My Elf Simulator

Chapter 246 No one can fight

Inside Ji Qingwen's Hurricane Elf Club's advanced training room.

There were bursts of roaring sounds.

After two weeks of training, the strength of Kurosawa and the elves has surged again.

First, the Crow Envoy officially completed the contract with Kurosawa. Within two hours after the contract, it directly condensed the attribute core.

The attribute energy value soared from 52 to 261, and the subsequent improvement speed was also extremely rapid, showing great stamina.

The Crow Envoy had been holding back for nearly three months in order to break through. Entering the advanced stage, the improvement was naturally all-round.

The body size also grew from a crow masked man with a height of one and a half meters to an adult height of one meter and eighty meters.

Elf: Raven Master

Racial Qualification: Three Stars (76%)

Level: Advanced

Attribute: Ghost

Energy Value: 322

Features: None

Skills: White Level - Grab LV2 (2/10) Blue Level - Malice Attack LV2 (4/10) Blue Level - Bad Omen LV2 (8/10) Blue Level - Invisibility LV3 (6/20) Purple Level - Narrow Space LV3 (12/20) Purple Level - Calm Will LV4 (2/40) Deep Purple Level - Crow Summoning LV2 (1/10)

What made Kurosawa a little disappointed was that the Raven Master's ability in terms of space was more dependent on the skill [Narrow Space], rather than the seedling of the second attribute being born in the body.

But looking at its skills, it really lived up to Kurosawa's expectations of it, and it was really a little cruel.

One white, three blue, and three purple.

Among them, the deep purple skill Crow Summoning was awakened after it broke through the high level. The specific effect of the skill is to use the power of the ghost attribute to summon countless shadow crows.

The crows can carry ghost power to attack the enemy, or blast. At the same time, the crows can peck the enemy's blood through their beaks, and feed the absorbed power back to the main body to restore the state.

Crow Summoning is a very powerful skill. It has a powerful attack and a recovery effect. Therefore, Kurosawa also accompanied it for training for a period of time and upgraded the crow summoning to LV2, which can be released proficiently.

As for other skills, they are still adapting. After all, the crow master joined the group with funds in the middle of the game, and the cooperation with Kurosawa is not very tacit.

The proficiency in the data is more of a reflection of its own proficiency in skills, but it is obviously impossible for Kurosawa and it to reach the level of tacit understanding like the other four elves in a short time.

In addition to the crow master, the improvement of other elves is also obvious.

The proficiency of the comet flash of the little shining spirit has soared with the blessing of the acceleration card. In the winter finals, the level of the comet flash was still LV4 (1/40), and now it has reached LV4 (30/40), and it is about to touch the threshold of LV5.

Most of the common skill proficiency of the elves in Kurosawa is still at the LV3 stage, and the progress of Comet Strike seems unreasonable.

This is not only due to the acceleration card, but also to the huge impact of the appearance of [Astrology] on this skill.

In addition, the skill of the little shining spirit, Electric Shock, has also been promoted to LV4.

The attribute energy value has reached 503, just crossing the threshold of 500.

As you get closer to the peak of the energy value of high-level elves, the speed of the increase in attribute energy value becomes slower.

The attribute energy values ​​of other elves are as follows.

Nightmare: 456

Miracle Colossus: 482

Tide Jade Dragon: 455

Kurosawa almost exchanged all the alliance points accumulated some time ago and the rewards for winning the winter game into resources. He did not mean to be stingy at all and invested all of them in the cultivation of elves.

Excluding the crow, the improvement of Tide Jade Dragon is actually the most significant.

The energy value has increased by nearly one hundred leaves.

It can be seen that it is very determined to challenge the little Shining Spirit. It is very hardworking during the training process. As the attributes of various skills are enhanced, the destructive power is also rising straight.

Kurosawa looked at the Tidal Jade Dragon in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the best way to quickly improve the elves is to stimulate their own initiative.

Although Kurosawa also admitted that he did give Tidal Jade Dragon special treatment, not only took it to the big lake in Haitang City for training in the past two weeks, but also used about 30% of the exchanged resources on it, but this is still not enough to deny Tidal Jade Dragon's own efforts.

Kurosawa thought of the dragon king whale he met in Shenhai City. The opponent who once brought him great difficulties, now in front of Tidal Jade Dragon, I am afraid that it will only be crushed.

Kurosawa reassembled the refreshed elves and temporarily ended the two-week training.

These two weeks of training basically digested the existing resources he had on hand and the training results accumulated by the elves some time ago. If there are no new opportunities in the future, it will be difficult to continue to replicate such a high-speed improvement.

We have to think of a way. The difficulty of upgrading after 500 energy values ​​seems to have entered a new stage.

The elves don't know that their masters are thinking hard about their future.

They gather together and chatter, expressing their excitement.

Since they train separately, they don't know each other's strength improvement, and they all think they are the ones who have improved the most.

Little Shining is the one who shouts the loudest, full of confidence.

The destructive power of Comet Lightning has increased by nearly 30% after two weeks of training. Obviously, it is satisfied with the results of its efforts.

The tail is about to rise to the sky, with an aura of "I am invincible, you can do whatever you want".

In fact, it does have the capital to be proud. It is difficult to find an elf that can match its current strength among high-level elves.

At present, it has not encountered any individual elves of the same level that are stronger than it, at least it has not encountered even one.


There is really no one who can fight.

Among the elves, only the Tidal Jade Dragon looked at it with burning eyes.

Hei Ze looked at this scene with relief. After the elves chattered and exchanged their feelings, he put them into the flash card and walked out of the club.

Ji Qingwen was not in his Hurricane Club at this time. He had just left Haitang two days ago and went to Changchuan to participate in the spring training plan of a high-level club.

It is not easy for ordinary people to add the word "high-level" in front of the club. It must be applied by a master elf master and then passed the provincial alliance certification before being promoted to the elf high-level club.

Haitang City is a high-level club that can obtain the alliance certification license.

However, it is different in first-tier cities like Changchuan. They have more than one master elf master resident in the city, and it is not surprising to have several masters in one city.

You should know that not all masters are keen on working for the alliance. Some of them are unwilling to leave their hometowns where they have lived for many years. They are used to a leisurely life and just want to settle down in their hometowns.

Or they are old and retired masters who want to find something to do.

In this case, they often open elf high-level clubs to teach and learn, similar to the practice of ancient people to establish a sect.

Hei Ze has already joined the Jinling School, so there is no need for him to join a high-level club like Ji Qingwen to accept the guidance of masters.

In addition, he has a well-organized arrangement for his own training and improvement. Suddenly accepting guidance from outsiders will only disrupt his rhythm.

Next, Hei Ze should focus on some personal ability development.

During this period, he did not exercise his innate ability [Flying the Sky] much, mainly because there were too many aspects that needed training, and the time allocation was a bit tight, but fortunately, the level of [Flying the Sky] was relatively low, and it was in a period of rapid improvement, so the degree of enhancement was still very gratifying.

The level was upgraded from E to E+, the floating limit weight reached more than three tons, and the upper limit speed of lateral movement also changed from 3m/s to 5m/s.

The stability of the E+ level flying ability increased significantly, so Kurosawa tried to fly into the air once. He didn't know how high he floated during that flight.

Hundreds of meters or thousands of meters? Anyway, the buildings in the city seemed small to him at that time, and the roads were like mesh-like filaments, which was a very shocking experience.

This also means that he has gained a new means of escape. Not everyone has a flying elf to ride.

And even if the elf can fly, if he escapes into the sky thousands of meters high, will the enemy elf master have the courage to catch up? I'm afraid that in most cases, it won't.

After all, if he is not careful and falls from a high altitude, the height of thousands of meters can completely smash an elf master to pieces, even if he has the protection skill.

This is the natural advantage of the flying talent ability, he can evacuate and leave the battle at any time, and the choice of fighting is entirely in their hands.

However, there are also things to be careful about when flying at high altitudes, that is, beware of the wild flying elves in the sky.

They are the real overlords of the sky. It is also because of their existence that the use of aircraft as a means of transportation is extremely limited in today's society, and people will choose to travel by land or water more often.

In the next six months, Kurosawa will continue to practice flying.

Its existence is not only a means of life-saving for Kurosawa, but also can solve some difficulties of elves in urban activities.

Like Mumu and Tidal Jade Dragon, they now weigh eight tons and have replaced a new batch of initial gems.

It is okay for Tidal Jade Dragon to have a certain flying ability. Mumu's body is five meters high, close to the height of two floors. It is actually a small problem to appear in the city. More importantly, its excessive weight will crush the road surface.

Now the E+ level flying can already have an impact on its contracted elves. As long as the future limit floating weight is sufficient, it will give Mumu a critical floating state, and it will not be a problem for its body to appear in the city.

Kurosawa left the Hurricane Club and returned to the villa.

After receiving the news, Mr. Qiu has already placed all the necessary belongings, water, food reserves, emergency medicines, etc. in the warehouse.

Kurosawa's psychic power was activated, and the storage bracelet lit up, storing all the items in the warehouse in the bracelet.

"When will you leave?" Mr. Qiu asked.

"Tomorrow morning, I have been in Haitang for a long time, and I should go to Nandu first." Kurosawa replied. "If nothing unexpected happens, I may return to Haitang in late June or early July."

If he continues to stay in Haitang, the training can only bring limited improvement in the absence of resources. And he has to find the black goat kid of different colors. I don't know how it is doing in the real world after so long since they separated.

As for Kurosawa's team, they will stay in Haitang City to help him build the club.

Maybe next time he comes back, he will be able to see the prototype of his club.

Kurosawa returned to his parents' home, calmed down, did nothing, and spent a day with his parents.

Then, early the next morning, he quietly left Haitang City and set out on his journey again.


"Ci Ci."

The high-speed train stopped at Nandu Station.

Hei Ze symbolically put on a backpack and followed the crowd out of the carriage.

Not surprisingly, before leaving the high-speed rail station, he was again questioned by the patrol personnel here.

However, this time the speed was much faster than the inspection process when he first came to Nandu. The patrol simply verified the authenticity of the identity documents and released him directly.

He first stopped a car on the street and rushed to the villa he rented in the provincial capital.

He had not been back for several months, and the furniture in the villa was covered with a layer of dust.

During the two or three months in the world of Shabu, he was cut off from the outside world and naturally could not pay the commission for hiring a nanny.


Hei Ze summoned the elves and began to clean up.

The crow messenger and the nightmare picked up the broom and mop and worked consciously. The tidal jade dragon also controlled the amount of water and sprayed a trickle of water to wash the ground.

Hei Ze used his air-control ability to try to float the dust on the surface of the furniture.

The difficulty of fine work is extremely high, but fortunately he is patient enough. Invisible tiny particles are floated up by some magical force, and then gathered into a ball and thrown into the trash can.

The withered plants in the flowerpots are uprooted by the floating force, and the shoes in the shoe cabinet are taken out, cleaned and put back into the cabinet again.

It seems that there are countless invisible ghosts working diligently in the villa.

Living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, courtyard

More than an hour later, a large villa has become spotless again in the orderly work of Kurosawa and the elves.

"Hua Hua Hua——"

"Ding Dong!"

After cleaning the villa, Kurosawa, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, vaguely heard a bell ringing outside the yard.

He hurriedly washed, put on a white shirt and walked out the door, but saw Wu Fu in sportswear turning over and climbing over the courtyard wall.

The two looked at each other in the air, and Wu Fu, who was riding on the wall, blushed slightly.

Silently jumped off the wall.

"Come in and sit down, Senior Sister." Hei Ze knew that she was thin-skinned, so he pretended not to see anything.

"Senior Sister, you came to see me so urgently, is there something going on?"

Hei Ze handed Wu Fu a glass of water and asked.

Although he had not been back to Nandu for several months, and returned directly to Haitang due to time constraints after escaping from the Shabu world, it did not mean that he had not contacted his acquaintances in Nandu.

On the first day after he came out, he reported his safety to the teachers and senior brothers and sisters in Nandu, and briefly explained the experience of being trapped in the secret realm.

"Yeah." Wu Fu took the water cup, drank a sip of water, and nodded silently.

She was not a person who liked to keep people in suspense, so she directly stated the purpose of this trip.

"The Trial Tower is open!"

Hei Ze's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He had been concentrating on training in Haitang during this period, and he really didn't pay attention to the movements of Nandu, which was thousands of miles away.

He was not completely unfamiliar with the Trial Tower.

As early as when he first joined the Jinling School, he had heard some senior brothers and sisters mention it.

The Trial Tower is a special secret space. It was originally a kind of heritage space left by ancient civilization, which restricted the strength of visitors.

According to the classification of modern elf civilization, only life below super elves can enter.

In the Trial Tower space, there are many powerful elf lives according to different levels, and many rewards are also left.

The Trial Tower seems to have some kind of intelligence. It will be opened once every few years. During the cooling period when it is not open, it will capture elves from the real world or the nearby subspace world, and collect magical resources as reward items.

This is also the reason why it can maintain internal operation.

"I shouldn't have missed the registration time yet? How will the quota be allocated this time?" Hei Ze asked.

The number of visitors that the Trial Tower can accommodate is limited, and he naturally doesn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

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