My Elf Simulator

Chapter 280: Today and in the Past

Tao Minglian picked up her mobile phone from the table.

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, and the call was from Kurosawa.

A few minutes later.

"Does the child's father want to say something?"

"Forget it, we're here later, I won't bother saying anything on the phone."

Tao Minglian hung up the phone.

"The child has returned to Haitang. He said he would come to the store."

She walked to the balcony.

A familiar person is sitting outside the milk tea shop opposite. He has changed into a colorful shirt today.

The thought of Kurosawa coming back.

She felt a lot more at ease, as if she had a backbone.

She also had a few words with Kurosawa on the phone just now.

As soon as Kurosawa heard that someone was suspected of spying on them, he said angrily that he would come to the store to check on the situation.

Ms. Tao was a little relieved. As parents, they could only try their best not to cause trouble to Kurosawa.

Twenty minutes later.

A tall figure walked into the black pottery hotpot restaurant along with the flow of people.

He has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary temperament, but the strange thing is that the people around him seem to have not seen this person, passing by him without paying attention.

Kurosawa looked at the hot pot restaurant decorated in warm colors and felt as if he was back home.

Although he has never been to the store a few times, the place where his parents are is feels like home.

He has not been freed from existential deprivation.

Once he lets go of the restrictions on his presence, he will immediately be recognized by other customers in the store, and the mask will not work well.

When the time comes, it will be troublesome firstly, and secondly, caring people may notice the relationship between their parents and themselves.

What Ms. Tao said on the phone just now sounded the alarm for him. As his level increases, he must gradually pay attention to the safety of people around him, especially his parents.

If there is an unscrupulous person who wants to take advantage of your parents, it will be too late to regret it if an accident occurs.

However, the top priority is still what Ms. Tao said about the tracker.

Unable to explain clearly on the phone, Kurosawa walked around the customers and waiters and walked up the stairs to the upper lounge.


After knocking on the door twice, he pushed it open and closed it.

"Dad, Mom. I'm back."

"Just come back. Have you eaten yet?" Ms. Tao said in surprise while holding Kurosawa's hand. "Son, have you grown taller again?"

Kurosawa nodded.

"But it shouldn't grow any longer in the future."

His height increase this time was due to the integration of the fishman talent, which made him taller.

The height of 1.9 meters stands out among ordinary people, but it is not too extraordinary. It takes into account the hardware conditions required for physical growth and the convenience of daily life. It would be inconvenient to grow any longer.

He should try his best to maintain this height in the future.

"Mom, where are those people you mentioned? Point them to me."

When Ms. Tao heard Kurosawa talking about this, she didn't have time to ask for help. She walked cautiously to the balcony and opened a gap in the curtains.

"There it is, the man in the tropical floral shirt."

Kurosawa looked in the direction pointed by Ms. Tao.

I saw the man wearing a floral shirt and leaning on the back of the chair under the umbrella.

Perhaps noticing Kurosawa, he took a sip of milk tea, looked towards Kurosawa intentionally or unintentionally, and waved his hand.

Kurosawa radiates sentience.

At first it felt like he was just an ordinary person, but after a second or two, through the clues, I realized that it was just an illusion that he had concealed very deeply.

He is an elf master, but his aura is sealed tightly by a special method.

He probably guessed the identity of the other party, and the wary boulder dropped slightly, but not completely.

"He is indeed not an ordinary person. I'll go say hello to him."

"Is there no danger?"

"rest assured."

Kurosawa reassured the two elders.

Stepping out of the balcony, tiptoeing a little, the body floated faintly to the other side of the road.

He walked to the table where the man was sitting, pulled out the seat opposite him and sat down.

"Hello, what's your name?"

The man in the flowered shirt had a smile on his face and stared at Kurosawa for a full two or three seconds, as if he wanted to see through Kurosawa completely.

"Alliance headquarters, leader of the back-tracking operation team, Pang Guxin."

He introduced himself and took out his alliance ID card.

In the background investigation team, Kurosawa checked the authenticity of the documents and confirmed the identity of the other party, which was indeed consistent with his guess.

But what is he doing here?

It seemed that he had read what Kurosawa was thinking.

Pang Guxin continued to explain.

"We came to Haitang last week to conduct a final investigation on your identity and background. Considering the complicated flow of people in Haitang City during this period, our superiors sent us to protect the safety of your parents on the spot after completing the background investigation. "

Kurosawa previously passed the master-level assessment in Nandu. If he wants to pass the certification, the alliance headquarters will send a background investigation specialist to conduct an investigation to prevent Kurosawa's identity information from being falsified or his origins are unclean.

According to the team leader in front of him, Kurosawa's background work should have been completed.

It's just that the superiors temporarily assigned him a new job.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Kurosawa originally had some complaints.

But people also have good intentions, so naturally he cannot blame others.

Kurosawa could understand why he didn't use the skill of being deprived like him.

Deprivation of the sense of existence is comparable to being invisible to ordinary people, but if an elf master comes, he will be as eye-catching as a light in the dark night.

On the contrary, it was more natural for him to use his own method to seal his aura and blend in among ordinary people.

It is a very low probability event that the sharp-eyed Ms. Tao found something wrong.

"Has Team Leader Pang found anything these days?"

"Nothing unusual these days, but I can't guarantee that it will still be the same after a while."

Hei Ze understood.

Before he awakened his psychic power, he was from an ordinary family, and he had normal interpersonal relationships.

His classmates; his parents' colleagues, neighbors.

If someone wants to investigate, they will definitely be able to find him.

Those who curry favor with the powerful are not bad, but those who hate Hei Ze are the ones who are afraid.

"Do you need me to give you some advice for a few days?"

"Please go ahead, Team Leader Pang."

He asked Pang Guxin for advice.

After talking for a while, Pang Guxin said goodbye.

As the leader of the background investigation team from Zhongdu headquarters, and also a master, his time is very precious.

Since Hei Ze has returned to Haitang, it is time for them to leave.

After eliminating a hidden danger, Hei Ze returned to his parents.

Discuss things with them.

The first thing, of course, is to delegate the management of the store to the store manager, so that he doesn't have to do it himself, at least not to come to the store in the near future.

Although Ms. Tao felt sorry, she didn't refuse for fear of dragging down Kurosawa.

Secondly, the Alliance Network Office will delete some personal information of Kurosawa's parents and Kurosawa on the Internet. The contact information, group photos, etc. left on campus in the past will be handled by special people.

Even if it is necessary, Kurosawa and his parents can compile a list and report some colleagues and neighbors who are not very familiar with them but know the identity of Kurosawa's parents. There are hypnotists who are responsible for memory modification who will make them forget Kurosawa's parents without anyone noticing.

The Alliance is not a violent organization with only thugs and force. The reason why it is so powerful is that it has a variety of talents, including hackers, researchers, nutritionists, hypnotists, background investigation teams, agents, executive departments, and dark departments.

For ordinary people, the Alliance is almost omnipotent, and even a little scary.

After dealing with his parents' affairs.

The next day, Kurosawa left the little Shining with his parents.

Prepare to go out and meet old acquaintances in Haitang City.

Walking on the street, Hei Ze silently observed the changes in Haitang City.

A master under the age of 18 was a shock to the alliance headquarters.

For the first time, he truly realized that a person can influence a city, and just right, that person is himself, so the feeling is more intuitive and strong.

The policy of the superior alliance has made Haitang Vientiane new.

He turned his head to look at the side of the street. In the open space between the buildings, workers wearing red safety helmets were working. Judging from the prototype, it should be a small training ground.

He had seen this kind of micro training ground interspersed in the city in first- and second-tier cities.

The scale is not large, but the advantage is the large number and wide range of popularization. New elf masters can easily find venues for training. The disadvantage is that the management is cumbersome.

Haitang basically did not have this kind of micro training ground before, which is natural. Hei Ze still remembers that when he just awakened his spiritual power, let alone the micro training ground, even the training facilities in the public training ground of the city public construction level were old and dilapidated.

Otherwise, why would he have discussed with his parents and spent money to go to a private club for training at that time.

After walking a few kilometers, he passed by a brand new miniature training ground.

There were several young elf masters training there.

Driven by their masters, the small elves collided with the piles to exercise their ability to withstand blows.

The shade of the trees cast mottled light and shadows.

The younger children, from five or six years old to ten years old, held popsicles in their hands and sat on the sidelines, watching the young elf masters training with relish, with longing in their eyes.

Kurosawa couldn't help but stop and watch for a long time.

It was obviously about two years ago that he awakened his psychic power, but he didn't know why he felt that a long time had passed.

It didn't seem like two years, but more like time was unbalanced on him, and five years or even ten years had passed in a flash.

Looking at the energetic and enthusiastic training attitudes of the new elf masters, he felt a little nostalgic and smiled secretly.

There will be more elves in Haitang City in the future.

Kurosawa continued walking.

Finally, he came to the door of a plain Chinese restaurant and relieved his sense of existence.

"I'm sorry, sir. This restaurant is closed today. Please come in."

Pushing the door, the waiter said politely.

But before she finished speaking, she looked up and her eyes touched the handsome face of the visitor.

"You, you are!" The waitress immediately covered her mouth.

Of course, she would recognize Kurosawa.

"Please come in, the bosses are waiting for you inside."

"Thank you."

Kurosawa walked around the entrance.

The layout of the Chinese restaurant is antique, and the cool fragrance lingers in the air.

Pushing the door and walking into the Tianzi No. 1 box.

It was already full of people.

Ji Qingwen, Zeng Shi, Lin Daqing, Zhuang Yanbing, Wei Lian.

They are all well-known figures in the elf world of Haitang City.

Among them, there are several new faces that Kurosawa has never seen.

"Hey, look who's here. Brother Ze, you've changed so much, I almost didn't recognize you." Ji Qingwen stood up from his seat.

"Stop teasing me, Mr. Ji."

Hei Ze sat down in the only empty seat next to him.

"I'm not kidding. You young people are so good. You grow up fast. You are tall and handsome. You deserve so many female fans." Ji Qingwen said with a little sourness.

His height is not outstanding. He has long passed the age of growing taller.

As for using some special means to grow taller, he is not interested in that, but he is still a little obsessed.

Kurosawa looked at one of the people at the table and was a little surprised.

I didn't expect Lin Daqing to come too.

He and I had a unilateral dispute at the beginning.

Lin Daqing forced a smile when he found Kurosawa looking at him.

Lin Daqing no longer had the idea of ​​competing with Kurosawa.

In the winter competition last year, Ji Qingwen was no match for Kurosawa. It is hard to imagine how strong Kurosawa has become now.

Moreover, the two have no chance to fight now.

For example, in the summer finals to be held in the afternoon, he did not enter the main competition, while the opponent did not register for the municipal league because he could not see it. The gap was so big that Lin Daqing felt disappointed.

At lunch time, Hei Ze was listening to Ji Qingwen and his friends talking about the changes that had taken place in Haitang City.

Especially in the elf master world, a lot of fresh blood had flowed in.

For example, the new faces that appeared at the dinner table today were several young elf masters from other cities.

Hearing that Ji Qingwen and his friends were familiar with Hei Ze, they quickly approached and quickly integrated into the original small group of Haitang.

However, Ji Qingwen's current strength is not enough to stand out in the Haitang League, even if Hei Ze does not participate in the city-level league.

Take this summer season as an example, four new elite players have emerged.

Hei Ze listened to Ji Qingwen's story.

Ji Qingwen was not troubled by the challenge to his status, and his face was still a little excited and happy when he talked about these situations.

He has a strong sense of hometown and hopes to see the development of the Haitang elf master world. This kind of change is also what he is happy to see, even if his personal interests are affected to a certain extent.

Former elites such as Zhuang Yanbing, Wei Lian, and Gu Renchun looked more serious when talking about the outsiders who moved here.

Maybe he thought of the game to be played later.

After lunch, Hei Ze followed them back to the elf base.

Today was the quarter-finals of the top eight.

Two games had been played in the morning, and the players who advanced were Zhuang Yanbing and another player whom Hei Ze did not know.

Wei Lian was eliminated because of the grouping.

Ji Qingwen's game was in the first game in the afternoon. It was because of this relationship that Hei Ze agreed to have dinner today and cheer for Ji Qingwen in the stadium.

The players who entered the quarterfinals basically have elite strength.

After all, even if Hei Ze is not counted, the number of elite players who signed up for the summer league this time has reached eight.

The event group obviously had some secret operations. Most of the elite players were staggered in the last round of the game. Only Wei Lian, the unlucky guy, ran into another strong enemy and was eliminated.

At noon, around the stadium.

The audience who solved the lunch problem returned one after another and prepared to enter the stadium in an orderly manner.

Suddenly someone in the team exclaimed.

A reporter first spotted Ji Qingwen in the crowd and was about to squeeze over to interview him, but then his eyes moved to someone next to him, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he took a breath of cold air.

It's incredible, the big one is back!

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