My Elf Simulator

Chapter 278 Huge Treasure House

The white dragon race is more powerful than Kurosawa imagined.

After the King Squid was evacuated, Kurosawa continued to test its flying and air combat capabilities, swimming and sneaking capabilities, etc. in the Coral Forest.

Although the white dragon is not small in size, its hidden ability is not weak.

Activate [Concentration of Breath] and hide in the water. Ordinary beasts and elves cannot detect this huge monster at all.

After a day of practice, Kurosawa took Bailong back to the Great Kraken City.

His features were so unique in the Sharman Kingdom that the guard team guarding the city immediately recognized him and knew that he was a distinguished guest of the Glory Monastery, so they immediately let him go without any obstruction.

Kurosawa entered the city, ignoring the chatter around him, like a shark admiring exotic animals in a zoo.

Although he had learned a few commonly used words in the Merian language from Agnes in the past few days, it was too difficult to understand what others were saying.

He looked up into the distance and re-examined the capital of the Sharman Kingdom.

The Great Siren City is a three-dimensional city.

From a distance, it looks like a hill.

The king's castle, city hall, noble quarter and other places are located in the central high area, surrounded by a towering wall.

His current location is a civilian area.

For some reason, the location of Rongguang Monastery is also in a civilian area.

Perhaps from this perspective, the Sharman Country is not as peaceful and peaceful as Kurosawa imagined, but all this has nothing to do with Kurosawa, an outsider.

Kurosawa walked quickly on the street and soon arrived at the Rongguang Academy.



The passing shark monks all greeted Kurosawa.

Some female sharks covered their mouths and chuckled after leaving.

Kurosawa thought it was probably because his pronunciation had a strong accent, which sounded particularly funny to the locals.

Had lunch in the church restaurant.

The eating habits of the sharks are to eat raw fish.

Cut it into sashimi, mince it into minced meat and dip it in sauce, or fill the belly of the fish with various spices and eat it directly. Vegetarian food is mainly based on algae and aquatic plants.

Kurosawa was not used to eating raw food, so he took a stack of food from the only window that served cooked food.

Strictly speaking, the food of the sharks tastes great, and it would be better if there were more types of cooked food.

After lunch, Kurosawa came to the hall where he last met Pope Ogne.

He came today to give Pope Ogne his final reply.

He is also thinking about this matter these days.

Those who take people have short hands and eat people with soft mouths. They gave too much.

The evolution and breakthrough of the Tide Jade Dragon, the martial arts and talents of the sharks, and the sharks who stayed for a few days always treated each other with courtesy. Kurosawa was really embarrassed to refuse, and there would be rewards in the future.

Of course, the most important thing for Kurosawa to make a decision is that in his sixth sense, neither Agnes nor Ogne is a villain.

"Pope Ogne, are you there?"

This sentence in Sharman language was not difficult. Kurosawa communicated awkwardly with the guards outside.

"The Pope said, please come in anytime you arrive." The three-meter-tall guard was very polite.

Kurosawa understood the meaning of "enter", nodded his thanks and walked into the hall.

A deep blue light is still projected from above the Eye of the Dome.

Kurosawa raised his head and vaguely felt that this light was a little close.

"Kurosawa Seiya, have you considered it?" Ogne's voice came faintly from the hall, and his Haihua dialect was as standard as ever.

"Yes. Pope Ogne, could you please tell me in detail what I need to do?" Kurosawa nodded.

Ogne, who came closer, had wisdom in his eyes and a calm and kind face, as if he had expected Kurosawa's reply.

"You are indeed as kind and kind as described in the prophecy. The Shark Race and the sea will remember your kindness."

"That's an exaggerated statement. However, my strength is low, so I can only say that I will do my best." Kurosawa did not dare to speak too fully.

"Don't worry, Kurosawa Seiya, the task entrusted to you will not exceed your capabilities." Ogne nodded. "Please come with me."

Ogne held a candle and led Kurosawa into the entrance of a side hall.

In the long and narrow passage, there are layers of restrictions and blockades.

As Kurosawa continued to advance, he felt that the environment was gradually becoming eerie and deep, with countless dark tentacles extending along the walls, but the next time he looked closely, there was nothing there.

"be prepared."

Ogne slowly opened a door.


As soon as the door was opened, a cool breeze flowed out from behind the door.

Kurosawa was shocked, and his skin felt like needles pricking his body.

He looked down at his arms, which were still unchanged, and frowned.

He is now in a state of white dragon protection.

The power that transcended the protection acted on his body?

Ogne's slightly stooped body walked in front of Kurosawa, quietly shielding him from part of the wind.

The room inside the side door is not big, very dark, without any light.

With the help of the candle in Ogne's hand, Kurosawa was able to see clearly what was going on in the room.

His candlelight is probably not a mortal thing, and does not waver in the wind.

Golden chains were connected to the walls on all sides of the room, and dozens of chains were tied somewhere in the center of the room.

Look carefully, it is an invisible spherical space, and inside the sphere is a small piece of pink flesh.

"This is."

"Yes, this is a piece of flesh and blood from the evil god of the deep sea, Thanatos."

Speaking of Thanatos, Ogne's face became extremely serious.

The eyes he looked at that piece of pink flesh were solemn as if he were facing a formidable enemy.


Kurosawa glanced at the piece of meat for a few times, and instantly felt a chill running down his spine, as if he was being stared at by some invisible entity.

"Don't worry, that's just an illusion. Thanatos is still trapped in the seal. This little flesh and blood is not enough to store its will."

"But even though it cannot contain Thanatos' will, it is still a big problem for us."

"We accidentally searched for it from under the abyss. At that time, it had polluted thousands of kilometers of water, and it took two hundred years to completely remove its remaining poison."

Hearing this, Kurosawa looked at it even more cautiously.

Just a piece of meat less than the size of a palm can be so harmful. God-level Thanatos is indeed very powerful.

But I don’t know who is better between it and the Black Goat Mother.

"How much of Thanatos' minced meat like this is scattered in the sea?" Kurosawa asked curiously.

Ogne shook his head.

"There should not be many. The ancestors of all races and the people from the sky worked together to eliminate most of the hidden dangers. This piece of Thanatos' flesh and blood was hidden entirely because of the complex environment of the Abyss Sea. stand up."

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief. If such horrific pollutants spread all over the sea, it would be hard to imagine what kind of purgatory the ocean would become.

As for the abyssal sea that Ogne mentioned, Agnes had introduced it to him. It was a mysterious sea area nearly 10,000 meters directly below the Sharman Kingdom.

Even for a shark who is good at swimming, it is by no means a good place.

Most of the mermaids and animals that entered it were lost in it and never came out again.

The Sharman Kingdom is located here, and I am afraid it also shoulders the mission of guarding the Abyssal Sea.

Kurosawa looked away from the piece of meat.

Even though it was sealed with heavy chains and very little breath came out, it still gave people a strong sense of oppression.

The first time Kurosawa saw it, he understood why Ogne firmly believed that he could handle Thanatos' crisis.

He could indeed, at least the small piece of flesh and blood in front of him gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

The Seal of Pan on the back of the palm should purify it.

"Shall we start now? What should we pay attention to?"

Ogne looked up at the calm expression on Kurosawa's face and stared deeply.

He trusted Kurosawa just because he believed in the revelation prophecies sent by the spirit of the deep sea. In fact, he didn't think Kurosawa had much to offer.

But at this moment, Ognye saw that Kurosawa could remain so calm when facing Thanatos, and he really looked at Kurosawa in a different light.

"I will gradually remove the God's Lock. Kurosawa Seiya, please take the time to clear it."

The two are ready.

Ogne took out a long staff from somewhere and gently touched a golden chain. With a clear and crisp sound, his chain was broken.


The room suddenly shook.

The piece of meat in the center seemed to be alive, and suddenly squirmed a few times.

The Seal of Pan on the back of Kurosawa's hand lit up with golden light.

Then countless golden particles flew out and headed towards the meat.


The moment the energy of Pan's Seal came into contact with Thanatos' flesh, there was a fierce collision.

Even if it's just a little bit, Thanatos' meat contains extremely high-level divine substances. The magnitude of this divine substance may not be exaggerated, but its quality is higher than those divine substances Kurosawa has come into contact with before. Hundreds or thousands of times higher.

Pan's Seal has obviously met its opponent. It can dissolve evil spirits or divine substances in abnormal statues very quickly, but this time it is obviously slow to adhere to flesh and blood.

The comparison between the evil divine substance and Thanatos' divine substance is like the difference between tofu and a stubborn stone.

However, after all, the amount of divine substances contained in flesh and blood is very small. Although it is a hard bone to crack, Pan's Seal is also being corroded by water drops.

During the purification process, Thanatos' flesh and blood shook rapidly, as if he had been hurt.

Seeing this scene, Ogne's pupils shrank violently.

It actually worked!

This piece of flesh and blood of Thanatos has been tried many times since the Sharks discovered it. They were physically destroyed by swords and axes, eroded by various energies, and devoured by sea beasts, but no matter what method they used, they could not harm it at all. , and in the end it could only be temporarily sealed with the Shark Clan's most precious god's lock.

Until today, he actually saw Thanatos being hurt in the hands of a junior human!

This was Kurosawa's third time purifying a divine substance. Although the level was much higher, it was essentially the same, so he quickly regained his composure after getting through the initial nervousness.

But Ogne couldn't be as calm as him, and her old arms were shaking with excitement.

Thanatos is the mortal enemy of the Sea Tribe. His fear and hatred are engraved in the blood of almost every Sea Tribe creature.

He held his breath, grasped the long staff with trembling hands, and tapped lightly on the golden chain he was exercising.

The chains are reconnected.

The sealed flesh and blood of Thanatos became stable again.

The Seal of Pan particles that Kurosawa was attached to were expelled.

Just like before, while it was perfecting itself, it also fed back part of its energy to enhance Kurosawa's psychic abilities.

Psionics: 601→620 (B-)

In a short period of time, Kurosawa increased his psychic energy by nearly twenty standard units.

The flesh and blood tissue of this god-level being is indeed extraordinary.

"Pope Ogne, why don't you continue?" Kurosawa was satisfied and prepared to pursue the victory, but was suddenly interrupted and felt a little bit behind.

He suppressed the unhappy feeling in his heart and looked at Ogne and asked.

"The seal on Thanatos's flesh cannot be weakened for a long time, it is dangerous."

Ogne explained, waving his hand, a water curtain was formed out of thin air.

The water curtain is crystal clear, like a mirror.

Through it, Kurosawa saw what he looked like now.

The moment he saw it clearly, he was startled.

At some point, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, and his face became quite pale.

He swallowed, thinking of the sudden dissatisfaction that had arisen when he was interrupted by Ogne, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

Even the mood seemed to be affected in a short period of time.

"Phew - thank you, Pope Ogne." Kurosawa quickly thanked him.

We should not have been carried away by the improvement brought about by purification and ignored the danger of the flesh and blood tissue in front of us.

"It's okay, this is what I should do." Ogne did not take credit.

He took out a vial of clear liquid.

"Take a small sip. This is a transparent spiritual liquid. It should help you regain your clarity of mind."

Kurosawa took the potion and took a sip. His mind was immediately refreshed as if a breeze had passed by.

Rested for about ten minutes.

His mental state was back to its best.

After adjusting, he then looked at the piece of meat in the center.

It seems to be an extremely dangerous disaster in Ogne, but to Kurosawa, it is a great treasure house.

Of course, the premise is to be careful and avoid the threats it brings.

In the following week, Kurosawa and Ogne would frequently come to the secret room that sealed the disaster.

Ogne was worried about the harm that Thanatos' flesh would do to Kurosawa, and strictly limited the time spent on purification every day.

Fortunately, the process of purification is constantly weakening it.

As time goes by, the divine substance present in Thanatos' flesh becomes increasingly thinner.

The number of chains needed to seal it is also decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

From dozens of roots at the beginning to just a few at the end.

This afternoon.

Kurosawa and Ogne walked into the secret room.

The piece of meat sealed by the three chains was weakened to the size of a little finger, and the divine substance existing on it was already quite weak.

Kurosawa glanced at his panel.

Psionics: 855 (B-)

Before coming to the Sharman Country, he had just reached six hundred.

It has increased by more than 250 points in these days, an astonishing number.

He felt that his spiritual energy seemed to be not far away from the next stage, and there was a tendency of continuous concentration and concentration.

Let’s completely purify this piece of flesh and blood today.

Think about the time and it's time to leave.

Of course, what Ogne wants to entrust him cannot be completed in a few days, but the next stage is to deal with the sealed subjects of Thanatos. He has not reached sufficient strength yet, so he can only postpone it temporarily. When he becomes stronger in the future, he can return to the Sharman Kingdom.

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