My Elf Simulator

Chapter 252 Treasure

The statues with human bodies and dog faces are not elves.

The standard of judgment is not based on appearance. Like the mechanical bird he encountered in the assessment before, you can think of it as a pile of metal lumps just by looking at the appearance. But unlike ordinary metal, the mechanical bird has a life core inside its body. , there is an energy circuit, and attribute energy is developed from it, so it is an elf.

Kurosawa couldn't understand the statue in front of him.

It can move, and judging from the sudden attack just now, it is very fast, but Kurosawa cannot feel the energy circuit he understands from it.

Kurosawa threw out the flash card.

The golden light lit up, and the little Shining, covered in lightning, couldn't wait to fly in front of Kurosawa.

"Be careful, these two guys are weird." Kurosawa reminded.

He has always been cautious about unknown things that he cannot grasp.


Little Shining turned to look at Kurosawa and cried twice.

Full of confidence, it reassured Kurosawa to relax and didn't care about the statue in front of him.

Perhaps because it has been a victorious general for too long, it has unconsciously developed an arrogant temper and looks like a weak chicken to everyone.

Kurosawa saw this scene and was a little worried.

But this worry was not for the battle in front of him, he just felt that it was not good.

If you look down on your opponent, you might end up in a big mess one day.

While Kurosawa was thinking for a moment, two statues rushed forward.

Little Shining was startled for a moment, then launched two electric shocks.

Thunder and lightning emerged from its beak, and soon became thick and slender, roaring like two thunder dragons and rushing towards the statue.


Lightning struck the stone statue.

But the expected scene of disintegration and landslide did not happen, and was replaced by a burst of intense golden light.


Kurosawa's pupils began to shrink violently when he saw the scene in front of him.

Little Shining's lightning was being quickly absorbed by the two statues. After a few breaths, the lightning was completely swallowed up. Only the remaining arcs in the air hinted at the surge of the electric shock just now.

To put it bluntly, although the electric shock is only an average attribute for Little Shining and is not a killer move, not all elves can do it if they want to receive the electric shock.

At least the elves who have just advanced to the advanced stage cannot. The statue in front of them has no energy circuit, but it seems effortless to resist the electric shock of the little Shining.

Moreover, after absorbing the energy of the electric shock, their height actually increased by one size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What weird thing?"

Kurosawa couldn't help but shook his head in confusion.

Suddenly, the statue on the left made a dull sound.


It's still a series of strange but automatically translated sound waves.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!"

Kurosawa ignored the statue's warning and glanced towards the stone house where the explosion came from.

"Isn't it possible here too?"

The nightmare in front of the stone house took shape, and an invisible energy net intercepted it, preventing it from entering the house and stealing the treasures stored inside.

Originally, Kurosawa planned to lure the tiger away from the mountain to attract the attention of the statues. Even if they were unusual, the nightmares could take advantage of their distraction to complete the task. Unfortunately, the plan failed.

Forget it, let’s check it out first.

Kurosawa looked at the statue again, while transmitting psychic instructions to the little Shining in the air.

"Comet Blitz."

White light continuously emerges from Little Shining's body, and it accumulates the power of lightning to be as dazzling as a star.

When the light reached its peak, the little Shining exploded with thunder, carrying the pale lightning compressed to the extreme and crashing into the human-dog face on the left.

The intensity and sound of comet lightning are several times that of electric shock.

Although the statues were aware of the attack launched by Little Shining, their relatively slow speed was not enough to support them in dodge.


Paleness engulfed the statue.

Kurosawa took a burst step and once again dodged the giant sword slash of another statue that rushed towards him.

By the time he stabilized his body and looked at the little Shining, the white light had disappeared.

However, the picture in front of him once again disappointed Kurosawa.

"Zixi Zixi - Zixi"

The terrifying current entangled on the surface of the body of the statue hit by the comet's lightning is still being absorbed by its body.

Kinetic energy, thunder energy, and even psychic energy are all absorbed.

After completely devouring energy, the size of the human body and dog face skyrocketed again.

It has grown from a size of about two to four or five meters at the beginning to three and a half meters today.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Kurosawa vaguely felt that it seemed to be gradually awakening to some kind of consciousness.

"How is that possible? Doesn't it have a load limit for absorbing energy?"

"The more you fight, the stronger you get. How can you fight like this?"

Kurosawa's eyelids began to twitch faintly. Although he was already very wary of the statues before, he still felt that he had underestimated them at this moment.

However, Kurosawa does not believe in the existence of invincibility.

The statue in front of you must have a limit that it can bear. Once it reaches the limit, it will be like a flood that bursts out of control.

"Comet Blitz!"

White light emerged from Little Shining's body again.

The little Shining had already put away its initial contempt at this moment, and it was obvious that it also realized that something was wrong.

This time, the comet strike was even more powerful than the previous one, and Little Shining was serious.

At the same time, Kurosawa used all his means.

[Astrology], the ultimate transformation was superimposed on the comet strike at the same time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The air around Little Shining kept exploding, and the air seemed unable to withstand the strong energy fluctuations it emitted.

"If I still can't defeat it, it can only mean that my current ability is insufficient."

The third attack hit the three-meter-high human-body dog-faced statue head-on.

The sky and the earth turned pale, and even the remaining human-body dog-faced statue was hit by the aftermath and temporarily stopped attacking Kurosawa.

The entire floating island began to shake.

Ten seconds later.

Everything returned to calm again.


The smoke and dust rolled, and in Kurosawa's perception, the two statues in the dust seemed to be asleep, motionless.



Kurosawa heard a few subtle noises and sighed with his eyes closed.


"Ka-ka-ka! Ka-ka-ka!"

The two statues began to grow wildly at different speeds.

After absorbing an energy output that was almost at the peak of the advanced level, they strengthened again!

"Little Shining, let's stop here first!"

Kurosawa looked at the little Shining with wide pupils, and saw that it seemed to still be unwilling in its eyes, so he persuaded.

He didn't dare to try again. He was really afraid that if he continued to release energy to strengthen them, he and the elves would not be able to end it.

He opened the system exchange store and immediately spent 500 points to buy a master key.

Then, while the two statues were still growing in size, they quickly rushed to the stone house.

Sure enough, this energy seal itself can also be unlocked by the master key. When Kurosawa approached the energy network, the master key in the backpack was activated. After Kurosawa chose to confirm, the energy network exploded into countless gorgeous light spots.

Kurosawa could already vaguely hear the roar coming from behind him.

He didn't dare to delay, and didn't even have time to observe the house. He aimed at the only item on the table and gently put it into the storage bracelet.

When he turned around, he saw two statues running furiously towards the stone house, approaching the steps.

Ghost, flying in the air, light flying technique!

All the maneuvers were unreserved and burst out.

Kurosawa's body was as fast as light at this moment!


The moment he stepped out of the door, Kurosawa stomped hard on the ground, and his body flew vertically into the sky at a right angle.

The big hand of the human-shaped dog-faced statue, which had grown to a height of five meters, brushed against the corner of Kurosawa's clothes by a millimeter.

Kurosawa relied on the huge momentum to fly all the way to a height of nearly 100 meters.

He hovered in the air, breathing heavily.

Looking down, the statue was constantly jumping up, jumping to a height of forty or fifty meters, but had to fall back to the sky island because of its huge weight. Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Get rid of it. This level of existence should not appear on the seventh floor.

Even the coordinated burst of him and Little Shining could not defeat it. It is estimated that it would take a super elf to defeat them.

But the trial tower itself restricts the entry of super elves. Who can get the rewards here?

That is to say, he has cheated and completed the "jump" with the help of the master key.

Of course, he should take some of the blame for making it so thrilling. If he could make up his mind to use the master key earlier and not release energy to enhance the statue, it would not be the situation just now. Fortunately, the result is good.


Little Shining flew to Kurosawa, drooping his head and looking dejected.

Kurosawa was still thinking that it was too arrogant just now, but who would have thought that the ordinary statue would give it a blow in the next moment.

Kurosawa was originally expecting a strong enemy to teach it a lesson, but at this moment, seeing its listless appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

The thought of taking the opportunity to preach a few words disappeared.

Alas, I am too soft-hearted.

Kurosawa held it in his arms and rubbed its head.

If it was Nightmare, Mumu and the others would not react as strongly as Little Shining when they were defeated.

"It's okay, they are a bit of a jerk. We will come back when we become stronger next time. We will definitely have a harder time than them then."

Kurosawa told a white lie.

After this, it will take a few years for him to enter the Trial Tower again. By then, he will definitely have been promoted to a master, and even if he cheats, the level will be different.

I don't know how much Little Shining listened to, it seems to have boosted its momentum a little.

But there must be some psychological shadows, after all, its all-out attack not only failed to hurt the enemy, but also helped the enemy become stronger. That feeling of powerlessness is terrifying.

This is also the reason why Kurosawa stopped dawdling after the third attack failed.

Kurosawa left the Sky Island.

Slowly landed on the flat ground a thousand meters below.

He took out the item he had just obtained from the stone house from his storage bracelet. The situation was dangerous just now, and he didn't even have time to see clearly what it was.

"This is..."

What appeared in Kurosawa's hand was a golden equilateral triangle.

Suddenly, Kurosawa felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, and saw that the tip of the equilateral triangle pierced the skin of Kurosawa's palm.

The golden equilateral triangle emitted a strong light and high temperature, and along the wound that was gushing with blood, it began to slowly dissolve and seep into the body.

Hei Ze shook his hand subconsciously, but found that the hot golden triangle was immovable as if it was branded in his palm, and he couldn't shake it off no matter how hard he shook it.


The golden triangle finally disappeared completely in Hei Ze's palm.

The wound on Hei Ze's broken palm also healed rapidly, the blood-red muscles stuck together, the skin biting and finally turned into a white line, and no trace could be seen.

However, Hei Ze did not see this magical scene.

At this time, he was immersed in a burning heat, his head was buzzing, his whole body was hot, his skin was as red as boiling, he fell to the ground and fainted.

The spiritual energy in his coma was like a roaring wave, constantly stirring and washing, and after being completely integrated into the triangle, the spiritual energy began to grow rapidly.

Spiritual energy: 30 (C)

Psychic energy: 31 (C)

Psychic energy: 32 (C)

Each beat is a unit of spiritual energy attribute enhancement.


"Trialist No. 32 is the first to reach the eighth floor."

A few days later, a voice spread throughout the trial tower.

Many trialists raised their heads at the same time.

"No. 32, it's finally not that damn No. 65!"

"He should be stuck on the seventh floor."

"Celebrate together!"

Although they were not the ones who entered the eighth floor ahead of No. 65, it still did not prevent them from showing joy.

During that period of time, No. 65's constant reports had almost become calluses around their ears, which was too annoying.

Now that No. 65 was no longer the first, everyone couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

Another week passed, and several more people entered the eighth floor.

It's a pity that no one has reached the ninth floor.

In fact, the difficulty began to increase from the seventh floor.

The eighth floor is several times more difficult than the seventh floor.

The elves active inside are all high-level elves with four or five hundred leaves. If you want to go to the ninth floor, you must defeat six top high-level elves at the same time.

The difficulty can be imagined. Ordinary top elite players can cultivate one top high-level elf, and strong people may have two or three.

But it is really too difficult to deal with the cooperation of six top high-level elves at the same time.

So much so that the trial tower is about to usher in the countdown for a few days, but no one has been able to step into the ninth floor.

Somewhere on the seventh floor.

Kurosawa propped himself up from the ground.


The moment he woke up, a deafening gurgling sound came from his shriveled abdomen.

He swallowed his saliva, thirsty and hungry, he felt that he could eat a cow.

"How long have I slept?"

No one could answer his question.

Kurosawa took out the spare food and clean water from the storage bracelet and stuffed them into his stomach voraciously.

Ten minutes passed.

He stopped eating.

He burped and lay on the ground.

Of course, this is not suitable for imitation.

People who have been hungry for a long time and are hungry should not eat like him. He can do this because of his strong physical fitness and good digestion ability.

Kurosawa, who was lying on the ground and looking at the sky, suddenly got up from the ground.

What's going on! ! ! ?

Kurosawa took a breath.

Psychic power: 212 (B-)

He rubbed his eyes repeatedly and looked again.

That's right, it's 212 points of psychic power!

From the original 30 points to 212 points, from C to C+ to B-, a full two-step jump!

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