My Elf Simulator

Chapter 248 Scores Soar

"Now I declare the assessment officially open."

At the command, the examinees walked into the teleportation point one by one in the order of the team.

The teleportation point here seemed to have been transformed in some way. When Kurosawa walked into it, he began to feel dizzy with a strong attraction.

When he settled down, there was already a beach nearby.

Under his feet was a golden sandy beach, and the waves beat on the shore, bringing a series of bright silver edges reflecting the sun. The tall coconut trees hung down under the sun, stretching their shadows very long.


Several seagulls flew together circling overhead.

Kurosawa looked around and observed the environment.

First, he was randomly teleported to a deserted beach, with dark reef beaches on both sides of the dozens of meters long beach.

There were no other examinees nearby, and it seemed that they were deliberately teleported to separate them.

The mechanical bird assigned to him stood on his shoulder honestly, without any other emotions.

However, from the accelerated contraction frequency of its eyeballs as lenses, it can be seen that it is entering the working state.

Through the built-in camera of the mechanical bird and the information transmitted to the monitoring center, the examiners can grasp the real-time location and safety of each candidate at any time.

Kurosawa threw the mechanical bird up, and it flapped its wings and flew above Kurosawa's head.

The next moment, the seagull elves above Kurosawa's head suddenly noticed the humanoid creature that suddenly appeared below.


"Coo coo coo!"

They suddenly landed together, opened their yellow beaks, and circles of sonic attacks spread out from their mouths.

Sonic seagulls! Two-star race.

Such strong aggressiveness. Kurosawa thought to himself.

But it's good this way. Anyway, his goal of this assessment is to defeat as many elves as possible. The wild elves took the initiative to attack, which saved him time.

Three intermediate elves, very good!

Kurosawa flipped his hand and threw out the flash card from his pocket, and the purple nightmare floated out from the light.

Ten seconds later.

With three consecutive whippings, the three sonic seagulls that suddenly took the initiative to attack fell on the beach with stars in their eyes.

In the sky, the mechanical bird recorded this scene very well and reported the result to Kurosawa.

"The elf sonic seagull has been defeated, the elf number is 15672."

"The elf sonic seagull has been defeated, the elf"


"Candidate Kurosawa, get 30 points, current score 30 points."

In this assessment, defeating wild elves of different strength levels can get different scores.

Because it is the result of artificial release, the weakest elves on this large island are all intermediate elves, and each wild elf has a corresponding number. According to the number, the elf's data can be retrieved at any time in the data center.

Ordinary intermediate elves are 10 points/element, and transitional intermediate elves are 30 points/element.

Advanced elves are divided into three levels of 100 points/300 points/1000 points according to the energy values ​​of 100-300, 301-500, and 501 and above.

Generally speaking, the stronger the individual elves are, the more points you can get by defeating them.

Kurosawa, who defeated three intermediate elves casually, did not change his expression. Now, for him, the general attack of any intermediate elves can be easily dealt with.

The key to this assessment is to enter the top ten in the score and finally obtain the qualification to enter the Trial Tower. Since he does not know the scores of other candidates in real time, Kurosawa can only ensure that he grabs the most points as much as possible.

In the next 24 hours, he will not let go of any elves within his sight.

And the speed must be fast, because after the elves are defeated once, even if they are defeated again, they cannot get any points from them.

For example, the three sonic seagulls that Kurosawa just defeated, even if they wake up and recover, other candidates will not get any points if they pass by the beach and defeat them.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa closed his eyes, and the next moment he opened his eyes, and his pupils had turned into ultramarine.

The power of nature was activated, and the flying air was activated to reduce his own weight, while merging nightmare into [Ghost].

The three operations were completed in one go.

In this way, he will gain super-fast mobility, and with super-high movement speed and perception, he will actively look for wild elves on the island.


Hei Ze summoned the mechanical bird in the sky, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the next moment his figure swayed, suddenly disappeared on the beach, and merged into the tropical forest of the island.

"The elf Deinonychus has been defeated, and the elf number is."

"Candidate Hei Ze, scored 10 points, and the current score is 130 points."

"The elf Sabertooth has been defeated, and the elf number is."

"Candidate Hei Ze, scored 100 points, and the current score is 650 points."

Hei Ze turned into a tireless assassin and flew through the forest, wailing wherever he passed.

The violent wild elves had not yet attacked him, and they might not even see his figure clearly, but they lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

His score was also soaring at a speed as if riding a rocket!


Somewhere underground in the center of the island.

The examiners sat in front of dozens of screens, monitoring the real-time status of the assessment on the island, with the screens playing the images of each candidate alternately.

The images on each screen were transmitted back by the mechanical bird.

Three hours later, several examiners gathered together to summarize the current scores and rankings of the candidates.

These three hours should be enough to draw a watershed for the scores.

"There are quite a few geniuses in this assessment."

"Siberian Tiger Ding Changjie, 24 years old, top elite, wow, talent visible to the naked eye."

"Beast Speaker You Yue, 22 years old, top elite, isn't it stronger? And she comes from a small city and has no family support."

The examiners also have the interest of ordinary people to chat and gossip. At this moment, they are talking about some long-established geniuses with great relish.

The so-called inferior, middle, superior, and top are just a vague concept used to distinguish the strength of small stages.

For the elite level, the so-called superior is probably an elf master with a core elf energy value of 500 leaves and a general elf higher than 400 leaves.

As for elves with energy values ​​of more than 600 leaves, they are automatically classified as top elites.

"Move, move, stop talking nonsense here, and do things quickly."

The chief examiner hurried over and heard the laughter and discussion of the crowd, and urged everyone.

She sent a group of candidates who chose to withdraw from the assessment midway out of the secret realm.

"Yes, boss!"

"Xiao Zhao, you are the one who talks the most when you are working. Reflect on yourself."

The assistants are obviously very used to her personality and don't feel too much pressure. She looks cold on the outside but warm on the inside. She looks cold as ice, but actually cares about the people around her.

Soon, the preliminary data information was summarized.

NO1. Hei Ze - 24670

NO2. Hua Yuhai - 7840

NO3. Zuo Xin - 6730

NO4. Jia Shigang - 6500

NO5. You Yue - 3520

NO6. Nangong Teng - 3490

NO7. Ding Changjie - 3320

NO432. Jin Shiquan - 10


The examiners were stunned when they saw the information on the screen.

Although they were monitoring hundreds of screens just now, the main content of their work was to observe whether the candidates were in danger. Once they were in danger, they would notify the nearest rescue team as soon as possible.

So I didn't really pay much attention to who defeated more elves and who defeated fewer elves. At most, I would take a second look at some long-established geniuses from their perspective.

Judging from the data, most of the scores are also very consistent with their understanding of the strength of the players.

Hua Yuhai, Zuo Xin, Jia Shigang, the famous geniuses of Jinling School, are less than 25 years old, but have reached the strength of top elites.

It can be said that the promotion to master is also a foregone conclusion, but unfortunately none of them are local geniuses in Nandu.

Among them, Hua Yuhai is the strongest. His innate ability, the sixth sense, is the most developed. In battle, he can even get the effect of predicting the enemy's moves, that is, the combat power is very strong.

In three hours, the top elites scored 6K-7K, and the upper elites scored 3K, which was not surprising.

After all, although everyone was randomly teleported away, the number and strength of the elves in the surrounding branches were almost the same. The level of scores mainly depends on the strength of the candidates.

But what about the score of the top one named Kurosawa?


While they were silent, the score on the screen jumped again and rose to 24970.

Apparently, in just a moment, he defeated another high-level elf.

"Is the score abnormal? There is an extra digit?"

"Have you heard of this person before?"

"No, looking at the background data, it seems that he is also a student of Jinling School. He has joined the school for less than a year. It seems that he has just been promoted to elite not long ago. He is 17 years old."

"He has just been promoted to elite not long ago, so it shouldn't be 24970. 970 after removing the two digits should be his score."

"It's a bit strange, it's really a bit strange."

It's not that they are too arrogant and look down on young people.

It's just that this score is too outrageous. Three hours, nearly 25,000 points, is not at the same level as others.

Converted to the weakest level of ordinary intermediate elves, it takes 2,500 to defeat.

Converted to the strongest level of top high-level elves, it takes a full 25 to defeat.

Let’s not talk about how you met so many elves in such a short time of three hours. Even if you line up one by one to fight you, it will take a lot of time.

Candidates and contracted elves will be tired faster in high-intensity battles, and they need to get enough rest.

In addition, this island is too big. Although there are many elves, they are also scattered. It takes a lot of time to find them.

Three hours, hundreds or even thousands of elves? Crazy! !

With a score of 25,000, even if he does nothing now and just plays badly, he will definitely be in the top ten or even the top three.

Because the later you go, the slower the score will be.

While they were chatting, the data on the screen jumped again.

NO1. Kurosawa - 25570

“Adjust the perspective of his mechanical bird.”

As a master, He Xuan was the calmest. Although she knew nothing about Kurosawa, she was a master after all and knew that there were some small monsters in this world.

I just don't know whether this abnormal score is real or a bug.

In any case, it's not a bad thing. Even if there is an abnormality, it is better to expose the problem in advance than to affect the fairness of the assessment later.

Soon, the playback video of Kurosawa's mechanical bird and the real-time perspective at this moment appeared on the screen.

Everyone came forward to watch curiously, wanting to find out.

After a few minutes, everyone looked shocked.

Most of the time, his mechanical bird was in an extremely blurry state, and the picture in his field of vision was stretched out like string cheese. It was obvious that he was continuing to move at a super fast speed.

However, in the stable picture, the image of the battle is very clear.

Overall, the exceptionally high results turned out to be genuine.

However, unlike other candidates, this boy named Kurosawa does not need any rest time at all, and he moves very fast. The small map shows that he should have some kind of powerful perception ability, and he purposefully walks along the wild The distribution of elves takes the initiative to greet them, and the battle process is often very short.

Except for the time it took to defeat a few top high-level elves, the battle process for the remaining elves didn't take more than a few rounds at all.

Fight - run fast - keep fighting.

And so on.

Every wild elf he defeated was well documented.

Just looking at the statistics, it would be hard to believe that this is a 17-year-old boy who is inferior to the elite on paper.

"Okay, since there are no problems with the data, let's disperse and continue working. Let's take a walk."

The examiner He Xuan waved to the other examiners, indicating that they should not stay here to watch the show.

"Let's take a look again——"

"A little curious."

"What's interesting? Does it have anything to do with you whether his score is high or low?" He Xuan smiled angrily and reached out to turn off the screen.

After the others dispersed, she continued to open the screen as if nothing had happened and looked at Kurosawa's perspective.

She wanted to see how long he could maintain such a non-stop state. No matter how strong the physical strength was, there was always a limit, and it was impossible for him to stay awake like a clockwork robot.

At the same time, she also took out her mobile phone and asked some friends in the Jinling School about this young man named Kurosawa.

It's impossible for such a powerful person to really have no reputation in Nandu, right?

Forest, the endless forest sea is lush and green, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

The environment of the secret island is very special. The tropical plants here often grow to a height of tens of meters.

Kurosawa landed on a one-meter-thick branch and took a few bites of the dried meat.

He still doesn't know that he has been noticed by the entire examiner team because of his abnormal data situation, and he is currently concentrating on improving his score.

He swallowed the dried meat with water and gasped slightly, feeling that there was a little more energy in his body.

This was the first time even he had experienced such a high-intensity continuous battle.


After casually taking care of a few intermediate elves in the bush, his score had reached 25640.

The Wild Adventure Manual in the internal system kept beeping. Ordinary mid-level elves were too weak for him now. The frequency of triggering rewards after defeating them was very low, but they could not withstand the large number. He received a total of 850 points and nearly 850 coupons. Ten points of skill proficiency.

But at the moment, he had no intention of focusing on the manual.

"25640, I wonder how high this score can be? It would be great if I could know other people's real-time scores."

Kurosawa sighed.

To be honest, it feels like it should be closer?

However, there is no guarantee about this. In terms of specific combat power, there is not a big gap between him and those top elites.

He couldn't even determine how many of the crowd of several hundred people were top elites.

If they encountered a relatively dense group of elves, his score might fall behind.

"We have to speed up." Kurosawa just met a few ordinary professions. Although there was no communication between them, it was enough to make Kurosawa wary. He had already started to meet other candidates, which meant that his activities The range begins to overlap with other candidates, and the situation will become more serious as you go later. You must get ahead of them and catch all the elves, otherwise even if you encounter elves later, you may not be able to add points.

Thinking of this, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and did not dare to rest. He flashed and disappeared into the jungle again.

He and his senior sister Wu Fu have sworn to put down their big words. If they don't make it into the top ten by then, it will be a big shame.

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