it.


"Gami Gami!"



The two elves, Crow Messenger and Nightmare, stared at each other, and gurgled like they were spitting out fragrance.

Nightmare smelled the delicious smell of Crow Messenger and licked his tongue.

After the quarrel was fruitless, it flew out excitedly.

When Crow Messenger saw that the shining bird with the strongest smell and emitting light did not come forward, its sluggish momentum also rose.

It had long disliked this guy who coveted it.

It was afraid of the Shining Bird, but it didn't feel too strongly about Nightmare and Mumu. Although it rarely fought and was restrained by calm will on weekdays, as a transitional elf, its desire to fight was not low. At this moment, it not only did not retreat, but took the initiative to face Nightmare.

The two elves collided.

Although Nightmare's second attribute was not completely condensed, it already had the budding of ghost attribute. In addition, the dream attribute was equivalent to half of its "relatives". It can be said that its body aura was very similar to that of the Crow Envoy. The same kind repels each other, especially between non-relatives.

Nightmare rarely started to fight, and the little fist wrapped in dream energy punched the Crow Envoy's face.

Its delicate little crow mask was almost knocked crooked.

The Crow Envoy was obviously angry. His little hand grabbed Nightmare's flying hair and hit Nightmare with a headbutt, making him dizzy, but he didn't lose.

The two elves seemed to have formed a tacit understanding and wanted to decide the winner in this way.

Kurosawa was stunned, but did not intervene.

This wild Pokémon is relatively clean, so there is no need for him to kill it. He can just give Nightmare a chance to practice close combat.

However, from Kurosawa's point of view, the two Pokémons are just chickens fighting each other.

But the Raven Master is a little disadvantaged. There is a lot of fear energy in its body. Every time it is hit by Nightmare, a large amount of fear energy overflows and turns into a straight-line progress.

Let's see what resources are available to compensate it later.

This Raven Master just lives in the haunted house and is constantly naughty, but it is definitely not a serious crime.

From the previous online customer reviews, its biggest evil is to scare people to lose their memories of that period. It should be just to protect itself and avoid being noticed by others.

But the intermediate transitional Raven Master without a master obviously cannot stay here forever.

As for whether to contact the alliance or take it to some places where Pokémons are stored, that is a matter for the future, and it is not considered for the time being.





The numbers soared rapidly in the battle between the two elves, and soon reached 100%.

The goal of this trip was completed!

Thanks to "Little Novelist" and "Hai Ziyuan" for the 100 starting coins.

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