There is no detail of this mission in the contact terminal, and Kurosawa needs to go to the nearest mission house to check.

However, Kurosawa guessed that this urgent mission was probably related to the red moon last night.

It was not that he was suspicious, but just a reasonable connection.

Originally thought it was just a normal astronomical phenomenon, but now it seems that something must have happened.

Kurosawa's figure was running quickly, and the speed of floating in the air soon exceeded hundreds of kilometers per hour.

The Anbu base in Haitang District was not in the city, but in the area near the northern suburbs.

Flying in the sky, looking down, the city was in full view.

The high altitude gave Kurosawa a better view. At this moment, he found that the number of patrol cars and ambulances on the street seemed to be much denser than in the past.

Kurosawa accelerated the flight, hoping that it was not a big deal.

He left Mumu with his parents. In case of any danger, its shield could well protect his parents and the surrounding citizens. This was also his own little selfishness.

Ten minutes later, Kurosawa landed in a small town in the northern suburbs.

It was his first time to visit Haitang's Anbu base, but he quickly found the specific location of the entrance with the help of the instructions.

Kurosawa walked into a telephone booth next to the freight channel behind a shopping mall.

He entered his internal number 35 # 13 and password, picked up the phone receiver, and then put it down.

According to the voice instructions in the receiver just now, his fingertips quickly pinched out several fingerprints.

The entry instructions for each Anbu base are different, and they will be changed every once in a while. Anbu members need to know the instructions based on their personal information.

The metal ground under Kurosawa's feet began to emit a faint light.

With a wave of fluctuations, his figure disappeared in the telephone booth.

When Kurosawa opened his eyes, he had entered the base.

"Welcome, Anbu Qianli."

The welcome voice of the broadcasting voice sounded in the room.

Kurosawa fanned the dust in the air, coughed twice, and turned on the fresh air system switch on the wall.

The frequency of use of Haitang City's Anbu base on weekdays should not be high.

Like these Anbu strongholds, whether large or small, the dimension is still in the real world, and the specific location is very deep underground, but the process of entering is more complicated.

The stronghold in front of us is not large in scale, but fortunately, it is small but complete.

Material supply room, mission room, fully automatic medical room, etc. are all available.

Kurosawa walked into the mission room and entered his Anbu account and password.

He was quite curious about the details of the emergency mission.

Put on the disguise mask.

Soon a man's figure appeared on the big screen in front of him.

"This is the liaison office of the South Headquarters."

"Anbu Qianli, I'm sorry to disturb your vacation. There is an emergency mission here that needs your help."

"It's okay, just say it."

After hearing Kurosawa simply agreed, the operator behind the screen breathed a sigh of relief.

For such sudden emergency missions, Anbu members have the right to refuse. If the other party disagrees, he has to find a way to do homework and persuade as much as possible.

So, the operator began to introduce the mission.

Three minutes passed.

Kurosawa looked a little solemn.

As he expected before coming, the red moon this time was indeed unusual.

To be precise, the reason for the appearance of the red moon this time involved the inner secret realm.

After the provincial super last year, Kurosawa and his teammates went to an inner secret realm to perform the task of eliminating distorted singularities.

Although ordinary people cannot touch the deep world at all, its impact on the real world is real.

So similar cleanup activities are carried out every year, with the purpose of minimizing the danger.

However, there are always times when the handling is not in place.

This time the red moon appeared like this.

It was born and was not detected until it matured. Unfortunately, it successfully connected to the real world.

Of course, this is not a coincidence. It is very likely that many singularities have grown and matured secretly, but they have not been able to connect to the real world to have an impact. It was only because the red moon could affect reality that it was noticed.

Back to the task itself.

Distorted singularities have their own attributes.

Kurosawa handled the singularity of water attribute last year, and the singularity that caused the red moon incident is dream attribute.

It connected the reality and brought many dream-attributed original elves to the three nearby provinces in a very short time.

When the original elves entered the real world, they embarked on the path of transformation into real elves.

In order to meet their own growth, they need to consume flesh and blood, and absorb dream energy at the same time.

This will lead to casualties of people or livestock in the future. Even if the latter needs to absorb dream energy, excessive absorption may cause people to show signs of mental depression, neurasthenia, and fainting. The most serious may even lead to brain death.

In summary, this Red Moon event is both optimistic and tricky compared to other singularity events.

The optimistic point is that the dream attribute determines that the harm it causes will be relatively light, the panic it causes will be relatively small, and it will not cause extreme floods, typhoons, wildfires, and thunderstorms like water, fire, and thunder.

They don't have to deal with the elves themselves, but also resist natural disasters.

The tricky part is that this Red Moon event is spread widely, across three provinces, and the population of the area that may be affected may reach hundreds of millions, and it is difficult to concentrate manpower to resist it together.

Low intensity and wide distribution are the general characteristics of this red moon event.

Therefore, the solution this time is for each province, city and city to pool their own efforts to deal with the problem.

Kurosawa was the first to be notified just because he was still an ANBU member. Subsequent specific task arrangements will also be distributed to elf masters at all levels. However, the information they know may not be as detailed and comprehensive as Kurosawa, and they may just be specialized. Specialized, each performs his or her duties.

For example, an elf who is good at healing and hypnosis goes to the hospital to treat wounds and heal the wounded.

Those with strong mobility will be responsible for investigation work, and those with excellent frontal combat skills will be responsible for dealing with the chaos caused by the elves.

"Is the identity you are going to choose for this mission an ANBU or your real-life personal identity?"

"Real identity."

"Okay, the general office will convey the task targets to the provincial alliance."

Kurosawa nodded.

This is not to say that he wants to use Kurosawa's identity to steal the limelight. There is really no point in hiding his identity. He can't hide it at all. Forget it if he is somewhere else. In the small city of Haitang, his influence is too strong. Even if he changes his appearance, But the label of male master alone may soon be enough to lock in his true identity.

"I will first send the mission statement to your terminal device, please be ready to receive it."

"Good luck with your mission."

The screen quickly goes off.

Kurosawa's terminal dinged.

His job is to coordinate the elimination of the Red Moon disaster in Haitang territory.

This matter can be big or small. If we relax, it is very likely to cause relatively bad social incidents.

Now is just the beginning of the Red Moon incident.

A red moon phenomenon similar to last night's hour-long red moon phenomenon will appear in the nights of the next few days. According to the mission information, it will last until the 15th full moon of the lunar calendar.

In these days, the level of disasters will gradually increase, which is one of the reasons why Kurosawa did not notice anything unusual last night.

The impact on the first day was relatively small, and due to the wide distribution, there were not many changes in Haitang for the time being.

But as the incident unfolds, it’s hard to say whether it will be as peaceful as last night.

Elf masters like Kurosawa must not only deal with the harm caused by the singularity in this world, but also minimize its impact on the people as much as possible.

Because mass panic not only fails to solve the problem, but also makes the various dream-type elves wandering around the city more manic and excited, attacking citizens unscrupulously.

Half a day later.

As the sun sets, the sky quickly turns a gorgeous orange-red color.

Kurosawa stood by at the center of the base.

His parents were also brought here.

Night is the time when all kinds of dream elves are active, and it is also the node where the Singularity will next become restless. Now the elf masters at all levels who have received the mission are ready.

However, in Haitang City, there are probably only two people who really know the whole story of the mission, one is Kurosawa and the other is Wei Ting, the current minister of the Haitang Alliance.

Everyone else just received their respective tasks, only knowing what they were doing and not knowing why.

At night, the whole Haitang gradually lights up, and thousands of houses are lit up.

It seemed like this was just an ordinary night, like thousands of other days in the past.

On the forum, the topic about Red Moon quickly disappeared, and more netizens were still discussing the just-concluded summer games and looking forward to the performance of this year's Haitang City Provincial Team.

As for the streets and squares, there are no restrictions on whether citizens should travel or travel.

The characteristics of the Dream Elf determine that people cannot obtain a safer environment at home. Whether you stay at home and take a nap, or run around and play outside, it doesn't make much difference.

On the contrary, the former, the sleeping behavior may also attract the original elves who are hungry for spiritual energy to complete the shaping.

"It's almost time to set off."

Xiao Qing, the temporary assistant beside Kurosawa, reminded.

Kurosawa looked away and nodded.

He and Minister Wei Ting have their own plans tonight.

He needs to go to a large livestock slaughtering plant in the suburbs to take charge of the main task tonight.

The twisted singularity connects the present world and releases a large number of free original elves.

The transformation of the original elf into a real elf must meet two requirements, sufficient flesh and blood and the accumulation of corresponding attribute elements.

Therefore, the elves of the Red Moon Incident Countermeasure Team can also carry out relatively concentrated ambush based on this.

At the moment when the red moon is full, the bloody smell created by the large-scale slaughtering activities is used to attract the wandering original elves, and then a large number of original elves are disposed of first.

The car was speeding.

At about half past six, Kurosawa arrived at the slaughterhouse.

Other member elves also arrived at the scene one after another.

Some of them Kurosawa had met before, and many he had never met before.

But everyone present knew him.

Many people looked at him with admiration when they saw him at the scene.

Tonight's mission was extraordinary. Although they didn't know the details of the mission, they were vaguely aware of it. Kurosawa's arrival undoubtedly gave them a great sense of security, as if they had taken a reassurance. Same.

As the saying goes, if the sky falls, there will still be someone taller to hold it up.

Currently, the most recognized player in Haitang is undoubtedly Kurosawa, and Wei Ting, the director of the Haitang City Alliance Branch, is also much inferior.

This can be understood from the fact that at the meeting held this afternoon, Kurosawa was sitting in the main seat and Wei Ting was sitting in the second seat.

Kurosawa got out of the car and inspected the park under the leadership of the director of the slaughterhouse.

"Ding! Trigger the special event mission [Red Moon in the Sky], properly handle the disaster that has befallen Haitang City."

"Please work hard to complete the mission, and the reward will depend on the completion."

The mission reminder sounded in Kurosawa's mind.

He chose to accept it without changing his expression.

However, his subconscious pause still attracted the attention of several people around him. They looked over carefully, thinking that something had gone wrong.

"It's okay, you continue." Kurosawa indicated that there was no problem.

"We will slaughter and process 500 pigs tonight from 9 to 10:30, and half of them will not be electrocuted."

This kind of task is quite dangerous, so ordinary workers will not be involved, so the task of killing pigs tonight will be handed over to the elf masters present to do it manually.

Before the original elves form a large-scale gathering, they cannot release the elves, so as not to alert the enemy and cause the operation to fail.

Soon, one elf master after another put on their work uniforms under the guidance of the old master, and walked into the factory with a bitter face.

They thought that following Kurosawa here would lead to some exciting secret mission, but they didn't expect to do dirty work right away.

Most of them had eaten a lot of pork and had seen a lot of blood when performing tasks, but this was the first time they had picked up a butcher knife.

Some relatively young elves, in particular, looked at the fat and plump pigs being pulled over, and their faces were obviously not very good, and they kept swallowing saliva up and down their throats.

Kurosawa set an example and volunteered to wear a work uniform.

The factory master taught them and would leave soon.

Several people caught a pig to demonstrate, and dozens of other people watched.

The pig with its legs and feet tied was placed on the workbench. The master who released it picked up a very long butcher knife, and the others held the pig down. The master held the butcher knife and stabbed it directly into the neck, and blood gushed out like an explosion.

One person held an iron basin below to catch it.

The process of bleeding was heartbreaking, and the screams full of fear made people's backs cold.

The strong smell of blood soon wafted out.

Then the stomach was cut open.

After releasing the complete process, it was soon the turn of the spirit masters to practice.

"Don't stand there, get started."

Now it's just a pre-rehearsal.

Although the process of killing a pig was creepy, Kurosawa didn't feel like backing off.

A year in the Anbu was not a vegetarian. Not to mention pig blood, a lot of human blood was shed.

Kurosawa was not a fake Bodhisattva. He thought it was very cost-effective to use the lives of farmed pigs to reduce human casualties.

During the practice, Kurosawa's performance opened the eyes of others.

I thought Kurosawa was just stronger than them as a spirit master, but the reality was that the difference in physical fitness was equally exaggerated.

A 300-pound boar was pressed down by Kurosawa with one hand, and it couldn't move at all.

Seeing Kurosawa's calm appearance, many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

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