My Elf Simulator

Chapter 228 The Minister’s Troubles

Mid-January 2023.

There is still one week before the Spring Festival.

The schedule of the Haitang Winter Tournament has been released on the official website, and the league has officially entered the preparatory stage before the start of the competition.

The publicity of the Winter Tournament is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

In previous years, at this time, the local forum of Haitang was the busiest.

The gold content of the Winter Tournament and the Summer Tournament is similar. If there are no special circumstances, the general players will sign up as much as possible.

In terms of the number of spectators and the popularity of watching the game, the Winter Tournament is higher than the Summer Tournament.

After all, only students can rest during the summer vacation, and there are at least one to two weeks of vacation during the Spring Festival. The audience has time to watch the game and also has time to discuss topics such as the strength of the players and predict the game.

According to the schedule of the Winter Tournament in 2023.

One week before the New Year, it is the audition.

From the third day of the junior high school, the main competition of the Winter Tournament will officially begin.

At this moment on the local forum of Haitang.

In various red posts, the names of several players frequently appear.

The most common one is not Ji Qingwen, who is currently recognized as the first person in Haitang, but Hei Ze, who has become famous.

In fact, this is not the first time this has happened.

In the summer season, Kurosawa was just beginning to show his talent, and only the audience who paid attention to the spring season remembered his name silently. However, at that time, they only recognized Kurosawa's talent and labeled him as a genius.

Kurosawa's outstanding performance in the summer season and his consecutive victories over top professional and elite players were the beginning of his fame.

Kurosawa's performance in the provincial competition was even more remarkable. Although he did not enter the main competition, he defeated an elite player who was proficient in thunder.

Those viewers who said that his victory over Zhuang Yanbing in the summer season was accidental were speechless.

These battles made him attract hundreds of thousands of fans.

Before the start of the Haitang Autumn Competition, almost the entire forum was discussing content related to Kurosawa.

The unspoken rule of the Haitang Spring and Autumn League for many years is that elite players generally do not participate in the competition, giving professional juniors a stage to show their strength.

Kurosawa's situation is rather special. He is younger than most professional players, and it is only his first year of competition. Although he has shown elite combat power in the summer and provincial competitions, it is reasonable for him to choose to participate.

Many of Kurosawa's fans were looking forward to seeing him in the autumn league.

For them, whether the game is exciting or not is not important. They will be happy to see Kurosawa. After all, whether Haitang can achieve results in the provincial competition or even higher-level leagues in the future depends on Kurosawa.

However, what disappointed many people was that Kurosawa missed the autumn league.

Now the winter competition, that is, the year-end competition, can't be absent, otherwise

With this idea, countless people discussed it enthusiastically on forums and other social platforms.

Haitang City Center, Alliance Base, top floor of the office building.

The entire floor has been completely renovated and replaced with new decorations and furniture.

The new alliance minister is a middle-aged man named Wei Ting.

As a temporary alliance minister, he is particularly concerned about Haitang's affairs.

As the winter season is approaching, he even downloaded the forum software on his mobile phone and often browsed the Haitang local forum.

[Will Hei Ze participate in the winter season? ]

[It doesn't matter whether I watch or not without Ze Bao's game]

[Are there any internal staff working in the league who privately share the list of players? ]

[Is this Wei a person who is excluding dissidents in the league? Hei Ze has been away for so long, it's better not to be related to him, otherwise I will really thank him.]

[Haitang, Haitang is Haitang of Haitang people]


Wei Ting has not been promoted to master for a long time, so he is not unfamiliar with the style of the city-level league.

It was the first time he saw that someone's name could achieve a nearly flooding effect in a city forum.

There were also many of his names, although they were not very friendly.

He turned his head and looked at the male secretary beside him.

"Have you contacted Hei Ze?" He pinched his eyebrows and asked.

Wei Ting didn't know much about Hei Ze.

Not long after he took office, Hei Ze left Haitang and went to Nandu.

It happened that during that time, he was busy with the handover work and didn't even meet this genius who was one of the best in the history of Haitang. Almost all his impressions came from other people's descriptions and discussions on the Internet.

However, he didn't expect that the busyness a few months ago would now evolve into a big public opinion storm.

As the Minister of the Alliance, he thought he had fulfilled his duties. In order to strengthen the connection with the city, he opened a minister's mailbox shortly after taking office.

Both ordinary citizens and city elves can give him suggestions.

Recently, there was something that made him feel upset. The mailbox frequently received inquiries about Kurosawa and doubts about him, and more and more.

Many fans and fans are concerned about why Kurosawa has not had any news for so long.

Considering that elves are a high-risk group compared to other professions.

Fans are really worried.

There are also quite a few people who fabricate conspiracy theories, saying that his arrival squeezed out Kurosawa's master Miya Rika's position, and that Kurosawa, as a direct descendant of the former minister, was also excluded by him, so Kurosawa left in anger and is considering transferring to another city. Not participating in the autumn competition is the best proof.

Such remarks are not uncommon.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Kurosawa left his hometown of Run and went to Nandu not long after he arrived.

Moreover, many internal staff members of the alliance provided evidence, revealing that Kurosawa, Haitang’s newly promoted top talent, and the new minister have never met each other until today.

Wei Ting felt very headache when he saw the raging discussion on the Internet.

Two days ago, a commissioner from the Provincial Alliance talked to him and said that he had received many letters of complaint about him from Haitang citizens.

Although he knew very well that he had not made any actions or words to exclude Kurosawa, he could not prove that Kurosawa was missing and had no way to speak out.

Wei Ting could only contact the Nandu Jinling School through his identity as Minister of the Haitang Alliance, but the reply he received did not help alleviate the pressure of public opinion on him.

Since Kurosawa left Nandu in mid-October last year to go out for training, no one has heard from him.

The Jinling School does not regard the loss of contact for three months as a particularly serious matter. For elf masters at the elite level and above, it is common for them to be disconnected for months or even years when they go out for training. of.

Wei Ting himself thought so, but he couldn't stand the fans who wanted to seek explanations. He could feel that even though many people in the league were dissatisfied with him, they just didn't show it, especially those who were dismissed because of his appointment. , demoted personnel.

As for the pressure of public opinion, the pressure is even greater.

He had just arrived and had not had time to establish his prestige, but Kurosawa was already extremely famous.

To be honest, no matter how strong Wei Ting is, he is not a native of Haitang. He is just a minister of the alliance, while Kurosawa is one of his own in the eyes of many Haitang fans.

Without this alliance minister, the next one will be dispatched from above, but God knows without Kurosawa, how many years will it take for Haitang to welcome the next genius of this level? Maybe there will never be one.

If it was really because of Wei Ting that Kurosawa left Haitang, I am afraid that the vast majority of Haitang citizens who followed the game would hold a grudge against him.

Just look at the weekly mailboxes that are overflowing with letters asking about Kurosawa's situation, and you can see the public sentiment.

As the new Union Minister, he has no choice but to make excuses.

"We haven't been contacted yet, and the pre-registration system on the official website has not received his application." The male secretary shook his head, with sadness on his face. As the new secretary, he certainly hopes to welcome Kurosawa back as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it would be too unfair to become a villain who colludes with the new minister and hinders his performance for no reason.

Wei Ting sighed.

Why does it feel like the leader of the Haitang City Alliance is not him, but that young boy named Kurosawa who is under twenty years old?

He thought for a long time, rubbing his chin and muttering to himself.

"Tell me, am I the boss of this Haitang, or is he the boss?"

Becoming a master and supervising a city is not as satisfying as having the power as imagined. On the contrary, everything goes wrong.

Kurosawa, Kurosawa.

The male secretary beside him pursed his lips, tightened his face, and did not dare to answer.


Kurosawa, who is far away, is unaware of the turmoil that is currently happening in Haitang City because of him.

At this moment, Kurosawa looked around cautiously, not daring to express his anger.

He turned to look at the densely packed behemoths around him.

Everything within the field of vision is black goat babies and black goat eggs.

When was the last time you saw such a dense group of elves?

Maybe it was that time when I encountered the evolutionary spiritual tide in the wild. But although the quantity and scale of that time were comparable to the scene in front of me, the specific quality of the truth theory was as different as the world.

High-level elves are like cabbage, and there are many giant black goat cubs that are seven, eight, or even ten meters tall. Super elves are not uncommon in the world inside the cave.

Kurosawa couldn't help but feel nervous.

This has nothing to do with personality, it's just an instinctive reaction.

If there was any accident, he would probably be torn to pieces in an instant.

Fortunately, before entering, I had already put the little Shining and other elves back into the flash cards.

Otherwise, their sudden appearance may easily be regarded as a provocation by them.

Kurosawa sat on the head of the heterochromatic black goat cub, hiding among its huge tentacles that were constantly trembling, and his body bumped up and down along with its progress.

Even though there were powerful elves everywhere around him, he still couldn't help but cast his gaze, his clear eyes full of surprise.

The blue-black goat cub he got to know passed through the super stage yesterday.

The size has soared from the original eight meters to ten meters, the height of a three-story building.

Faced with the request of its "benefactor" Kurosawa, the heterochromatic black goat cub did not refuse and carried him into the cave with a groan. Kurosawa was deeply moved by its decision without hesitation.

Yes, in the eyes of this heterochromatic black goat cub, Kurosawa is the benefactor that allowed it to break through and become stronger so quickly.

It didn't quite know that it was stuck on the edge of a breakthrough, and thought that most of the credit went to Kurosawa, its little alien friend.

Delicious and precious and powerful are equated in its brain.

At the moment of its breakthrough, Kurosawa was already its best friend in its mind.

After entering the cave, the underground passages continue to extend and expand.

Occasionally, an enlarged space like a nest is extended. Judging from the sounds coming from inside, there is an elf living in each nest.

There are also many black goat cubs walking in the main passage like little blue ones.

After discovering Kurosawa, he curiously stretched out his tentacles to tease him.

After being ruthlessly whipped by Xiaolan, they fled in all directions.

Xiaolan, who was promoted to a super elf, is a strong one among the high-level elves.

In fact, those black goat cubs who were reaching deep into Kurosawa might not have bad intentions. They might just be curious about Kurosawa, who exudes a similar aura but looks completely different.

Of course, even if it was just teasing, it would be very risky for Kurosawa. His own strength was only equivalent to that of a mid-level elf, and he couldn't summon elves in such a large black goat clan, so it was easy to get into danger.

Fortunately, there was Xiaolan.

Under the protection of Xiaolan, his mount and bodyguard, Kurosawa went down the main slope of about 20-30 degrees.

He didn't count how many nests he passed by.

He was just shocked.

Even if those nests were not all occupied, as long as there were elves in 50%, it would be a huge number.

The number of black goat cubs underground seemed to be far beyond his expectations.

Finally, after going deep underground for an unknown period of time, a faint light suddenly came in front of him.


Xiao Lan slid out of the underground passage, and the world suddenly opened up.

A huge underground world appeared in front of Hei Ze.

It was dozens of meters high, and the border could not be seen at a glance.

The visible rock walls were covered with plants emitting faint light, and they were everywhere on the rock walls, the ground, and the top.

The magical underground world was undoubtedly the base camp of the Black Goat Clan.

The dependent plains on the surface were just their gardens where they usually basked in the sun.

Hei Ze asked Xiao Lan to get close to the rock wall.

It stretched out its body from the tentacles and touched the faint light plants.


To Hei Ze's surprise, the almost endless faint light plants were also a magical resource.

It's just that the nutrients contained were low, and they didn't even meet the standard of a one-star magical resource.

But it couldn't resist its large number, as if it was endless. Looking around, it was all this kind of plants.


Hei Ze felt like he had entered a treasure mountain.

He immediately activated the nutrient storage device to absorb and transform these plants.




The value in the nutrient storage device soared as if it was on a rocket.

With the unremitting efforts of Kurosawa and Xiaolan, the value soon broke through three digits and reached four digits.

And it continued to grow.


It was unknown how long it had been.

Maybe two hours? Three hours?

The value displayed on the nutrient storage device finally stopped moving.

It seemed to have reached the limit of what it could store.

If it hadn't been for this adventure, he probably didn't know how long it would take to know this upper limit.


Five thousand nutrient values, it feels like enough for a year.

If five thousand nutrient values ​​sound meaningless, let's put it in a more understandable way.

According to the conversion ratio of about one to two, 5000 nutrient values ​​are equivalent to more than two thousand alliance points for the exchange of ore resources.

And one alliance point may be exchanged for 30,000 yuan for those who are in urgent need of points to meet the quarterly requirements.

Of course, a large number of exchanges will definitely not be that high, but it can basically maintain 10,000-20,000/point.

However, most people do not have this exchange demand, because the resources in the alliance need to be purchased with credits, and ordinary cash is useless.

According to the minimum standard, these 5,000 nutritional values ​​are equivalent to at least 20 million yuan.

In other words, Hei Ze came down and earned the money of one or even several houses in the three major metropolitan areas in a few hours, which is just like printing money.

Hei Ze looked into the distance, and the endless glimmer plants in his eyes were just like money growing on the rock wall.

What he absorbed was just a tiny bit, and it didn't even cause any waves. The rest of the black goat clan still lowered their heads to eat grass and lived in peace with the world.

I'm afraid only Xiao Lan, the "sheep traitor", knows what Hei Ze did.

But Xiao Lan didn't care. In its mind, the relationship with Hei Ze was superior to that of ordinary people.

Hei Ze sighed.

Reluctantly, he collected some more glimmer plants until the storage bracelet was filled.

In this way, the storage bracelet probably stored about 200 to 300 nutritional value materials.

Kurosawa looked through the resources in the nutrient reserve and storage bracelet several times and felt particularly relieved.

Because of the characteristics of the nutrient reserve, his training intensity has always been several times greater than that of other elves, and the speed of resource consumption is even more exaggerated.

He can often train for more than ten hours without rest, which is an incredible miracle in the eyes of ordinary elves.

Elves will get tired and their bodies will not be able to support it. Extremely high-intensity training is not only useless, but harmful.

But Kurosawa can break through common sense.

This is also the reason why he can achieve rapid improvement in just one year.

The golden finger is unreasonable, but it is reasonable. High-intensity training plus high resource investment in exchange for extraordinary speed of becoming stronger.

As a "big spender of krypton gold", Kurosawa transforms magical resources to fill the inventory, and he does have a kind of harvest joy.

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