My Elf Simulator

Chapter 218 Emergency

A small town on the southwestern border.

Standing on the hillside, Kurosawa could see people in the distance and felt relieved.

After staying in the wild area for a long time, he missed a bed where he could sleep soundly, a hot bath, a cup of hot tea, and watching TV.

He walked along the small dirt road towards the town.

When he was close to the entrance of the town, Kurosawa was stopped by the armed guards at the sentry post.

After they carefully checked Kurosawa's documents and confirmed his identity, they saluted and greeted him respectfully.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, the elite level is already a great man.

However, even if he is a "big man", the inspection process is still necessary.

"Sorry, this elite-level sir. Routine inspection. The southwestern border has not been peaceful recently. I hope you can understand."

"It's okay. It's my job." Kurosawa nodded and expressed his understanding.

After a short registration, Kurosawa passed through the sentry post and entered the town.

The business in the town is not too prosperous, and it feels like the streets of the 1980s and 1990s.

The red signs of hot noodles, vegetable tofu, and peanut porridge, and the nostalgic iron shutter door.

There are not many people on the road, and the primary school can be vaguely seen in the distance.

Kurosawa found a hotel.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bed in the standard room.

It is now November 20th.

Unknowingly, it has been a full month since he left Nandu and set out on the adventure.

The journey took longer than Kurosawa imagined.

This is also related to his many stops along the way.

The breakthrough of the third stage of the Immortal Tree Heart Method.

Evolution of the spirit tide, etc.

He even entered a very small ownerless secret realm for exploration and harvested a lot of magical resources. He estimated that the nutritional value of converting all those resources should be 1,500.


Kurosawa raised his right hand and looked at the mark flashing with bright golden light.

This mark is only visible to him.

As the journey continues, the brightness of the mark is also increasing, and it exudes a warm burning feeling.

Psychic power: 10.2 (C-)

In fact, even if the golden mark did not bring him any gains, his trip was not in vain.

At least his cultivation progress should be far ahead of when he was in the city.

Because the Immortal Tree Heart Method has entered the third stage, opening the nearly 24-hour cultivation buff, his psychic power growth rate has reached a new level.

Although it is still at the C- level, the value has increased from 6.3 before departure to 10.2.

It is equivalent to relying on the effect of the heart method to increase most of the original psychic power.

However, the third stage of autonomous cultivation operation requires continuous consumption of physical energy, so 24-hour non-stop cultivation is only a theoretical situation.

Every once in a while, you still have to leave some rest time for your body to avoid being burdened for a long time and falling into a state of excessive fatigue.

This is because of his excellent physical fitness. If it were an ordinary elf master, the frequency of rest would be much higher.

Therefore, the effect of the third stage of the mental method is not as perfect as he originally thought. Ordinary elves of the same level may have an increase of 80-100%, while Hei Ze may have an increase of 200% compared to before.

Hei Ze pondered his own strength in his heart.

If he went back to the semi-finals two months ago, it would be difficult for Mo Qingyun, the opponent who defeated him at that time, to beat himself now.

The elves, especially the little Shining, have improved too fast.

In just two months, their strength has changed dramatically.

Hei Ze sometimes makes similar comparisons in his mind, which helps him grasp his own strength progress.

For comparison, a reference is always needed.

Son of Shining Energy: 339

Nightmare Energy: 255

Miracle Colossus Energy: 284

Tidal Jade Dragon Energy: 181

In terms of energy, Son of Shining is far ahead.

It is almost close to 350, and the real strength is definitely above 500, but whether it can reach the top level of advanced elves, Hei Ze is not sure.

The further the energy value goes, the bigger the gap becomes, especially the energy quality.

The energy value of 500 and 600 leaves, judging from the numbers alone, is not much different.

But the gap between these two stages cannot be described by just looking at the data.

To change the score inappropriately, it is like an exam where some people get 90 points because they can only get 90 points, but for those who get full marks, they get 100 points because the test paper only has 100 points, and their knowledge gap is not very realistic.

The energy value of more than 600 leaves is already the upper limit of high-level elves. Their energy quality is several lines higher than that of elves with 500 energy values, and it is more condensed.

The elves who have just been promoted to high-level condense the attribute core. The energy flowing inside is like thin water, while the energy in the core of the peak high-level elves is like a viscous fluid. The difference can be imagined.

The energy value of the first 500 leaves is essentially filling the core crystal. From 500 to 600, it is more of a process of concentrating internal energy. It can be said that the difficulty of upgrading the last 100 leaves is greater than the first 500 leaves combined.

The energy value of Nightmare and Miracle Colossus is not much different, and Nightmare is even slightly better.

Because it is a dual-attribute Pokémon.

The 255 leaf energy value is just the energy contained in its dream attribute Pokémon core.

The other ghost attribute core should also store more than 100 leaves of ghost energy, and its endurance is very strong.

The Tidal Jade Dragon is slightly weaker, but its true strength should have exceeded 200. If I didn't tell you, no one would dare to believe that this was an elf that was less than two months old.

After it mastered the arrival of the tide, it became more proficient in using the water attribute energy, which even promoted the enhancement of its overall strength.


Early the next morning.

Kurosawa wandered the streets, purchasing supplies.

He planned to rest in the town for a few days before embarking on his journey again.

Relax and adjust your mood.

Although he didn't know where the final destination guided by the golden mark was, he thought that this would probably be the last time he stayed in the town.

The next trip is probably the return trip, so it doesn’t matter if we stay a few more days.

While Kurosawa was shopping, there was a sudden vibration in his pocket.

I took out my cell phone and there was a call from an unknown person.

He hesitated for two seconds and chose to answer the call.

Because the caller's number was not marked as a harassing call, it probably wasn't the kind of scam call that opened a VIP account for him and invited him to play Legend, or it was a house sale, but it's hard to say, maybe it was a new number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Kurosawa?" A strange voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, yes, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Kurosawa, I am XX, the liaison specialist of the Changyuan City Alliance, and my job number is." The sweet female voice said politely. "I'm sorry to disturb your rest. Are you currently in Shuangqing Town?"

"Yeah." Kurosawa nodded.

To be honest, this question is a bit unnecessary and is completely a formulaic question.

The alliance liaison specialist opposite was able to dial his phone number and obviously found his real-time location on the internal network. After all, he uploaded the location information only yesterday when he entered the town.

"Mr. Kurosawa, is it like this? There is a temporary emergency mission here that may require your help? I wonder if you are willing to lend a helping hand. We will also provide you with generous rewards after the mission is over?"

When Kurosawa was introducing the situation across the street, she opened her notebook, logged into the official website, entered the ten-digit job number she had just reported, and completed the query.

The opponent was indeed an employee of the Changyuan City Alliance near Shuangqing Town, and Kurosawa's five points of trust increased to seven or eight points.

There must have been an emergency near Shuangqing Town, and suitable manpower could not be mobilized from the surrounding areas. I found out that he had idle combat power at the elite level who had traveled here, so I contacted him.

When encountering this kind of situation, it is generally not easy to refuse within the scope of one's ability.

After all, elf masters like Kurosawa also enjoyed many conveniences provided by the alliance.

Even without talking about other hidden benefits, he can receive a monthly salary of 52,000 yuan at the professional level, and the salary is increased to 100,000 yuan per month at the elite level.

Even if something unexpected happens to him, the money can continue to be distributed for ten years, so his parents will not have to worry about their lives for the rest of their lives. This guarantee is enough to reassure most elf masters.

As the saying goes, those who eat people are soft-mouthed and those who take advantage of others are short-handed.

You can't always say that the alliance will take advantage of it and become invisible when it needs your help.

"Okay, tell me the details of the mission?"

"Um, is it quiet around you? The details of the mission may not be convenient."

Kurosawa glanced at the street around him, said a few words, hung up the phone, walked to an open area, and after confirming that there was no one else within a few dozen meters, called back.


Ten minutes later, Kurosawa hung up the phone.

After understanding the details of the mission, he understood why the liaison officer was so cautious.

The mission involves the Ancient God Society.

The Ancient Gods Association is one of the largest forces outside the mainstream alliance.

It originated in the Haihua Alliance and is a stubborn disease that has caused the weakening of the Haihua Kingdom.

After the Ancient God Society was expelled, its core force lurked in the dense jungle of Zhuyue Kingdom. In recent years, it has developed many branch forces in the southwestern countries, and as its power gradually grew, it also extended its minions to Haihua again. Southwest territory.

Kurosawa did not meet any related members of the Ancient God Society along the way, and thought that the previous rumors were exaggerated. Unexpectedly, he was only thinking about this matter yesterday, and today the mission came to his door.

Kurosawa accepted the mission.

On the one hand, it is really difficult to refuse. Urgent tasks, especially those involving the Ancient God Society, have always been taken seriously by the Alliance.

On the other hand, he also wanted to use this to test his current strength.

The risk factor should be small.

His strength is not weak among the elites. It is unclear whether he can match the top elites, but it is definitely not a big problem to escape unscathed.

As for master-level experts, they are not that common, and the level of tasks he was entrusted obviously does not require the use of master-level power.

Kurosawa walks into an alley and summons the nightmare.

The next moment, Nightmare activated [Ghost Transformation] and merged into Kurosawa's body.

His figure became blurry in the sunlight.


The blurry figure shook a few times and then disappeared.

Kurosawa's figure traveled quickly over the roof, recalling the specific contents of the mission commission as he rushed towards the commission location.

This time the mission is to go to a research base to provide protection for the researchers.

According to the information sent back by the alliance’s internal agents within the Ancient God Society.

In recent times, the Ancient God Society has been plundering research materials, advanced scientific research equipment, talents, etc. from cities in the southwest.

Many research institutes in remote areas have been severely affected.

The liaison officer responsible for contacting him also asked him to be more careful.

The Ancient God Society acted quickly, and it was obvious that there were spies planted within the alliance, otherwise the locations of most private research institutes were kept secret, and they would not be able to know the specific locations so well.

For example, the research base that Kurosawa went to this time was located in the barren mountain area outside Shuangqing Town.

It was established based on a small subspace.

The environment in the subspace is special and is extremely suitable for the growth of certain plant elves.

This morning, a few hours ago, the laboratory in the subspace was attacked by the Ancient God Society's combat team.

Fortunately, the professional elf master responsible for protecting the researchers performed his duties conscientiously and helped to force them back, but he also paid a considerable price accordingly.

The Ancient God Society obviously would not give up easily if it did not achieve its goal.

What Kurosawa needed to do was to protect the safety of the researchers before they completed the convergence and transfer of various equipment and data.

The researchers were not proficient in fighting. Even though many of them had psychic talents, they often had no time to train because they had been focusing on experiments for a long time, so it was difficult for them to protect themselves by their own strength when facing strong enemies.

Because he didn't know the next move of the Ancient Gods, Hei Ze didn't stop on the road and rushed to the location provided by the contact specialist.

He closed his eyes and entered the state of natural force. He soon felt the power extending rapidly in the forest like tentacles.

"Found it!"

The entrance to the subspace was set very obscurely, but it couldn't escape Hei Ze's perception.

Tens of seconds later, he jumped in front of an ordinary Bodhi fig tree.

His fingers gently tapped on the tree stump in a certain rhythm, and he waited for a few seconds after finishing.

After a while of silence, a vigilant voice sounded in the tree.


"I, Hei Ze." Hei Ze replied. "Someone should have contacted you just now. I am the elf master who came to protect you."

"Oh, oh, oh." The voice inside responded excitedly several times.

He remembered the notice from the director two minutes ago. The director asked him to guard the entrance and wait for the armed elf master transferred by the alliance.

But he didn't expect Hei Ze to come so quickly.

According to the instructions of the man in the tree, Hei Ze handed over his ID.

After the identity was officially verified, the trunk of the banyan tree began to ripple.

Kurosawa felt the attraction become stronger.

He did not resist the force, and his senses began to spin.

After a few seconds, the scene in front of him was completely new.

This was a dense forest full of life.

Under his feet was a verdant moss.

The beige spherical insects emitted a bright goose yellow light even in the daytime.


The branches swayed rhythmically.

I don't know if it was the wind blowing or the tree moving.

However, in a thriving scene, Kurosawa also saw many destroyed scenes.

Broken trees, withered and dead trees, cracked soil, and some blood dotted on the lawn like plum blossoms, which was too late to clean up.

"Hello, I am Tao Jinwen, an assistant researcher at Jingtai Botanical Research Institute."

"Thank you for your assistance at this time!"

The researcher in charge of receiving Kurosawa excitedly shook Kurosawa's hand and said sincerely.

Seeing Kurosawa, he felt relieved from the bottom of his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

The sudden riot in the morning made the whole institute panic.

Kurosawa's arrival was like a magic needle that stabilized the sea.

He stayed on Kurosawa's handsome and young face for a moment, and some doubts arose in his heart, but as a researcher, he didn't ask his confusion out loud.

Didn't they say that an elite elf master came?

Although elf masters can maintain their beauty, the temperament differences of different ages are still very obvious. Kurosawa's age is not a big deal.

"It's just my duty." Kurosawa retracted his gaze.

From the environmental damage and the residual attribute energy, he could roughly recall some of the battles that took place in the morning in his mind.

The researcher took Kurosawa to the institute in the forest.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Shuangqing Town, somewhere in the base inside the mountain.

In front of the neat and orderly desk, a ghostly figure appeared silently, knelt on one knee, facing the man behind the desk.

"What's the matter?"

"Boss, something has happened in Shuangqing Town. We have received the latest intelligence."

"I know. You go down."

When the figure disappeared, the man behind the desk dialed the internal phone.

"The situation has changed. Shuangqing will notify Qingju to go there. Make a quick decision and avoid any setbacks." The man ordered into the phone.

After that, he hung up the phone.

Shuangqing Town was just an inconspicuous corner for him. An elite who had only been promoted for two months could not cause any waves.

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