My Elf Simulator

Chapter 237: Speculations about the Throne of the Protector of the Nation

In the audience, everyone looked at the venue that had turned into an ocean.

The drainage system around the venue has been turned to the maximum power, but it is still difficult to drain the blue waters in a short time.

"Zebao must have been promoted to elite!"

Among the audience watching the live broadcast on the Internet, someone analyzed with certainty.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the difference between Hei Ze's current battle and the original one.

In the summer season, he was able to defeat Zhuang Yanbing, relying on the illusion of nightmare, the super-point attack of "Lightning Dudu", and some combat strategies to barely achieve victory.

But now Hei Ze only relies on a newly contracted fish elf to complete a one-on-three battle, and uses the general trend to defeat an opponent stronger than Zhuang Yanbing head-on. These are two completely different combat strategies, which confirms the saying that when you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and when you are rich, you can suppress with firepower.

Besides, no matter how talented a professional is, there must be a limit.

Everyone can understand that he defeated the newly promoted Zhuang Yanbing with professional-level strength, but he was able to achieve a nearly "crushing" performance in the face of Wei Lian. Isn't it a bit too much?

"Even the new elves are so strong, I'm really curious about how strong Zebao's trump card is?"

"Did you call him Zebao? Call him Zeshen, thank you!"

"Sorry, I don't deserve it."

"Are there any friends from Pingning City in the live broadcast room? Raise your hand to report!"

"Pingning City +1"

"Are there any friends from Yongli?"


In the online live broadcast room watched by 400,000 people online, the barrage was as dense as an ocean.

Netizens were embarrassed in the live broadcast room.

Now Kurosawa's fans basically dominate Haitang.

Especially after the results of today's battle are announced, this trend will surely be more obvious.

Now on various Haitang social media, Kurosawa's fans are the version answer.

Among them, the price of Kurosawa's first limited edition cheering clothes in the spring game has increased several times.

Even many surrounding third-tier and county-level small cities have gradually paid attention to Kurosawa. As soon as the winter season started today, they came to the online live broadcast room to watch Kurosawa's game.

As soon as the first round of the game ended, the number of online people in the live broadcast room dropped from a peak of more than 400,000 to more than 100,000.

Fans of the league in first- and second-tier cities look down on the league in small cities, thinking that those leagues are fish ponds where chickens fight each other. If you have a higher level of aesthetics, you should watch their high-level city-level league.

In the public forum of Hanquan Province, when some fans of small cities discuss the talents and events of their own leagues, they often encounter fans of the league in big cities who point fingers at them from a high position. What kind of Niuma League are you watching?

Although they are not the ones playing in the game, it does not prevent them from getting self-satisfaction through the strength of my idol to beat your brother.

Although Kurosawa's performance in the last provincial competition was not particularly eye-catching, it can be seen that there is a promising future.

Many league fans in third-tier small towns and county-level cities have been bullied by fans of first- and second-tier leagues for a long time. Now there are signs that they support Haitang League, or more precisely, Kurosawa, as their home team.

When the surrounding floods dissipated, the platform of the command area slowly fell.

Kurosawa shook hands with Wei Lian, whose face was full of helplessness and unwillingness.

"Sure enough, when I saw the news a few days ago, I guessed that you had been promoted to elite. Congratulations."

Wei Lian held Kurosawa's white palm tightly with both hands and sighed.

He was in a very bad mood after losing the game.

He had a strong desire to win.

Not to mention losing to Kurosawa, even losing to Ji Qingwen, who was a friend, would make him depressed for a long time.

He was so depressed that he couldn't help but use some strength to hold Kurosawa's hand tightly.

There was a voice in his mind that was frantically persuading and comforting him.

There was no way. There were many geniuses like monsters in this world.

We must slowly accept the gap between people.

Not only Kurosawa, there are many geniuses who are younger but stronger than him.

It seems that there are all kinds of reasons to exclude his trance after losing.

But after all these thoughts, what fills his heart is still the hard-to-dissipate unwillingness.

Kurosawa noticed that Wei Lian's cheeks in front of him had a trace of pain.

He could understand Wei Lian very well.

But as an opponent, he couldn't say anything to comfort him.

The sympathy of the winner is just a condescending pity for the opponent who has tried his best, which will only increase his pain.

"Come on."

If you don't want to lose, you can only keep winning.

Kurosawa thought with emotion.

He turned around and looked at the audience who were clapping their cheering sticks crazily again, and waved his arms.


The screams from the audience went straight to the sky.

In the contestant channel, Ji Qingwen looked at the screen in front of him with bright eyes.

He smiled when he found the figure of Wei Lian leaving sadly in the camera.

This kind of loss is incomparable to when you lose to yourself.

He was once again convinced that Kurosawa could definitely lead Haitang City to a new height.

Not far away, Kurosawa returned to his own player channel and sat back in his seat.

The screen began to play the intermission performance.

He looked at the screen, but his mind was far away.

Looking back on the battle just now, it seemed that there was indeed a difference from the past. Every move and skill release had a sense of blessing.

This was the first time he let the water-attributed Tidal Jade Dragon fight in an official arena.

Could that be true?

He couldn't help but recall a rumor he had seen on the Internet before.

It is said that the water contract elves in Haihua Kingdom receive some kind of strange blessing on the playing field, which makes them perform better than usual. The origin is that the Protector God Seat of Haihua Kingdom is a water spirit.

When talking about the Protector of the Nation, it is inevitable to contact the seven major executive-level forces that exist in this world.

Milan Federation, Braedish, Lucia, Rhine, Haihua, Qianfeng, Sakurajima.

The biggest difference that divides the Seven Kingdoms from other countries is the presence or absence of the Protector's Throne. The Protector's Throne is the embodiment of Guo Zuo, but there are very few topics about the Protector's Throne on the Internet.

Kurosawa has not yet reached the level where he can touch the most powerful power in the world, although he has already come into contact with a divine being who is one of the weird three pillar gods.

If the Protector God Seat behind Haihua Kingdom is of the water element, then the mysterious and mysterious will he just felt in the scene would have the answer.

The power of the God Throne involves the level of rules, and it is naturally possible to affect all arenas.

But Kurosawa suddenly felt confused.

If it is the power of great will at the level of a god, then why is the first person in Qian Haihua, Lan Tiandi, famous as the Ice Heavenly King?

Even among the powerful Heavenly Kings within the Haitang range, there are very few water elements, which seems unreasonable at first glance.

He shook his head. There was too little relevant information, and it was difficult to draw any useful conclusions. After all, the conjecture just now was just based on a lot of hearsay information, and there was no basis for it.

The first day of the game passed quickly and the audience began to disperse.

In the parking lot, several young women held their arms, waiting for their companions to drive out.

While chatting, a sharp-eyed woman suddenly rubbed her eyes.

She looked at a tall boy wearing a peaked cap and his face covered by a mask, walking from a distance.

That man gave her a familiar feeling.

She wasn't sure, so she quickly tugged on her companion's arm sleeve.

"Renko Renko, look at it, does it look a bit like Kurosawa?"

"You're wrong, it seems really similar." The companion was about to deny it subconsciously, but when he looked at her fingertips, he was stunned.

The figure was moving like a dragon and a tiger, and even in the dim light of the underground garage, it was still difficult to conceal a certain unique temperament.

And she also noticed a detail.

Although the clothes of that man were different from those of Kurosawa who played against him today, the shoes on his feet were exactly the same as what he saw in the camera.

"The shoes are the same! It's really him!"

"What should I do? Do you want to come up and say hello?"

Several girls pulled and pulled coyly, their cheeks turning rosy.

Just when they were confused.

A joyful voice suddenly came from the side.

"Cousin, we are here!"

Several people turned to look.

The sound came from a black urban SUV not far to their right.

A girl of fifteen or sixteen leaned half out of the back seat window and waved.

Coincidentally, this little girl was the girl sitting next to them just now.

Hearing her voice, the tall young man they identified as Kurosawa quickened his pace.

Pull open the back seat and get in the car.

The vehicle then drove away in front of them.

Several people looked at each other with strange and surprised expressions on their faces.


Could it be that Kurosawa is really the cousin of the little girl just now?

"Is this too coincidental?"

"Wow, if I had known earlier, I should have gotten close to her. Maybe I could have gotten to know Zebao."

"Lycoris Lycoris."

"It's a big loss." Several older girls regretted it, feeling that a very possible opportunity to contact idols was just around the corner.

But it's too late to regret it now.

The VIP seats they bought today are day tickets.

I definitely won't run into the little girl who seems to be Kurosawa's cousin tomorrow.

Return home.

Kurosawa's father went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for hot pot.

The family prepares to celebrate at home.

Five elves were sitting in a row on the carpet in the living room.

Kurosawa is practicing his newly awakened second talent, air control.

In front of him, several apples slowly emitted white light and then floated.

Tao Shuyi beside him widened her eyes.

Although she had seen it several times, she found it incredible every time she saw it again.

Worried that it would affect Kurosawa's practice, she restrained her desire to shout and stood far away.

"It's okay, you can come closer and touch me." Kurosawa said aloud.

Tao Shuyi nodded excitedly after receiving permission.

Carefully, he stretched out his white fingers and tapped the apple floating in the air.

The apple was poked by her and drifted away, as if it was floating in weightless space.

"It's really amazing."

"You are so awesome, cousin!"

Kurosawa smiled.

Speaking of which, his feelings towards his aerial talent have also gone through a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs.

At first, he was excited that he could fly freely and wanted to go outside to practice flying immediately.

But after calming down, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The innate ability of senior Wu Fu, whom he has a good relationship with in Nandu, is telekinesis. Because he has been exposed to it a lot and has seen scenes of her using her innate ability in training, he is more interested in combat talents.

Nature power is the ability to perceive, and flying is the ability to move quickly, which obviously has nothing to do with combat talent.

But after a rough little practice, he has a new understanding of flying ability.

The flying talent has more diverse uses than he imagined.

The flying ability has certain similarities with telekinesis, and is even better in some aspects.

He initially thought that the flying ability only allows him to fly, but it is not that simple.

The essence of flying talent is to give an object a floating state. After floating, he can manipulate the object to float in any direction.

For Kurosawa, the existence he is most familiar with is himself, so at the moment when the ability awakens, he can easily give his body a floating state.

The next level, which is more difficult to float than himself, is the object he is familiar with. After several attempts, he can also give the floating state relatively easily.

Finally, it is the unfamiliar object that has never been touched. It is the most difficult to make them float.

On the other hand, except for himself, in general, it is more difficult to float an object with will than an object without will.

For example, it is easy to float a dead fish, but it is much more difficult to float a living fish.

However, there is also a tricky way. Put the live fish on a tray, and then Kurosawa applies a floating state to the tray. In this case, as long as it does not exceed Kurosawa's floating weight limit, it can carry the living thing. This discovery was made by him trying the fish in the kitchen.

It sounds like adding a floating state is nothing great.

Yukong can make things float, and telekinesis can do the same, and it is done more thoroughly, and objects can be manipulated at will.

Yukong and Wu Fu's ability to move stones and control objects is far from omnipotent.

But when Wu Fu first awakened telekinesis, she could only barely carry objects weighing dozens of grams.

And Kurosawa was able to use his talent to float himself weighing nearly 100 kilograms at the first moment of awakening Yukong.

The gap between them is unknown.

His current limit is to make a bookcase weighing about 300 kilograms float.

Talents can be strengthened with continuous training.

Since Wu Fu can increase telekinesis from tens of grams to one or two tons.

Kurosawa has mastered his ability, so floating hundreds or thousands of tons should be no problem.

And it can also be used in combat. If he continues to train his flying talent and adds floating state to the enemy elves, and suddenly floats up from the ground during the battle, I am afraid that the combat power of most elves will be halved and become his live targets.

The floating speed should also be several levels faster, but of course it is definitely not comparable to telekinesis, which focuses on controlling objects.

After all, everyone has their own expertise. The essence of flying lies in floating, while telekinesis focuses on carrying and manipulating.

Kurosawa smiled as he watched his cousin excitedly grabbing and releasing the apple in the air.

The apple after the floating state was applied was very stable, which is why he was relieved to let his cousin play with it at will.

He tried to train the accuracy of the displacement of objects in the floating state in this direction.

The current upper limit of displacement speed is about 1m/s.

His next training plan is to float living animals.

Then the elves. It doesn't need to be kept floating for too long. It only needs to be used at the moment of battle to have a miraculous effect.

However, it is more difficult to float elves. The attribute energy in their bodies seems to spontaneously resist the floating characteristics of the flying talent.

This is exactly the same as Wu Fu's telekinesis.

Her telekinesis will also have great resistance when she wants to use it on elves.

Increase the floating weight, speed up the floating speed, and enhance the level of the controlled object.

This is his idea of ​​developing the flying talent.

When the flying talent is truly perfected, he may be able to build an island in the sky. Wherever he goes, his home is there. Just thinking about it is exciting.

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