My Elf Simulator

Chapter 23 Piao Piao Algae Essence

Alas, there are no tasks that meet the system standards.

Hei Ze took his certificate and left the task room, feeling a little disappointed.

There are only ten days left before the auditions.

Many Haitang elves in other cities have returned to the city.

The tasks in the base are beginning to show a trend of more wolves and less meat.

The elves are idle, so they just perform tasks to make some money.

There are quite a few daily commissioned tasks left, but Hei Ze has enough money now.

He only wants to improve his strength.

The main goal of becoming stronger is still to evolve the Dodo Bird.

The second is to improve the strength of the Nightmare Mayfly.

Thanks to the recent morning exercises, skill training and good meals, the level of the Nightmare Mayfly has been raised from level 11 to level 12.

In a short period of time, this kind of natural cultivation by psychic energy has made rapid progress.

But it is not enough

"Usable coupons: 50."

He shook his head.

No, the coupons must be saved to save 300 to evolve the Dodo Bird.

So, let's just pay.

Pay in reality.

He came to the store in the alliance base.

The clerk in the store was dressed in a dignified suit and looked at him with a smile.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I want to buy elf resources and medicine that can improve the growth of my nightmare mayfly."

Kurosawa handed over his elf master certificate.

"Has your nightmare mayfly just broken through to the primary level?"

The clerk scanned and read his personal information and asked again to confirm.


Kurosawa updated a wave of elf information with the little mayfly yesterday.

"Piaopiao Algae Essence is the most suitable prop for promoting the bloodline growth of your elf at the current stage."

"However, the effect of the use of Piaopiao Algae Essence depends on the specific training process and your spiritual energy catalysis."

"Then I want this." Kurosawa did not hesitate. The goods in the base store are still trustworthy.

Many growth medicines are like this. They need a period of training to digest and absorb, and most of the energy will be lost.

"The price of Piao Piao Algae Essence is 100g for 1 Alliance Point. How much do you need to buy?"


Kuroze was slightly shocked when he heard the price, but he still bought it without hesitation.

This kind of cultivation resource is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

Many resources in the Alliance Base Store require Alliance Points to purchase, and money alone is not enough.

Unless you find an elf master who is willing to trade with points.

The Alliance Points in Kurosawa's card are just sitting there, and he doesn't have anything he particularly wants to buy at this stage, so he didn't hesitate.

Place an order!

As for the defensive suit, he would like to get a set, but that thing is a bit too luxurious for him now, and he can't afford it for the time being.

"Okay, the order has been submitted for you. Please wait at seat 13 in the rest area. The warehouse staff will deliver it to you immediately after picking it up."

Ten minutes later.

Kuroze took his three tubes of blue potion.

He shook the test tube, and the Piao Piao Algae Essence inside was very viscous, and the fluorescent blue crystal dots floated in the mucus, which looked particularly mysterious.

The store also gave away a booklet.

The booklet specifically describes the method of psychic catalysis of the Piao Piao Algae Essence potion, as well as the potion's functions.

The Piao Piao Algae Essence is a refined substance concentrated by a special process from the precious spiritual plant Piao Piao Algae produced in the subspace.

It can play a good role in blood catalysis for mayfly elves and promote their growth and development.

Of course, it is best to use it at the primary elf stage. Its medicinal effect is too strong for entry-level elves and it is difficult to digest.

Kurosawa opened a few days of accommodation and training room at the main desk of the affairs center.

Before the start of the auditions, he planned to practice in seclusion and lived in the base.

It took too much time to travel back and forth from home to the alliance base.

While he was concentrating on practicing at the base, it was also convenient for him to go to the task room at any time to check the task refresh situation.

If he received a suitable task, he could also execute it at any time and get points faster.

The money he had should be enough to spend at the base for a while.

There was 80,000 yuan in the bank card, which he had accumulated from doing daily commissions before. He gave 30,000 yuan to his family and kept 50,000 yuan for himself in case of emergency.

Kurosawa went home to get his luggage.

After packing his suitcase, he explained the situation to his parents who were watching a romantic drama on the sofa.

"Mom and Dad, I'm living in the base dormitory these days to prepare for the auditions."

"Don't miss me too much."

"Really?" Mom turned around with a surprised look on her face.

"Well, don't worry about me, I'm grown up and can take care of myself."

Kurosawa was a little reluctant. This was the first time he had lived alone away from home for a long time.

"That's great. Your dad and I just happened to have a vacation and planned to go out for a trip. I was still wondering what to do with you?"

Looking at the surprised expressions on his parents' faces, Kurosawa felt for the first time that he might have been sent here by recharging his phone bill, and he had wasted the sadness of leaving home that he had finally raised.

Well, he is indeed not a child anymore.

Since he awakened his psychic power and left school, his parents began to treat him as a sensible adult and gradually discussed many things with him.

Not long ago, he registered as a registered elf master in the alliance, which gave him enough financial strength to be independent.

He also had a strong elf to protect him, so his parents certainly didn't worry about him.


Hei Ze rented a double-room training suite.

It can accommodate two elves to train together at the same time.

He also made a plan for Dudu Bird to become stronger.

Although it is already very strong, it may even be one of the strongest doodle birds in the world.

But there is still room for improvement.

The biggest change that the panel brings to skills is that as long as he puts in training, he can always improve his skill proficiency.

It's just that high-level skills improve slowly, while low-level skills improve faster.

As long as you can see progress, you will have full motivation to become stronger.

8:30-11:30 Treadmill training [Running] and [Peck]

11:30-13:00 Lunch, rest and recovery.

13:00-18:00 Training [Scream] and [Rage Combo]

In the evening, it's time for the dud bird to take a bath, watch TV and sleep.

Before starting training, Kurosawa knelt down and stared at the Dudu bird.

"Have you become impetuous recently, and you don't take your morning exercises too seriously?"


Dudu bird turned his head away guiltily.

Kurosawa nudged its head with his forehead and smiled helplessly.

In recent days, he noticed that the bird was becoming restless again.

Probably because he sensed that Nightmare Mayfly was getting stronger day by day, but he was making no progress.

This disparity makes it painful.

Kurosawa knew that as long as he saved up 300 coupons, Dudu Bird would have a way to evolve.

But the doo-doo bird itself doesn't know it, and it inevitably falls into confusion.

"Don't think that your efforts are in vain."

"You have to know that success comes to the prepared bird."

"Before loneliness is confusion, and after loneliness is growth."


"Believe me, I can definitely make you evolve."

Kurosawa showed a confident smile and rubbed its head several times.

"So stop worrying and train hard."


"no problem."

The inspirational chicken soup and emotional contagion made the Dudu bird confused.

It wasn't very smart to begin with, but after being dealt a blow by Kurosawa, it gradually got rid of the negative emotions of anxiety.

"come on!"


Kurosawa was relieved to see it rekindle his enthusiasm for training.

Next up is Nightmare Mayfly.

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