My Elf Simulator

Chapter 256 Electromagnetic Gun

The period after returning from the trial tower was even more "busy" than Kurosawa had originally imagined.

In the first week or two, people came to visit him almost every day.

Most of them were people or institutions that he had never known before, and they came to visit with large gifts.

He guessed that some details in the trial tower were spread through the mouths of the other seventy or so trialists, and then those people or organizations who knew about his "extraordinary talent" planned to invest in advance to befriend him.

After all, if he really has this idea, the best time is now when he is still at the elite level. When he is promoted to master, even if he makes friends like icing on the cake, the price will be higher.

Unfortunately, these are just their own unauthorized thoughts because they don’t understand Kurosawa’s character.

He has always kept a wide berth on people who are speculative and purposeful.

Besides, being soft-spoken and short-handed of others, accepting gifts may bring benefits in the short term, but in the long run, it will do more harm than good. It will be difficult to refuse when someone asks you for something in the future, so it is better to end the relationship as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Kurosawa stayed in the school and pretended to thank visitors behind closed doors. The number of visitors who came to the door also understood his temper to some extent, and the number gradually decreased.

But even though fewer people came to visit, his reputation did rise because of the trial tower.

Now when he walks in the school, he often encounters discussions where members of the school "point and point" at him. This is an experience that he has never experienced in the school before.

"He is the Kurosawa whom so and so said? He is so handsome!"

"You look young, and you've already climbed to the top of the trial tower?"

"so envious."

Within the circle of elf masters in Nandu, he also first rose to prominence as [the first young elite] [the first person to reach the summit of the Trial Tower in two hundred years] [the fastest legend among the top elites of the Jinling School].

In a big city like Nandu, rising from an unknown transparent person to a slightly famous genius elf master was technically a bit happy psychologically, but Kurosawa did not feel inflated by this.

Because all fame and prestige are based on strength. If the name is not worthy of the name, everything is just a castle in the air. Others may take away your false reputation in a single battle.

In particular, his reputation is based on many young talents. Now there are many pairs of eyes staring at him. Usually these people may not jump out and say anything. If he cannot continue to be outstanding in the future, they certainly will not. Cheer came out and stepped on him.

Therefore, Kurosawa, who has become famous, did not act in a high-profile manner, but chose to refuse visits from others and media interviews, and trained quietly and silently by himself.

Time can dilute everything. Under the premise that Kurosawa, the person involved, wanted to "escape" from the world, the focus quickly shifted away from him.


Nandu, Jinling University, large classroom on the first floor of the Science and Engineering Building.

There are green leaves outside the window, and the sunlight is cut into mottled light and shadow by the leaves and hits the classroom through the window.

On the podium, a female professor in her forties was lecturing on the big screen.

"Continuing what we just said, in the waveguide, this TM wave has many different modes, and"

This is a lesson about electromagnetic fields and microwaves.

Below, students are listening with their pens in hand, and occasionally taking notes in their notebooks.

Most of the students from the first row to the last row were like this, except for a few who were playing with their mobile phones and wandering away.

Jinling University is the top university in Haihua. The students who can get into this school are among the best who studied hard in high school. In addition, the school's management is relatively strict, which ultimately creates a good and serious learning atmosphere.

A boy was sitting in the third row of the crowd. While listening to the class, he kept writing key words in his notebook, and the pen tip made a rustling sound across the paper.

Although the other students were very serious, if you observe carefully, he should be the most attentive among everyone.

He wore thick black-rimmed glasses, and his face was half-hidden by his hanging bangs.

However, judging from the expressions of the female classmates who glanced at him from time to time, it was obvious that even with all the tricks, it was difficult to cover up his natural beauty.

The person sitting here is Kurosawa.

In the past few weeks, when there were more and more chores coming to his door, he simply stayed in school all day.

At the suggestion of others, he also checked the entire school's courses on the campus intranet and chose to audit a class that might be helpful to his career as an elf master.

In fact, elf masters are not illiterate. Elf masters who truly have plans for their long-term careers often take into account the improvement of their knowledge and literacy. Many of them also have master's degrees or even higher degrees.

For example, Tu Nan, who is often responsible for teaching him in the School of Elements Association, is a professor of the Department of Thermal Engineering at Jinling University. He teaches combustion theory and the basics of heat transfer. I heard that the number of students sitting under every class is always full, and even There will be many fire elf masters coming to listen.

This is because elf masters not only need to practice hard, but also sometimes need appropriate knowledge input to enrich their brains, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort when guiding the elf to study in certain fields.

If the master elf master only knows a little about some fields, how can he guide the elf.

Elf masters are actually very gifted in academic research. Even though Kurosawa only had a junior high school diploma before and knew very little about electromagnetic fields, his memory and comprehension abilities far exceeded those of ordinary people due to the continuous development of his psychic energy.

He listened carefully in class and collected videos on the Internet to study after class. He gritted his teeth and, except for a little difficulty at the beginning, he slowly caught up with the progress of others after a week.

Facts have proved that as long as you are willing to work hard, the professional barriers that seem unattainable to outsiders are not that scary. More often, they are discouraged by lack of self-confidence.

More than an hour later.

The class ended, and with a call to dismiss the class.

He stood up and walked quickly to the podium with his notebook.

On the podium, Professor Zhang Li, who was teaching this class, was already holding a teapot and waiting for him on the podium with a smile.

In the recent classes, this handsome boy left a deep impression on her.

She still remembered that at first, the questions he asked were very simple, and some of them were even high school electromagnetic knowledge points, but as time went by, the questions he asked became more and more sophisticated, and it was obvious that he had worked hard to make up for it after class.

His eyes were also very focused during class.

She had been teaching for so many years, and she was very keen on this kind of attention. She could tell at a glance which ones were really attentive and which ones were just for credits.

Kurosawa did not start asking questions immediately after he walked onto the podium, but waited until others finished asking questions about the content of the class before he finally walked over.

"If you have any questions, bring them to me."

Zhang Li took the initiative to say with a smile.

Kurosawa always asked a lot of questions, most of which were irrelevant to the content of the class. They should be the content he learned after class, and sometimes there were some wild questions mixed in.

But she didn't dislike such active students.

"Then I'll trouble you." Kurosawa handed over the notebook in his hand.

His handwriting was very beautiful, cool and thin, and it looked very comfortable when the page was filled with words.

Zhang Li read the questions and summaries, paused, and then explained them to Kurosawa one by one.

The two of them spoke like this, one person spoke and the other listened, occasionally asking questions and further analyzing, and twenty minutes passed quickly.

"Thank you very much for your explanation, Teacher Zhang."

"It's okay, it's my duty." Zhang Li drank a sip of warm tea to moisten her throat. She felt a little dry in the mouth after talking for a long time.

However, she was not bored by this. When she met a studious student, the teacher actually felt more fulfilled. The most boring thing about being a teacher was to meet a student who punched in and mixed up the grades. He reported to every class on time and asked no feedback like a dead fish.

Teaching is a two-way behavioral activity. Only when students and teachers actively participate can it be regarded as a spiritually pleasant experience.

"Kurosawa, which college are you from?" Zhang Li suddenly asked.


Kurosawa was silent for a moment subconsciously. He was not a real Jinling University student. His major was public administration, and he had never attended a class related to his major.

The electromagnetic field and microwave course in front of him was just an audit, and there was no record in the school's course selection system.

He originally wanted to get away with it, after all, it was embarrassing to take up so much of other professors' personal time.

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually, don't feel any pressure."

Zhang Li may have guessed what Hei Ze was thinking, and smiled.

"I thought, if you are willing, I can discuss with the dean and transfer you to our major."

"Of course, even if you don't transfer, it won't affect your class. I always welcome students to audit."

How could Zhang Li not have noticed Hei Ze's situation.

After the first few classes, she checked the course selection list and the college student list, and found that there was no Hei Ze in it. If she hadn't been worried that Hei Ze would think too much, she would have planned to ask about it some time ago.

Hei Ze breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and it turned out that he was not accusing him.

"Teacher Zhang, it may be different from what you think. It's like this."

He carefully took out a shiny chip from his pocket.

Under Zhang Li's curious gaze, he casually threw out the flash card.

A white and gold phoenix slowly emerged from the light, and finally appeared in the original place with great pride.

"Oh, so you are an elf master." Zhang Li looked at the arc jumping on the little shining spirit, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment. She said why Kurosawa often asked some strange questions.

"Well, I got a letter of introduction from the Jinling School some time ago, so I came to Nandu. The school is currently"

Kurosawa's identity as a student of Jinling University is just a part-time job. It is impossible for him to spend too much time on his studies. That would be putting the cart before the horse for him.

The current situation is already the best choice. Changing majors will cause some trouble. His student status is registered in the School of Economics and Management. The superiors have said hello. He doesn't need to go to class on weekdays. He needs to attend classes occasionally, just like this.

Zhang Li sighed after listening.

Of course, this is not dissatisfaction with Kurosawa's answer and refusal, but it is a pity that such a diligent and talented student cannot focus on academic studies in the future.

She knew very well that those who could enter Jinling School were rare geniuses among the scarce number of elf masters.

Even if she agreed and Kurosawa agreed, the school and the Elf Alliance would not approve of his behavior of wasting his talent.

"I see. I have a general understanding of your situation. I was indeed abrupt." Zhang Li nodded, still with some disbelief on her face.

She didn't expect that she would bump into one of the small group of members in the school.

"No, I was worried that I couldn't attend your class, so I didn't have the courage to tell you about the situation. I should have told you earlier."

"Haha, you are too polite. It is also a novel experience to be able to teach such a handful of elites like you. Let's exchange contact information. If you have any questions after class, you can ask me at any time."

Although Zhang Li is in her forties, she is not less curious about elves.

In the following time, she asked a lot of questions about Kurosawa's little Shining Spirit.

Finally, after asking Kurosawa to arrive on time for the next class, the two separated in front of the science and engineering building.

Kurosawa put the flash card back into his pocket.

After explaining his identity, he also put an end to his worries.

He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to walk towards the school's residence.

He assigned training tasks to other elves and they were practicing in various places. Only the little Shining was put into a flash card by him and brought to the classroom to receive knowledge, although he didn't know whether it had any effect on it.

But at least he benefited a lot.

His understanding of electromagnetic fields allowed him to have a more thorough plan for the further training of the little Shining.

Electricity generates magnetism, and magnetism generates electricity is just a simple middle school mnemonic, but it also explains the close connection between the two forces of electric phenomena and magnetic phenomena.

But if you want to use it in the elf field, it is really difficult. It is not like reciting a few simple formulas to open up the Ren and Du meridians, so that the little Shining can obtain the electromagnetic gun or higher-end magnetic field application related abilities in movies and TV dramas.

Fortunately, he has more or less got some clues after two or three weeks of systematic learning. As long as he continues to deepen his learning and enrich his knowledge, he should be able to start to verify his ideas.

The super-electromagnetic gun is not a fantasy.

He walked on the road, and his steps became more powerful.

This may be the reason why he has a strong desire for knowledge in the classroom and books. The knowledge obtained by others is only knowledge in their heads after all. If they want to apply it to the actual field, there is still a long way to go. However, he can absorb it at any time, internalize it into a part of himself, and then use it to guide the elves.

Such visual improvement makes people can't help but immerse themselves in it, even the process of learning boring knowledge points becomes interesting.

Absorb knowledge step by step and improve personal strength steadily.

Compared with the reputation outside, the satisfaction obtained through his own fulfilling study, training and life arrangement makes him feel more accomplished.

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