My Elf Simulator

Chapter 212 Next stage goals

Kurosawa generally understood the process of extreme pressure testing.

As the assessment progresses, the pressure will gradually increase until the candidates can no longer bear it. The purpose is to test the ultimate pressure that the candidates can withstand.

Kurosawa's thoughts spread and he immediately understood the significance of the test.

Is it important to pass the assessment?

Of course, only by passing the assessment can you enter the next stage and get an elite-level notebook. Everyone present is here for this.

But the purpose of the assessment is not just to screen candidates. It is of great benefit to candidates to withstand extreme pressure. Only by knowing where your upper limit is, you can make more accurate judgments in the future. What kind of situation and what kind of reaction should be done? Fight or flight.


While Kurosawa was lost in thought, a painful growl came from the test platform.

The candidate who was taking the test seemed to be carrying a thousand kilograms of weight on his back. His legs softened and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

But at this moment, the other candidates in the room had no intention of laughing at his embarrassed appearance. They obviously understood that the person he is now is likely to be the person he will be in the future.

The stress testing process is not cumbersome.

Excluding preparation time, it took less than two minutes for each person.

There are nine levels in the test. If you can stand awake for ten seconds under the pressure of the third level, you will pass the test.

After ten seconds, it will automatically jump to the next level.

Although it was Kurosawa's turn yet, he could roughly guess from the way the others were trembling as if they were encountering a tiger that it was not easy to stay awake in it.

The test continues. As the brother next to me said, the number of people who passed the third ring and those who failed were about half and half.

"You see, this momentum stress test is no joke." The boy beside Kurosawa who just answered his questions said in a deep voice.

"Have you ever tried to stand in front of a wild high elf without any defense?"

Kurosawa thought seriously for a moment and shook his head.

Although he had defeated many wild elves, he always used his guardian skills to prevent disasters.

"Brother Zhao, what level of elf are these three rings equivalent to?"

"Probably a high-level elf worth a hundred leaves." Brother Zhao answered. "Don't think that because you have the strength to defeat the high-level elves, you can pass the test smoothly."

"Been taught a lesson."

Kurosawa nodded.

The old man surnamed Zhao looked like a child who could be taught.

The aura of high-level elves is extremely strong. Even if they do nothing, ordinary people standing in front of them will be frightened by the strong fluctuations and suffer from inability to control their bodies, fainting or even more serious stress reactions.

Even though the elf master's resistance in this area is much stronger than that of ordinary people because of his psychic abilities, it would still be very difficult without effective training.

Of course, if there is a real battle, the elf master will not be so unbearable against the high-level wild elves. After all, no elf master will choose to continue to be exposed to the coercion of the elves without any defense. Various guardian skills can bring the wild elves to the Various negative effects are minimized.

Another candidate finished the test. His legs and feet were sore and he could not walk. The staff helped him to a seat on the sidelines to rest.

"Please invite candidate No. 19 Kurosawa to the stage."

Hearing the examiner read his name, Kurosawa took a deep breath, stepped up the steps and stood in the center of the platform.

A faint light was projected from above, causing a strange sound to be heard in his ears.

It's about to start. Kurosawa thought silently in his mind.

"Candidates No. 19, please be prepared, the extreme stress test is about to begin!"




The moment he finished reading the numbers, a white light fell.

A strange attitude fell on Kurosawa's body, making his back feel slightly cold, as if the cold wind penetrated his bones when he opened the window in the twelfth lunar month, and he couldn't help but shiver.

A little cold——

Kurosawa turned his head.

But other than that, there doesn't seem to be any strong feelings.

That's it

About ten seconds later, the second halo fell.


A voice rang in Kurosawa's ears.

Some illusions appeared in front of his eyes, but they dispersed before they could be condensed into shape.

The second ring is over?

Kurosawa was hesitant to confirm.

If it weren't for the gurgling sound of the instrument, Kurosawa would probably think that the equipment was malfunctioning.

Is my resistance in this area too high?

The three rings light up immediately.

These, the illusion before Kurosawa's eyes finally condensed into shape. It roared and came to Kurosawa's side, trying to intimidate him by exerting pressure, but before it could show its power, the golden tree in Kurosawa's body lit up, killing him. The shock was gone.

Four rings.

Five rings.

The testing continued in an orderly manner.

Looking at Kurosawa, who didn't react much at the center of the platform, there was a rustling sound from the sidelines.

"Is the instrument malfunctioning?"

"What's going on?"

"How about checking it out."


There were some outstanding performers in the previous tests, but the halo was coming. The moment the impact arrived, there would be a brief stiffness or a change in expression, especially after the fourth ring, they were basically gritting their teeth and struggling to support themselves. The fifth ring was the first ten. The best result among several testers, but the reaction of the tester on the stage now seems to have not been under any mental pressure from beginning to end, even if he is already in the fifth ring.

If you don't respond at all, wouldn't it make the examiners who were sweating coldly and having trembling legs look incompetent?

There are probably two explanations for this.

Either, there is a huge disparity between this person's level and the other assessors present, and it cannot be such a small difference, or the machine is malfunctioning.

Most of the elf masters present were arrogant and arrogant. How could they admit that their level was too low?

It's hard not to think that there's something wrong with the machine.

The examiner who had been standing by the instrument heard the commotion and frowned.

"Please keep quiet in the examination room and don't make any noise. The equipment is currently functioning normally."

The crowd calmed down.

After the sixth ring is the seventh halo!

The pressure suddenly increased the moment the light fell!

A circle of shining colored light covers the black pool in the center.

Only then did he finally feel the heavy pressure.

Invisible pressure surged toward him like a tide, causing his whole body to tremble uncontrollably.


Kurosawa's cheeks changed color slightly.

The golden tree in his body resisted as much as possible and protected his mind.

Ten seconds later, the eighth halo fell.

Kurosawa's eyes suddenly turned pale.

A terrifying pressure instantly defeated the guardian of the Golden Immortal Tree.

In front of my eyes, it was like thunder and thunder, dark clouds came over me, and the examination room disappeared.

In a trance, the world was spinning, and Kurosawa's body seemed to have lost gravity and floated high. He observed the world from a strange perspective.

The howling wind in the sky pulled and wrapped his body.

He seemed to become extremely small in front of this huge situation, his body flew to a very high altitude, and fell into the black hole unstoppably.

Finally, he was swallowed by the deep darkness.

When Kurosawa woke up from his seat on the sidelines, the test had already reached the 32nd man.

He sat there for a long time and shook his head.

I seemed to have passed out in the eighth ring just now.

I didn't expect that starting from the seventh ring, the increased pressure would be so great. It's a bit like an exponential function curve. Starting from a certain node, the difficulty increases at an unreasonable speed.

Because he had gone through the first few rings too easily, he thought this extreme pressure test was nothing more than that. He even thought for a moment that he could pass the final nine rings.

"Are you too aggressive?"

The old man surnamed Zhao who had pointed out Kurosawa before sat over and said with shame and admiration.

"Did Brother Zhao pass?"

"Well, I barely passed the third ring." When he mentioned his test situation, he instantly beamed.

After all, he failed the first two tests. He said it lightly before, but how could he really not care about failing the assessment.

"Of course you are incomparable to you. You are really a monster. I heard that the pressure of the Eight Rings has reached the level of a master-level elf."

"Really? Haha, maybe I'm born with a big nerve?"

Kurosawa said, suddenly enlightened.

No wonder he felt an irresistible force the moment he entered the eighth ring. Even his C-psionic level and the Immortal Tree Mind Technique, which were equivalent to those of the top elites, could not withstand it.

If it was master level pressure, then everything would be understandable.

The gap between high-level elves and masters has drastically changed.

The Master Level Elf is indeed too strong, even if it is just an artificially simulated momentum, it is difficult to resist.

Even with the protection of guardian skills, he might not fall into a coma for a second like before, but he might not be able to fight even if he could stay awake.

He had a vague feeling.

Intermediate elves and less powerful high-level elves may be able to make up the difference with their numbers.

However, the difference in strength between high-level elves and master-level elves is by no means small. I am afraid that no matter how many high-level elves there are, it will be difficult for them to resist the master-level elves.

This should be the reason why master-level experts are so respected.

The status of elite level elf masters is equivalent to that of top soldiers, while master level ones are mostly local guardian officers.

The higher you go, the more terrifying the gap between the top combat power and the next level. In other words, the harder it is to break through.

The ultimate compression test ended soon.

Apart from Kurosawa, the best result is six rings.

This kind of stress resistance test is not directly related to the strength of their own elf, but more to do with the elf master's own psychic ability, psychological stress resistance, mental state and other comprehensive qualities.

The number of people who passed the first round of testing was 23.

Except for these 23 people, everyone else can only leave the assessment center and wait for the next assessment in half a month.

The second battle session was even simpler for Kurosawa.

His combat test was conducted by a kind-hearted examiner, who sent an elf of about 130 worth to fight Kurosawa.

Kurosawa sent out Shining Bird and defeated his opponent cleanly.

Normally, most of the candidates on the sidelines would be surprised for a moment, but after being exposed to the results of the extreme stress test just now, they were no longer surprised.

It seemed that it was only natural that he should pass the examination with great strength.

After two rounds of testing, Kurosawa left the assessment center.

It takes a few days for the documents to come out and the elite level certification procedures to go through.


A few days later.

In the training room of the Elemental Society, Kurosawa looked at the Shining Bird in front of him.

Yesterday he had obtained his elite certificate.

When he got it, he was still in a daze for a few seconds, because he suddenly realized that he had unknowingly become the strongest person in the Haitang City competition circle.

However, after the brief excitement, he quickly regained his composure.

Just becoming the strongest in a third-level city league is not enough to make him excited now.

After coming to Jinling School, his horizons have become broader.

95% of the students around him can basically be promoted to elite level.

Elite level may be a high-end force for a city like Haitang, but it is not an unattainable level for people who are truly talented or have no worries about resources. It is just a matter of time before they arrive. The master level is the beginning of the strong.

Elites are like soldiers, and masters are generals.

On the road to becoming a master, Hei Ze still has many obstacles to overcome, but he is confident about it.

He doesn't want to hypocritically attribute his confidence to his own efforts. His confidence naturally comes from the system.

It is not shameful to admit this.

The existence of the system gives him the confidence to become stronger, and it does not mean that the actions he has taken are meaningless. Rather, he cherishes his current strength and talent more because of this.

There are so many unfair phenomena in this world, the poor and the rich, the awakened psychic power and the unawakened psychic power, the gifted and the ungifted, the precocious and the non-precocious.

He was extremely lucky to have obtained this system, which might be the most gifted in the world. There was no reason not to work hard to become stronger.


Kurosawa looked at the elves in front of him.

Shining Bird with 199 energy, Nightmare with 135 energy, and Mumu with 178 energy.

Yes, Mumu also crossed into the advanced stage late last night.

The three advanced elves stood in place, reacting differently to Kurosawa's gaze.

Shining Bird turned and stared at Nightmare and Mumu beside him, with a vigilant look.

Nightmare yawned and turned to look at Shining Bird.

What are you looking at me for? What's wrong with you?

Confused, Nightmare chose to stare back.

Mumu was still in the joy of breaking through the advanced stage, scratching his head and giggling, not interested in arguing.

As for Tidal Jade Dragon, it was developing in the flash card and digesting the nutrients.

Kurosawa took in the reactions of the three elves and looked at the panel.

After Mumu broke through the advanced stage, he learned a deep purple skill [Summon Holy Light].

After activating the skill, Mumu can summon a holy light to remove the negative status of the elves and heal wounds.

Summoning holy light can not only be used on Mumu itself, but also on other elves, which is very useful.

In terms of energy value, due to Mumu's four-star racial qualification, its energy value directly broke through to 178 leaves, surpassing Nightmare in one fell swoop.

However, considering that Nightmare has a second attribute, it is hard to say how strong the two elves are.

Kurosawa looked at the skill fusion device in the system. The current 1.0 version of the skill fusion device only supports white-level skill fusion.

The compatibility of [Peck] and [Run] of the Shining Bird is 88%.

Max out the four terms of speed, elemental amount, consumption reduction, and sharpness.

Finally, it merged into the purple skill [Comet Strike].

Comet Strike can consume thunder attribute skills, strengthen the body, and burst out amazing power in a short time, carrying lightning to launch a comet-like lightning strike on the enemy.

Maybe it's because I maxed out all four items, Comet Strike is very useful.

In terms of strength, it has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to Thunder Bomb, one for a point and one for a surface.

However, Comet Strike is much faster to launch, and consumes less than Thunder Bomb of the same level. At the same time, it can also use the characteristics of lightning to cut the opponent. Once a wound is created, the lightning will stick to it like a maggot on the tarsal bone and continue to cut the wound.

In the past, when Kurosawa summoned the Shining Bird, there were not many commonly used skills, such as electric shock, thunder bomb, and the recently mastered control skill Thunder Prison.

As for the others, charging is used with the thunder gun, and self-sacrifice is used with the phantom clone weapon, neither of which is a means of attack similar to the flat attack.

Now, the newly synthesized Comet Strike has replaced the status of electric shock and thunder bomb in one fell swoop, becoming Kurosawa's most frequently used attack skill on weekdays. Comet Strike is similar to an enhanced version of electric shock.

The skill fusion of nightmare is not as smooth as that of the Shining Bird.

The compatibility of its white-level skills [Whip] and [Whisper] is only 21%.

There is only one entry [Effort Saving].

Kurosawa tried it once and spent more than a day to deduce it, but the final result was a fusion failure.

He wasted dozens of points but did not continue to try to deduce it.

Because he had a hunch that even if the fusion of skills with low compatibility was successful, the power would probably be greatly reduced.

The use of skill fusion devices should be based on the degree of compatibility.

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