My Elf Simulator

Chapter 319: Separation and a New Beginning

"Qianli, that means that after you return from leave this time, you will be the squad leader next time we meet?"

Lingtong lay on the dining table and sighed.

Yue Gui, who had just finished ordering, walked into the private room and happened to hear his sigh, with a neither happy nor angry expression on her face.

"Why, I want to change teams now. If you have this intention, tell me in advance so that I can submit the application in time."

Although there was nothing unusual about the expression on her face, Spirit Tong, who had been lazily lying on the table, immediately sat up like a cat with explosive fur.

"I didn't mean that, Captain. I was just congratulating Qianli." He explained immediately, looking righteous.

He quietly put aside the little thoughts in his heart.

It's impossible to say that you really don't have the idea of ​​hugging your thighs.

Chisato is indeed a teammate who can make people feel at ease, especially in the recent period, after adapting to the Anbu career and becoming stronger and stronger.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It would be nice if Qianli could be promoted more slowly.

However, he just thought about this idea in his heart. He was not so low in emotional intelligence that he spoke unscrupulously and expressed his selfish thoughts to cause Qianli Ping trouble.

On the other side of the dining table, Hua Hua was also silently typing on her phone with her head down, as if she was the same as when Kurosawa first saw her last year.

But if you look closely, you can see the difference.

When they first met, she was indifferent and indifferent, but now she seemed more like she was in a daze trying to escape a certain mood, feeling a little lost.

Today is the team farewell party held by Team Laurel for Qianli.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, everyone knew that Kurosawa was sprinting towards the A-level Anbu level to accumulate tasks.

I just didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Five A-level missions and 20 B-level missions may not sound like much, but for ordinary ANBU members, even if they are strong enough, it will take a long time.

For an ordinary team, the cycle of a B-level mission is about one month.

That is, the task process, the time to rest after the task and wait for the task to be received.

As for A-level missions, the average team takes even fewer.

Of Kurosawa's five A-level missions, only one was completed with Team Laurel.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was obviously dull, and no one had much desire to talk.

After spending nearly a year together and working together on so many missions, those scenes from the past are still vivid in my mind. It seems like it was just yesterday that Qianli joined the team.

Anbu wore a mask on his face, but there was none in his heart.

Human beings are creatures that will influence each other after being together for a long time.

Normally I can't notice anything, but when it's time to say goodbye, I feel a little empty in my heart.

"Qianli, let's get together later when we have time."

"You must not be lazy. If a master like you wastes your talent, God will feel it is a pity."

"Yeah. It's not like we'll never see each other again. They're all in the ANBU system. We'll have the chance to cooperate in the future."

After finishing the meal, Lingtong suggested that several people go to sing K together.

Maybe because today is a special day, no one refused Lingtong's proposal.

The fuss lasted until late at night before we officially said goodbye.

late at night.

Kurosawa sat on the back of Little Shining's bird and flew quickly through the night.

On a summer night, stars shine all over the sky.

The cool evening breeze blew in his face, ruffling his hair.

There is no eternal feast in the world. Different stages of life are like moving trains, coming and going. There are always people coming and people leaving.

He should take nearly two months off next.

ANBU personnel transfers cannot be decided in a day or two.

He will have an inspection period. Even if he passes the inspection and is officially promoted to an A-level member, the formation of the team will not be accomplished in a day, and team members will need to be added.

In his case, there is a high probability that three rookie players will be assigned to him.

Because he heard that other teams had no obvious personnel changes recently, so only recruiting new members was left.

Does the rookie captain lead three rookie players?

Kurosawa felt a little worried.

Shaking his head, he temporarily dispelled the hesitation in his mind.

Leave your future worries to your future self.


early morning.

After traveling around several cities, Kurosawa saw the outline of Begonia in the morning mist.

Little Shining slowly landed at the border of Haitang City.

At the checkpoint, Kurosawa showed his ID and passed the checkpoint smoothly.

It has been a long time since he returned to Haitang, and everything in his hometown made him miss it.

In fact, in the past year, it was not that he had never passed by Haitang during his mission, but he did not come back after passing by on his way back. It seemed a bit like he had visited the house three times and never entered.

In one year, Haitang City has undergone many changes.

Many urban projects and street battle parks that were under construction last year have been completed and put into use.

Many sections of the road have been re-paved, and the dark asphalt road makes people like it very much.

The streets are full of flowers.

It was already mid-July, and it was time for the annual Haitang City Summer League.

Kurosawa seems to return to Haitang at this time every year. Of course, this is not a coincidence. In fact, many elf masters in other positions choose to take a vacation during this period, some to participate in competitions at all levels, and some. Just taking a few days off just to join in the fun.

Kurosawa glanced at the calendar. He had always celebrated his birthday according to the lunar calendar since he was a child. This year's birthday came earlier, and it slipped away quietly while he was on his last B-level mission in July.

Now he has just turned 19, and his classmates have just finished the college entrance examination.

Looking at the streets full of excited young people, he suddenly thought of his junior high school classmates, and wondered how they did in the college entrance examination.

Kurosawa thought silently, walking on the road, but no one could find him.

After joining the Anbu, his various concealment skills have become more and more perfect through real-life training. Now, even if he does not need to rely on elf skills and Anbu props, some of his small skills are enough to be invisible.

While swiping his phone, he quickly walked through the crowd, like an invisible ghost.

While rushing on the road, he took the time to read the forum.

This year's Haitang Summer Tournament has a lot of new blood.

In the discussion of league fans, Kurosawa found many unfamiliar names that he had never seen before.

Of course, there are also people Kurosawa is familiar with.

For example, Cen Biyao, the opponent that Hei Ze met in the first spring competition, had already shown her prowess in the Haitang Forum.

She is now quite competitive among a group of young professional players.

But unfortunately, the improvement in strength still cannot allow her to enter the summer competition.

Because the overall strength of the Haitang League is also soaring. In addition to the increase in the overall number of elves, the high-end strength circle has also grown a lot.

Now, if you want to enter the main competition stage of each season, you must have elite strength.

For example, Lin Daqing, Zeng Shi and others who are now at the peak of the professional level are stuck in the final round of the auditions.

Among the players in the Haitang elite high-end circle, the number of local and foreign franchises is roughly 50-50, and the strength and number of foreign franchises are slightly superior.

The foundation determines the building. The provincial alliance has increased the scope and number of tasks that the Haitang Alliance can accept. Not only the commissioned tasks related to the city, but also the tasks of the Haitang Alliance elves in surrounding cities can be accepted. This has enhanced the attractiveness of Haitang City to elves to a certain extent.

Of course, these elves who joined the team also smoothly integrated into the Haitang elf world without any major trouble.

Because they know that even if the strength of other local players is at a disadvantage, as long as the player named Kurosawa is counted, the outsiders will always be at an absolute disadvantage. It is impossible to compete with the locals by banding together. The best way to get along is to join them and integrate yourself into this city.


Today is a rest day after the Haitang City Summer Tournament Qualifiers.

Through the play-offs, the list of 16 summer tournament players has been released.

In front of the private training clubs, the media surrounded the players with their guns and cannons.

Overall, this year's summer tournament is very interesting.

Which side of the local players and the franchised players can win the championship of the summer tournament?

Which player will have an eye-catching performance?

The performance of the players in the summer tournament will directly determine the list of players for this year's provincial A tournament, etc.

The only thing that makes the league fans and media workers feel regretful is that the historical player of Haitang League is still absent in this summer season.

However, they also know that with the current level of that person, he will most likely never participate in the city-level league again.

After all, isn't it pure bullying for the champion who won the provincial championship to sign up for the Haitang City League?

Even if the audience is actually looking forward to his appearance and is willing to see the game process without suspense, the player himself can't put down his face and come to fry fish. Doing so is meaningless to him, and even has no benefit in terms of reputation.

Of course, even if Kurosawa does not participate in the city-level league, his contribution to the Haitang City League itself is unquestionable.

After all, without his appearance, there would not be the current situation where the scale of elves, the league viewing rate, the number of related positions, and the size of the bonus pool have increased several times.

It can be said that he truly promoted the development of a city by himself.

In front of the Shenquan Club.

Li Qing, the fast puncher who has recently become famous, is busy dealing with reporters and media friends who come to the door.

As a player who successfully entered the summer season, he is also a member of the franchise.

He is proficient in fighting, and with a group of humanoid elves who have been carefully trained and trained, he successfully stood out in the auditions and performed very well.

Because he has not been a member for a long time, Haitang League fans don’t know much about him, so the number of reporters who came to interview him is also considerable, so he has to take time out for interviews.

He appeared in the camera, sweating all over his body, obviously just finished training. As a martial artist who is proficient in fighting, he has always accompanied the elves to exercise.

"Click, click!"

The flash kept lighting up.

Li Qing wiped the sweat and loosened the orange wristband on his hand. Although the auditions had just ended, he still didn't look relaxed.

He chose to join Haitang City in the hope of seeking his own place in this emerging city that is about to be upgraded to a second-tier city and getting better development.

Compared with those old second-tier cities, Haitang is more energetic and has more opportunities for elf masters.

As long as he performs well, it may be possible for him to start his own business.

"Li Qing, congratulations on advancing to the main competition. This is your first season in the Haitang City League. Can you tell me how you feel now and how you are preparing for the main competition?"

Faced with the reporter's question, Li Qing seemed quite humble.

"I am naturally very excited to be able to advance to the Haitang Summer League main competition. The Haitang League has always been a high-level league full of vitality and competitiveness, and even produced legendary players like Kurosawa. Kurosawa is my favorite elf player. I will take Kurosawa as a model, work hard to improve myself, and strive to perform better in the main competition."

His answer was so humble that it was even a little exaggerated, and his attitude was very low.

But obviously, this is an answer that all the journalists present like to hear, and everyone has a proud smile on their faces.

Although the outsiders are already quite powerful in the elf world, the media machine and the positions in the elf league are still firmly controlled by the local residents of Haitang. Most of the people present are born and raised in Haitang. They are all happy to hear Li Qing praise their hometown so much.

Besides, Hei Ze is indeed the face of Haitang. Although he praised him a little stiffly, it was not awkward.

And in other interviews.

Hei Ze also frequently appeared in the mouths of the players in the main competition.

This phenomenon of playing the "Hei Ze card" is not the first time.

Especially after winning the provincial championship last year, this trend is more obvious.

The elves who joined from outside are not stupid. They are all adults with independent thinking ability. They know who has the most fans in Haitang League and who they can't offend the most.

There is no harm in praising Hei Ze for them.

First, Hei Ze has an astonishing number of fans. If there are ten fans in the entire Haitang League, Hei Ze alone is estimated to have twelve, and other players owe two, because many audiences in other cities pay attention to Haitang League just because of Hei Ze. Supporting Hei Ze will help them win the favor of the fans of the league and lower their posture to integrate into Haitang.

Second, Hei Ze's level is too high, and he is not in a competitive relationship with them. Praising him will not lower their status.

Third, many of them really admire Kurosawa.

Kurosawa looked at the various news and posts in the mobile phone forum, feeling helpless and moved.

After looking around, he found that in addition to the popularity of the new players, his own popularity did not cool down much because he disappeared for a year.

Especially the interviews with the players in the main competition, which made him quite embarrassed.

One or two of them were obviously interviews for promotion, but they expressed their admiration and love for him through media channels as if they were showing their loyalty.

"I have been a fan of Kurosawa since I was a child."

"I came to Haitang just to get closer to my idol."

"In my mind, Kurosawa is the Taishan who will lead Haihua in the future."

Looking at those flattering words, those who don't know would think he is a feudal dictator, as if he would be attacked by troops if he didn't bow down to him.

"No need, really no need."

Kurosawa shook his head.

At the beginning, he was never angry when facing some black fans on the Internet. Even if many of their criticisms were actually embarrassing, he would not think that the black fans were unhappy with their lives.

Rather, he would specifically pick out posts that criticized him at that time. Compared to the stereotyped praise, the posts that criticized him were more interesting.

Unfortunately, after he became more powerful, the posts that criticized him disappeared.

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