My Elf Simulator

Chapter 226 The Loss of Shab-Niggurath

After roughly exploring the surface of Sabu's world, Kurosawa headed towards the central square again.

The reason why we need to add a limit on the surface is because there are definitely quite a lot of underground areas in this world.

The field stalker who came to Kurosawa's rescue came from deep underground.

At the same time, there are many black goat eggs and black goat babies living in underground caves.

Unfortunately, there are many high-level elves, super elves and even stronger beings among the black goat cubs. The stronger the individuals, the less they like to stay on the surface.

The underground cave is the territory of many powerful black goat cubs. Although they will not actively attack Blackpool under normal conditions, they will show a violent state when they are close to the entrance of the cave.

Therefore, Kurosawa had no idea of ​​exploring along the underground cave.

Kurosawa entered the [Ghost Transformation] state and ran very fast in the desolate plain.

Looking from a distance, a jet-black light and shadow flashed at high speed on the yellow-brown ground, dragging into a straight black line.

The black goat cub, which was munching on black terrestrial algae on the ground, heard the noise, chewed the black algae, and glanced sideways. After realizing that it was the black swamp, it lowered its head to gnaw again.

While Kurosawa was on his way, he was also paying close attention to the black goat eggs and black goat babies.

Although they are a race, they are not uniform.

In addition to different age groups, height, shortness, fatness and thinness, there are also a few heterochromatic species.

The heterochromatic species are probably much stronger than the same kind of individuals, and it can be clearly observed that there is a faint vacuum zone around them.

Other individuals keep a certain distance from them.

Kurosawa took this to heart.

As Kurosawa quickly ran toward the center of the world, tall twisted columns in the shape of sheep's hooves around the square gradually appeared in front of Kurosawa's eyes.

After knowing the identity of the master of this world, Kurosawa looked at this huge pillar that reached the sky, and instantly had a different feeling.

If you look carefully at the depressions on the uneven surface of the pillar, you will see that there are actually densely packed eyeballs.

Some of them were staring white, some were scarlet, and some were oozing red blood, as if they had just been picked out of the eye sockets and then stuffed into the leg of a lamb.

A few seconds later, a strange sound began to appear in Kurosawa's ears, which was a kind of whispering prayer.

A picture began to appear before his eyes. Surrounding a high platform, countless white figures were intertwined like maggots, indulging in animalistic movements.

Kurosawa shook his head and stopped looking at the giant pillar.

As soon as I look away, all auditory and visual hallucinations disappear instantly.

He exhaled a long breath, activated the power of nature, and suppressed the anger and desire in his heart.

This giant pillar has a very powerful effect of bewitching people's hearts. Don't look at it too much!

You know, because Nightmare is proficient in illusions, his resistance to this type of magic is not low. Coupled with elite-level psychic abilities, he is naturally immune to most illusions. Even if he is hit, the effect will be greatly reduced. weaken.

But he just looked at it a few times, and almost lost his mind for a time. It was so terrifying. This was just the natural effect of a dead thing.

Kurosawa simply couldn't imagine what would happen if this giant pillar-like sheep's foot fell into a big city.

He had just stabilized his mind when he felt the call coming from the central temple in the distance.

Shub Nicholas was calling him.

Kurosawa was not surprised that the other party could detect his return immediately.

In other words, as long as He wants to, all his activities in this world should not escape His eyes.

As one of the three weird pillars of gods, Shub Nicholas is undoubtedly the apex existence of the elves, the throne of God.

This was a level that Kurosawa could not even imagine.

Because it was so elusive, he didn't even know how strong the opponent was.

Kurosawa climbed the steps carefully.

After guessing Shub's identity, he became more cautious. It was not because he was cowarded, but because it was unnecessary.

To fall here is to disappear into the world silently.

Not to mention his many unfulfilled dreams, his parents and people who knew him would be very sad if he suddenly disappeared and never appeared again.

Entering the temple, Shub Nicholas still didn't show his true form as when he first met.

Kurosawa could somewhat guess the reason.

He probably doesn't have the strength to look directly at its true form at the moment.

After taking a few glances at the sheep's-legged pillars around the square, it's hard to imagine what would happen if you look directly at the body of a grotesque god. He would probably go crazy in a fraction of a second.

Although Shub Nicholas is an inhuman creature, her mind is indeed extremely delicate.


When Kurosawa came in, it was eating again.

Groups of sticky meat with a sour smell were pulled into the darkness.

"Pan, do you want to eat?"

Sabu Nicholas, who was eating, or rather eating dessert, paused for a moment and asked.

Kurosawa immediately shook his head.

"I won't take away your love."

Kurosawa held his breath. The smell of the meatballs was really unpleasant, like the smell of expired food that had been fermented in a box for several days.

As a creature with normal senses of taste and smell, he still couldn't accept it even if he asked a thousand times.


Sabu Nicholas continued to chew the meatballs.

Kurosawa could clearly feel that eyes were on him.

Strangely, without any eye contact, Kurosawa understood the emotion in the eyes falling on him.

It was a look of disgust that said, "How could I give birth to a son like you?"

Of course, I am human after all. Kurosawa sweated in his heart.

After the dessert time, Shub Nicholas turned his attention to Kurosawa again.

"Pan, you have traveled around this world these days. What do you know about this place?"

"It's very orderly." Kurosawa pondered for a moment.

Although this world is the world of the Black Goat of the Forest, one of the weird three pillar gods, it is indeed very orderly, as if there are strict rules.

The Black Goat Clan lives in the Dependent Plains, and the model creatures live in the Strange Forest. The Abyss of the Bitter Sea absorbs the energy of death that escapes after the creatures die, and breeds new lives. The square is a restricted area. Except for the black light responsible for transporting food, there is only black. Zen can set foot here.

The hierarchy is strict and orderly.

The behavior patterns are also relatively simple. The model organisms always repeat certain types of events and activities, and they only fight each other on a daily basis.

The Black Goat Clan occupies its own territory and does not fight with each other. They spend about half of their time every day eating the lush black terrestrial algae growing on the surface. Black Light plays the role of courier boy, and the Field Stalker is the leader who manages the Black Goat Clan. .

Shub Nicholas is a god who is aloof and does not care about worldly affairs, and controls everything in this world.

"So, do you still want to go out?"

Kurosawa was silent.

He felt that if he said something against his will, He would immediately detect it, and that would be meaningless.

But silence was already an answer.

"Why?" Shub Nicholas looked confused.

She couldn't understand why her favorite Pan couldn't stay in this world honestly like his sisters.

Although He cannot enter the real world due to certain rules, it does not mean that He lacks understanding of that world.

Every black goat baby and black goat egg that goes to the real world is His spy.

There are countless weak creatures there, and as long as He looks into them, they will wholeheartedly dedicate everything they have.

What a boring world, far less than one ten thousandth of its world.

As one of the three pillar gods, it is so powerful. In its long and endless lifespan, there are extremely few lives that can attract his attention.

And Kurosawa is such a special existence in its eyes.

Although he was much weaker than the previous Pan, it did not affect his love at all.

The concept of strength and weakness is meaningless to Shub.

Facing Shub Nicholas's question, Kurosawa thought for a moment and did not remain silent.

"It's so small here, it's like being locked in a cage."

Kurosawa spoke.

He didn't lie. Apart from not being able to see his relatives and friends, this world was an extremely suitable breeding ground for becoming stronger.

With super high spirituality, both the elves and him can grow faster.

There are also common creatures and clean water sources in the forest that can be used as food.

But this world is really not big, and his system has no room to play in it.

"You said similar things before leaving in the last era, but you are still as stubborn as ever, Pan." Shub Nicholas sighed.

Although Kurosawa didn't think the Pan it was talking about was him, he still felt a bit of anticipation when he heard its sigh.

"So are you ready to let me go?"

"No. If you have the ability, just rely on your own strength to seek freedom like you did in the past." Shub Nicholas said lightly.

In the past, Pan was able to break down the barriers in the world, but that didn't mean that the Pan in front of him could do it.

He was too weak, so weak that Sabu felt at ease.

He was so fragile and so beautiful that no descendant could compare with him.

After taking a look at Kurosawa's charming body, Sabu slowly entered a shallow sleep.

Kurosawa found that he fell into silence after speaking to him, knowing that he would never have any room to change his mind.

Sure enough, the mind of the God Throne Elf will not be easily changed.

Since the system will issue the task of leaving this world, it will not be completed so easily, and you have to rely on yourself.

However, let’s concentrate on practicing for the time being.

Kurosawa was not sure whether he was really in dormancy or whether he was observing and examining himself, so he prepared to be honest for a while and continue to search for information and explore clues while paralyzing Shub Nicholas.


Snow season has arrived.

In Changchuan City in December, light snow fell in the sky.

White snowflakes fell from the sky, and after a while, the playground seemed to be covered with a light white veil.

Through the window, Li Mianmian saw the snowy scene from the classroom on the fifth floor.

The old teacher on the stage was holding a steaming enamel cup, drinking hot water and warming his hands.

The students below are immersed in writing the test papers for the math quiz.

Li Mianmian wrote faster, rarely taking a break.

The old teacher glanced at her and silently looked away.

Top students always enjoy some preferential treatment.

Li Mianmian's eyes seemed to reach the distance through the gray sky.

Time flies too fast.

In the blink of an eye, her first semester of high school was coming to an end.

Thinking of her experiences in the past year and a half, even she found it unbelievable.

She probably wouldn't have imagined when she first entered school that her grades would continue to soar within a year while her grades were at a low level.

In the mid-term exam some time ago, she even entered the top 40 in the grade and seventh in the class.

If this ranking can be maintained until the third year of high school, all universities except the top three can be entered at will.

However, it is not enough.

Recalling the conversation with him some time ago.

He has already gone to Jinling University, which is one of the three best universities in Haihua.

She still has room for improvement.

Compared with the other subjects, her comprehensive science is relatively weak, of course, this also means that this subject has the greatest room for improvement and potential.

To enter the top three universities, according to past experience, you must be among the top ten in the grade.

Her grades have improved rapidly, and in the eyes of many people, she has become a primary school bully, but there is still a big gap from the top ten in the grade, and she must continue to work hard.

"However, I haven't heard from him for a long time. I don't know what he is doing recently."

She shook her head and cleared her mind of random thoughts.

At least as a former deskmate, she wanted to reduce the gap as much as possible.

In the distant Zhongdu, which is also the capital of Haihua, a woman in a black tights is immersed in green nutrient solution with her eyes closed.

Suddenly, her eyelids began to tremble rapidly.

Then, an alarm sounded in the room, but no one responded. The data was immediately transmitted to the main control room.


The woman in the nutrition cabin heard a chaotic and anxious sound of footsteps coming from far away.

When everyone swiped their cards to enter the door, the green liquid in the nutrition cabin had all receded.

The woman in a tight-fitting suit pushed the valve that opened the door and walked out of the cabin in a white steam.

She looked like she had slept for a long time, and her head was still a little dazed. She gently patted her slightly fleshy cheeks to refresh herself.

This dream was too long for her, and her body, brain and memory became unfamiliar.

Sighing, she took the white robe handed by the experimenter next to her and put it on, looking heroic.

The experimenters checked around the instrument to ensure that there were no accidents during the process.

After a long time, the woman who came out of the nutrition cabin gradually woke up her memory.

My name is Gong Lihua. I used to be a master elf master. Now I guess I have become stronger. She felt the surge of spiritual energy in her body, and her mood was a bit complicated.

This is the fourth month since she arrived in Zhongdu. It can be said that she has been in a coma for most of the time. Fortunately, the spiritual energy has lived up to his efforts.

Back in the room, she dismissed the people around her and leaned on the balcony alone.

The spiritual energy in her body has entered a new stage.

Gong Lihua is not unfamiliar with this. The sudden change of spiritual energy can often drive the rapid development of overall strength.

She just feels very sorry. If she has a choice, she would rather be just an ordinary master.

When she was thinking, a handsome face appeared in her mind again. I don’t know what he is doing now.

The last message he sent on the phone was two months ago. Hei Ze reported to her about the Jinling School competition and the results. Unfortunately, she could hardly touch the phone at that time, so she naturally didn’t see the message.

However, knowing that Hei Ze was also growing at an astonishing speed outside her watch, she couldn’t help but feel proud of him.

No one understands the child’s talent better than her.

Haitang City, Changchuan City, Zhongdu, Nandu.

In a coincidence, many people thought of Hei Ze who had been away for training for a while but had basically no news.

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