My Elf Simulator

Chapter 210 Huge Points

The appearance of the Nightmare who had condensed the second attribute did not change much, but his momentum soared straight up.

The Nightmare opened his eyes happily and called out to Kurosawa twice.

"Okay, go play."

Kurosawa patted the Nightmare who flew to his side and stuck to him. Although he wanted to see the changes after it was upgraded, he thought it was not convenient at home, so he gave up the idea.

"The Elf Nightmare learned the skill of Nether Claw."

"The Elf Nightmare learned the skill of Ghost Step."

After opening the second attribute, the Nightmare mastered two new skills.

Nether Claw and Ghost Step are both deep blue level, which can make full use of the characteristics of ghosts and ghosts to launch attacks and move, which can be regarded as further enriching the strength of the Nightmare.

Kurosawa looked at the Nightmare who was playing with the Crow Messenger in the living room again, with expectations in his eyes.

Now the ghost attribute can only be said to be initially formed. After a period of time, it will be able to truly show the power of the dual-attribute elves.

No words were spoken that night.

The next day Kurosawa will continue to go to Jinling School to participate in the competition.

Considering that there was a strange elf at home last night, he slept very lightly, but the crow master seemed to really regard the villa as his home. He had no intention of escaping or doing evil, which made Hei Ze, who was secretly on guard, sighed, and was a bit like a villain's heart judging a gentleman's belly.

Leaving the crow master at home, Hei Ze went to Jinling School after washing up.

Among the players aged 20 and below, his strength is not enough to stand out from the crowd.

Yesterday, Hei Ze took a quick look and saw several elite players.

Considering the existence of precocious people, the appearance of elites is naturally reasonable. His eyes wandered among the men and women he specially remembered.

And he was also secretly watched by many people.

On the second day of the competition, Hei Ze's opponents were all top professional players with intermediate transitional elves, which was quite good.

The number of top professionals in the Haitang competition circle is not too large, but on this level of stage, they are just sparse and ordinary passers-by.

Hei Ze couldn't help but sigh, and then took away two victories without suspense.

In order to make up for yesterday's "neglect", the second day's game was dominated by Nightmare, which also meant to test its second attribute.

After the two games, Kurosawa was very satisfied with Nightmare's improved strength.

Although its second attribute is still in the process of warming and improving, it has brought it visible enhancement.

It is more concealed and its dodge ability is greatly improved.

As an opponent of the transitional stage, it seems particularly slow in front of it, and all its actions seem to be a beat slower.

So although Kurosawa did not send out the Shining Bird on the second day, those who paid attention to him were more vigilant against him.

Kurosawa walked out of the venue and rubbed Nightmare's head.

After its second attribute was awakened successfully, it basically had the strength of a weak high-level elf without the blessing of the affinity badge.

No matter how close it is to becoming a high-level elf now, it is very gratifying to be able to obtain the strength of crossing the class.

But it cannot be over-praised.

Kurosawa thought about it and was about to return home to deal with the matter of the crow messenger.

In fact, he wanted to keep the crow messenger.

I just don't know how to do it specifically, and whether it is in compliance with the law.

He was thinking about the matter of the Crow Envoy while walking absent-mindedly. Suddenly, he felt that there was someone blocking the way in front of him. He looked up and saw that it was Wu Fu. She seemed to have discovered him and stopped to wait for him.

"Aze, is the game over? How is it?"

Wu Fu, the senior sister of the Element Society, seemed to have just finished the game and asked.

"Well, I was lucky and advanced."

Hei Ze said modestly, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

To be honest, this was the first time he had been alone with the other party. The few times they met in the past were mostly in the society, with senior brothers and sisters.

He lowered his head slightly and glanced at the senior sister beside him.

Wu Fu was small in stature, only about 1.5 meters, with a delicate face, but she always looked expressionless, and rarely saw her smile.

At first, Hei Ze also guessed whether she was not too close to others because of her height, so as not to be treated as a child.

After a few contacts, he gave up this idea.

There are always people who are naturally light in character and don't like to talk too much.

Wu Fu seemed to favor him. Although she still didn't smile, she was able to find him to communicate actively, which was her way of expressing goodwill.

In fact, Hei Ze also felt that Senior Sister Wu Fu gave him a very comfortable feeling.

Although he didn't know why, if the other party also felt this way, he could understand Wu Fu's different treatment of him.

"Too modest is arrogant." Wu Fu shook her head. "Walk together for a while?"


After that, the two walked side by side on the sidewalk.

Suddenly, Hei Ze remembered what he had just thought about in his heart, and thought it would be a good idea to consult the senior sister next to him.

After all, she was much older than him and had been in Jinling School for some time.

"Senior sister, are you familiar with the elf management regulations of the Nandu Alliance?"

"I am from Nandu." Wu Fu raised her head slightly, and her almond eyes looked down at him in confusion, as if waiting for his further questions.

"It's like this."

Hei Ze briefly recounted what happened last night, but only omitted some content that was not convenient to say.

Fortunately, Wu Fu didn't specifically ask him why he went to the haunted house during the competition. She just lowered her head, as if she was considering her answer to his question.

"It's not impossible to raise wild elves."

"Most of the elves in those elf breeding bases are wild elves."

"Leave this to me. I'll find someone to get you a private breeding license."

Hei Ze could see that the crow master didn't seem to want to leave.

He actually wanted to observe its narrow space ability up close and feel the magic of its space-like ability.

It's just that it's not legal to raise wild elves. Even if it's innocent and has never done anything wrong, it would be best if it could have a special breeding certificate.

"I'm sorry to bother you, senior sister."

"No trouble, let's add a contact number. After I ask clearly, you can send me a copy of the personal ID card I need."

The two added each other's accounts in front of the school gate and said goodbye.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Hei Ze always felt that her eyebrows seemed to relax a little when she left.


A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

The 20-year-old group, the scene of the semi-finals.

The joint competition that lasted for many days finally came to an end.

Most of the defeated players did not leave, but chose to stay and continue watching the game.

"This Jinling School is really amazing, with six of the top eight and four of the top four. Sigh."

"I originally thought that I had reached the average level of the Jinling School, but now it seems that I am just sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

Someone on the sidelines was talking in a low voice, sighing in confusion.

The person who spoke was a member of a small school invited to participate in the competition.

The competitiveness of their school is naturally not as good as that of the Jinling School.

If the talent is outstanding enough, no one will leave the Jinling School and join a second-rate university school.

There are too many benefits in the top school.

Take the internal task system as an example, the task department of the Jinling School will get more rewards.

Kurosawa compared the same task. The reward that can be obtained through the Jinling School is about 20% to 30% more than that received in the alliance.

It seems unfair at first glance, but it is actually very reasonable.

The alliance is aimed at all elves, while the Jinling School's task system is aimed at elites who are selected from a hundred. Of course, the party that issues the task trusts the elites of the Jinling School more.

First, the Jinling School is a golden signboard. Second, the level of the school members is indeed better than that of most elves. The task completion rate is high and it is not easy to have accidents.

In addition to these elementary school members, the expressions on the faces of the students who came to exchange from the southwestern countries are also different.

Some are unwilling, some are envious, and some have the idea of ​​​​admiring the strong.

Kurosawa did not have time to pay attention to the changes in the minds of the audience beside the ring.

Because at this moment, he is one of the protagonists of the semi-final ring.

The Shining Bird and Nightmare lost their combat power one after another and returned to the flash card to rest.

Only Mumu was left on the field.

It activated the power of the ancient texture, and the whole body was wrapped in golden patterns, and the light wings behind it bloomed.

With another explosion of sacred light, there was little energy left in its body.

And the dark green poisonous dragon on the opposite side, the breath was still strong, and it continued to splash poisonous mist to the outside world.

The protective power on Mumu's body was in danger under the erosion of the poisonous fog.

"Mummu, it's OK."

Kurosawa was not an ungrateful person. He knew that Mumu could hold on until now, but the opponent was sure of victory and was just boiling the frog in warm water.

"Admit defeat!"

He raised his hand and looked at the referee on the side, but there was not much loss on his face.

As early as the round of 16, his lineup could not support him to win with overwhelming force.

Starting from the round of 16, all the people were elite-level strength, but fortunately, except for a few people, the overall strength was not comprehensive.

He relied on the nightmare with advanced strength and the shining bird with far more strength than his own energy value, and went forward for two more rounds until the semi-finals.

At present, the shining bird, the nightmare and Mumu have all lost their combat effectiveness, which also means that his final result is the top four.

Basically in line with his expectations.

He looked at the boy in the distance and nodded.

The other party's name is Mo Qingyun, currently recognized as the first person in the youth group of the Extraordinary Society, and a precocious person.

The first Pokémon he sent out was the Boomsong Bear with an energy value of 296.

Although Kurosawa's Shining Bird had an energy value of 189, which was definitely a disadvantage, it still won the battle with its powerful accumulation.

But Kurosawa couldn't deal with the second Pokémon - the Dark Green Poison Dragon with an energy value of 387.

It was it that defeated Shining Bird, Nightmare and Mumu, who had only 30% or 40% of their strength.

Kurosawa also roughly figured out the current strength limit of Shining Bird through this semi-final.

It is about 300-350, depending on the opponent's attributes, training level and skills.

And Kurosawa also found that a large difference in energy value will bring a considerable suppression effect to the Pokémon.

Normally, there is a difference of two levels between the energy value of about 100 leaves and the energy value of about 300 leaves. It is considered good if one can exert 70% or 80% of his strength. Although Shining Bird is excellent, it can only exert about 90% of its original strength.

As one side gains, the other loses. Facing an elf with nearly 400 energy points, Kurosawa's chances of winning are close to zero.

The only thing that makes Kurosawa feel sorry is that he can probably guess that the second one just now is Mo Qingyun's strongest elf. If he can survive this round, there won't be such a significant gap in the final round.

"Too strong, the strength of these two people is also outstanding even in the adult group."

"Comparing people is really annoying."

"It's a pity for Kurosawa. He is young and his elf strength is at a disadvantage. If this match is held in one or two years, it is still unknown who will win or lose."

"At this time next year, Mo Qingyun should be playing in the adult group."

"That's right."

Kurosawa's ears are sharp. When he walked out of the ring, he heard the discussion about him from the audience. He shook his head and smiled.

He was quite satisfied with the result, but losing is losing.

It is normal to win and lose in a game. As long as he can show his strength, he will not feel disappointed.

Kurosawa's eyes looked through the crowd to Mo Qingyun on the other side. He saw that although he didn't say much under the crowd of friends in the association, his demeanor was full of energy and joy.

After passing the semi-finals, if he wins the finals, it means that he is currently the first in the youth group, which is indeed a result worth celebrating for the members of Jinling School.

"Aze, let's go to eat."


The senior brothers and sisters of the Element Association also came to the side of the stage to greet Kurosawa, and Kurosawa retracted his gaze.

At night, after a good meal and a full meal, the party ended.

Back home, Kurosawa finally calmed down.

He began to summarize his gains over the past few days.

"Current number of coupons: 5390"

"Personal level: Level 5 (172/200)"

This time the reward was much more than Kurosawa expected.

Basically, every game can bring him hundreds of coupons and ten points of personal level experience, and the game a few days ago was not an elimination system, but a points system. The elimination system was followed after the list of the top 16 was decided, so there were many games.

The number of coupons that exceeded 5,000 points was the most Kurosawa had ever accumulated.

In the next period of time, he can use this coupon to improve his personal strength.

The game is over.

He will also enter a period of rapid improvement.

It is only a matter of time before Nightmare and Mumu enter the advanced stage from the transition stage. The elf egg has also grown to the best state. During the game, Kurosawa is engraving the contract circuit on it, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

After digesting the points and the rewards from the Jinling School in this competition, there should be some improvement.

He hopes that he can use the next one to two weeks to improve from the beginning of the elite to the middle level. His current lineup is still too thin.


On the second day after the individual competition, Kurosawa began to carry out a busy training plan.

In the morning, he went to the school's service center to receive the competition rewards for the top four in the youth group of this joint competition.

Since contribution points can be exchanged for various materials, the competition rewards given by the school are mostly contribution points.

This time is no exception. Taking the youth group as an example, according to the different rankings in the competition, the school will provide 3000, 1500, 1000, 500, and 300 contribution points to the champion, runner-up, top four, top eight, and top sixteen respectively.

Kurosawa's top four level received 1000 contribution points, which is very considerable.

Some time ago, he went to Shenhai City to perform a mission and earned about 200 school contribution points, but such opportunities are hard to come by. The general mission rewards are about double digits, and the elite level may be more.

After receiving the reward, his contribution points increased from about 50 points to 1053 points.

One thousand contribution points, if calculated by high-intensity training for ten hours a day, can be trained for three months at the lowest level.

After leaving the service center, Kurosawa rushed to the Meteorite Secret Realm without stopping.

He went to the second underground floor and opened an indoor training room.

The Shining Bird advanced to the advanced stage of strength, and Nightmare and Mumu sprinted to the advanced level.

Kurosawa looked at the blue giant egg in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

He seemed to hear the sound of the waves surging through the eggshell.

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