My Elf Simulator

Chapter 272 Undersea World

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Although Kurosawa did not notice any other abnormalities, this alone is enough to explain the unusualness of this area of ​​water.

The number of elves living in the ocean is far greater than that on land.

Kurosawa communicated with the little shining spirit in his body for a moment to make sure that there was no problem with the protection.

Then he began to check the diving equipment, oxygen tanks, breathing tubes, fins, and diving goggles.

The protection of the elves can protect him from the high pressure underwater, and he only needs to pay attention to avoid hypoxia.

He summoned Xiaolan from the trial tower and told it a few words.

Then he tied the special steel cable to the device behind his waist, so that if there was an emergency, Xiaolan on the island could pull him up as quickly as possible.

After making sufficient preparations, Kurosawa put on his equipment and jumped into the sea.

After giving a thumbs up to Xiaolan who was staring at him on the island, he turned over and dived under the sea.

Since there were no other elves underwater, Kurosawa saved a lot of energy.

In the past few days, he found that many sea elves are very curious, especially novel creatures like humans who rarely appear in the sea. Even sea elves that are not very aggressive will take the initiative to come forward to harass and tease.

Although the little Shining in the protection state can also use elf skills, it is still a bit inconvenient compared to the normal state. Reducing battles is a good thing for Kurosawa.

The underwater world is extremely depressing, as quiet as being in a soundless room isolated by a lot of sound-absorbing materials, which makes people physiologically uncomfortable.

Kurosawa stared at the special diving watch on his wrist that shows the depth. After more than 50 meters, the light penetrating through the water above his head is very thin, and the environment becomes dim.

He couldn't help but start to miss the tidal jade dragon. If it was there, underwater activities would not be so difficult.

But then he thought, if the tidal jade dragon was around, why would he bother diving.

The purpose of his trip was to find it.

After exceeding a depth of 100 meters, Kurosawa turned on the headlamp, and the ubiquitous pressure enveloped him.

Fortunately, the super-class elves' spirit protection is powerful, and this pressure is not enough to hurt Kurosawa.

200 meters.

300 meters.

400 meters.

The numbers on the dial keep increasing.

Ordinary people experience diving at a depth of more than ten meters, and he easily surpassed it by dozens of times.

This is the superiority of the super-class elves.

If it were the previous guarding skills, it would be impossible to provide such comprehensive protection.

Guarding skills are relatively rigid protection, and they perform well against the impact of other elf skills, but the effect of guarding skills is lacking in the pervasive and all-round oppression like water pressure.

Elf protection is different. Unless it exceeds the maximum tolerance of the super-class elves, Kurosawa will not be hurt.

It is precisely because of this that the master elf master has the ability to go up to the sky and into the earth.

The diving depth exceeded 600 meters.

Several one- or two-meter-long deep-sea fish may have noticed the light emitted by Kurosawa's headlights and came closer.

These deep-sea fish are ugly and grotesque, like alien species.

Kurosawa and one of the creatures that looked like an enlarged tadpole looked at each other.

Its eyes were extremely large, occupying almost one-third of the area of ​​its head, and a strange light emanated from the depths of its pupils.

Kurosawa frowned, and felt something strange in his heart.

He started to sense again, and after a few seconds.

Instead of relaxing his eyebrows, they became even tighter.

This big tadpole did not have a single bit of special energy in its body. It was neither an elf nor a hybrid, but a completely ordinary creature.

Its strange appearance was just a common characteristic of deep-sea fish. It could not be expelled from the Blue Planet just because it was ugly.

But being stared at by him, Kurosawa's sixth sense always made him feel creepy, as if he was being watched by something.

Kurosawa felt a little uncomfortable, and golden electric light lit up on his hand.

The crackling lightning snake quickly spread underwater along his palm.

Several other deep-sea fish were slightly numb from the stimulation of lightning, and they were startled and swam away immediately.

Only the big tadpole, although it was also stimulated by the lightning and trembled all over, only pulled away a distance of ten meters, and then turned its head and stared at him from a distance.

It was controlled.

Kurosawa took a look and understood a little.

He had just released lightning, and the lightning was just an appearance. More importantly, it revealed a trace of the pressure of the super-level spirit belonging to the little shining spirit.

Ordinary creatures have no resistance to the intimidation of the super-level, and the reaction they show is the movement of the deep-sea fish fleeing in panic.

But now the big tadpole is just instinctively shaking slightly, which is not in line with cognition.

Although it is not clear what happened, Kurosawa does not like the feeling of being monitored all the time.

A flash of lightning flew out of his hand.

The lightning approached the big tadpole-shaped deep-sea fish and quickly turned into a spherical lightning prison.

Then he continued to dive.

The deep-sea fish wanted to follow, but as soon as its body approached the lightning prison, it was immediately paralyzed by the electric current and trembled continuously, unable to move.

Kurosawa's lightning prison was very strong, but the strength of the counterattack was controlled very appropriately.

He was worried that killing it would cause some adverse effects, so he just controlled it gently.

It was unknown how much time had passed.

He had already dived to a depth of more than 1,200 meters.

With the perception distance of 300 meters, the depth he could perceive had reached 1,500 meters.

He stopped diving, paddled his fins, and swam horizontally for hundreds of meters. Suddenly, he pinched a scale in the water.

Looking closer, the scale shone like an emerald under the illumination of the headlamp.

"That's right, this is the scale dropped by the Tidal Jade Dragon."

Kurosawa was delighted, at least it meant that he did not waste his energy, and the Tidal Jade Dragon was indeed trapped here.

He untied the steel cable on his back, but the length was not enough, so he had to continue diving.

With a feeling of excitement and slight trepidation, he continued to dive for 200 meters.

Suddenly, he felt that his perception power was isolated by some power below 300 meters.

"Huh, it's almost there."

Kurosawa tensed his body.

The pressure under the water was already very high.

Although he could not be hurt because of the protection of the elves, he was not as free as before.

He carefully dived towards the depth of the isolated power.

Finally, he reached a depth of 1,700 meters.

But when he saw the existence in front of him, Hei Ze stopped moving forward.

The breath of the Tidal Jade Dragon disappeared here, and many of its scales can be found around.

This is a slowly flowing vortex, and the water flows slowly.

It is very calm, but Hei Ze felt an extraordinary power from it.

The surrounding deep-sea fish dare not approach it, even the appearance of Hei Ze, an outsider, failed to attract them.

Is this the reason why the Tidal Jade Dragon disappeared?

Hei Ze hesitated.

The most profound fear of mankind is the fear of the unknown.

He didn't know what was in the vortex.

Nearly 350 kilometers away from the land, 1,700 meters deep under the sea, if something unexpected happened, even gods would find it difficult to save.

Just when he was hesitating whether to return to the sea surface first to make a long-term plan.

The vortex suddenly accelerated its rotation, and the sudden burst of suction came without any signs.

Even though Kurosawa was about thirty or forty meters away, his body was drawn into the vortex by the seemingly irresistible force.

He tried his best to resist the attraction.

The little flash in his body sensed his abnormal physical condition, and also conveyed anxious emotions, bursting out with strength to help Kurosawa.

Unfortunately, the attraction of the vortex was quite terrifying, and it was constantly intensifying.

Even though Kurosawa was close to full strength, being at the bottom of the sea was not his home ground, and he could not use his strength at all.

Just like that, as the world spun, he fell into the vortex.


"Cough cough!"

Kurosawa was awakened by the lightning released by the little flash in his body and regained consciousness.

He sat up from the ground and kept coughing.

The experience of drowning was not good.

But as he coughed, he realized the unreasonableness.

Turning his head, he found that he was not in the sea now.

Where am I? He was shocked.

"You finally woke up, welcome to your distinguished guest from afar."

A female voice suddenly came from behind.

The voice was gentle, but the tone was strange. It was a short sentence, but it was said very slowly, with a noticeable sense of awkwardness.

Kurosawa turned around and saw the object of the voice. He was a little speechless for a moment, and his pupils slightly dilated.

Mermaid? Mermaids can speak?

Behind him floated a mysterious creature with a fish tail and a human body.

Judging from the upper body, it should be female, with long light yellow hair swaying slightly in the air, beautiful facial features, and a quiet and elegant charm.

"What's wrong... I shouldn't have said the wrong thing?"

Perhaps Kurosawa's excited reaction scared her, the female mermaid blushed, stepped back a position, and asked cautiously.

Kurosawa was still surprised.

It was the first time he faced a non-human creature that could speak human words.

The elves he had met in the past were at most like the black goat mother goddess Shabu, who had means similar to spiritual communication.

But although the mermaid in front of him spoke haltingly and seemed not very proficient, it was indeed expressing human language with vocal organs.

Looks like it should be more friendly?

Although Kurosawa was confused, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did I get here? I remember being swallowed by a whirlpool on the seabed before."

He looked directly into the other party's shining green eyes and asked tentatively.

"I'm sorry that we have to use... this way to invite you here."

The mermaid lowered her cheeks, and a look of shame appeared on her face.

Kurosawa looked around.

The environment he was in was very strange.

Under him was solid land, with soft water plants and coral-like trees growing on the ground, colorful.

Above his head was the deep blue sea water, which was blocked by some invisible protective film, so there was no water where Kurosawa was.

Did he come to some fantasy world under the deep sea?

And what was the invitation? Where is the tidal jade dragon? Where am I?

Many questions came to Kurosawa's mind at the same time.

He remained calm and set his eyes on the mermaid again.

He knew that if the other party told him, all his confusion would be answered.

"Are you a mermaid?" He looked at Miss Mermaid and asked doubtfully.

Mermaids, or fishmen, are spirits with human bodies and fish tails. In his understanding, they cannot speak human language.

"We are the mermaid branch of the sea tribe, not mermen." The female mermaid, no, it should be said that the female mermaid's face was slightly stiff when she heard this, and then she explained to Kurosawa seriously.

It seems that being mistaken for a mermaid is an offense in principle.


A short sentence contains a lot of information. Kurosawa keenly noticed the words "we", "sea tribe", and "branch" in her words.

"It's okay, Agnes, my name is... Agnes, and you, what about you?"

The female mermaid asked after introducing herself.

"I am Kurosawa, a human." Kurosawa relaxed.

Everyone has a sentimental side, and he is no exception. A beautiful mermaid communicates with him gently, even if he is "invited" to come, it is difficult for him to feel angry.

I don't know how Agnes learned the Haihua language. There is basically no accent and standard pronunciation. It should not be used much in normal times, so it is a bit awkward, but as she communicates with Kurosawa, it can be clearly felt that she is getting familiar with this language.

"Hei Hei Ze, Hei Ze, Hei Ze" Agnes muttered in a low voice, as if she was remembering the name of Hei Ze carefully.

Hei Ze did not disturb her. He waited until she finished mumbling before asking the purpose of this trip.

"Agnes, where is my tidal jade dragon now?"

In fact, after coming to this world, he could already sense the existence of the tidal jade dragon, which was some distance away from his current location.

"It is now on our main island. This is the outer island to enter the mermaid country. It is fine and safe now. You don't have to worry about Hei Ze Seya." Agnes comforted.

"Hei Ze Seya?"

"Seya is the honorific name of our mermaids for the high priest, the elder, the scholar, and the person of high status."

After explaining, she made a chanting sound towards the coral forest behind her.

A four or five-meter-long pink dolphin elf floated out.

It was not until this time that Hei Ze discovered that Agnes did not have elf energy.

No wonder she got angry when I mistook her for a mermaid just now.

Mermaids are a kind of elves. Although they have human bodies and fish tails, they are not intelligent creatures in essence.

If someone thinks of Kurosawa as an ape-like elf, he will not be happy either.

Kurosawa's eyes kept wandering between Agnes and the pink dolphin.

The relationship between them feels a bit similar to the relationship between him and the contract.

Could it be that mermaids, like humans, are also a branch of intelligent life on this planet?

Kurosawa was shocked by his own thoughts.

In the education he received, only primates like humans who walk upright on the blue planet are noble intelligent life, and they have built the only existing human civilization.

The ancient civilization was a thing of the past millions of years ago.

Even if some of the foreign elves have extraordinary wisdom, most of them have low IQs, and are eventually driven by humans who hold the power of the contract to maintain peace.

He has never heard of any sea civilization or mermaid civilization.

The term "mermaid" was only heard from those bizarre traditional folk stories, but they were all fictitious legends.

But what he saw before him forced him to think in that direction.

The sea tribe, the mermaid country, Agnes's extraordinary IQ, even mastered the sea language, and could become partners with the elves.

He suddenly felt that his worldview was being impacted.

If mermaids also have their own civilization, then what is their purpose in contacting him?

Kurosawa didn't remember any connection between him and the mermaids before.

"Kurokusawa Seiya, do you want to come up? I'll take you to find the dragon."

Agnes interrupted his thoughts.

Kurosawa looked up and saw that she had turned over and sat on the pink dolphin, stretching out a hand to him.

Kurosawa didn't hesitate too much, took her hand, and also sat on the pink dolphin.

To be honest, there are not many choices now.

He sensed that the space around him was very stable, and if the Mermaid Country she mentioned really existed, and if it had any ill intentions towards him, it would be too late for him to run away now.

It would be better to follow Agnes to the Mermaid Country to see what was going on.

"Kurosawa Seiya, sit tight."

Agnes warned.

The next moment, the pink dolphin accelerated rapidly, nimbly moving through the coral forest, carrying Kurosawa to the so-called Mermaid Country.

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