My Elf Simulator

Chapter 242 Establishing a management team

《The youngest annual champion in Haitang's history - Kurosawa》

《With a slight smile, Kurosawa has been recognized by Haitang's current minister Wei Ting》

《The leading figure of Hanquan Province in the next decade》

《Haitang Chunguan, Xia Ya, annual champion, how far can Kurosawa's future reach》

《Former elite players stated in an interview that Kurosawa may become the first defensive player in Haitang's history, and master is not his end! 》

Forums around Haitang and various social media platform sections are full of news about yesterday's winter league finals, and various headlines are enlarged and bolded, and they are red hot!

Obviously, Kurosawa's victory over Ji Qingwen and his achievement in Haitang City has already gone viral in a small range.

In fact, this can be seen from the fact that Kurosawa's fans have soared by more than 300,000.

This part of the growth almost all comes from other cities.

Discussions about him and his elves are endless everywhere, and the heat has reached a new peak.

"The Begonia champion you are talking about is my junior high school classmate" and "A few things about Kurosawa and me" various true or false teasing comments frequently appeared.

Having potential and successfully realizing potential are two different things.

For most people, becoming the champion of the Begonia League is already an unimaginable achievement. Even some people from other cities have begun to put aside their critical eyes and face up to Kurosawa's strength.

At the dinner table.

Kurosawa's parents and uncle's family obviously have not come out of the excitement of yesterday. They are still talking about various things encountered in the stadium at the dinner table.

Kurosawa seemed very calm.

The moment he held the trophy, he restrained the excitement and satisfaction again.

He knew very well that his hometown of Haitang was still too small. With the conditions he had, it was undoubtedly a sad fall to be satisfied with just winning the Begonia championship.

Looking at the proud expressions on his parents' faces, it seemed that the people in the stadium cheered for him again.

Now he has the support of his family, the love of his fans, no worries about food, clothing, housing, and striving for the career he dreamed of when he was young. He cherishes everything he has now, and that is why he needs to keep moving forward.

Chewing his food, his thoughts drifted to the provincial competition.

First of all, the competition system of the provincial competition is much more complicated than that of the municipal competition, so it puts forward more comprehensive requirements on the quality and ability of the contestants.

In summary, it is divided into two parts.

Three 1V1 competitions and one 3V3 competition.

The former can basically be regarded as the competition system adopted by the municipal level, while the latter requires 3 elves to fight against the opponent's 3 elves on the field.

One thing to note is that the elves that appear in the 1V1 competition cannot appear in the subsequent 3V3 team battle.

Therefore, the elf masters in the provincial competition often contract 6 elves and cultivate them to the advanced stage to obtain more outstanding competitiveness.

At present, only Xiao Shining has reached the top high-level combat power in Kurosawa, and the other three elves are much inferior.

If he encounters an opponent with the same top-level combat power, even if Xiao Shining can win through various means, and even complete a series of two, it is still difficult to achieve a series of three.

Top-level elves have extremely strong endurance and recovery. Xiao Shining can win, but it will also consume a lot of attribute energy. In the official competition, the nutritional value cannot be used, and a large amount of energy consumption in a short period of time cannot be effectively restored.

In addition to energy, fighting will also cause the physical fitness, spirit, reaction speed and other factors of the elves to decline to varying degrees.

If Hei Ze wants to achieve satisfactory results in the provincial competition in a few months, his current strength is actually lacking.

After lunch, Hei Ze's father prepared to send Tao Shuyi's family to the high-speed rail station.

Hei Ze did not go with them this time.

After sending his little cousin downstairs in the community, Hei Ze began to reply to messages on his mobile phone.

After the game, it is not that he is free of trouble.

Some official activities of the league, media interview invitations, and corporate commercial endorsements have all come to him.

It seems that it is time to build his own team.

He didn't have this idea before, partly because he was lazy, and partly because he didn't have a pressing need at that time.

But as his fame grew, he had more and more things to do, and he couldn't handle all the things by himself. He needed to hire someone to take care of these chores, so that he could devote himself to training.

There are not many elf masters in Haitang who can really reach the level of forming an operation team.

Ji Qingwen is one of them. A few months ago, when Hei Ze borrowed the equipment of his club for training, he also met the management manager of his team several times.

He looked at his watch, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

While it was still early, he called Ji Qingwen.

After the communication, he summoned Nightmare to complete the ghost transformation, and his body turned into a shadow and rushed towards the club where Ji Qingwen was.

Ji Qingwen's Hurricane Elf Club is located in the second and third ring areas of Haitang City.

The entire club center covers an area of ​​20,000 square meters.

Even as the former number one in the Haitang League, this luxurious elf club still cost him many years of savings. When he stayed in Haitang, he lived there most of the time.

In addition to being equipped with various advanced instruments, equipment and outdoor training grounds, the entire club also employs more than ten employees.

This place is not open to the public. Only some juniors or friends recognized by Ji Qingwen can enter for training. Of course, members with a fixed income need to pay a membership fee, which is used for the club's daily salary and maintenance expenses.

When Kurosawa arrived, the security personnel at the door immediately recognized his identity. After all, he had often come to the Hurricanes Club for training some time ago.

The employees of the club all know that he gets along well with his boss Ji Qingwen, so they are naturally very respectful to him.

"Champion Kurosawa, after you enter, go directly to the office on the second floor of Building A of the club. The boss will be waiting for you there." The security personnel let him go directly.

"OK, thanks."

In the outdoor training ground, among the forest-green guardrails, some young elf masters were training.

When Kurosawa was passing by, a young elf master who was resting and drinking water on the sidelines happened to turn his head and saw a tall figure walking under the trees on the street outside the guardrail.

Looking at his appearance again, it turned out to be Kurosawa who played against Ji Qingwen in the venue yesterday.


He choked a few mouthfuls of water excitedly.

"Brother Ze! Hello, why are you here!"

The young man must be only sixteen years old. Kurosawa could know this not because his eyesight was superior to others, but because he sensed the weak spiritual energy in him. He had obviously just awakened.

And it was only the end of January, and there were still several months before the summer recruitment of Haitang Academy. It seemed that someone had sent him to Ji Qingwen's club for training through some connections.

"Come and talk to Brother Ji about something." Kurosawa stopped and replied, not turning a deaf ear and walking past because of the other party's low strength.

More than a year ago, his own strength and talent were only average. Being able to achieve today's achievements, in addition to diligent training, all depends on the great luck and good fortune that he got in his life. Because of this , it is basically impossible for him to develop a temper that thinks highly of himself and is arrogant.

The afternoon sun was clear, and it even gave the illusion of being in hot summer. Kurosawa looked up at the sun hanging in the sky and reminded him with a smile.

"The sun is a bit strong today and there is no shade outside. Please pay attention to hydrating to avoid heat stroke."

The physical quality of an elf master who has just awakened his psychic powers is basically the same as that of ordinary people.

"Okay, thank you for your concern." The young man probably didn't expect that Kurosawa, who was already the Haitang champion, would show concern. He was flattered and quickly bowed at a standard ninety degrees.

"It's okay. You can go on and rest. I won't disturb you. Also, Dudu Bird is well trained." Kurosawa was secretly startled by his reaction to his big move. Kurosawa had not fully adapted to the sudden change in status. , showing a shy smile.

After leaving a word of encouragement, he walked quickly towards building A of the club as if running away.

The young man behind him who had just awakened his psychic powers watched Kurosawa's figure walk away until he disappeared at the end of the shade of the trees, then suddenly jumped up from his seat and waved his hands excitedly.

"Hehe. I was actually praised by Brother Sawako."

His cheeks were a little red, either from the heat or from the excitement and adrenaline secretion.

Picking up the dazed pale yellow doodle at his feet, he proudly rubbed its head.

If it were someone else, a seemingly perfunctory compliment about his good training would definitely not make him jump up and down like this. After all, his parents are also professional elf masters and have been exposed to elves since he was a child.

But the same compliment has completely different meanings from different people. This compliment from Kurosawa, who is known as the strongest Doudou trainer and the strongest player in the Haitang League, cannot be perfunctory; authority.

As Kurosawa walked away, he still didn't know how happy his subconscious compliment made the boy.

He walked into Building A, which was used as an office building.

The receptionists in the lobby on the first floor all bowed and said hello.

"Welcome, Champion of Kurosawa."

Kurosawa nodded politely to them, then took the elevator to the second floor.

Ji Qingwen's office was unlocked and ajar.

Kurosawa knocked on the door and pushed in.

Ji Qingwen was already sitting on the sofa waiting for him. The elegant aroma of fragrant tea wafted from the coffee table, and exquisite and delicious snacks were placed on the plate.

"Come on, sit down and drink tea. Let's chat while we eat."

On the phone just now, Kurosawa briefly talked about his arrival.

Ji Qingwen is someone who has been there and knows the significance of the team to the elf master. If it is not handled well, it can be said that instead of saving the elf master's energy, it will cause all kinds of problems.

In fact, even if Kurosawa didn't take the initiative to ask this time, he was originally going to find a time to give Kurosawa some advice.

In the next few hours, Ji Qingwen shared his many years of experience without reservation.

The establishment of the team, the organizational structure of the team, the division of labor among the members, various matters that need to be paid attention to in daily life, the degree of delegation of power as an elf master, what things need to be taken out of time to participate in from time to time, and how to use one's own strong strength and influence to Maintain relationships with the entire team, etc.

In the afternoon, Kurosawa also had a rough idea of ​​the construction work of his team.

This is the benefit of having trusted and experienced friends to guide you.

Regarding team members, Ji Qingwen said that he can recommend some outstanding talents for technical positions such as medical doctors, nutritionists, drivers, etc., but important management positions require Kurosawa to interview and screen himself.

After all, no matter how good the relationship is, he is still an outsider and cannot interfere in the core selection.

Ji Qingwen sent Kurosawa out of the gate and asked his driver to drive him back.

In the car, Kurosawa thought that he planned to use the interview day of Haitang TV and other media to spread the news that his team was ready to build tomorrow, which should attract some veteran agents and managers to come.

As for the interview, he didn't worry too much.

He was gifted with natural power.

Now that the natural power has entered the second stage, the perception has become stronger. As long as he wants, it is difficult for ordinary people to disguise in front of him. With a little judgment, he can know the other person's temper and personality.

The overall strategy is to be simple and honest, and the ability is enough.

He does not seek the team to bring him great success in career and economic benefits, as long as it can smoothly handle all kinds of chores for him.

The next day.

Kurosawa made an appointment in advance to rent the first floor of the only three-star hotel in the city center as the venue for the press conference.

The hotel's boss is also his fan. When he heard that Kurosawa called the business department, he immediately called Kurosawa back enthusiastically and waved his hand to waive the fee for him.

However, Kurosawa did not want to owe favors for nothing. At his insistence, the hotel director agreed with some regret.

On the day of the press conference, many media workers came to the scene.

Haitang TV, reporters from Super Competition, media people from several nearby cities, and even reporters sent by the provincial capital news agency, "fully armed" media workers filled the hall.

Flashlights kept flashing.

Kurosawa was facing the dark crowd below on the stage and felt pressure.

But he knew that as the current champion of the Haitang League, his status and position had completely changed. He represented the face of the entire Haitang League and could not refuse redundant work as he did before.

He was not very good at dealing with such occasions, so he simply held a centralized reception to respond to media interviews in a unified manner and strive to achieve success in one battle.

"The meeting is about to begin. Please take your seats according to the serial number of the journalists present." The host of the hotel held a microphone to maintain order before the meeting.

Those who were able to come to the scene were all regular media workers, and the order on the scene was maintained quite well.

Kurosawa sat down at the long conference table on the stage and moved the microphone on the table closer to him.

"Click, click, click!"

The flashlights flashed again.

The meeting officially began with the host's warm-up.

At Kurosawa's signal, the reporter from Changchuan News Agency in the provincial capital stood up.

"Hello, Kurosawa, I am Li Qing, a reporter from Changchuan Guangming News Agency. First of all, congratulations on winning the Haitang Winter League championship the day before yesterday. Here I would like to ask, have you ever thought of joining Changchuan and competing in a higher-level city league since you have already reached the top of Haitang City? Thank you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the local media people in Haitang glared at him!

What does it mean? Poaching?

Li Qing, who stood up, felt a chill on his back, but he had to wait for Kurosawa's answer. He came with the mission of testing Kurosawa's tone.

"Sorry, I don't have any idea about this at the moment." Kurosawa wanted to add "currently" in a slightly euphemistic way, but he was worried that saying so would easily leave room for ambiguous reverie, so he simply stated his attitude directly.

For him, of course, he needs a more competitive stage, but that is a provincial league, not joining a more difficult city league.

Hearing Kurosawa's answer, all the media people in the Haitang system breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

At the same time, another part of the people frowned secretly, and it was obvious that a considerable number of people came with the same purpose as Li Qing.

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